![]() Principal Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Address: Division of Crop Improvement ICAR – Central Institute for Cotton Research Post Bag No. 2, Shankar Nagar P.O., Nagpur 440 010, Maharashtra, INDIA Phone Office: 07103-275549 (Extn: 416) Fax: 07103-275529 Email: sunil.mahajan@icar.gov.in, mahsunil@gmail.com |
- Seed Production, Seed Storage & Quality Improvement, Germplasm Collection, Conservation, Evaluation, Documentation and Maintenance of Gossypium Spp.
- Patent has been granted for the invention “Jaisalmeri preserve and candy from fruit of Toosh (Citrullus colocynthis)” on 25.04.2017 vide Patent No. 282751 & Appl. No. 1381/DEL/2008.
Designation | Year | Institution |
Principal Scientist | 12-Aug.-2016 till date | ICAR-CICR Nagpur |
Senior Scientist | 01-May-2015 to 11-Aug.-2016 | ICAR-CICR Nagpur |
Senior Scientist | 12-Aug.-2008 to 30-April-2015 | ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur |
Scientist, Senior Scale | 08-May-2006 to 11-Aug.-2008 | ICAR-CAZRI, RRS, Jaisalmer |
Scientist | 08-May-2002 to 07-May-2006 | ICAR-CAZRI, RRS, Jaisalmer |
Crop Improvement: Germplasm: NGP, CBE, SRS – Detailed catalogue of germplasm (all four species) of CICR; NBPGR submission; Germplasm registration, etc.
- “Cotton Germplasm Catalogue-II” authored by Meena, R.A, Monga, D., Waghmare, V.N., Mahajan, Sunil S., Hasan, Hamid, Sain, S.K., Tuteja, O.P., Verma, S.K., Kumar, Rishi and Singh, Amarpreet (2019) published by ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Sirsa. Binaca Printing Press, Sirsa, Haryana-125055 India.
Seed Technology Research: Breeder Seed Production; Quality Improvement: DUS Testing:
- Maintaining production and productivity under adverse environmental stresses is probably the major challenge facing since long in all cotton growing areas of the world. Study on exogenous application of chemicals/plant growth hormones is of vital important for improving the yield, quality and ultimately the value of seed products and opens the possibility for significant value-adding attributes into the seed. This has led to conducting many researches on foliar application of nutrients, PGR’s and other chemicals to enhance the quality seed production in cotton. The initial results indicated that Glycine Betaine (4 mM) and Putrescine (4 mM) could be one of the few chemicals that can increase the total number of bolls per plant, boll weight, lint per plant, seed yield per plant, seed cotton yield per plant, and also seed quality traits.
- Scientific storage is an essential determinant for small holder farmers, researchers, gene bank holders and commercial seed industry to supply timely quality seed. The knowledge of cotton seed storability is essential to avoid loss of valuable genetic stocks, unsold commercial seed stocks, carry over seed stock and unused breeding cultures to be sown in subsequent sowing season. Some researches done at the institute indicated that proper storage at cold conditions, modified atmospheric gaseous condition (CO2, N2 and Argon) or vacuum container or air tight container containing zeolite beads exhibited higher seed quality and emhanced shelf life of cotton seeds.
- Plant architecture greatly influences ease of agronomic management, including harvest, light-energy production and utilization, light interception and radiation use efficiency in the crop canopy. An optimal canopy structure is important for achieving a better plant growth, high biomass production and partitioning, high plant photosynthesis high cottonseed yield and maximum crop yield potential in cotton. Plant growth regulators, particularly growth retardants (PGR) may also enhance crop productivity by maintaining internal hormonal balance and improving sink-source relationships. The results indicated that Side Shoot Removal, MC 500 ppm, Detoping+Side Shoot Removal followed by Detoping exhibited significantly highest seed quality in long linted desi cotton.
Lecture Notes:
- Oral Presentation: Saravanan, M., Sunil S. Mahajan and V.N. Waghmare (2019). Conservation of cotton (G. arboreum race cernuum) in North-East India: Problems and Prospects. In: Souvenir & Abstract: “Strengthening of Seed Systems in the North Eastern and Unreached Regions-Problems, Prospects and Policies” Organised by Indian Society of Seed Technology during February 3-5, 2019 at ICAR Research Complex for North Eastern Hill Region- Manipur Centre, Imphal. 199-200 pp.
- Oral Presentation: Sunil S. Mahajan, M. Saravanan, V. N. Waghmare and Harish B. Kumbhalkar (2019). Prospects of Indian Cotton in Global Market. In: “Global Organic Convention-2019 on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health and Quality Food”, held at Hotel Le Meridien, Nagpur on September, 15-17, 2019 organised by Society of Agriculture Research & Development, Dr. PDKV, Akola, 60-66 pp.
- Kumawat, R.N.; Mahajan, Sunil S.; Mertia, R.S.; Mertia, Dalip Singh; Meena; Mangi Lal and Prajapati, C.P. 2005. Bijopchar dwara fasalon ka visham paristhitiyon se bachao. Rajasthan Kheti-Pratap, Vol. (4): 14-16.
- Mahajan, S. S.; Mertia, R.S.; Santra, Priyabrata, Kandpal, B.K. and Prajapati, C.P. 2005. Rajasthan main Sonamukhi ki unnat kheti. Rajasthan Kheti-Pratap, Vol. 1(12):1-3.
- Mahajan, Sunil S. (2016). Raising cotton seedlings in the nursery for transplantation in the field – an innovative technique. Cotton Innovate: Issue: 3, (3): 1-2.
- डॉ. सुनील एस. महाजन, डॉ. एस. एम. पालवे आणि डॉ. व्ही. एन. वाघमारे (२०१८). महाराष्ट्रातील कापसाच्या नवीन / सुधारित जाती. शेतकरी, २: १८-२३.
- डॉ. जयंत एच. मेश्राम, डॉ. सिद्धार्थ वासनिक, डॉ. सुनील एस. महाजन, आणि डॉ. विजय एन. वाघमारे (२०१८). भारतात बीटी कापसावर गुलाबी बोंडअळीचा प्रादुर्भाव : कारणे आणि उपाययोजना. शेतकरी, ३: १२-१३.
- Sunil Mahajan, S.M. Palve, S. B. Singh, T. R. Loknathan, Vinita Gotmare, D. V. Patil, M. Saravanan, H. B. Santosh, V. Santhy, P. R. Vijayakumari and V. N. Waghmare (2018). New and Improved Varieties of Cotton in Maharashtra. In: Kapus Utpadan & Vyavasthapan Tantradnyan. 6-15 pp.
- Sunil S. Mahajan, Vijaykumari, V. Santhy and Harish Kumbhalkar (2019). Seed Production Technologies in Cotton. In: Smarnika, “Kapus: Utpadan va Vyavasthapan Tantradnyan”, Published by ICAR-CICR, Nagpur, 19-22 pp.
