![]() Principal Scientist Plant Genetics | Academic Qualification:
Address: Division of Crop Improvement Central Institute for Cotton Research, Post Bag No.2, Shankar Nagar P.O., Nagpur-440 010. (M.S.) Fax: +91- 07103-275529 Email: vinitag22@gmail.com |
Employment Record
Year | Designation | Insistitute |
July 5,1996 | Scientist | Six months ARS training at National Academy of Agriculture Research Management, Hyderabad, India |
Dec 13, 1996 | Scientist | Division of Crop Improvement, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur |
July 5, 1996 – 2000 | Scientist | Division of Crop Improvement, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur |
July 6, 2000 – July 5 2005 | Scientist (Senior Scale) | Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur) |
July 6, 2005 – July 5,2011 | Senior Scientist | Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur) |
July 6, 2011 onwards till date | Principal Scientist | Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur) |
Scientific Achievements
- Conservation of germplasm of cultivated & Wild Species of Gossypium, races of cultivated species and
synthetic polyploids - Developed more than 500 genotypes through Introgression breeding
SNo | Name of Variety | Year of Release & notified | Developer & Co-developer | Parentage | Remarks |
1. | CICR-H Cotton 58 (CNH17395) (G. hirsutum) | 2022 | Developer: Vinita Gotmare | G.hirsutum , G.raimondii, G.barbadense & G. thurberi | Dark Brown linted naturally colour cotton variety released & Notified gazette notified vide S.O. 4065 (E). dated 31st August, 2022 (S. No. 149) for Rainfed & Irrigated regions of South Zone states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka Seed Cotton Yield : 20 Qu/ha UHML: Mean fibre length-23.7 mm, fibre strength-24.4, Micronaire – 4.7 |
2. | CICR-A Cotton 59 (CNA17522) (Naturally Colour cotton) (G. arboreum) | 2022 | Developer: Vinita Gotmare | Gossypium arboreum race Burmanicum and G.raimondii | Brown linted naturally colour cotton variety released & Notified gazette notified vide S.O. 4065 (E). dated 31st August, 2022 (S. No. 150) for Rainfed regions of Central Zone states of Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra Seed Cotton Yield : 11-12 Qu/ha UHML 23.3 mm, micronaire of 5.3µg/in, and bundle strength of 23.1 g/tex & spinnable upto 20s counts |
3. | Vaidehi-1(ICAR-CICR 16301 DB or CICR- H NC Cotton 53) (G. hirsutum) | 2021 | Developer: Vinita Gotmare Co-Developers Chetali Rodge, Prachi Akhare, Ashish Jaunjal, Krushna Gajghate, , Suman Bala Singh,S M Palve, G Balasubramani , Santosh HB, M Saravanan, , N Chandrashekar, Rachna Pande, Neelakanth Hiremani,V N Waghmare, K R Kranthi | G.hirsutum , G.raimondii, G.barbadense & G. thurberi | Dark Brown linted naturally colour cotton variety released & Notified gazette notified vide S.O. 8(E). dated 24th Dec, 2021 (S. No. 275) for Rainfed regions of South Zone states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka Seed Cotton Yield: 1415 Q/ha UHML : 23.8 mm, micronaire:4.1µg/in, bundlestrength:25.1g/tex |
4. | Rajat Bt | 2018 | Developer: Suman Bala Singh Co-Deveoper Vinita Gotmare | Rajat | White linted Bt variety |
5. | CNA1038 | 2019 | Developer :V N Waghmare Co-Deveoper Vinita Gotmare | Population improvement | White linted G. arboretum variety |
SNo | Genetic Stock | IC No | Year of Registration | Authors | Species | Remarks |
1 | MSH-SP-91 (INGR 08092) | IC 0563997 | 2008 | Gotmare Vinita, BM Khadi, LA Deshpande, S Vennila, MK Meshram, KB Hebbar, BN Tule, Chetali Bhagat, N R Titarmare | G. hirsutum based( Multi Species Hybrid – MSH) Introgressed derivative | Plant with Zero Monopodium |
2 | MSH 345 (INGR08093) | IC 0563998 | 2008 | Gotmare Vinita, BM Khadi, S Manickam, Chetali Bhagat | G. hirsutum based Introgressed derivative | Cleistogamous flowers |
3 | MSH-53 (Vaidehi-95) INGR 13032 | IC0584260 | 2013 | Gotmare V, P Mohan, G. Balasubramani, VN Waghmare, C Rodge, M Katre, BN Tule, PK Chakrabarty and K R Kranthi | Introgressed G. hirsutum based | Dark Bown Linted introgressed derivative |
4 | NISC 40; (INGR13033), | IC 0584261 | 2013 | Gotmare V, P Mohan, G. Balasubramani, , C Rodge, M Katre, BN Tule, PK Chakrabarty and K R Kranthi | Introgressed G. hirsutum based | Jassid Tolerant Compact Plant Type Introgressed derivatives of Cotton. |
