![]() Head Division of Crop Improvement | Academic Qualification:
Address: Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR – Central Institute for Cotton Research, PB # 2, Shankar Nagar P. O. Nagpur – 440010 (M. S.), India Ph(O): 07013-275536, Fax: 07013-275529 Email: vijayvnw@yahoo.com |
- BOYSCAST Fellowship Award 2001-2002 for research on “Molecular Mapping and Gene Tagging in Cotton†at Plant Genome Mapping Laboratory, University of Georgia, Athens, USA by DST, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
- SERC Visiting Fellowship Award 1999-2000 in the area Molecular Marker Techniques by DST, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
- Senior Research Fellowship for Ph.D. at IARI, New Delhi during 1990-93.
- Junior Research Fellowship for M. Sc. at IARI, New Delhi during 1988-90.
- Member, The Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
- Member, The Indian Society for Cotton Improvement.
- Councilor and Member, The Indian Society of Agricultural Science
- Member, The Academy of Plant Sciences India.
- Research Papers : 25
- Books chapters : 1
- Bulletins : 1
- Popular Article : 1
- Seminars/ symposia : 16
- Paterson, A.H. Rong J.K., Gingle, A.R. Chee, P.W., Dennis, E., Llewellyn, D., Dure III, L.S., Haigler, C., Myers, G.O., Peterson, D.G., Rahman M. ur, Zafar, Y. , Reddy, U., Saranga,Y., Stewart, J.M., Udall, J.A., Waghmare, V.N. , Wendel, J.F., Wilkins, T.A., Wright, R.J., Zaki E., Hafez, E.S. and Zhu, J. (2010). Sequencing and utilization of the Gossypium genomes. Tropical Plant Biology, Published on line.
- Malode, S.N., Shingnapure, S.M., Waghmare, V.N. and Sutar, S. (2010) Genetic diversity analysis of some exotic, Indian and mutant Brassica sp. through RAPD markers. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(20): (Accepted) .
- Rong, J., Feltus, F.A., Waghmare, V.N ., Pierce, G.J., Chee, P.W., Draye, X., Saranga, Y., Wright, R.J., Wilkins, T.A., May, O.L., Smith, C.W., Gannaway, J.R., Wendel, J.F. and Paterson, A.H. (2007). Meta-analysis of polyploidy cotton QTL shows unequal contributions of subgenomes to a complex network of genes and gene clusters implicated in lint fibre development. Genetics 176: 2577-2588.
- Punit Mohan and V.N. Waghmare (2006). Pollen morphology and viability in Gossypium . Ad. Plant Sciences, 19(2): 685-688.
- Waghmare, V.N ., Rong, J., Rogers , C.J., Pierce, G.J., Wendel, J.F. and Paterson, A.H. (2005). Genetic mapping of a cross between Gossypium hirsutum (cotton) and the Hawaiian endemic, G. tomentosum . Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG), 111(4): 665-676.
- Rong, J., Pierce, G.J., Waghmare, V.N ., Rogers, C.J., desai, A., Chee, P.W., May, O.L., Gannaway, J.R., Wendel, J.F., Wilkins, T.A. and Paterson, A.H. (2005). Genetic mapping and comparative analysis of seven mutants related to seed fibre development in cotton. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG), 111(6): 1137-1146.
- Rong, J., Bowers, J.E., Schulze, S.R., Waghmare, V.N ., Rogers, C.J., Pierce, G.J., Zhang, H., Estill, J.C. and Paterson, A.H. (2005). Comparative genomics of Gossypium and Arabidopsis : Unraveling the consequences of both ancient and recent polyploidy. Genome Research, 15: 1198-1210.
- Waghmare, V.N . and Singh P. (2005). Colour cotton: Present status and future thrust. Financing Agicultute, 37(1): 17-21.
- Waghmare, V.N ., Dongre, A.B., Gajbhiye, V.R. and Salame R.V. (2005). Molecular Mapping and Marker assisted selection (MAS) for fibre quality traits. Proceeding of the National seminar on genetic improvement of fibre quality traits in cotton held on February 15, 2005 at CICR, Nagpur , pp. 96-103.
- Waghmare, V.N . (2004). Molecular mapping of CLCuV resistant genes. Proceeding of lead papers presented at the National symposium on cotton leaf curl virus held at CICR, Regional Station, Sirsa on November 15, 2004 , pp.: 70-77
- Waghmare, V.N . (2004). Status of cotton genome mapping and applications. Proceeding of lead papers presented at the National Symposium on Changing World order- cotton research, development and policy in context, held at ANGRAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad , August 10-12, 2004 , pp.: 70-77.
