![]() Principal Scientist Plant Breeding | Academic Qualification:
Address: Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Sirsa 125 055, Haryana, India. |
- Development of high yielding spinnable G. arboreum cotton variety and high yielding GMS based hybrid for north zone conditions.
- Development of elite Bt cotton varieties and hybrids using deregulated transgenic events .
Designation | Years | Institution |
Scientist (Plant Breeding) | 1996-1997 | ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Regional Station, Sirsa. |
Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) | 2009 – Present | ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Regional Station, Sirsa. |
Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding) | 2001- 2009 | ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Regional Station, Sirsa. |
Scientist (Senior Scale) Plant Breeding | 1997-2001 | ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Regional Station, Sirsa. |
Scientist (Plant Breeding) | 1996-1997 | ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Regional Station, Sirsa. |
Scientist (Plant Breeding) | 1993-1996 | ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and IARI, Regional Station, Karnal. |
Scientist (Plant Breeding) | 1992-1993 | ICAR- National Academy of Agricultural Research and Management, Hyderbad- 43rd FCARPM. |
- Release of CICR 2 (CISAA 2) – a GMS based intra-arboreum hybrid as 1st hybrid for cultivation under irrigated conditions of North Zone.
- Release of G. arboreum variety CISA 310 (CICR 1) for cultivation under irrigated conditions of North Zone.
- Release of G. arboreum variety CISA 614(CICR 3) for cultivation under irrigated conditions of North Zone.
- Release of Intra-hirsutum hybrid CSHH 198 for cultivation under irrigated conditions of North Zone.
- Release of Intra-hirsutum hybrid CSHH 238 for cultivation under irrigated conditions of North Zone.
- Release of Intra-hirsutum hybrid CSHH 243 for cultivation under irrigated conditions of North Zone.
- Release of G. hirsutum variety CSH 3129 for cultivation under irrigated conditions of North Zone.
- Registration of new GMS line of G. arboreum –CISA-2 with NBPGR, New Delhi
- Registration of BN-Okra and BN-Red with NBPGR, New Delhi vide registration nos. INGR 07049 & 07050.
- Registration of CIR-8, CIR-26 and CIR-32, as CMS restorer lines with red plant with bicolor flower (CIR-8), CMS with good fibre properties and agronomic attributes (CIR-26) & restorer of fertility in G. harknessii based CMS, CMS green plant with yellow petal and cream anther & bold seed (CIR-32) with National Identities, IC553921, IC553924, IC553925, and Registration numbers, INGR No. 08031, 08034 and 08035, respectively.
- Developed 8-10 cultures with good fibre traits- length, strength and micronaire in G. arboretum.
- Indentified 15-18 GMS lines in G. arboreum.
- UGC Project- Association mapping of fibre traits in Gossypium arboreum L. accessions using SSR, ISSR and AFLP markers.
Externally Funded Projects
- National PI (2007-2012) of TMC MM 1.1, Project” Development and promotion of medium and long linted diploid cottons (G. arboreum and G. herbaceum)
- TMC MM 1.1 (2002-2007)- Evaluation of Cotton production Technologies for Yield, Fibre Quality and Economic Viability
- TMC MMA 1: Identification of promising genotypes from introgressed materials.
- TMC MMA 2: Identification of suitable sources possessing high yield and fibre quality traits in diploid cotton.
- TMC MMA 3: Charactersiation of plant ideotype suitable for different agro-climatic zones.
- DST Funded- DNA fingerprinting of released cotton cultivars, hybrids and their parents
- UGC Project- Association mapping of fibre traits in Gossypium arboreum L. accessions using SSR, ISSR and AFLP markers.
- As Expert for Selection of Assistant Scientist
- As Paper setter of various courses of Genetics & Plant Breeding and Seed Technology.
Member of Team/ Committees/ Expert
- Member of NALMOT for visit to Punjab during 2006-07.
- Chairman of AICCIP & Bt (ICAR) Monitoring team for Andhra Pradesh during 2007-08.
- Member of NALMOT for visit to Tamil Nadu during 2008-09.
- External Examiner for Preliminary Oral Examination of Ph.D (CCS HAU, Hisar).
- Member of Selection Committees for RAs/SRFs
- Member of Selection Committee for Scientist
National and International journals Publications:
- CJ Logan‐Young, JZ Yu, SK Verma, RG Percy, AE Pepper (2015). SNP discovery in complex allotetraploid genomes (Gossypium spp., Malvaceae) using genotyping by sequencing. Applications in Plant Sciences 3 (3), 1400077.