5 | NISC 43 (INGR13034), | IC 0584262 | 2013 | Gotmare V, P Mohan, G. Balasubramani, , C Rodge, M Katre, BN Tule, PK Chakrabarty and K R Kranthi | Introgressed G. hirsutum based | Jassid Tolerant Compact Plant Type Introgressed derivatives of Cotton. |
6 | NISC 44 (INGR13035) | IC 0584263 | 2013 | Gotmare V, P Mohan, G. Balasubramani, , C Rodge, M Katre, BN Tule, PK Chakrabarty and K R Kranthi | Introgressed G. hirsutum based | Jassid Tolerant Compact Plant Type Introgressed derivatives of Cotton. |
7 | CNA5 | IC 0597395 | 2014 | Gotmare V, Prachi Akhare, Kirti Kalmegh, S. Manickam, Om Tuteja and KR Kranthi | Introgressed G. hirsutum based | An Inter-racial introgressed Genetic Stock (Pigmented arboreum) |
8 | CNH CB 211 | IC 0597397 | 2015 | Punit Mohan, Vinita Gotmare, BR Rode, KR Kranthi, M Saravanan and Anjali Kak | G. hirsutum | A cotton (G. hirsututm) germplasm with cluster boll bearing habit, deeply palmate leaf lobe. |
9 | CNH CB 212 | IC 0597398 | 2015 | Punit Mohan, Vinita Gotmare, BR Rode, KR Kranthi, M Saravanan and Anjali Kak | G. hirsutum | A cotton (G. hirsututm) germplasm with cluster boll bearing habit, Zero monopodia and compact habit |
Project Leader:
- Collection, conservation, evaluation, documentation and maintenance of germplasm of cultivated species of
Gossypium (2021 till date) - Harnessing the potential of wild and unadapted germplasm for cotton improvement (2018-2023 Management &
Maintenance of Genetic Resources (Ongoing) - Marker Assisted Selection/Marker Assisted Breeding for Waterlogging Tolerance in Cotton
- Conservation, characterization and utilization of wild species, races of cultivated species, perennials and
synthetic polyploids of Gossypium (Completed) - Tribal Sub Plan: Nodal Officer (2012- 2021)
Projects handled / handling as Project Associate:
- Development of Bt cotton varieties using deregulated and non-deregulated transgenic events (Institute project:
PI Dr V N Waghmare) - Improvement of tetraploid and diploid cotton fibre properties through population improvement
approaches(Institute project: PI Dr V N Waghmare) . - Development of Bt cotton varieties using deregulated and non deregulated transgenic events (Institute project:
PI Dr V N Waghmare) - Identification of G. hirsutum genotypes suitable for machine picking and development of agronomic package (TMC
1.3 -PI Dr J S Gill, PAU, Ludhiana). - Development of High Density Planting System (HDPS) for maximizing productivity of rainfed cottonSub-Project:
Identification & Evaluation of genotypes (G.hirsutum & G.arboreum) amenable to High Density Planting.
PI: Dr Venugopalan - Collection, conservation, evaluation, documentation and maintenance of germplasm of cultivated species of
Gossypium (PI) Punit Mohan - Molecular mapping of fibre quality and lint yield traits : Construction of a framework linkage map in Desi
cotton (Gossypium spp) (DBT Project: PI Dr V N Waghmare) - Exploitation of Apomixes and TGMS system in hybrid cotton seed production (TMC1.6 -PI Dr S M Palve)
- Breeding of the upland cotton for improvement of yield , quality and resistance to biotic stress( Bollworm and
Jassids) (Institute project: PI Dr S M Palve) - Induction of polyploidy and gene introgression of agronomically important traits from wild diploids to
cultivated tetraploid Gossypium species (Institute project: PI Dr K P Damayanthi, CICR, RS Coimbatore) - FAO Project : Establishment of National Information Sharing Mechanism (NISM)on the implementation and monitoring
of the Global Plan of action (GPA) for the conservation and Sustainable utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
for Food and Agriculture(PGRFA)(FAO sponsored) (PI: Dr R C Agrawal, NBPGR, New Delhi) - Impact of Institutional Credit on Cotton Farming in Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra. (PI : Dr Anuradha Narala)
- Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) : Dissemination of Pink Bollworm management strategies” centrally
sponsored scheme on NFSM- Commercial crops : District Co-ordinator (Chandrapur) (2018-19) (PI : Dr Vishlesh
Publications :
- J.K.S.Sachan, M.S.Ramesha, V.V.Pandit and Vinita Lakkawar.Clonal micropropogation in Zea. Advances in Plant
Biotechnology and Biochemistry eds. M.L.Lodha , S.L.Mehta , S.Ramagopal and G.P.Srivastava.(1993) - J.K.S.Sachan, M.S.Ramesha, P.Gayen and Vinita Lakkawar. Amphidiploid theory of Maize origin – revised .