- Waghmare, V.N . and Koranne, K.D. 1998. Coloured cotton: present status, problems and future potentials. Indian J. Genet. , 58: 1-15
- Waghmare, V.N . and Koranne, K.D. 2000. Inheritance of lint colour in desi cotton ( Gossypium arboreum L.). Indian J. Genet., 60 : 495-502.
- Waghmare, V.N. and Koranne, K. D. 2000. Induced mutations in Asiatic cotton ( Gossypium arboreum L.). J. Indian Soc. Cotton Improv., 25 : 128-135.
- Waghmare, V.N ., Gururajan, K.N., Punit Mohan and Singh, P. 2000. Induced mutations for improvement of desi cotton ( Gossypium arboreum L.). DAE-BRNS Symposium in the use of Nuclear and Molecular Techniques in Crop Improvement, December 6-8, 2000, BARC, Mumbai, India. Pp. 258-263.
- Gururajan, K.N., Manickam, P. amd Waghmare, V.N . 2000. Induced mutations for quality improvement in Egyptian cotton ( Gossypium barbadense L.). DAE-BRNS Symposium in the use of Nuclear and Molecular Techniques in Crop Improvement, December 6-8, 2000, BARC, Mumbai, India. Pp. 237-239.
- Waghmare, V.N . 2001. Inheritance of brown and green lint colour in upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.). J. Indian Soc. Cotton Improv., 26 : 125-133.
- Mayee, C.D. and Waghmare, V.N. 2001. Cottonseed oil: A perspective. AICOSCA’s Newsl., pp. 20-27.
- Waghmare, V. N . and Mathur, H. C. 1993. Genes for susceptibility to Ustilago nuda tritici in bread wheat. Wheat Information Service, 76: 16-19.
- Waghmare, V.N . and Mehra, R.B. 1998. Mutagenic sensitivity of gamma rays and ethyl methane sulphonate in Lathyrus sativus L. FABIS Newsl ., 41 : 8-12.
- Waghmare, V.N . and Mehra, R.B. 2000. Induced genetic variability for quantitative characters in grasspea ( Lathyrus sativus L.). Indian J. Genet., 60 : 81-87.
- Waghmare, V. N . and Mehra, R.B. 2000. Induced fibrous root mutant in Lathyrus sativus L. Indian J. Genet., 60: 261-263.
- Waghmare, V. N . and, Mehra, R.B. 2000. Induced mutations in grasspea ( Lathyrus sativus L.) Lathyrus Lathyrisum Newsl. 1 : 21-24.
- Waghmare, V.N. 2001. Induced mutations in grasspea ( Lathyrus sativus L.). I. Morphological mutations. Adv. Plant Sci., 14(1) : 41-46.
- Waghmare, V. N . 2001. Induced mutations in grasspea ( Lathyrus sativus L.). II. Frequency and spectrum of chlorophyll mutations. Adv. Plant Sci., 14(1): 249-253.
- Waghmare, V.N . and Mehra, R.B. 2001. Induced chlorophyll mutations, mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency in Lathyrus sativus L. Indian J. Genet., 61(1) : 53-57
- Waghmare, V.N ., Waghmare, D.N. and Mehra, R. B. 2001. An induced fasciated mutant in grasspea ( Lathyrus sativus L.). Indian J. Genet., 61(2) : 155-157.
Book Chapter
- Waghmare, V.N. and Sheo Raj 2001. Resistance to loose smut ( Ustilago nuda tritici ) in wheat. In: Crop Pest and Disease Management Strategies for the Millenium (Ed. Prasad, D, Gujar, G.T. and Puri, S.N.)
Popular Article
- Punit Mohan, Phundan Singh and Vijay Waghmare , 2001. Plant biodiversity and its protection. Kapas Pragati (Hindi), 4: 1-3.
Seminars/ Symposium Papers
- Koranne, K.D., R. Kothandaraman, P. Singh, V.V. Singh and V.N. Waghmare 1996. Naturally coloured linted cotton; Present status and future strategies to be adopted. Status paper presented at the meeting on Coloured Cotton on 19 th August 1996 at CICR, Nagpur .
- Waghmare, V.N ., R. Kothandaraman and K.D. Koranne 1998. Induced mutations for qualitative and quantitative characters in desi cotton. DAE symposium held at Chennai, Jan. 21-23, 1998
- Waghmare, V.N. and R.B. Mehra 1998. Induced genetic variability for quantitative characters in grasspea ( Lathyrus sativus L.). DAE symposium held at Chennai, Jan 21-23, 1998.
