![]() Principal Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Address: ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR) Regional Station, Coimbatore 641003, |
- Cotton Seed physiology, production, processing, Storage, Plant variety protection
Year | Institution |
05.10.1989 to 01.03.1990 | FCARPM training at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad |
02.03.1990 to 30.09.1990 | Scientist (Seed Technology), ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore-3 |
01.10.1990 to 10.05.1991 | Subject Matter Training ICAR-IARI, New Delhi |
11.05.1991 to 23.12.1992 | Scientist (Seed Technology), ICAR-CICR, Nagpur |
24.12.1992 to 25.09.1997 | Scientist (Seed Technology), ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore-3 |
26.09.1997 to 04.10.1998 | Scientist (Sr. Scale) (Seed Technology), ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore-3 |
05.10.1998 to 04.10.2006 | Senior Scientist (Seed Technology), ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore-3 |
5.10.2006 to till date | Principal Scientist (Seed Technology) ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore-3 |
- Effect of polymer and pesticide coating on viability, vigour and longevity of cotton seeds- Seed treatment with imidaclorpid @ 5 g kg-1 alone or coated with polymer @ 5 ml kg-1 + carbendazim @ 2 g kg-1 is effective in control of sucking pests up to 45 days after sowing. Coating of seeds with polymer @ 5 ml kg-1 or polymer + carbendazim or polymer + cabendazim + imidacloprid or Chlothianidine or Thiamethoxam either alone or in combination prolonged the seed viability and quality for a period of sixteen months.
- Effect of relative humidity levels on physiological and biochemical changes in cotton seed during storage –With an increase of storage period and relative humidity there was a progressive decline in viability, dry matter of seedling, vigour, seed oil content, coupled with rapid increase of seed moisture content, free fatty acid accumulation, electrical conductivity of seed leachate, free sugars and storage fungi in all the genotypes Anjali, Surabhi, LRA5166 and AKH4 stored at 40%, 60%, 80% relative humidity and along with silica gel (Control) for eight months under ambient condition.
- Effect of seed treatments on the maintenance of viability and vigour in cotton seeds under ambient storage-Freshly harvested and delinted seeds of cotton varieties LRA 5166 (treated with neem leaf powder @ 10g kg-1) and Surabhi (treated with neem kernel powder @ 10g kg-1) packed in paper bag and stored under ambient condition for 32 months, excelled other treatments by registering higher seed quality with extended the storage life.
- Influence of spacing and micronutrient spray on yield and quality of seed-Sequential foliar application with diammonium phosphate 2 %, MgSO4 1 %, boron 0.1 %, ZnSO4 2 % at 45, 50, 60, 75 days after sowing enhanced the seed cotton and quality seed yield at 120 x 60 cm spacing in Cv.Anjali
- Detopping with defoliation treatment maximizes seed yield in cotton-The beneficial effects of detopping at 120 days and spraying of ethrel @ 450 g a.i. acre-1 at 160 days after sowing exhibited in terms of reduced plant height with increased number of sympodia, bolls, boll weight, seed cotton yield and seed yield in LRA 5166
- Seed soaking and foliar application of hormones and nutrients for enhancement of productivity and quality of cotton seed- Seed soaking in succinic acid @ 0.2% and spraying of NAA @10 ppm on 60 and 75 days enhanced the field emergence (4%), plant stand establishment (98%), Seed cotton yield and quality seed yield in cv.Sumangala.
- Enhancement of hybrid cotton seed yield and quality through parental crop management- In hybrid Savitha, the boll setting efficiency was high due to pollination in the early phases of flowering (up to 5th week) and there on declined significantly. Seeds formed during that period were highly vigorous and viable. The parental seed crop management with seed soaking treatment and foliar application of growth hormones and nutrients indicated that soaking of female parent seeds in succinic acid @ 0.2 % for six hours before sowing and pollination up to five weeks from flower initiation and simultaneously foliar application of boron @0.1 % at 60 DAS, MgSO4 1 % at 75 DAS or foliar application of boron @ 0.1 % at 60, 75 & 90 DAS alone found good for production of high quality hybrid seed.