- Sunil S. Mahajan, Vijaykumari and V. Santhy (2019). Post Harvest Processing Techniques in Cottonseed. In: Smarnika, “Kapus: Utpadan va Vyavasthapan Tantradnyan”, Published by ICAR-CICR, Nagpur, 23-25 pp.
- V. N. Waghmare, S.M. Palve, Sunil S. Mahajan and T. R. Loknathan (2019). Long Linted Deshi New and Improved Long Linted Deshi Cotton Varieties of Maharashtra. In: Smarnika, “Kapus: Utpadan va Vyavasthapan Tantradnyan”, Published by ICAR-CICR, Nagpur, 01-04 pp.
- G. Balasubramani, J. Amudha and Sunil S. Mahajan (2019). Biosafety of Genetically Modified Transgenic Cotton. In: Smarnika, “Kapus: Utpadan va Vyavasthapan Tantradnyan”, Published by ICAR-CICR, Nagpur, 15-18 pp.
Conference Papers:
- Presented paper on “Biochemical and physiological attributes of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) in relation to panchgavya and plant leaf extracts in arid western Rajasthan”. Authored by Mahajan, Sunil S., Kumawat, R. N., Kandpal, B.K. and Mertia, R. S. at “3rd National Symposium on Enhancing Productivity, Nutritional Security and Export Potential through Arid Legumes” held CAZRI, Jodhpur during June, 28-30, 2008.
- Presented paper on “Production of Quality Seeds and Planting Materials of Crops, Horticulture, Forestry and Grasses under Rainfed Situation in Arid Region” authored by Sunil S. Mahajan, A. Henry, P. P. Rohilla, R. S. Mertia, R. K. Beniwal, Devi Dayal, L. N. Harsh, S. K. Jindal, O. P. Yadav, Raj Singh, P. R. Meghwal, M. P. Rajora, D. V. Singh, S. S. Rao, N. D. Yadav and Bhagirath Ram at Conference on “International Conference on Nurturing Arid Zones for People and the Environments: Issues and Agenda for the 21st Century”, organized by AZRAI, Jodhpur, ICAR, New Delhi held at CAZRI, Jodhpur from Nov., 24-25, 2009.
- Presented paper on “Yield economics of Cluster bean under foliar application of Panchgavya and Leaf extracts of endemic plants” authored by Kumawat, R. N., Sunil S. Mahajan and Mertia, R.S. (2009) at “International Conference on Nurturing Arid Zones for People and the Environments: Issues and Agenda for the 21st Century”, organized by AZRAI, Jodhpur and ICAR, New Delhi during November, 24-25, 2009. At CAZRI, Jodhpur.
- Presented paper on “Organic vis a vis inorganic intervention to enhance quality seed yield in Cotton” authored by Santhy, V., Sunil Mahajan, Puttawar, Megha R. and Vijaya Kumari, P. R. (2019) at “Global Organic Convention-2019 on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health and Quality Food”, held at Hotel Le Meridien, Nagpur on September, 15-17, 2019 organised by Society of Agriculture Research & Development, Dr. PDKV, Akola, 267 pp.
- Presented paper on “Collection Characterization and Utilization of desi cotton (Gossypium arboreum) from different agroecological regions of India in the climate change era” authored by Saravanan, M., Misra, R. C., Mahajan, Sunil S. and Waghmare, V. N. (2019) at “Global Organic Convention-2019 on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health and Quality Food”, held at Hotel Le Meridien, Nagpur on September, 15-17, 2019 organised by Society of Agriculture Research & Development, Dr. PDKV, Akola, 175 pp.
- Presented paper on “Conservation of cotton (G. arboreum race cernuum) in North-East India: Problems and Prospects” authored by Saravanan, M., Sunil Mahajan and V.N. Waghmare (2019), In: “Strengthening of Seed Systems in the North Eastern and Unreached Regions-Problems, Prospects and Policies” Organized by Indian Society of Seed Technology during February 3-5, 2019 at ICAR Research Complex for North Eastern Hill Region- Manipur Centre, Imphal. 199-200 pp.
- Presented paper on “Prospects of Indian Cotton in Global Market” authored by Sunil S. Mahajan, M. Saravanan, V. N. Waghmare and Harish B. Kumbhalkar (2019), In: “Global Organic Convention-2019 on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health and Quality Food”, held at Hotel Le Meridien, Nagpur on September, 15-17, 2019 organised by Society of Agriculture Research & Development, Dr. PDKV, Akola, 60-66 pp.
Book Chapters:
- Varshney, J. L.; Mahajan, Sunil, S.; Sharma, S. P. and Gaur, Ashok. 2001. Effect of fungicidal treatments on seed quality of two maize hybrids and their parental lines during storage. In: Seed Technology and Seed Pathology (Eds. T. Singh and K. Agrawal). Pointer Publisher, Jaipur. Pp 182-199.
- Kumawat, R. N., Mahajan, Sunil S., Santra, Priyabrata and Mertia, R. S. 2005. Standardization of Germination methods for cultivation of colocynth (Citrullus colocynth L.) A medicinal Herb of Desert. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on “Botanical Products in New Millenium Development and Challenges”. Department of Chemistry, Rajasthan Univ., Jaipur. Pp 32-34.
- Mahajan, Sunil S., Kumawat, R. N., Mertia, R. S. and Kandpal, B. K. 2006. Effect of Fruit Size and Stage of Harvest on Germination of Colocynthis (Citrullus colocynthis). In: Proceedings of the International Conference & Expo. On “Botanical Products, Innovation, Challenges, Problems, Solutions and Trans-national Marketing”. Department of Chemistry, Rajasthan Univ., Jaipur. Pp 82-84.
- Kumawat, R. N., Mahajan, Sunil S., Mertia, R. S. and Prajapati, C. P. 2006. Citrullus colocynthis: A Marvel Herb for Botanicals and Food Products from Desertic Flora. In: Proceedings of the International Conference & Expo. On “Botanical Products, Innovation, Challenges, Problems, Solutions and Trans-national Marketing”. Department of Chemistry, Rajasthan Univ., Jaipur. Pp 60-62.
- Mahajan, Sunil S., Kumawat, R. N., Kandpal, B.K. and Mertia, R. S. 2008. Response of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L) to Panchgavya & plant leaf extracts in arid western Rajasthan. In: Proceedings of National Workshop on Spices and Aromatic Plants (Eds. Z. S. Solanki, G. N. Parihar, B. S. Rathore and S. R. Kumhar) published by ARS, RAU, Mandore, Rajasthan- 342004. Pp. 308-311.
- Kumawat, R. N. Mahajan, Sunil S. Kandpal, B.K. and Mertia, R. S. 2009. Response of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) to panchgavya and plant leaf extracts in arid western Rajasthan. In: “Legumes in Dry Areas” (Eds. D. Kumar, A. Henry & K. P. R. Vittal), Scientific Publisher (India), Jodhpur-342001. pp. 294-299.