Maize Genet. Newslett.(1994) - S.Dash, P.Gayen, Vinita Lakkawar and J.K.S.Sachan. Centromeric fusion and knob fusion in Maize. Maize
Genet.Newslett.(1994) - Vinita Lakkawar and O.P.Govila. Inheritance of grain colour in pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum) Indian
Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (1998) 58 (2) : 223-224 - Vinita Lakkawar-Gotmare and O.P.Govila (1999). Gene effects for grajn characters in Pearlmillet (Pennisetum
glaucum) Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 59 (3) : 301-308. - Punit Mohan, G.Balasubramani, J.Amudha, V.Gotmare and P.Ramasundaram (2001) Advancement of Biotechnology in
Indian Agriculture and Apprehensions over intellectual property rights regime. Advances in Plant
Sciences(14)1-6. - S. Kranthi, KR Kranthi, V. Gotmare, RR Wanjari and SK Banerjee(2003) Effect of imidochlrpid on
Allelochemicals and oviposition by Helicoverpa armigera on a cotton hybrid.. Journal of the Indian society
for Cotton improvement vol.27(3) pp. 160-165 - Amudha, J., G.Balasubramani, M. K. Meshram, V. Gotmare and C.D.Mayee. 2003. Molecular characterization of
gene introgression for bacterial blight (Xanthomonas campestris) resistance in cotton, Plant Cell
Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. 4(3&4):131-136. - Vinita Gotmare, P.Singh , C D Mayee, V Deshpande and C.Bhagat (2004). Genetic studies on seed oil index and
seed index in some wild species and perrinial races of Cotton.Plant Breeding 23, 207-208 - B. Ashok Dongre, T. Vilas Parkhi, , J.Santosh Gahukar, Vinita Gotmare and Charudutt Mayee(2004) Genetic
variability and evolutionary basis revealed by RAPD markers among the wild species of Gossypium.Asian
Journal of Microbiological Biotech Envi. Sci. Vol.6 No (1):77-82. - Vinita Gotmare and Phundan Singh (2004). Use of Wild species for Cotton Improvement in India. ICAC Recorder
September 2004, pp 12-14. - Hebbar K B , PP Gokulpure, VV Singh , V Gotmare , N K Perumal and P Singh (2005) Species and Genotypic
response of Cotton ( Gossypium species ) to salinity. The Indian Journal of Agri. Sciences. 75(6): 441-444. - B M Khadi, V Santhy, I S Kategeri and V. Gotmare (2007) Five loculed G. arboretum cotton. – CICR News letter
Vol 23 No. 3 pg 5. - S Vennila, R M Lokhande, Vinita Gotmare and BM Khadi (2008). JTCH 1104 – A genetic stock of G. hirsutum with
higher compensation for bollworm damage. CICR Newsletter Vol 24 No1 pg 2. - Vinita Gotmare, and M. Rafiq Chaudhry (2009). Cotton Breeding and Seed Production in India. ICAC Recorder
VOL. XXVII No. 4 December 2009 pgs 15-1 - Vinita Gotmare(2009) Risk assessment of outcrossing of BNBt with wild and related species of Gossypium
Proceedings of the National Symposium on Bt – Cotton : Opportunities and Prospects held at CICR , Nagpur
November 17-19 pp 195-198 - BT Campball, S Saha, R Percy, J Frelichowski, J Jenkins, W Park, C. Mayee, V Gotmare , D Dissauw, M Giband,
X Du, Y Jia, G Constable , S. Dillon, I Y Abdukarimov, S M Rizaev, A A Abdullaev, PAV Barroso, J G Padua , L
V Hoffmann and L Podolnaya (2010) Status of the Global Cotton Germplasm Resources. Crop Science Vol
50,July-August 2010 pp 1161-1179 - Punit Mohan, Vinita Gotmare and T P Rajendran (2010) Thespesia lampas (Linn.) – A close wild relative of
Gossypium. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources Vol 23 No 2:247 - Vinita Gotmare and Punit Mohan (2010) Introduction and establishment of G. darwinii (AD5) – a wild
tetraploid species of Gossypium in India. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources Vol 23 No 2 :246 - Arunita Rakshit, S Rakshit, V Santhy, V P Gotmare, P Mohan, VV Singh, S Singh , HS Balyan, P K Gupta and S R
Bhat (2010) Evaluation of SSR markers for the assessment of genetic Diversity and fingerprinting of
Gossypium hirsutum accessions.J. Plant biochemistry & Biotechnology Vol. 19(2), 153-160 - Vinita Gotmare, VN Waghmare and Punit Mohan (2010) Marker Assissted Gene Pyramiding for Multi-Adversity