- Control of seed deterioration in cotton genotypes-Cotton seeds stored under laboratory conditions for one, two, three and four years, dry dressed with a mixture of calcium oxychloride and calcium carbonate (3:1) @ 5 g kg-1 and iodine vapours impregnated in the calcium carbonate @ 3g kg-1 and kept in airtight container under ambient condition for seven days had shown increased seed vigour and viability due to halogenation, irrespective of age of seeds and reduced the pathogenicity tested in cv. 70 E, Bikaneri Narma, AC.738, PIL.43,PIL.8, .7 and M.12 stored seeds.
- Performance and productivity of F1 and F2 seeds of Intra hirsutum hybrids-The morphological and reproductive traits of ten F2 generations of pre released intra hirsutum hybrids were compared along with F1. A decrease in plant height, sympodia plant-1, seed index and lint index in F2 over F1 was observed in all the cultures. However an increase in the number of bolls plant-1 and seed cotton yield plot-1 was observed in H1, H2, H4, H7, H9, H10, Savita and NHH 44. The fiber property of F2 plants such as 2.5%span length of H3, H6, was on par with savita. Uniformity ratio of H1, H2, H4, H7, H9, and H10 found superior to either of Savita and NHH 44. The micronaire of all the cultures was on par with NHH 44 and inferior to Savita. The fiber elongation of H7 and H9 were superior to Savita and NHH44.
- Comparison of performance of model bulk, superior bulk and ordinary bulk of plants selected from progenies- In LRA5166 and Sumangla pooled seeds of single plant progenies of superior bulk (A), model bulk (B) and ordinary bulk (C) were raised along with breeder seed (BS). The plants from superior bulk of both the varieties came to flowering earlier than the ordinary bulk. In case of LRA 5166, the model bulk performed equally with superior bulk and breeder seed. The number of sympodia recorded was maximum especially in superior bulk of sumangala (15.6) when compared with ordinary bulk (13.7). Superior bulk of LRA 5166 and model bulk of sumangala showed better performance for morphometric character such as plant height. Maximum yield/ha was recorded in model bulk of Sumangala followed by breeder seed of LRA 5166. Better performance for fiber quality parameters like span length and bundle strength was registere in superior bulk followed by model bulk and breeder seed.
- Cataloguing (a) morphological and (b) genetic marker using molecular technique available in the currently cultivated cotton varieties and hybrids- Morphological markers of cotton varieties LRA5166 and Sumangala (G. hirsutum) were studied for easy identification during winter 2003, 2004, 2005, seasons using breeder seeds. The visible morphological characters such Seedling pigmentation, Growth habit, Density of foliage, Plant: Stem hairiness, Pubescence on stem Bract: number of serration No. of teeth in the bracts Boll surface Fibre: strength Fibre: fineness (micronaire value) were found useful in variety and hybrid identification. Genetic marker-The genomic DNA from single seed of hybrid Savita and its parents T7 (female) and M12 (male) was isolated and random primers were used for RAPD analysis. The primer OPA 01, 02 and 03 showed the presence of DNA sequence in female, hybrid and male parent of hybrid Savita. The primer OPC 06 very clearly indicated the presence of similar DNA sequence in hybrid and parents. The primer OPA 07 and 08 indicated the presence of male and female specific DNA sequences which are present in hybrids. These DNA segments help to identify the presence of male or female seeds in the hybrid seed lot.
- Effect of supplemental foliar nutrients on seed yield and quality of cotton seed-In Anjali seed crop, foliar application of DAP @ 2 % + Boron @ 0.6 Kg/ha + Zinc @ 0.5% on 70, 90 and 110 days after sowing significantly improved the seed quality and recorded higher seed yield. Application of DAP @ 2 % (T1), Boron @ 0.6 Kg/ha (T2), Zinc @ 0.5% (T3) individually exhibited positive effect on seed quality improvement, and the beneficial effect is high when it is applied simultaneously.