- Rajora, M. P., Patidar, M., & Mahajan, Sunil S. 2009. Effect of pre-sowing seed treatments on seed germination, plant establishment and yield of moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia). In: “Legumes in Dry Areas” (Eds. D. Kumar, A. Henry & K. P. R. Vittal), Scientific Publisher (India), Jodhpur-342001. pp. 219-224.
- Mertia, R. S., Kandpal, B. K., Kumawat, R. N. and Mahajan, Sunil S. 2009. Performance of promising mothbean genotypes in extreme arid environment. In: “Legumes in Dry Areas” (Eds. D. Kumar, A. Henry & K. P. R. Vittal), Scientific Publisher (India), Jodhpur-342001. pp 111-116.
- Kandpal, B. K., Mertia, R. S., Kumawat, R. N. and Mahajan, Sunil S. 2009. Performance of mothbean + pearl millet intercropping system as influenced by delayed sowing in extreme arid environment. In: “Legumes in Dry Areas” (Eds. D. Kumar, A. Henry & K. P. R. Vittal), Scientific Publisher (India), Jodhpur-342001. pp. 240-247.
- Khan, M.S., Patil, N.V., Patel, A.K., Harsh, L.N. Khan, H.A., Tewari, J.C., Meghwal, P.R., Kondiah, N., Azam, M.M., Raghvender, S., Shakyawar, D.B., Gupta, N.P., Karim, S.A., Mertia, R.S., Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, S.S., Singh, S.K., Pathak, R., Bhansali, R.R., Vir, S., Singh, J.P., Rathore, V.S., Soni, M.L., Tewari, P. and Malviya, P.K. 2009. Value addition in farm produce. (in): Trends in Arid Zone Research in India (eds. Amal kar, B.K. Garg, M.P. Singh and S. Kathju). Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur pp. 383-410.
- Bhatt, R. K., Mahajan, Sunil S. and Rajora, M. P. 2012. Production of quality seeds in cultivated crops and grasses of arid region. In: Compendium on achievements of ICAR Seed Project, “Seed Production in Agricultural Crops and Fisheries”. Published by DSR, Mau. Pp 48-53.
- Bhatt, R. K. and Mahajan, Sunil S. 2013. Collection, extraction, processing and storage of tree seeds to produce quality planting materials. In: Training Manual on “Nursery Management” Compiled and Edited by P. Ratha Krishnan, Rajwant K. Kaliaand Akath Singh. Organized by Division of Integrated Land Use Management and Farming Systems, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur – 342003, Rajasthan during 20th – 22nd February, 2013. Pp 19-28.
- Sunil Mahajan, S.M. Palve and V.N. Waghmare (2018). Status and Prospects of Cottonseed Oil in India. In: Souvenir: National Conference of Oilseeds (NCOS2018), “ENHANCING PRODUCTIVITY OF OILSEEDS IN CHANGING CLIMATE SCENARIO” 7-9 April, 2018, ICAR- DGR, Junagadh 362001, Gujarat, India. Published by Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad ICAR-Directorate of Groundnut Research, Junagadh 362001, Gujarat. Art India Printer, Junagadh. Pp 83-94.
- Sunil S. Mahajan, M. Saravanan, V. N. Waghmare and Harish B. Kumbhalkar (2019). Prospects of Indian Cotton in Global Market. In: Oral Paper & Extended Summaries, “Global Organic Convention-2019 on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health and Quality Food”, held at Hotel Le Meridien, Nagpur on September, 15-17, 2019 organised by Society of Agriculture Research & Development, Dr. PDKV, Akola, 60-66 pp.
- Saravanan, M. Chandrashekar, N and Mahajan, Sunil (2019). Principles and Practices of Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis in Cotton. In: “Compendium of Lectures and Training Manual”, ICAR Short Course on Molecular Approaches for Cotton Improvement held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur from September 19-28, 2019. 68-75 pp.
- Meshram, Jayant H., Mahajan, Sunil S., Nagrale, Dipak, Gokte-Narkhedkar Nandini and Kumbhalkar Harish (2021). Understanding Root Biology for Enhancing Cotton Production [Online First], IntechOpen, pp. 1-35. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.95547
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, S.S. & Mertia, R.S. (2009). Dry matter partitioning, nutrient content and uptake by Colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis) in relation to spacing and nitrogen under rainfed conditions. Annals of Arid Zone, 48 (2): 119-123. (A 141:2.62)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, S.S. and Mertia, R.S. (2009). Growth and development of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) under foliar application of panchgavya and leaf extracts of endemic plants. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 54 (3): 324-331. (I024: 5.0).
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, Sunil S. and Mertia, R.S. (2009). Effect of intra row spacing and nitrogen on yield and yield attributes of colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis L) under rainfed conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79 (4): 298-301. (NAAS Rating 2015: I022: 6.00).
- Kumawat, R.N., Mertia, R.S. & Mahajan, S.S. (2010). Comparative performance of groundnut-cumin and cluster bean-cumin cropping systems under foliar application of panchgavya in western Rajasthan. Annals of Arid Zone, 49 (1): 31-38. (A 141:2.62)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan S.S., Mertia R.S. (2010). Effect of spacing and nitrogen on productivity and nitrogen use indices of colocynth under rainfed condition. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 67 (4): 317-322. (I056: 6.11)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan S.S., B.K. Kandpal and Mertia R.S. (2010). Effect of intra row spacing and nitrogen on growth and physiology of colocynth grown on desert soils. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 67 (4): 470-473. (I056: 6.11)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, S.S. & Mertia, R.S. (2011). Growth and yield of Clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) grown on light-textured soils with foliar application of fermented panchgavya. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 81 (3): 230-235. (NAAS Rating 2015: I022: 6.00)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, S.S., Mertia, R.S. And Meena, O.P. (2012). Green agriculture cultivation of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) with foliar applied plant leaf extract and soil applied panchgavya. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82 (4): 376–380, April 2012. (NAAS Rating 2015: I022: 6.0)
- Mahajan, S.S. and Kumawat, R.N. (2013). Study of Seed Dormancy in Colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis L.) with After-Ripening of Fruits, Seed Extraction Procedures and Period of Seed Storage. National Academy Science Letters, 36 (4): 373-378. (N009: 6.24)
- Rajora, M.P., Mahajan, S.S., Bhatt, R.K., Jindal S.K. & Roy, M.M. (2016). Response of Genotypes to Cutting Management for Seed Yield in Cenchrus ciliaris Under Hot Arid Conditions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B: Biol. Sci., 86 (2): 455-462. (P128: 6.00)
- Shantharaja, C.S., Mahajan, S.S., Rajora, M.P. and Bhatt, R.K. (2016). Effect of Sowing Dates, Plant Density, Seed Treatment and Fertilizers on Performance and Quality Seed Production in Mungbean [Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek]. VEGETOS: An International Journal of Plant Research, 29 (2):10-12. (NAAS Rating: 6.00).
- Kumawat, R.N., Misra, A.K., Mounir, L., Mahajan, S.S. and Venkatesan, K. (2017). Seed germination behaviour as influenced by physical and chemical treatments in Grewia tenax (Forssk.). Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry, 38 (1): 134-138. (NAAS Rating: 6.39).