Resistance. Cotton Research Journal Vol 1(2) 143 – 173 - Vinita Gotmare, Punit Mohan, Madhorao Katre, Chetali Rodge, RK Deshmukh, BN Tule, Johnie Jenkins, Sukumar
Saha and KR Kranthi (2011) Pollen and cross compatibility studies in Cotton ( Gossypium spp.) Book of
Abstracts, World Cotton Research Conference-5, November 7-11, 2011 pg 129. - Prakash AH, KR Kranthi, V Nagrare, S Kranthi and V Gotmare (2011) Do foliar Application of Nutrients, PGR’s
and insecticides control leaf reddening in Cotton? Book of Abstracts, World Cotton Research Conference-5,
November 7-11, 2011 pg 36. - Punit Mohan, Vinita Gotmare, KPM Damayanthi, S Manickam , M Sarvanan, BG Solanki, BR Rode and H B Kumbhalkar
(2011) Introduction of quality exotic germplasm and enrichment of gene pool.Book of Abstracts, World Cotton
Research Conference-5, November 7-11, 2011 pg 117. - Ukey RC, M. Chakrabarty, VN Waghmare and Vinita Gotmare (2011) “Soileine” the hydrolytic enzyme in
Rhizospere imparting resistance against infection of Rhizoctonia spp. to Hypocotyl seedlings of Tetraploid
Cotton. World Congress for “Man and Nature” Global Climate Chang on Biodiversity, Conservation at G K V ,
Haridwar, Uttarakhand (India) November 11-13, 2011. - Sukumar Saha, David M. Stelly, Dwayne. Raska, Amanda Hulse, Osman A. Gutiérrez1, Makamov Abdusalom, Vinita
Gotmare, Fei Wang, Johnie N. Jenkins and Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov (2012) Molecular confirmation of
chromosome substitution lines and interspecific F1 hypoaneuploids in Gossypium hirsutum Proceedings of
Beltwide Cotton Conferences January 3 – 6 2012, Orlando World Centre Marriott, Orlando, Florida, USA) - Sukumar Saha. David Stelly , Jixiang Wu, Dwaine Raska, Johnie Jenkins, Jack McCarty, Abdusalom Makamov ,
Vinita Gotmare, Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov & Benjamin Todd Campbell (2012). Chromosome Substitution Lines:
An Effective Way To Introgress Useful Genes From Other Allotetraploid Species Into Upland Cotton, Gossypium
hirsutum L. 2012 in Proceedings of ICGI Research Conference ,Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, October 9 -12,
2012 - Vinita Gotmare, Madhav Katre, Punit Mohan VN Waghmare, M Saravanan , Sumanbala Singh, T R Lokanathan, SM
Palve , V Santhy , PR Vijaykumari , P K Chakrabarty, K R Kranthi and MV Venugopalan (2012). Evaluation of
promising – pre-released genotypes for suitability in High Density Planting Systems for Climate resilient
agriculture I Proceedings of Silver Jubilee International Symposium of CRDA on “Global Cotton Production
Technologies visa-vis Climate Change” held during October 10-12, 2012 at CCS Haryana Agriculture University,
Hisar. - Gotmare V, P Mohan, G. Balasubramani, VN Waghmare, C Rodge, M Katre, BN Tule, PK Chakrabarty and K R Kranthi
(2013) Vaidehi 95 (MSH 53) (IC0584260; INGR13032) Dark Brown Linted Introgressed Derivative of Cotton.
Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources Vol 26 No 3 pp252-253 - Gotmare V, P Mohan, G. Balasubramani, , C Rodge, M Katre, BN Tule, PK Chakrabarty and K R Kranthi (2013)
NISC 40 (IC0584261; INGR13033), NISC 40 (IC0584262; INGR13034), NISC 40 (IC0584262; INGR13035) (2013) Jassid
Tolerant Compact Plant Type Introgressed derivatives of Cotton. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
Vol 26 No 3 pp253 – 254 - KPM Damayanthi, K. Rathinavel and Vinita Gotmare (2013) Induction of polyploidy in wild cotton species
(Gossypium armourianum and G. aridum) by colchicine treatment.Journal of Cotton Research and Development Vol
27 (2) pp165-170 - Gotmare V, Punit Mohan Mahorao Katre, M Saravanan, BR Rode, S. Manickam, Om Tuteja and KR Kranthi (2014)
CNA-5 – an Inter-racial introgressed Genetic Stock (Pigmented arboreum) Indian Journal of Plant Genetic
Resources Vol 27 No 3 pp 317 - Punit Mohan, Vinita Gotmare, BR Rode, KR Kranthi, M Saravanan and Anjali Kak (2015) CNH CB 211 (IC0597397;
INGR 14058, a cotton (G. hirsutum) germplasm with cluster boll bearing habit, deeply palmate leaf lobe.