- Enhancement of planting quality of seed and stand establishment of cotton through sequential pelleting-The delinted seeds of cotton cv. Anjali were coated using Polymer @ 3g kg-1 with following ingredients for pelleting. Seed protectant: Bavistin @ 2g kg-1, Thiram @ 2g kg-1, Cruiser @ 3g kg-1, Imidacloprid @ 7g kg-1; Bio inoculants: Trichoderma viridie @ 4g kg-1, Pseudomonas florescence @ 10g kg-1; Nutrients: DAP @ 20g kg-1, Micro nutrient mixture@ 10g kg-1 and Gypsum @ 20g kg-1; Botanicals: Arappu leaf powder @ 50g kg-1 (Albizia amara), Neem leaf powder (Azadirachta indica) @ 20g kg-1 and Turmeric (Cucumin sp) rhizome powder @ 20g kg-1 . Following are the best five combination and sequence of coating for seed quality improvement. 1.Thiram + Gypsum + Micronutrient + Gau chao + DAP, 2. Thiram + DAP + Gau chao+ Micronutrient + Gypsum, 3. Arappu leaf powder + Turmeric rhizome powder + Neem leaf powder, 4. Neem leaf powder + Turmeric rhizome powder + Arappu leaf powder, 5. Bavistin+ Neem leaf powder + Arappu leaf powder + Turmeric rhizome powder
- Standardization of laboratory techniques for variety identification-Seed physiological laboratory techniques such as Phenol test, Modified phenol colour reaction, test, Ferrous sulphate test, Potassium hydroxide test, Sodium hydroxide test, GA3 soak test, 2,4-D soak test, Hydrogen peroxide soak test were conducted to assess the reaction and physiological expression of the cotton hybrid and their parental seeds. The hybrids used are HB 224 (LRA 5166 x P 4), Surya (T 13 x M 12), Savita (T 7 x M 12), Varieties: Surabhi, Anjali, Supriya, and SVPR 2. The observations revealed the following Phenol test: no response to phenol test; hence no grouping could be possible; Modified phenol test: no response to modified phenol test, hence no grouping could be possible; Ferrous sulphate test: all the genotypes turned into black colour; Potassium hydroxide test: The cotton genotypes could be classified based on colour development; Sodium hydroxide soak test: The cotton genotypes could be classified based on colour development; GA3 soak test: Based on hypocotyl length the cotton genotypes were grouped into three categories; 2, 4-D soak test: no genotypes germinated at 0.5 ppm, 2, 4-D solution; Hydrogen peroxide soak test: Based on the response of cotton genotypes to hydrogen peroxide, the genotypes studied were classified.
- Variety Identification of cotton genotypes through electrophoresis- Variety Identification of cotton genotypes through electrophoresis were conducted for the development of predictable banding pattern due to single seed protein globulin in cotton seed. Initially total soluble protein from hybrids Savita (T7 x M12) and Kirti (Suman x BN) were extracted and loaded in an SDS-PAGE and run in a gel unit. The gel indicates proper formation of bands due to differential movement of protein molecules. Cotton varieties like Anjali, LRA5166, Sumangala, L 604, Sahana, PKV Rajat, Suvin, K9, K10, K11, AKH-4, G27, LD327, Arogya, Surabhi, MCU5 and MCU5VT were also used for the extraction of single seed globulin. The development of seed protein profile showed variability among the genotypes. In genotypes LRA 5166 and Anjali single seed proteins were extracted and separated through electrophoresis for the identification of genetic purity among the certified seed lots. The protein profile pattern obtained out of seed storage protein is used for the identification of genotypes.