- Waghmare, V.N . 1999. Genetic analysis for lint colour inheritance in desi cotton ( Gossypium arboreum L.). 34 th All India Marathi Science Congress held at Nagpur from October 23-25, 1999 .
- Waghmare, V. N. , P. Ramsundaram, T. P. Rajendran and M. S. Kairon 1999. Approaches to increase lint production in cotton ( Gossypium spp . ). International seminar on cotton and its utilisation in 21 st Century held at CIRCOT, Mumbai, December 10-12, 1999 .
- Punit Mohan, P. Singh, V.V. Singh and V.N. Waghmare 1999. Agrobiodiversity and intellectual property rights. National Seminar on Regulatory measures and crop improvement-policy implications held at MPKV, Rahuri, December 23-24, 1999 .
- Waghmare, V.N. and Deshpande, L.A. 2001. Cultivation of Gossypium arboreum for sustainable cotton production under rainfed ecosystem. IXth Vasantrao Naik Memorial National Agriculture Seminar on “Organic farming systems- An ecofriendly approach for evergreen revolution†held at College of Agriculture , Nagpur , February 13-14, 2001 .
- Waghmare, V.N ., Raju, A.R., Waghmare, D.N., Wasnik, S.M. and Roy, A. 2001. Improvement of indigenous cotton ( Gossypium arboreum L.) for North East Hill region. Fifth Agricultural Science Congress, Guwahati, April 4-7, 2001 .
- Waghmare, V. N ., Dani, R. G. and Kate N. P. 2001. Need for quantitative and qualitative improvement of cottonseed oil. National Seminar on Sustainable cotton production technology and future strategies (In Hindi) held at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur on 10-11 September 2001. Pp. 44-45.
- Waghmare, V.N. 2001. Induced dwarf mutant in desi cotton ( Gossypium arboreum L.) Diamond Jubilee Symposium on Hundred years of post – Mendelian Genetics and Plant Breeding – Retrospect and Prospects held at New Delhi, Dec. 6-9, 2001. Abstract pp. 230.
- Paterson A., Rong J., Waghmare V. , Chee P., May L, Gannaway J., Smith W. and Wright R. (2004). Dissecting the molecular basis of cotton fiber evolution. Intern.Plant & Animal Genome XII Conference held on January 10-14, 2004 at San Diego , CA , USA .
- Rong R., Waghmare V ., Rogers C., Pierce G., Bowers J, Schulze S.R. and Paterson A.H. (2004). Organization and evolution of the diploid cotton D genome. Intern.Plant & Animal Genome XII Conference held on January 10-14, 2004 at San Diego , CA , USA .
- Waghmare, V.N ., Rong, J., Rogers , C.J., Pierce, G.J., Wendel, J.F. and Paterson, A.H. (2004). A comparative genetic linkage map of tetraploid cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum x G. tomentosum ). International Cotton Genome Initiative ICGI-2004 Workshop, held at Hyderabad , October 10-13, 2004 , Book of Abstracts, pp 148.
- Waghmare, V. N ., J. Rong, C. J. Rogers, G. J. Pierce and A. H. Paterson (2005). Genomic restructuring following polyploidization: Transmission genetics of Gossypium hirsutum x G. tomentosum . A paper presented in an International Conference on Plant Genomics and Biotechnology: Challenges & Opportunities, October 26-28, 2005 held at IGAU, Raipur, Chhatisgarh, India.
- Waghmare, V.N . and Singh P. (2005). Genome mapping and marker assisted selection in cotton. International Symposium on Strategies for sustainable cotton production – A global vision. I. Crop Improvement held on Nov. 23-25, 2004 at UAS, Dharwad. Abstract, pp.476.
- Waghmare, V.N . Waghmare, D.N. and Salame, R.V. (2005). A virescent chlorophyll mutant in desi cotton ( Gossypium arboreum L.). International Symposium on Strategies for sustainable cotton production – A global vision. I. Crop Improvement held on Nov. 23-25, 2004 at UAS, Dharwad. Abstract, pp.460.
- Waghmare, V.N. (2009). Molecular mapping and marker assisted selection (MAS) for fibre quality traits in cotton. A paper presented in the National Symposium on Bt Cotton: Opportunities and Prospects held on October 17-19, 2009 at Nagpur. Abst. Pp 38.
- Sutar, S.R., Thakre, P.B., Sapkal, D.R. Patil, B.R. and Waghmare, V.N. (2009). Comparative assessment of microsatellite and RAPD markers and their efficiency in DNA fingerprinting of upland cotton ( G. hirsutum L.). A paper presented in the National Symposium on Bt Cotton: Opportunities and Prospects held on October 17-19, 2009 at Nagpur. Abst. Pp 39.