Indian Joun. Plant Genet Resources 28(3) 356-370 - Punit Mohan, Vinita Gotmare, BR Rode, KR Kranthi, M Saravanan and Anjali Kak (2015) CNH CB 212(IC 0597398;
INGR 14059), a cotton (G. hirsutum) germplasm with cluster boll bearing habit, Zero monopodia and compact
habit. Indian Joun. Plant Genet Resources 28(3) 356-370 - Gotmare V, Mohan Punit, Saravanan M and K R Kranthi (2016) Naturally coloured cotton Abstract A-54
International Journal of Life Sciences Special issue A-6 Feb 2016-05-27 - Punit Mohan, B.G.Solanki, Vinita Gotmare, Saravanan. M and D.V.Patil (2016) Evaluation of Genetic Resources
of Gossypium herbaceum for economic traits. Abstract A-54 International Journal of Life Sciences Special
issue A-6 Feb 2016-05-27 - Meshram Jayant, Sheeba A, Saravanan M, Gotmare V, Blaise D and K R Kranthi (2016) Screening of cotton (G.
hirsutum L.) germplasm for excess soil moisture tolerance: progress and prospects.pg A-6 International
Journal of Life Sciences Special issue A-6 Feb 2016-05-27 - Saravanan M, Santosh HB, Gotmare V, Mohan P , SB Singh and KR Kranthi (2016) Exploration , collection,
characterization and conservation of landraces of Desi cotton and tree cotton from Karnataka, Maharashtra
and Madhya Pradesh A-28 International Journal of Life Sciences Special issue A-6 Feb 2016-05-27 - Meshram JH, Vinita Gotmare and D Blaise (2017) Kapashitil pani sachnyachya samasyekade durlaksh nako.
Agrowon July 31, 2017. - Gotmare Vinita (2017) Wild Genetic Resources of Cotton, IJRBAT Special issue (2) Vol V, July 2017 pp 44 In
Sovenier of International Congress on Recent Trends in Science & Technology Sustainable Development
through Scientific Approach ISSN 2347-517X (online), 12 – 14 July 2017 - Gotmare Vinita (2018) Production of high quality fibre in cotton through pre-breeding efforts. In Book of
Abstracts pp122 International Congress on “Cotton and other fibre crops” at ICAR Research Complex for NEH
Region, Umiam, Barapani, 793 103, Meghalaya; 20-23 February 2018. - Vinita Gotmare (2018) Kapashichya aadim junglee prajatinche mahatva va saurakshan In Kapus – Utpadan va
vyavasthapan tantradnyan, Smarnika , Kapus Melava-2018 pp 69 - Mahajan SS, S M Palve, S B Singh, T R Loknathan, Vinita Gotmare, D V Patil, M Saravanan, H B Santosh, V
Santhy, P R Vijayakumari & V N Waghmare (2018), Maharashtrat upalabdha kapashiche navin / sudharit vaan.
Smarnika , Kapus Melava-2018 pp 69 - Kumbhalkar H B, V.L. Gawande, Vinita Gotmare and T.H. Rathod (2018) Combining Ability Studies for Yield, its
Component Traits and Fibre Properties through Line X Tester Mating Design in Upland Cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum L.) International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7
Number 10 (NAAS rating : 5.38) - Gotmare Vinita (2019) Rangeet Kapus In Kapus – Utpadan va vyavasthapan tantradnyan, Smarnika , Kapus
Melava-2018 pp 8-14 - Gotmare Vinita (2020) Speed Breeding in cotton for increasing production in the next decade In Book of
Abstract , National Symposium on “Cotton Production Technologies in the Next Decade : Problems and
Perspectives” at Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar from January 22-24, 2020 - Gotmare Vinita (2020) Eco-friendly coloured cotton. In Souvenir Interdisciplinary National Conference on “
Recent Innovations in Agri-Biosciences in strengthening Indian economy: Challenges & Prospects and
Farmers Meet (RIABSIEP- 2020, February 1, 2020, Dr Ambedkar College, Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur - Santosh HB, Raghavendra KP and Vinita Gotmare (2020): Genome sequence of cotton wild species Gossypium
austral decoded. Cotton Innovate Volume 1 (1) 2021 pg 4 - Gotmare Vinita (2020) Harnessing the potential of wild species . www.ICRACotton.Org pg 5
- Kumbhalkar, H. B., Gawande, V. L., Deshmukh, S. B., Vinita Gotmare and V. N. Waghmare. (2021). Genotype x
Environment interaction for seed cotton yield and component traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).