- OP Tuteja, MS Mahendar Singh, SK Verma, BM Khadi (2006). Introgressed lines as sources for improvement of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes for yield and fibre quality traits. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 66 (3), 251-252.
- SK Verma, SL Ahuja, OP Tuteja, Sunil Kumar and Ram Parkash (2004). Line x Tester analysis of yield, its components and fibre quality traits in Cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. Journal of Indian Society for Cotton Improvement, 29 (3), 151-157.
- SK Verma, OP Tuteja, D Monga (2013).Studies on stability parameters and sustainability index for selecting stable genotypes in Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum). Indian J. Agric. Sci 83 (12), 1377-1380.
- OP Tuteja, SK Sunil Kumar, SK Verma, SL Ahuja (2004). Estimation of heterosis for seed cotton yield and its component characters in Gossypium hirsutum L. J. Cotton Res. Develop. 18:38-41.
- SK Verma, OP Tuteja, S Kumar, RN Ramprakash, D Monga (2006). Heterosis for seed cotton yield and its qualitative characters in cotton (G. hirsutum L.).J. Cotton. Res. Dev , 20 (1), 14-17.
- K Sethi, P Siwach, SK Verma (2015). Assessing genetic diversity among six populations of Gossypium arboreum L. using microsatellites markers. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 21, 531-539.
- SK Verma, OP Tuteja, D Monga (2008). Evaluation for genotype × environment interactions in relation to stable genetic male sterility-based Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum) hybrids of north zone. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 78(4): 375-378.
- OP Tuteja, SK Verma, B Manju (2011). Heterosis for seed cotton yield and other traits in GMS (Genetic male sterility) based hybrids of Gossypium hirsutum L cotton. Journal of Cotton Research and Development, 25 (1), 14-18 10.
- K Sethi, P Siwach, SK Verma (2017). Linkage disequilibrium and association mapping of fibre quality traits in elite Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum) germplasm populations. Czech journal of genetics and plant breeding, 53 (4), 159-167.
- S Khushboo, S Priyanka, KV Surender (2014). Genetic improvement of Gossypium arboreum L. using molecular markers: Status and development needs. African journal of agricultural research, 9 (29), 2238-2249
- SK Verma, OP Tuteja, NR Koli, J Singh, D Monga (2006). Assessment of genetic variability nature and magnitude of character association in cytotype genotypes of uplan cotton (Gosyspium hirsutum L.) J. Indian Sci.. cotton Improv, 31 (3), 129-133.
- Monga D, S Raj, SK Verma (1998). Preliminary investigations on reaction of cotton germplasm to leaf curl and losses caused by the disease. National Symposium on present scenario in diseases of oil seeds and pulses …
- RK Giri, SK Verma, JP Yadav (2021). Study of Heterosis, Combining Ability and Parental Diversity for Seed CottonYield and Contributing Traits using Diallel Data in Cotton (G. hirsutum L.) Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 55 (5), 556-562 7.
- RK Giri, SK Verma, JP Yadav (2020). Generation mean analysis for yield and its component traits in diallel population of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 54 (6), 775-780.
- S Tyagi, SK Verma, K Nehra, DR Bajya (2015). Molecular marker based genetic diversity analysis in cotton using RAPD and SSR markers. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci, 29, 232-236.
- OP Tuteja, SK Verma (2011). Effect of alien cytoplasmic and nuclear genes on seed cotton yield and fibre quality traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 81 (4).
- SL Ahuja, D Monga, OP Tuteja, SK Verma, LS Dhayal, YD Yagya Dutt (2004). Association and path analysis in the selections made from colour linted Gossypium hirsutum cotton germplasm. Journal of Cotton Research and Development, 18(2), 137-140.
- OP Tuteja, S Mahendar, SK Verma (2006). Stability analysis for seed cotton yield and its component traits in intraspecific hybrids of Gossypium hirsutum. Journal of Cotton Research and Development, 20 (2), 171-173.
- OP Tuteja, K Sunil, SK Verma, S Mahendar (2005). Heterosis for yield and its component traits in American cotton hybrids (Gossypium hirsutum L.) based on GMS system. National Journal of Plant Improvement, 7 (2), 110-114.
- Verma S. K., Paul D., Singh A., Sain S. K. (2022). Stability Analysis of Asiatic Cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) Genotypes with Respect to Seed Cotton Yield, GOT and Boll Weight under Multi Environmental Trials through GGE Biplot Analysis. Environment and Ecology 40 (4A): 2282—2289.
- Verma S. K., Paul D., Goyal S., Singh A., Sain S. K., Kumar R. and Hassan H. (2022). Prediction of Gene Action, Heterosis and Combining Ability to Identify Superior GMS Based Hybrids in Asiatic Cotton (G. arboreum L.). International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34(19): 161-174. doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2022/v34i1931099 .
