![]() Principal Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Address: Division of Crop Improvement ICAR – Central Institute for Cotton Research |
- “ Electrophoretic techniques for variety identification” during 6-15 March 2003 organized at CCS HAU, Hisar
- “Statistical Techniques useful for DUS testing” during 10-15 January, 2005 organized at ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi
- “Molecular evaluation of Cotton” during 1-7, June, 2005 organized at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur
- Training on “Modern approaches in Heterosis Breeding” (12th Feb – 3rd March, 2008 at TNAU. Coimbatore)
- International training (IBSA) on “Cotton Production And Value Addition” during 17- 29, November 2008)organized at ICAR- CICR, Nagpur
- International Training on “Cotton Production and Technology” during 1t- 15 June, 2009, at Egyptian Center for International Agriculture, Giza, Egypt)
As Project Leader Institute level:
- Assessment of seed vigor traits in cotton
- Transgene expression and its effect on quantity and quality of reserves in seeds of Bt cotton hybrid
- DNA Fingerprinting of public sector released genotypes of Cotton (Gossypium spp.)
- Seed Characterization based on protein quantification and profiling in cotton
As Project Associate
- Seed Production of Agricultural Crops (Mega Seed Project) directly funded by ICAR, New Delhi
- Implementation of PVP Legislation, 2001 (DUS Project) funded by PPV &FR Authority, New Delhi
- Exploitation of apomixis and Thermo-sensitive Genetic Male Sterility in cotton (Under Technology Mission on Cotton)
- Strategies to augment seed storability of cotton under different environment conditions
Contribution to the scientific advancement
- Determined role of seed reserve utilization in cotton (G. hirsutum and G.arboreum) for providing early emergence and observed that it does not vary with seed germination or vigor
- Determined the effect of seed grading (based on seed size and weight) on enhanced germination, field emergence, growth and seed cotton yield in cotton (G. hirsutum)
- Characterized new Thermosensitive genetic male sterile line in G.arboreum and studied its inheritance. Determined the period of complete male sterility (for hybrid seed production) and complete male fertility (for maintenance) in the characterized TGMS line.
- Studied the Bt protein expression in different seed parts of Bt cotton and found that the expression is significantly low to nil in seed coat compared to seed content. Also no significant difference in total seed protein profile and seed germination traits were observed for Bt and non Bt counterpart seeds
- The Bt protein expression for F1 hybrids were compared between those hybrids where only female parent was carrying Bt gene with those where both the parents carried Bt gene. No significant difference observed in protein expression for both combinations.
- Developed highly informative SSR markers to fingerprint popular cotton cultivars and identify CICR developed hybrids.
- Contributed to preparation of National Test Guidelines for cotton DUS testing. Characterized more than 500 genotypes based on DUS characters.
- Standardized protocol for cultivar differentiation based on gossypol gland density and leaf trichome density
- Determined effective foliar interventions in cotton crop field using neem kernel extract and micronutrients to enhance quality seed yield in cotton seed production
- Determined the seed storage protein content and level of its various constituents in seeds of released cotton varieties
- Developed seed sampling and testing protocol to test refugia seeds in the Bt cotton seed lots under Refugia In Bag implementation
- Contributes to the distinctness, uniformity and stability testing of genotypes being submitted for variety registration under PPV &FRA, New Delhi.