Electronic J. Plant Breeding, 12(4): 1209-1217. - H. B., Kumbhalkar, V. L. Gawande, S. B. Deshmukh, Vinita Gotmare and V. N. Waghmare. (2021). Stabilized
Heterosis Studies for Seed Cotton Yield and Component Traits in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.10 (07): 99-113. - Gotmare Vinita et al 2022 Introduction & establishment of New wild species of Gossypium from USDA.
Poster presented at the 1st National Congress of PGR at New Delhi during 22-24 November 2022. Best Poster
Award received. - Saravanan, M, Vinita Gotmare, J.A.Sheeba and Jayant Meshram (2022) Oral presentation in the national
conference in Udaipur about “paradigm Shift in Cotton Cultivation” 8-10th August, 2022 on “Molecular
characterization of cotton germplasm accessions (G. hirsutum L.) against waterlogging” - Vinita Gotmare*, Sunil Mahajan, M Saravanan, Rachna Pande, Neelkanth Hiremani, Harish Kumbhalkar, A
Manivannan, A H Prakash, S Manickam, A Manivannan, Debashish Paul, Chandrasekar, Anjali Kak and Y G Prasad
(2022) Invited Lecture in the national conference in Udaipur about “Paradigm Shift in Cotton Cultivation”
8-10th August, 2022 on Germplasm as a treasure house for traits to bring in Paradigm shift in Cotton
cultivation - Debashis Paul1*, Vinita Gotmare2, Amarpreet Singh1, S. K. Sain1 and S. K. Verma1 (2022) Abstract Published
and Oral Presentation in International Conference on Climate Resilient Agriculture for Food Security and
Sustainability (Received Best oral Presentation Award) Prediction of Seed Cotton Yield of Cotton accessions
(G. hirsutum) using Machine learning and Deep learning methods - Debashis Paul1*, Vinita Gotmare2, Sunil Mahajan2, Amarpreet Singh1, Rishi Kumar1 and S. K. Verma1 (2022)
Abstract Published and Poster Presented in 1St National Conference on Plant Genetic resource management
Phenotyping of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) accessions and assessment of genetic variability for yield and
fiber quality parameters through multivariate analysis - Saravanan, M, Vinita Gotmare, J.A.Sheeba and K.R. Kranthi (2023) Molecular characterization of tolerant and
susceptible accessions of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) against waterlogging stress. Journal of Cotton
Research and Development 37(1): 25-31
Book Chapters :
- Utilization of wild relatives of crops for resistance to Heliothis/ Helicoverpa. (2005) Authors: Kameswara
Rao N., Mallikarjun N., Sharma, K. K., Reddy, L. J., Singh P. and Gotmare V.. In:Heliothis/Helicoverpa
Management: Emerging Trends and Strategies for future research, pp 243-248. Ed. H. C. Sharma, Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. - CHAPTER: Chromosome substitution lines: concept, development and utilization in the genetic improvement of
Upland cotton (2011) AUTHORS:Sukumar Saha, David M. Stelly, D. Raska, Jixiang Wu, Johnie N. Jenkins, Jack C.
McCarty, Abdusalom Makamov, V. Gotmare, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov and B.T. Campbell
BOOK EDITOR: Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov (Uzbekistan)
- Paryavaran Hitaishi Prakritik Rangeen Kapas (2017) (in Hindi) authored by Punit Moham and Vijay Waghmare.
Co- Editors – Suman Bala Singh, Vinita Gotmare, Sujata Saxena, Ravi Nagarkar, Surendra Kumar Verma and
Rajnikant Chaturvedi
Popular Articles :
- Vinita Gotmare , BN Tule and P. Singh (2000). Wild and cultivated species of Cotton. Technical Bulletin # 5
, Published bv the Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur - TR Loknathan, Singh P, Agrawal DK, Punit Mohan, Singh SB, Gotmare V, Singh VV (2003) Genetic Enhancement in
Cotton. CICR, Technical Bulletin No 26. - Gotmare Vinita, Phundan Singh, Chetali Bhagat, Vinay Deshpande, RV Salame and BN Tule (2003) Kapas sudhar
mein jungli jatiyon ki bhumika. Smarika, Rashtriya Kisan Mela, pp 27, held at Central Institute for Cotton
Research, Nagpur on 5th December 2003. - Phundan Singh , Punit Mohan ,VV Singh , Dinesh Agrawal , TR Lokanathan , Suman Bala Singh , Vinita Gotmare ,
Shivaji Palve ayum Vinay Deshpande (2005). Bharat mein ugayee jane vali kapas ki sudharan/sudharit ayum
sankar kisme. Smarika, Rashtriya Kisan Mela, held at Central Institute for Cotton Research,Nagpur on 16th
October 2005. - Vinita Gotmare & Prachi Akhare (2015) Kapas ki jungle jatiyon ka mahatwa Shwet Swarnima pg 09-11
- Meshram JH, Vinita Gotmare and D Blaise (2017) Kapashitil pani sachnyachya samasyekade durlaksh nako.