- S. K. Verma, Dr. Debashis Paul, Himanshu Gilhotra.2022. Comprehensive abstraction of emerging issues in Cotton cultivation and ways to enhance the productivity in North India In Nimbal S, Jattan M, Kumar S (Eds) the National Symposium on “Paradigm shift in cotton cultivation” organized by CRDA at MPUAT, Udaipur during 08-10 August 2022.
- Verma, S.K., Kumar, R., Sain, S.K., Singh, A., Sandeep Bagri and Paul D. (2024). Emerging challenges in cotton cultivation and Strategies for Improving Productivity in North zone of India. Journal of Cotton Research and Development, 38(1): 7-18 (January, 2024).
Technical bulletins/ books Published:
- Multilocation Evaluation of Cotton Genetic Resources (Gossypium hirsutum) during a decade (1991-2002).
- Cotton Germplasm Bulletin-1 on Indigenous and exotic G. hirsutum germplasm and G. arboreum.
- Training Manual (State Level Training) on cotton production technologies 2007.
- Training Manual (State Level Training) on cotton production technologies 2007 (Nov).
- Training Manual (State Level Training) on cotton production technologies 2008
- Manual on Agricultural Meteorology Observatory data for the years 1990-2006.
- Package of Practices of Cotton Production in North Zone (in Hindi)
- Bulletin/pamphlet on CSHH 238 and CICR 1 variety for north zone.
- Bulletin/pamphlet on CICR 2 hybrid for north zone
Book Chapter
- Surender Kumar, VV Singh, D Monga, OP Tuteja, RA Meena and P Jeyakumar. Conservation and Evaluation of G. arboreum Germplasm for Yield and Quality Traits. In: Extended Summary: International Conference on Managing Natural Resources held on 21-23 Feb., 2001 at New Delhi pp 802-804.
- Tuteja OP, Verma SK, Sunil Kumar& Singh P. Development of ideal plant type with superior fiber quality traits in Gossypium hirsutum L In: Proceeding of the national seminar on genetic improvement of fiber quality traits in cotton held on Feb, 15, 2005, CICR, Nagpur. Pp 61-70.
- Tuteja OP, Verma SK, Monga D & Singh P. Genetics of resistance to cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) & break down of resistance. In: Proceeding of the national seminar on cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) disease present status future strategies for its management held on 15, Dec, 2004 at CICR, RS, Sirsa. pp 37-41.
Students Guided
- M.Sc. = 7
- M.Phil = 3
- Ph. D. = 1
Members of National Seminar /Symposia
- Member of organizing committee of National Seminar on Cotton Leaf Curl virus Disease Present & Status & Future Strategies for its Management organized at CICR, RS, Sirsa on 15 Dec., 2004.
- Awarded DBT-CREST Award – 2010-11 for One year at Texas A&M University and USDA, ARS, College Station, Texas, USA by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
- Awarded National Biotechnology Associateship – 1999 by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
- Awarded Fellow of Cotton Research & Development Association (2008), CCS HAU, Hisar.
- Awarded Dr. Ram Dhan Singh Gold Medal (1987) for securing highest OGPA in M.Sc. Plant Breeding by CCS HAU, Hisar
- Awarded Dr. K.S. Krishnan DAE Research Fellowship for Ph.D by Department of Atomic Energy, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India
- Awarded ICAR Senior Research Fellowship 1987-88 programme for study and research leading to Ph.D. by ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – did not join.
- Also awarded CCSHAU Merit Scholarship 1988 for Ph.D. – did not join
- Awarded ICAR Junior Research Fellowship by ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi for M.Sc.study
- Also awarded CCSHAU Merit Scholarship 1985 for M.Sc. Plant Breeding – did not join
- Awarded Merit Scholarship during B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture by College of Agriculture, HAU, Hisar
- Merit awards during B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture and M.Sc.(Agri.) Plant Breeding for top rank in several courses
- Recommended for Indian Forest Services (26th Rank), 1990 by UPSC, New Delhi.
- Fast Track Project Proposal awarded by Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India on DNA fingerprinting of released cotton cultivars, hybrids and their parents.
- Life Member of Indian Journal of Genetics & Plant Breeding, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi.
- Life Member of Cotton Research & Development Association, CCS HAU, Hissar.
- Life Member of Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, NBPGR, New Delhi.
- Life Member of Indian Society of Cotton Improvement, CIRCOT, Mumbai.
- Annual Member of Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, ICAR, KAB, New Delhi.