- Mahajan, Sunil S.; Guar, Ashok; Sinha, S.N.; Gopal, Madhuban; Sinha, J.P. & Sharma O.K. (2004). Persistence and efficacy of seed protectants on maize seed stored under ambient and controlled conditions. Seed Research, 32(1): 76-83. (S032: 4.72)
- Kandpal, B.K., Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, Sunil S. & Mertia, R.S. (2008). Moisture stress management behaviour of Moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia) as influenced by planting pattern and urea foliar application. Journal of Arid Legumes, 5 (1): 33-37. (J191: 3.19)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan S.S. & Mertia, R.S. (2009). Response of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) to ‘panchgavya’ and plant leaf extracts in arid western Rajasthan. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crop, 18 (2): 92–99. (J480: 4.85)
- Kumawat, Ram Narayan, Rathore, Praveen Singh & Mahajan, Sunil S. (2009). Dry matter partitioning and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) with sulphur and iron nutrition. Journal of Arid Legumes, 6 (1): 52-56. (J191: 3.19)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, S.S. & Mertia, R.S. (2010). Growth and yield of groundnut in relation to soil application of ‘panchgavya’ and foliar spray of endogenous plant leaf extracts. Journal of Food Legumes, 32 (2):124-127. (J191: 3.19)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, S.S. & Mertia, R.S. (2010). Response of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) to foliar application of panchgavya grown on light textured soils of Indian Thar Desert. Environment and Ecology, 28(4): 2404-2409. (E054: 4.09)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, S.S., Mertia, R.S. & Sinha, N.K. (2010). Response of colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis L.) to different level of nitrogen and spacing grown on desert soils of Jaisalmer. Environment and Ecology, 28(4): 2381-2385. (E054: 4.09)
- Mahajan, S. S., Kumawat, R.N. & Mertia, R.S. (2011). Organic seed production of Clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) with foliar application of panchgavya and plant leaf extracts. Seed Research, 39 (1): 28-33. (S032: 4.72)
- Mahajan, Sunil S. Kumawat, R.N. & Mertia, R.S. (2012). Organic seed production of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) with foliar application of Panchgavya and plant leaf extracts in arid western Rajasthan. International J. Seed Spices, 2 (2): 19-26. (I214: 3.6)
- Mahajan, Sunil S., Henry, A. & Bhatt, R.K. (2013). Effect of pre-sowing seed treatments on seedling emergence, seed yield and yield attributes of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L). International J. Seed Spices, 3 (1): 36-40. (I214: 3.6)
- Kumawat, R.N., Mahajan, S.S. & Santra, P. (2013). Effect of Panchgavya on soil chemical properties of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) rhizosphere and crop productivity in western Rajasthan. Journal of Food Legumes, 26 (1&2): 39-43. (J191: 3.19)
- Saravanan, M., Misra, R. C., Mahajan, S. S., Mohan, P. and Waghmare, V. N. (2021). Exploration, Characterization and Conservation of Cotton (Gossypium spp.) Encompassing Colour Cotton from Tripura, India. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 10(02):3007-3016. https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2021.1002.329
- Tamboli, Mayuri, Mawle, Sushil, Saravanan, M., Mahajan, S. S. and Waghmare, V. N. (2021). Molecular Characterization of Germplasm Accessions of G. hirsutum using SSR Markers. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 10(03):324-331. https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2021.1003.043
- Saravanan, M., Misra, R. C., Mahajan, S. S., Patil, D. V. and Waghmare, V. N. (2021). Morphological and molecular characterization of desi cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.) landraces collected from different states of India. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, Vol. 12(1):142-150. https://doi.org/10.37992/2021.1201.021
- A Hindi bulletin entitled, “सेवण घास: उत्पादन एवम प्रबन्धन” (Sewan Ghas: Utpadan avam Prabandhan) published by Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur in 2012 and authored by राजोरा, एम. पी., भट्ट, आर. के., महाजन, सुनिल एस. और रॉय, एम. एम. (Rajora, M. P., Bhatt, R. K., Mahajan, Sunil S. and Roy, M. M.) (Total pages 1-28).
Research Reports
- AICCIP Central Zone Panel Meeting on13-14 May 1993 at PunjabraoKrishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharastra.
- IX All India Seed Seminar on Seed Storage Packing and Marketing, December 7-9, 1994 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003.
- G.V.Chalam Memorial Lecture on 21.12.1994 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Coimbatore-641003.
- XIII Annual group meeting, National Seed Project (Crops) held at University of Mysore, Mysore, May 2-4, 1998.
- XIV Annual group meeting, National Seed Project (Crops) held at University of Dharwad, Dharwad, Feb. 15-17, 1999.
- XV Annual groups meeting of National seed project (Crops) Held at Agricultural Research Station of Rajasthan Agricultural University. Durgapura. Jaipur, Feb., 15 – 17, 2000.
- XVI Annual group meeting of National seed project (Crops) Held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3 between March 8-10, 2001.
- “XI th National Seed Seminar on Quality Seed to Enhance Agricultural Profitability “at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, January 18 to 20, 2002.
- Annual group meeting of AICCIP held at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, on 19-21, March 2002.
- National Seminar on the “Protection of plant varieties under the UPOV convention” organized by the international union for the protection of New varieties of plants (UPOV) and the department of Agriculture & Cooperation of India, held at the Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad from 25.2.2002 to 26.2.2002.
- Group meeting of the project scientist TMC-MMB1 “Maintenance of genetic purity of released varieties and parents of hybrid” held at Main Cotton Research Station, Gujarat Agril. Univ., Athwa farm, Surat on 4.5.2001
- XVIII Annual group meeting of National Seed Project (Crops) held at MPUA&T, Udaipur from 1- 3, March 2003.
- Attended Annual group meeting of All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement project from 3.4.2003 to 5.4.2003 held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003.
- Attended the group meeting of all CCPI of TMC-MM 1.5 “Maintenance breeding, seed production and marker based purity evaluation” to be held on 12.8.2003 at Main cotton research station, GAU, Athwa farm, Surat.
- XIX Annual Group Meeting of National Seed Project (Crops) Organised at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, March 1-3, 2004.
- National Conference on Seed: A global perspective held at National Agricultural Science Center, DPS Margh, Pusa, New Delhi-12 Organized by Indian Society of Seed Technology, Division of Seed Science and Technology, IARI, New Delhi 110012.
- Annual group meeting of the project ”Preparation for the plant variety protection and DUS testing through ICAR-SAU System” organized on September 30th – October 1st 2004 in the Auditorium of National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New delhi-12. Organized by Project Coordinator, National Seed Project (Crops), New Delhi-12.
- National Seminar on Plant Physiology: Physiological basis of Agricultural, Horticultural and Medicinal Plants Productivity held from December 27 to 29, 2004 at the Department of Botany, University of Pune, Pune-411 007, and presented a paper on Polymer and Pesticide coating on cotton seed improves viability, vigour and longevity.