Agrowon July 31, 2017. - Gotmare Vinita (2018) Kapashichya aadim junglee prajatinche mahatva va saurakshan In Kapus – Utpadan va
vyavasthapan tantradnyan, Smarnika , Kapus Melava-2018 pp 69 - Mahajan SS, S M Palve, S B Singh, T R Loknathan, Vinita Gotmare, D V Patil, M Saravanan, H B Santosh, V
Santhy, P R Vijayakumari & V N Waghmare (2018), Maharashtrat upalabdha kapashiche navin / sudharit vaan.
Smarnika , Kapus Melava-2018 pp 69 - Gotmare Vinita (2019) Rangeet Kapus In Kapus – Utpadan va vyavasthapan tantradnyan, Smarnika, Kapus
Melava-2018 pp 8-14
PhD thesis
Kirtikumar N Uikey (2023) Genetic Diversity and Stability Analyasis in Sesame (Seamum indicum
M.Sc thesis: Chavan Vasudeo Tukaram (2022) Induction of Mutation in Lathyrus by Gama Rays.
M.Sc.Thesis Evaluated and Reports submitted during 2021-22:
1. Ms Suvarnalata Devchand Shivankar of Agricultural Botany (Genetics & Plant Breeding)
entitled “Combining ability analysis for yield and yield contributing traits and Budfly resistance in Linseed
(Linum usitatissimum L.)”
2. Mr Dhananjay Suresh Thikare of Agricultural Botany (Genetics & Plant Breeding) entitled,” Genetic
Diversity of Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Germplasm”
Institutional support
- Co-ordinated activities of Indian Society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI) in the capacity of Corresponding
Editor. - Attended ITMC meeting on 6.8.2021
- Attended a meeting as Member of Selection Committee for regularisation of Temporary Status Labour to SSS
Grade on 8.9.2021. - Attended Walk in Interview for recruitment of Contractual position Young Professional on 10.9.2020
- Naturally coloured cotton was produced for sale to private firms.
- Resource Generation in terms of white lint (200 kg) Seed Cotton (250 kg) and Naturally coloured cotton[Brown
lint (Vaidehi-95)- 205 kg - Co-ordinated activities of Tribal Sub Plan of the Institute in the capacity of Nodal Officer (TSP) till
18.01.2021. - Attended Webinar on Plagiarism tool for Regional Languages on 25.9.2021.
- Coordinated activities as Chairperson of Institute Purchase Advisory Committee(IPAC) since 23.12.2020
- Attended GEM training conducted by ICAR Headquarter on 2.2.2021
Seminar/Symposia/Conference/Workshop/Meeting Attended International
Conserved 12326 germplasm accessions including 24 Wild species of Gossypium, 15 races of
cultivated species and more than 45 synthetic polyploids in the Wild Species Garden maintained in the institute.
Collected seeds of two wild species viz. G. ekmanianum and G. darwinii from Rasi seeds for enrichment of
existing collection.
Co-ordinated activities of Indian Society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI) in the capacity of
Corresponding Editor.
- Attended ITMC meeting on 6.8.2021
- Attended a meeting as Member of Selection Committee for regularisation of Temporary Status Labour to SSS
Grade on 8.9.2021. - Attended Walk in Interview for recruitment of Contractual position Young Professional on 10.9.2020
- Naturally coloured cotton was produced for sale to private firms.
- Resource Generation in terms of white lint (200 kg) Seed Cotton (250 kg) and Naturally coloured cotton[Brown
lint (Vaidehi-95)- 205 kg - Co-ordinated activities of Tribal Sub Plan of the Institute in the capacity of Nodal Officer (TSP) till
18.01.2021. - Attended Webinar on Plagiarism tool for Regional Languages on 25.9.2021.