Contribution to the scientific administration
- Served as Nodal Officer, Technology Mission on Cotton (Eleventh Plan) during 2007-2009
- Serves as Editorial member for the Journal “Seed Research” pubished by Indian Society of Seed Technology, New Delhi
- Serves as life member in two societies viz. Indian Society of Seed Technology and Indian Society for Cotton Improvement
- Serves as Chairman, Press and Publicity Committee, ICAR-CICR, Nagpur
- Serves as Nodal Officer, AICRP on Seed (Crops) since 2022
- Santhy, V. and R.K. Deshmukh (2008) Methanol stress test to evaluate initial seed vigor in cotton Seed Research 36 (1)
- Santhy, V., T. Mohapatra, M. Dadlani., S.P.Sharma and R.P.Sharma (2000) DNA markers for testing distinctness of rice varieties International Journal of Plant Varieties and Seeds, 13: 141 – 148
- Santhy, V., M. Dadlani., T. Mohapatra and S. P. Sharma (2003) Identification of parental lines and hybrids of rice using RAPD markers. Seed Sci. & Technol. 31: 187 – 192
- V. Santhy and R.K. Deshmukh (2005) Enhancement of seed quality in cotton Journal of Indian society for cotton improvement 30 (1): 21-32
- V. Santhy and B.M.Khadi (2008) Approaching issues of quality in Bt cotton seed Current Science 94:12
- S. M. Palve and V. Santhy (2008) Prospoects of apomixes for fixation of cotton hybrids Current Science 95:10
- Santhy, V., Palve, S.M., K. Rathinavel and Anshu Vishwanathan (2009) Inter relationships among seed reserve traits in desi cotton (G. arboreum) Indian Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics 69 (1): 69 – 72
- V Santhy, S. M, Palve, Sonali Virkhede, Pratibha Mohan, B M Khadi (2013) Characterization and genetic inheritance of temperature sensitive genetic male sterility in desi cotton (Gossypium arboreum) The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 83 (8): 809-814
- V. Santhy; M. Meshram; R. Wakde and P.R. Vijayakumari (2014) Hydrogen peroxide pretreatment for seed enhancement in Cotton African Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (25): 1982-1989
- Santhy. V and R.K.Deshmukh (2008) Methanol stress test to evaluate initial seed vigor in cotton Seed Research 36 (1)
- V. Santhy; Jagvir Singh and Anshu Vishwanathan (2009) Effect of seed index on varietal performance in upland cotton Seed Research 37 (1&2) 175-179
- A. Rakshit; S. Rakshit; V. Santhy; V.V. Singh and S.R. Gupta (2010) Evaluation of SSR markers for the assessment of genetic diversity and fingerprinting of G. hirsutum accessions Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 19 (2):153-160
- P.R. VijayaKumari; V. Santhy; S. Virkhede, Manjusha Lanjewar and Punit Mohan (2010) Relative response towards PEG induced moisture stress in cotton Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 23 (3)
- Jagvir singh; K. Velumourougane; S. Kranthi and V. Santhy (2014) Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic cultiavation systems of cotton on bollworm, soil microbial population and yield Journal of Indian Society for Cotton Improvement 5(2)
- V. Santhy and Mithila. M (2015) Widening the character base for distinctness in Cotton: Emerging perspective Current Science 109 (11)
- V. Santhy, K. Rathinavel, M. Saravanan, Mithila Meshram and C. Priyadharshini (2020) Genetic diversity assessment of extant cotton varieties based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis of enlisted DUS traits Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 11 (2): 430-438
- P.R. Vijayakumari, Renuka Wakade and V. Santhy (2016) Root trainer study for effective comparison of seed treatments in cotton J. Cotton Res. Dev. 30 (1) 54-56
- V. Santhy , M. Meshram, H. B. Santosh and K. R. Kranthi (2019) Molecular diversity analysis and DNA fingerprinting of cotton varieties of India Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 79 (4) 719-725
- H. B. Santosh, M. Meshram, V. Santhy and V. N. Waghmare (2020) Microsatellite marker based diversity analysis and DNA fingerprinting of Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum) varieties of India Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology (DOI: 10.1007/s13562-021-00675-z)
- V. Santhy, Sunil Mahajan, P.R. Vijayakumari and Vaibhav Chaudhary (2021) Effect of foliar supplementation on enhancing seed yield and final recovery of processed seeds in cotton Seed Research 49 (1):