- Attended XX annual group meeting of NSP (Crops), held from 17 to 19, February 2005 at the Department of Seed Science & Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003
- Attended “National Seminar on Fiber quality standards” on 23rd April, 2005 Organized by SIMA-CDRA, Shanmukha Mandram, Race course, Coimbatore – 641018
- Attended the second dialogue meeting between the authority and the agricultural system in Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Karnataka states on February 1, 2006 convened by Protection of plant varieties and farmers Right Authority, New Delhi and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University at TNAU, Coimbatore- 641 003.
- Attended XXI Annual group meeting of AICRP- National Seed Projects (Crops) held at JNKVV, Jabalpur from May 20 to 22, 2006.
- Attended the meeting of task force II for “Evaluation and Finalization of DUS Test Guidelines of Cotton and other issues relating to plant variety protection” from 26th to 28th September, 2006 at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur- 440 010.
- National workshop on increasing ELS cotton production in India, 6th and 7th October, 2006 Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003, jointly organized by the Directorate of Cotton Development, Mumbai and the Directorate of Agriculture, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- Attended the Final meeting of Task force II meeting for finalization of National test guide lines for cotton on 13.1.2007 at the office of PPV & FR authority, NASC complex, New Delhi.
- National conference on “Seed Quality Control” on 21-22, December,2006 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 3, Organized by National Seed Research and Training Centre, Varanasi and Seed Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003.
- Attended the Annual Breeder Seed Review Meeting on 2.2.2007 held at NBPGR, New Delhi – 12.
- Attended the CCPI’s group meeting of TMC MMI- 1.5 projects from 1.3.2007 to 3.3.2007 organized at CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore – 3.
- Attended the XXII Annual group meeting of AICRP – National Seed Project (Crops) from 24.4.2007 – 26.4.2007 at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
- Attended National level consultation on Agro Biodiversity hot spots and Biodiversity heritage sites on 1-2, June 2007 at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Megalaya, Organised by PPV&FRA, New Delhi and Biodiversity Authority, Chennai.
- Attended National Seminar on “Implecations of the Protection of Plant varieties and Farmers Rights Act 2001 to Forestry sector” on 4.7.2007 and 5.7.2007 at the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore – 641 002.
- Attended “Pre Seasonal area conference – 2007” on 13.7.2007 Organized by Agriculture Man Ecology Foundation, No.661, EVR Salai, K.K.Nagar, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu.
- Attended the XXII Annual group meeting of AICRP – National Seed Project (Crops) from 24.4.2007 – 26.4.2007 at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
- Attended National level consultation on Agro Biodiversity hot spots and Biodiversity heritage sites on 1-2, June 2007 at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Megalaya, Organised by PPV&FRA, New Delhi and Biodiversity Authority, Chennai.
- Attended National Seminar on “Implecations of the Protection of Plant varieties and Farmers Rights Act 2001 to Forestry sector” on 4.7.2007 and 5.7.2007 at the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore – 641 002.
- Attended “Pre Seasonal area conference – 2007” on 13.7.2007 Organized by Agriculture Man Ecology Foundation, No.661, EVR Salai, K.K.Nagar, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu.
- Visited CICR, Sirsa, HAU, Hisar and PAU, Ludhiana for Monitoring DUS facilities and DUS trials from 15.10.2007 to 20.10.2007
- Visited Perambalur (Kunnam) from 4.11.2007 to 5.11.2007 to attend and deliver a talk on “ Management of rain fed cotton” among the FLD cotton farmers on 5.11.2007 organized by Bayer Crop Science Limited, Mumbai
- Visited SIMA-CDRA, Ponneri Farm on16.12.2007along with trainees of Model training course on cultivation of Long staple cotton (ELS)
- Visited Rasi Seeds Pvt.Ltd. Attur on 21.12.2007 to accompany the trainees on the Model training course on cultivation of Long staple cotton (ELS) and discuss various aspects of cotton seed production, processing and storage conditions with M/s Rasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Attur
- Attended the QRT meeting of NSP (Crops) and to present the report at GKVK Bangalore on 27.12.2007 and 28.12.2007 organized Directorate of Seed Research, MAU, UP
- Attended the 13th meeting of State cotton council on 18.2.2008 at Department of Agriculture, Secretariat, Chennai-9.
- Attended the Annual review meeting of Breeder seeds produced during 2006-07 at NASC complex New Delhi on 11.3.2008 under the chairmanship of DDG crop Sciences.
- Attended the preparation of proposal for registration of extant cotton varieties from 8.4.2008 to 11.4.2008 at NBPGR, Pusa campus, New Delhi-12.
- Attended the Institute Research Council meeting (2007-08) at Central Institute for Cotton research, Nagpur from 28.4.2008 to 1.5.2008.
- Attended the “Second DUS test launching function” on 27th May, 2008 at NASC complex, DPS Marg, Opp:Todapur village, New Delhi-12.
- Attended the “Consultation meeting for Nodal Officers of SAU’s for registration of state released varieties” on 28th May, 2008 at NBPGR, Pusa campus, New Delhi-12.
- Attended the Core committee meeting of Tamil Nadu State Cotton Council at the O/o Commissioner of Agriculture, Chepauk, Chennai on 5.8.2008.
- Conducted the Cotton crop breeders meet of Central Zone for preparation of registration proposal of extant cotton varieties under PPV& FR, Act, 2001 on July 10th and 11th of 2008.
- Conducted the Cotton crop breeders meet of North and South Zone for preparation of registration proposal of extant cotton varieties under PPV & FR, Act, 2001 on July 18th and 19th of 2008.
- Acted as an external expert in the committee for the recruitment of SRF under DUS project at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore on 20.10.2008.
- Attended the DUS trial monitoring at CICR, regional Station and acted as monitoring team member on 26.11.2008.
- Attended the DUS trial monitoring along with Dr.A.K.Basu, the Chairman of the monitoring team and Dr.S.Nagarajan, the Chairperson of PPV&FRA at UAS Dharwad on 28.11.2008.
- Conducted viva-voce examination to students of Masters Degree programme (Seed Technology) on 1.12.2008 at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai.
- Attended the Cotton Farmers Awareness programme and delivered a talk on “Techniques to enhance cotton production and productivity” at SIMA-CDRA, Ponneri farm on 6.12.2008.
- Attended the Third High level Technical Committee Meeting on Regulation of Private varieties/hybrids on 15.12.2008 at Agricultural Department, Secretariat, Chennai – 600 009 organized by the State Department of Seed Certification, Coimbatore – 641 013.
- Delivered a lecture on “Techniques of hybrid seed production in Cotton” on 15.12.2008 to the Farmers Vadapudur Village organized at the Seminar hall of CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore under the NAIP programme.
- Attended the IX th Cotton Core Committee meeting of State cotton council at the office of commissionaire of Agriculture, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
- Attended the Project Coordinators/Project Directors meeting of DUS Centers held at SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar, Dantiwada on 8.1.2009 organized by Protection of plant varieties and Farmers Rights Authority, New Delhi.