- Sapkal, D.R., Sutar, S.R., Thakre, P.B., Patil, B.R. and Waghmare, V.N. (2009). Genetic diversity analysis of maintainer and restorer lines in upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) A paper presented in the National Symposium on Bt Cotton: Opportunities and Prospects held on October 17-19, 2009 at Nagpur. Abst. Pp 38.
Research Projects:
- Improvement of upland cotton for GOT and fibre properties through population improvement approaches. (Institute Project, PI).
- Molecular mapping of fibre quality and lint yield traits: Construction of a framework linkage map in desi cotton ( Gossypium spp.) – A DBT funded project, for Rs. 45.25 lakhs, PI).
- Molecular mapping of fibre quality trait QTL’s and marker assisted selection (MAS) in upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) – A DST funded project, for Rs. 18.60 lakhs, PI).
- Molecular characterization of Gossypium germplasm – A TMC project, as Co-PI
Projects Completed:
- Improvement of medium long to extra-long staple fibre quality suitable for high speed spinning (TMC Project, MMI-1.2, CCPI, 2000-2007).
- Promotion of productive high quality Gossypium arboreum cotton to meet the needs of marginal cultivators of rainfed ecosystem vis-Ã -vis textile industry (NATP Project RCPS-7, CCPI) April, 2000 to March 31, 2005.
- Integrated project on study and development of high yielding coloured linted cotton with desirable traits. (ICAR funded Adhoc project, Co- PI,1996-99).
- Induced mutations for improving adaptability and yield attributes with reference to G. barbadense cv. Suvin and G. arboreum cv. Y1 (Institute Project, PI, 1995-2002).
Major Contribution in the Professional Field
Dr. Waghmare had been awarded BOYSCAST Fellowship (2001-02) by Department of Science and technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi. Under the BOYSCAST Fellowship Program at University of Georgia, Athens, USA from March 27, 2002 to November 26, 2003. He worked on Cotton Genome Mapping and developed comparative genetic linkage map ( Gossypium hirsutum x Gossypium tomentosum ) in cotton. The map comprises of 589 loci in 52 linkage groups and total recombination length of 4259.4 cM. This map identifies structural rearrangements particularly terminal paracentric inversion on the chromosome 3, 10 and 15 that differentiate the present map from barbadense map. About 123 probes detected duplicate loci those mapped on 271 locations on the map. Nectarilessness a important characteristic that distinguishes a hawaiin endemic cotton ( G. tomentosum ) from other cottons was mapped as a discrete marker (Ne1) and located in the central region of chromosome 26. About 16 QTL loci associated with 11 morphological traits have been mapped on different chromosomes of tomentosum map. identified introgression from wild species G. tomentosum into cultivated cotton G. hirsutum in backcross (Bc3) populations. About 27.33% tomentosum loci showed introgression in the recurrent G. hirsutum background. The cotton fibre quality genes have also been mapped on particular chromosomes using mapping population developed from mutant genotypes. This research has paved the way for positional cloning of the candidate genes controlling fibre characteristics. Identification of duplicate genes in the diploid D genome led to identification of duplicate chromosome segments in Gossypium genome. In addition to this, he has developed good breeding material in Cotton (at CICR, Nagpur). Sveral entries/ advanced cultures have been evaluated and promoted in AICCIP trials. Identified three macromutants and studies inheritance of changed traits-
- a) dwarf bushy mutant,
- b) dwarf crumpled leaf mutant, and
- c) viresense chlorophyll mutant.
These mutants can be very well used as marker characters in genetic as well as molecular mapping and also as parents to reduce plant height in tall growing G. arboreum. Worked out inheritance of lint colour. Identified an independent new locus Lc 5 B responsible for light brown lint colour in upland cotton. Using aneuploids, i.e.monosonic and ditelosomic lines of Chinese Spring, identified 3 genes located on long arm of chromosomes 2A, 3A and 6B which imparts susceptibility to hexaploid bread wheat in homizygous condition . Identified mechanisms of resistance against loose smut i.e. embryonic resistance (Class 1), plumular bud resistance (Class 2) and adult plant resistance (Class 3)
Mutation studies in Lathyrus
- Mutagenic sensitivity of Gamma rays and EMS , spectrum and frequency of induced chlorophyll mutations and enlarged induced variability for yield components.
- Rare fibrous root mutants
- An induced fasciated macromutant -a first report of induced fasciation in Lathyrus .