- Santosh H. B.; Ashwini; V. Santhy; K.P. Raghavendra; K.R. Kranthi and V. N. Waghmare (2022) Microsatellite marker based DNA fingerprinting of cotton (Gossypium spp.) hybrids and their parents. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 13 (3)
Book Chapters: Contributed as co-author
- B. M. Khadi; V. Santhy and M. S. Yadav (2010) Cotton: An Introduction In: Cotton – Biotechnological Advances Edt. Usha. B. Zehr Copy Right: Springer-Verlag-Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010 pp: 1- 13
- B. M. Khadi; V. Santhy and M. S. Yadav (2010) Cotton in India In: Cotton – Biotechnological Advances Edt. Usha. B. Zehr Copy Right: Springer-Verlag-Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010 pp: 14 – 45
- V. Santhy, Sandra, N., Ravishankar, K.V., Chidambara, B. (2023). Molecular Techniques for Testing Genetic Purity and Seed Health. In: Dadlani, M., Yadava, D.K. (eds) Seed Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5888-5_15
Technical articles:
- V. Santhy et al (2008) Hybrid seed production in cotton CICR Technical Bulletin No. 35
- V. Santhy et al (2008) Legislations for seed quality regulation in India CICR Technical Bulletin
- K. Rathinavelu; S. Manickam and V. Santhy (2008) National Test guidelines for the conduct of Tests of Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability of Cotton DUS Test Manual) published by PPVFRA, New Delhi
- V. Santhy (2014) Genetic Engineering for seed enhancement Cotton Innovate 5 (11)
- V. Santhy et al (2012) Legislations for seed quality regulation in India (Revised) Seed Times April-June 65-73
- V. Santhy and G. Balasubramani (2021) Seed production and quality control under ‘refuge-in-bag’ (RIB) implementation for Bt cotton in India Cotton Innovate 7 (1)
Training/advance exposure in the area of work:
- “ Electrophoretic techniques for variety identification” during 6-15 March 2003 organized at CCS HAU, Hisar
- “Statistical Techniques useful for DUS testing” during 10-15 January, 2005 organized at ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi
- “Molecular evaluation of Cotton” during 1-7, June, 2005 organized at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur
- Training on “Modern approaches in Heterosis Breeding” (12th Feb – 3rd March, 2008 at TNAU. Coimbatore
- International training (IBSA) on “Cotton Production And Value Addition” during 17- 29, November 2008)organized at ICAR- CICR, Nagpur
- International Training on “Cotton Production and Technology” during 1t- 15 June, 2009, at Egyptian Center for International Agriculture, Giza, Egypt
- IARI Fellowship for Post graudation from Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi 1992-1994
- JRF Fellowship in Life sciences from CSIR-UGC during 1995-1999
- Best Oral Presentation award for the paper “Repository of traits for testing distinctness of cotton genotypes” during the XIV National Seed Seminar held at IARI, New Delhi from Indian Society of Seed Technology, New Delhi during 2017
- Certificate of excellence in reviewing research papers for following journals Viz. Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science and Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
- Member Editorial team: Seed Research Journal published by Indian Society of Seed Technology
Technologies – Worked as part of team for development and release of Bt cotton varieties from ICAR-CICR, Nagpur
S.No | Title | Award date | Agency/Country | Status |
1 | ICAR-CICR 9 Bt Cotton variety expressing Approved Deregulated Event (MON 531) | 2018 | ICAR | Commercially Released for rain-fed and irrigated zones of India |
2 | ICAR-CICR 14 Bt Cotton variety expressing Approved Deregulated Event (MON 531) | 2018 | ICAR | Commercially Released for rain-fed and irrigated zones of India |
3 | ICAR-CICR Suraj Bt | 2018 | ICAR | |
4 | ICAR-CICR 25 Bt | 2021 | ICAR | Rainfed conditions of South Zone |
Patents/Varieties registered as genetic stock:
Worked as part of team for registration of following two plant genetic stocks with National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi
- Five loculed G. arboreum, ABC-5 (INGR 08090) by B. M. Khadi; V. Santhy; I. S. Katageri and V. Gotmare
- Thermo sensitive Genetic male sterile line of G. arboreum, CATS-18 (INGR 08091) by B. M. Khadi, V. Santhy and I.S.Katageri