- Coordinated activities as Chairperson of Institute Purchase Advisory Committee(IPAC) since 23.12.2020
- Attended GEM training conducted by ICAR Headquarter on 2.2.2021
Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP):Technologies developed by the institute through
training programmes organized for Tribal farmers in the two Tribal dominated districts of Maharashtra Gadchiroli
and Umred cluster MGMG villages under centrally sponsored TSP Program. Inputs also distributed (Paddy, Cotton
& Vegetable seeds and Birfertilizers) to Tribal farmers of Gadchiroli district. Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav
(MGMG): Transfer of Technology through on – farm demonstrations on Tribal farmer’s fields in Umred cluster of
Vidarbha Region in Maharashtra.
Peer Recognition
Editor : Indian Society for Cotton Improvement
Hon’ble secretary : Indian Society for Cotton Improvement, Nagpur Chapter
Awards/honour received:
- Punjabrao Deshmukh Gold Medal by Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeth for securing highest Cumulative Grade Point
Average (CGPA) at B.Sc.(Agri.) degree examination (1988-89) - ASPEE Gold Medal for securing highest combined percentage of marks in the subject of Entomology and Plant
Pathology B.Sc.(Agri.)degree examination (1988-89) - Late Renurao alias Annasaheb Patil Saikhedkar Gold Medal for highest CGPA in the subject of Plant Pathology at
B.Sc. (Agri.) degree examination (1988-89) - Smt. Vimlabai Deshmukh Silver medal among female candidates at B.Sc. (Agri.) degree examination (1988-89).
- Shri. G.K.Vaidya Silver Medal for highest CGPA at B.Sc.(Agri.) degree examination (1988-89)
- Shri. Mehere Brothers Cash prize for highest CGPA at B.Sc.(Agri.) degree examination (1988-89)
- Rotary International Distt No 314 Best University student Cash Prize for highest CGPA at B.Sc.(Agri.) degree
examination (1988-89) - Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Funds Award for scoring First Position at Graduate level among all four Agricultural
Universities of Maharashtra in 1988-89. - Junior Research Fellowship by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute for M.Sc.(Genetics) 1989-1990..
- Senior Research Fellowship by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute for PhD.
- JRF in Life Science under CSIR Fellowship Scheme (1991)
- National Elligibility Certificate (NET) and ARS (Plant Breeding) in 1993 awarded by Agricultural Scientist
Recruitment Board (ASRB), New Delhi. - National Elligibility Certificate (NET) and ARS (Genetics) in 1994 awarded by Agricultural Scientist Recruitment
Board (ASRB), New Delhi. - Best Paper Award for oral presentation of the paper titled “Genetic improvement through Introgression of useful
genes in cultivated Cotton in India” – Vinita Gotmare and B M Khadi at the National Seminar on Second Green
Revolution – Necessity or Compulsion? held at ARS , Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Adilabad from 19
to 21 October 2008 at the Technical Session 1 – Crop Improvement – Conventional and molecular approaches : Role
of conventional approaches at present and in future. - Third Best Poster Award “Induction of polyploidy by colchicine treatment in cotton” by Dr KPM Damayanthi and
Vinita Gotmare at the Third National Congress on Plant Breeding and Genomics held at Tamil Nadu Agircultural
University, Coimbatore during 7-9 July 2010. - Best Oral Presentation Award for the Paper (2013) “Wild Species and Introgression Breeding in Cotton” authored
by Vinita Gotmare, Prachi Akhare, Kirti Kalmegh, Saravanan M, Santosh H B & Punit Mohan presented by Dr
Santosh HB at the National Seminar on Technology for Development & Production of Rainfed Cotton &
Farmers day to be held at Maktampur Farm, RCRS, NAU, Bharuch during 24-26 October, 2013 - Dr Rajendra Prasad Navratna (Nari Ratna) Puraskar 2014: Received Dr Rajendra Prasad Navratna (Nari Ratna)
Puraskar 2014 in the field of Agriculture on the occasion of International Women’s Day March 8, 2014 - Bharat Ratna Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Gold Medal Award 2020 for outstanding achievements in the field of Agriculture
- Women Scientist Award (2022) Dr PDKV, Nagpur College.
- Best Poster Award (2022) Gotmare Vinita et al 2022 Introduction & establishment of New wild species of
Gossypium from USDA. Poster presented at the 1st National Congress of PGR at New Delhi during 22-24 November
2022. - Best oral Presentation Award (2022): Debashis Paul1*, Vinita Gotmare2, Amarpreet Singh1, S. K. Sain1 and S. K.
Verma1 (2022) Abstract Published and Oral Presentation in International Conference on Climate Resilient
Agriculture for Food Security and Sustainability. Prediction of Seed Cotton Yield of Cotton accessions (G.
hirsutum) using Machine learning and Deep learning methods