- Acted as an external expert in the committee for the recruitment of SRF under DUS project at Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore on 29.1.2009.
- Attended the Annual Breeder Seed Review Meeting of breeder seed produced during 2007-08 held at NBPGR, Pusa complex, New Delhi on 24.2.2009.
- Delivered a lecture on the topic “ Tolerance Tables and their utility, calculation and reporting results” on 26.2.2009 during the training programme on “Varietal Purity- Testing of specified traits” held at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur from 23.2.2009 to 27.2.2009 organised by National Seed Research and Training Centre, Varanasi.
- Attended the Discussion And Planning Of DUS Trials for North, Central And South Zones During Kharif 2009 Season. The Meeting Was Held At PPV&FRA, NASC, Todapur, New Delhi On 12.3.2009 In The Presence Of Chairperson, Registrar and the Joint Registrar PPV&FRA.
- Participated and delivered a talk on “Seed management techniques for the enhancement of cotton productivity” at the farmer’s workshop meeting at Annur taluk of Coimbatore district on 28.3.2009 organized by the State Department of Agriculture under Intensive Cotton Development programme of TMC MM-II.
- Attended the XXIV Annual group meeting of AICRP – National Seed Project (Crops) from April 2-4, 2009 at organized at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003.
- Participated in one day seminar on “IPR, PPV&FR and Biological Diversity acts” and delivered a lecture on topic “The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, 2001 and DUS test in Cotton” at the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore, on 4.9.2009 organised by Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore-2
- Attended the XXX Annual Group Meeting, AICRP- National Seed Project (Crops) held at Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres, Barrackpore during May, 4-6, 2010 and presented the Annual Progress report of Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore-3
- Attended the Annual breeder Seed review meeting of breeder seed produced during 2008-09 held at NBPGR, PUSA complex, New Delhi-12 on 24.4.2010 under the chairmanship of ADG (Commercial crops) and participated in discussion on various aspects of problems of breeder seed production and distribution and price fixation.
- Undergone training in the International programme on Plant Variety Protection and DUS testing for Indian Experts at The National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), Cambridge, UK from 28.6.2010 to 9.7.2010.
- Attended the 16th meeting of the Technical committee of Central Seed Certification Board on 15th July 2010 at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi under the chairmanship of Agriculture Commissioner, Government of India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation and participated in the discussion of Bt. Cotton seed quality regulations.
- Attended the workshop to review the conduct of DUS test for the period 2007-2010 at NAARM Hyderabad on 11-12, August, 2010 and to present the progress of work done under DUS project (Conduct of DUS test, Recording of DUS characters and maintenance of reference varieties in cotton)
- Attended the QRT meeting of Directorate of Seed Research, MAU organized at ANGRAU between 12-13, August 2010 and to present the work done under National Seed Project 9Crops) and Distinctiveness Uniformity and Stability testing of cotton.
- AS nodal officer of DUS project, to attend the monitoring team visit of DUS trials of CCSHAU, Hisar and PAU Ludhiana along with Dr.K.koodalingam, Professor Plant Breeding and genetics (Retired), TNAU, The Chairman of DUS monitoring team for cotton. Monitoring 8.9.2010 at CCSHAU, Hisar and 9.9.2010 at PAU, Ludhiana.
- AS nodal officer of DUS project, to attend the monitoring team visit of DUS trials of CICR, Nagpur and UAS Dharwad along with Dr.K.Koodalingam, Professor (Retired), TNAU, the Chairman of DUS monitoring team for cotton. Monitoring 25.10.2010 at CICR, Nagpur and 27.10.2010 at UAS,Dharwad.
- Deliver a talk on “PVP & FR Act and DUS Guidelines”(theory) and Tolerance Tables and their utility, calculation and reporting results(Practical) ” on 03.02.11 at 11.30-17.00hrs during the National Training on “Molecular Characterization of GMOs and its Purity Testing” to be held during January 18th February 7th 2011 at CICR, NAGPUR.
- Attended the Annual breeder Seed review meeting of breeder seed produced during 2009-10 held at NBPGR, PUSA complex, New Delhi-12 on 14.2.2011 under the chairmanship of DDG (Crop Science) and participated in discussion on various aspects of problems of breeder seed production and distribution and price fixation.
- Attended the Annual Progress Review meeting of the project “Implementation of PVP legislation, 2001” to be held at Lecture Hall, NAAS, NASC New Delhi on 25.2.2011 under the chairmanship of Chairperson PPV&FRA, New Delhi, and presented the progress report on the title “DUS Testing in Cotton & Establishing distinctiveness”.
- Participated in the Annual group meeting of the AICCIP from 8.4.2013 to 10.4.2013 held at MPUAT, Udaipur.
- Attended the 6th Annual Review Meeting of DUS test centers & Projects and for Plant Genome Savior Community Awards function on 21-22, May 2012 at NASC complex, New Delhi.
- Attended the monitoring team visit of cotton DUS trials at CCSHAU, Hisar and PAU Ludhiana on 7th and 8th August 2012,
- Attended the monitoring team visit of cotton DUS trials at CICR, Nagpur on 28.9.2012
- Attended the monitoring team visit of cotton DUS trials at University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad on 2.11.2012 and 3.11.2012.
- Attended the 7th Annual DUS review meeting held at IIVR, Varanasi during 28.2.2013 and 1.3.2013.
- Attended the Meeting of Central Seed Certification Board under the chairmanship of Secretary (A&C), Department of Agriculture and Cooperation on 15th March 2013 in the committee room “Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose” (Room No.142) Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
- Attended National Seminar on 21st National Seminar Scientific Tamil and presented an article on “Indian plant variety protection” organized by Central Institute of Agric Engineering (ICAR) in collaboration with All India Scientific Tamil Association, Tamil University,Thanjavur at held from February 09-10, 2013 at Thavathiru Snathalinga Adigalar Arts and Science, Tamil College, Parur, Coimbatore.
- Attended the annual group meeting of AICCIP held at CCSHAU Hisar between 6-8 April 2011
- Attended the interaction meeting of Project Directors/Project Coordinators meeting on 16th June, 2011 organized at CIAE Bhopal.
- Attended the monitoring of cotton DUS trials of 2011-12 at CCSHAU, Hisar and PAU Ludhiana along with Dr. Dr B B Singh, Ex Head, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi and Dr D S Pilania, the technical officer of PPV&FRA on 12 to 16, September 2011.
- Attended the monitoring of cotton DUS trials of 2011-12 at CICR, Nagpur along with Dr. Dr B B Singh, Ex Head, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi and Sh D S Mishra, the Joint Registrar of PPV&FRA on 4th November 2011.
- Attended and presented the progress report during the 4thReview Meeting of DUS test centres & Projects and 7th Foundation day meeting of PPV&FR authority at Dr B P Pal Auditorium, NBPGR, New Delhi to be held from 11.11.2011 to 12.11.2011
- Attended and presented the progress report during the interactive meeting of scientists visited foreign countries under NAIP. The meeting chaired by DG ICAR and Secretary DARE, to be held from 28.11.2011 to 30.11.2011 at IARI, New Delhi
- Attended the monitoring of cotton DUS trials of 2011-12 at UAS Dharwad along with Dr. Dr B B Singh, Ex Head, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi and Sh Uma kant Dubey , the Deputy Registrar of PPV&FRA on 9th December 2011.
- Attended the annual group meeting of AICCIP held at CCSHAU Hisar between 6-8 April 2011
- Attended the interaction meeting of Project Directors/Project Coordinators meeting on 16th June, 2011 organized at CIAE Bhopal.
- Attended and presented the progress report during the 4thReview Meeting of DUS test centres & Projects and 7th Foundation day meeting of PPV&FR authority at Dr B P Pal Auditorium, NBPGR, New Delhi to be held from 11.11.2011 to 12.11.2011
- Attended and presented the progress report during the interactive meeting of scientists visited foreign countries under NAIP. The meeting chaired by DG ICAR and Secretary DARE, to be held from 28.11.2011 to 30.11.2011 at IARI, New Delhi
- Attended the 6th Annual Review Meeting of DUS test centers & Projects and for Plant Genome Savior Community Awards function on 21-22, May 2012 at NASC complex, New Delhi.
- Attended 21st National Seminar on Scientific Tamil and presented an article on “Indian plant variety protection” organized by Central Institute of Agric Engineering (ICAR) in collaboration with All India Scientific Tamil Association, Tamil University,Thanjavur at held from February 09-10, 2013 at Thavathiru Snathalinga Adigalar Arts and Science, Tamil College, Parur, Coimbatore.
- Attended the 7th Annual DUS review meeting held at IIVR, Varanasi during 28.2.2013 and 1.3.2013.
- Attended the Meeting of Central Seed Certification Board under the chairmanship of Secretary (A&C), Department of Agriculture and Cooperation on 15th March 2013 in the committee room “Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose” (Room No.142) Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
- Participated in the Annual group meeting of the AICCIP from 8.4.2013 to 10.4.2013 held at MPUAT, Udaipur
- Attended the 6th National Seed Congress organized by NSRTC Varanasi and presented an article on Testing and regulation of seed quality in GM crops, as the nominee of Director, CICR, Nagpur. The seminar was held at Indira Gandhi Pratisthan Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow from 12.9.2013 to 14.9.2013.
- Attended the 6th National Seed Congress organized by NSRTC Varanasi and presented an article on Testing and regulation of seed quality in GM crops, as the nominee of Director, CICR, Nagpur. The seminar was held at Indira Gandhi Pratisthan Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow from 12.9.2013 to 14.9.2013.
- For attending the 8th Review Meeting of DUS test centres and for presentation of progress on EDV Testing in Cotton: Genetic and Morphological distances held during 28.2.2014 and 1.3.2014 at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
- Attended First National Conference on Scientific Tamil organized by Tamil Agricultural Science Society, New Delhi at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on 23.8.2014 and Co chaired a session.
- Attended the AICCIP Annual Group meeting held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from 7.4.2014 to 9.4.2014.
- Attended the Essentially Derived Variety Committee meeting at Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority, New Delhi on 5.6.2014.
- Attended the QRT meeting of NSP (Crops) held at UAS Bangalore on 11.12.14 and 12.12.14 and presented the progress report of CICR, Nagpur and Coimbatore on National Seed Project (Crops) and ICAR-Seed Project.
- Attended and presented the progress report of “Implementation of PVP legislation and DUS testing of cotton under ICAR-SAU System” during the Annual progress review meeting held on 9-10th March 2015 at Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh.
- Attended the third meeting of the Expert Group on EDV, held at Committee Room in, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Opp. Todapur Village New Delhi – 110 012 on 17th July 2015 under the Chairmanship of Dr. B.S. Dhillon, Vice-Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
- Attended the 10th Annual Review Meeting of ICAR Seed Project scheduled during 24-25th August 2015 at ICAR Research Complex, Goa, as per the directives of Director, CICR, Nagpur
- Attended the fourth meeting of the Expert Group on EDV, held at NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Opp. Todapur Village, New Delhi – 110 012 on 4th September 2015 under the Chairmanship of Dr. B.S. Dhillon, Vice-Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
- Attended DUS Workshop on the India-Germany Bilateral Cooperation in Seed Sector held during November 23-24, 2015 at NASC complex New Delhi
- Attended the workshop “Forward Thinking for Agricultural Development in Western India”, organized at SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar 8-10 February 2016 in collaboration with NAARM, APAARI, IAITA, AU and Global Forward Thinking Hub of FAO,
- Attended the 10th DUS Annual Review meeting to be held at MPKV, Rahuri during Feb 26-27, 2016.
- Attended the Institute Research Committee (IRC) meeting 2016 held on Thursday, 17th March 2016 to Saturday, 19th March 2016 at CICR Nagpur and to present the annual progress report
- Annual Group Meeting of AICRP on cotton organized at Main Cotton Research Station, Navsary Agricultural University, Surat from 7-9th April, 2016.
- Annual Group Meeting of AICRP – National Seed Project (crops) at KAU Thrissur to be held during 19-21 April 2016 Venu of meeting: NEDUMBASSERY, Near Cochin Air Port, Kerala
- Indo-German Bilateral Co-operation in Seed Sector workshop at NASC complex, New Delhi on 29 and 30th November 2016 organized by PPV&FRA New Delhi
- Annual Group Meeting of DUS projects held at IGKV, Raipur during Feb 27-28, 2017
- Attended workshop on “Take it to Breeders & Researchers- the Plant Breeder’s and Researcher’s Rights through Awareness and Streamlining of Farmers’ Varieties” of PPV&FRA at NASC, New Delhi-12 on 30.6.2016
- Attended the Brain Storming Meet of 50th Year of AICRP on Cotton during November 9-10,2016
- Attended the 22nd meeting of Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC) of Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-7 on 2.1.2017
- Attended the Annual group Meeting of AICRP on cotton held between 8th to 10th April, 2017 Organized at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3.
- Chaired a Technical Session “Seed Science and Technology” on 13.8.2017 in National Conference on Agricultural Scientific Tamil organized by Scientific Tamil Society for Agriculture at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3
- Participated in Group meeting for Specifying sample size and Tolerance level for testing transgene purity of Bt Cotton seed lots on 28.08.2017 at Seed Centre Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3
- Attended review meeting of DUS, submission on seed and planting material under DAC convened by Dr.Smita, Associate professor, IIT Delhi on 30.8.2017 organized at Seed Centre Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3
- Participated in 24th ITMU meeting of Sugarcane breeding Institute, Coimbatore on 16.11.2017
- Attended and presented the annual progress report of DUS project at Annual Group Meeting organized at ICAR-IISR Lucknow form 15.1.2017 to 17.1.2018, Organized by PPV&FR, New Delhi.
- Attended the 38th Scientific advisory committee meeting on 9.4.2018 at ICAR-KVK, Vivekanandapuram, Karamadai, Coimbatore.
- Attended the review meeting of ICAR Regional committee No.VIII on 17.4.2018 at ICAR-Sugarcane breeding Institute, Coimbatore-7
- Attended the meeting of Committee on estimates of parliament with theme on Need for alternative cropping pattern in drought affected area in India held at Coimbatore on 29.6.2018.
- Attended the 16th Review meeting of DUS test centres for Rabi crops” on 26th and 27th September, 2019 at NASC Complex, New Delhi.
- Attended the RAC meeting on 7.12.2019 at CICR Nagpur and presented the progress of research projects and achievement of CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatroe-3.
- Attended the Annual Group meeting of ICAR – AICRP on Cotton for the year 2020-21 held on 09th– 10th April, 2021 through Virtual mode and presented the progress report of DUS.
- Attended the Annual Group meeting of ICAR – NSP (Crops) for the year 2020-21 held on 21st to 22nd April, 2021 Online mode: Zoom platform
- Participated in the national webinar on Contemplative perspective on seed: conservation quality assurance and supply systems organized by ICAR-Indian institute of seed science, Mau, on 10.9.2020
- Participated in the national webinar on innovative Approaches in seed quality maintenance foe successful entrepreneurship held at University of Agricultural sciences, Dharwad on 7.8.2020
- Attended as the DDG nominee for the Departmental promotion committee meeting on 14.7.2021 of Senior Scientist (Seed Science &Technology) at the ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi -534450, West Godavari District, AP
- Attended as ICAR nominee in the departmental Assessment committee meeting held on 28.9.2021 via virtual mode for the promotion of Shri. R Muthuraj, Senior Technical Officer, ICAR-Directorate of Cashew, Puttur-574202, DK, Karnataka.
Trainings undertaken:
- “75th Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Service” in 2002 for 4 months at NAARM, Hyderabad.
- Summer School on “Recent Advances in Agricultural Research Project Management” in 2005 for 21 days NAARM, Hyderabad.
- “Excellence in Research Personality Development” at National Research Centre on Seed Spices, Tabiji, Ajmer from 17-27, September, 2008.
- Refresher Course on “Dynamic of Seed Quality Management for Better Productivity” conducted by the Academy of Agricultural Research and Education Management, Directorate of Human Resource Management, in Collaboration with the Department of Seed Science & Technology, CCSHAU, Hisar from January, 2 to 22, 2009.
- Two days Training cum Seminar program from 31st July 2009 to 1st August 2009 on “Patenting Systems in India” organized by Lachoo Memorial College of Science and Technology, Pharmacy Wing, Jodhpur Sponsored by AICTE.
- Six days training on “Data Analysis Using SAS” of NAIP on “Strengthening Statistical Computing for NARS” at Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur from 10th to 15th January, 2011.
- Four days PVP&FR sponsored training Course on “Conservation of Plant Germplasm including Registered Varieties in Genebank” was attended in the Division of Germplasm Conservation, NBPGR, New Delhi, from 18 to 21 March 2013.
- A training program on “Maintenance Breeding: Training -cum- Exposure Visit” arranged for officials of BSP Centres under NSP in the country which was Jointly organized by ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Karnal & ICAR-Directorate of Seed Research, Mau at IARI Regional Station, Karnal from 26-27 September, 2014.
- Participation in 4 months Hindi training program-“Parangat” at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur from 1st January 2016 to 30th April, 2016.
- Online Training Programme on, “Analysis of Experimental Data using SAS” conducted during November 9-17, 2020 by ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad.
Radio Talk:
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Bhumi Urvarta Avam Mitti Parikshan” aired on All India Radio (AIR) on 18.10.2003
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Masala: Jeera Avam Isabgole Mein Jal Prabandhan” aired on AIR on 06.03.2004.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Fasal Beej Sarakshan Avam Upchar Ki Adhunik Paddhatiya” aired on AIR on 19.03.2004
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Beej Bhandaran Avam Sarakshan Vidhiya” aired on AIR on 16.10.2004.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Moth Fasal Ki Unnat Kismain Avam Visheshtaye” aired on AIR on 27.11.2004.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Kruishi Utpadan Mein Beejopchar Ka Mahatwa” aired on AIR on 09.07.2004.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Santulit Urvarak Avam Jaivik Udpadan Prabandhan” aired on AIR on 05.07.2005.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Rabi Ki Fasalon Mein Sinchai Avam Paudh Saraukshan” aired on AIR on 03.01.2006.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Zaid Ki Fasalon Mein Paudh Saraukshan Karya” aired on AIR on 26.04.2006.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Udyano Mein Labh Ke Liye Kya Lagaye” aired on AIR on 15.07.2006.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Methi Ki Unnat Kheti” aired on AIR on 12.11.2006.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Beejopchar Dwara Unnat Kheti Karne Ki Sambhavnaye” aired on AIR on 20.06.2007.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Pattagobhi Avam Fulgobhi Unnat Kheti” aired on AIR on 11.10.2007.04.2007.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Varsha Ke Viprit Buwai Se Labh Kaise Uthaye” aired on AIR on 26.07.2007.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Kakdi Wargiya Fasalon Mein Dhyan Dene Yogya Batein” aired on AIR on 11.04.2007.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Is Mah Ke Kruishi Karya” aired on AIR on 01.03.2008
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Niryat Ki Jane Wali Nagdi Fasalon Ki Kheti” aired on AIR on 06.06.2008
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Vidharbasathi Kapashiche Navin Sudharit Deshi aani Sankarit Vaan Kapashi Beej” aired on 11.04.2019 by Vividh Bharti, Akashwani Centre, Nagpur.
- Delivered a Radio Talk on “Kapashi Kadhninantar Kapashiche Beej Utpadan” on 20.01.2020 by Vividh Bharti, Akashwani Centre, Nagpur.
- “Dr. J. S. Pruthi Award 2009” was conferred on 08th December 2011 for the best research paper entitled, “Response of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) to ‘panchgavya’ and plant leaf extracts in arid western Rajasthan” published in the Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, Vol. 18 (2): 92–99, authored by Dr. R N Kumawat, Dr. S S Mahajan & Dr. R S Mertia.
- “Best Research Paper Award-2017” for “Trait repository to strengthen DUS test in Cotton” authored by Santhy, V., Meshram, Mithila and Mahajan, Sunil Presented in the XIV National Seed Seminar held at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi from January, 28-30.
- “Best Research Paper Award-2019” for ‘Conservation of cotton (G. arboreum race cernuum) in North-East India: Problems and Prospects’ by Saravanan, M., Sunil S. Mahajan and V. N. Waghmare presented at National Seed Seminar on “Strengthening of Seed Systems in the North Eastern and Unreached Regions-Problems, Prospects and Policies” Organized by Indian Society of Seed Technology during February 3-5, 2019 at ICAR Research Complex for North Eastern Hill Region-Manipur Centre, Imphal.