- Genetic purity testing of hybrid seeds using electrophoresis technique in Cotton- The genetic purity testing of cotton hybrids and parental lines viz., Surya (HLS 329 x M 12), DHH 11 (CPD 423 x CPD 420) was conducted through profiling of seed protein globulin. The methods adopted for extraction of seed protein were 1.SDS – PAGE of salt soluble proteins, 2.SDS – PAGE of salt soluble globulins 3. SDS – PAGE of methanol ppt fraction. The method. SDS – PAGE of salt soluble proteins was found suitable. The Electrophoresis analysis for two hybrids (Suyra and DHH 11), using Salt Soluble Globulins expressed polymorphic bands of proteins. The presence of protein bands, position and intensity of bands recorded for all the samples showed greater differences and were utilized for variety characterization and identification. The protein band observed for surya (hybrid), M12 (Male parent) and HLS 329 (Female parent) are different in expression of bands. The expression of bands is nine in hybrid and eight in parents. The additional band expressed at Rm value 0.439 will facilitate for the identification of presence of female parental seeds in the hybrid (Surya) seed lot. The band expressed at Rm value 0.465 in Surya and HLS 329 confirm that the particular F1 seed would have been derived from using HLS 329 as female parent. This will facilitate the identification of other seeds particularly the male in hybrid seed lot or other cotton variety seed in hybrid seed lot. Similarly, the presence of band at Rm values 0.325 and 0.465 in CPD 423 (female) will facilitate the identification of admixtures in hybrid DHH 11.
- Effect of sowing time on production and quality of cotton hybrid seed in different zones- In seven cotton hybrids Savita (T7 X M12), Surya (T13 X M12), Sruti (70E X RSP 4), Kirti (Suman X BN), HB 224 (LRA 5166 X P4), LHH 144 (PIL 48 X PIL 8), NHH 44 (BN 1 X AC 738) it was found that sowing of parents from twentieth August to fifth September resulted in higher hybrid seed yield with enhanced boll setting %.
- 18.Film coating of cotton seeds with polymers-Film coating cotton seeds having initial viability of 90 %, with polymer polykote @ 3ml/kg of seed diluted with 5 ml water combined with carbendazim (Bavistin) @ 2 g /kg, stored in cloth bag under ambient condition prevented seed deterioration up to 18 months of storage and can retain the viability of 77%. By coating the seeds with polykote @ 3ml/kg of seed diluted with 5 ml water combined with carbendazim (Bavistin) @ 2 g /kg and Imida cloprid @ 7g /kg when seeds are stored in polythene bags, viability can be maintained to 76%
- Identification of suitable treatments for cotton seeds-A field experiment was conducted the following seed treatment to assess the seed cotton productivity. T1- No treatment (control), T2- Hydration (10 -12h) and drying at room temperature, T3-2% CaCl2 hydration at room temperature and surface drying, T4- Hydration with 50 ppm GA3 and surface drying at room temperature, T5 – Hydration (10 -12h) and drying at room temperature and dry dressing with Thiram 0.25%, T6-0.5% KNO3 hydration and drying at room temperature, T7- Seed soaking in H2O2 @ 40 mM for 6 hrs and drying at room temperature, T8- Seed soaking in KH2PO4 @ 100 ppm and drying at room temperature, T9- Seed soaking in Succinin Acid @ 0.2% before sowing and drying at room temperature, T10-2% KCl hydration at room temperature and surface drying. During the crop growth all reproductive traits were recorded. It was observed that all seed treatments have enhanced the productivity measured in terms of Plant Height, Number of Sympodia, Number of Bolls/plant and per boll Weight, however, treatments such as Hydration (10 -12h) and drying at room temperature and dry dressing with Thiram 0.25%, Seed soaking in H2O2 @ 40 mM for 6 hrs and drying at room temperature, Seed soaking in Succinin Acid @ 0.2% before sowing and drying at room temperature were more efficacious.
- Influence of pulsed magnetic seed treatment on seed cotton productivity-Seeds of twenty two cotton genotypes were subjected to pulsed magnetic seed treatment @ 5 hours for fifteen days continuously with different field strength as T 1 – Control; T 2- Field intensity(nT) 750nT, 1500nT, 500nT; T 3- Field intensity(nT) 1500nT, 500nT, 750nT; T 4- Field intensity(nT) 500nT, 750nT; T 5- Field intensity(nT) 750nT. Seed quality assessment showed significant enhancement in viability in all the genotypes especially with treatment of seed in magnetic field intensity of 750nT followed by 1500nTand 500nT. However, when the seeds are sown in the field for the estimation of the effectiveness of seed treatment in terms of seed cotton productivity, the treatment effect was non-significant, though there were numerical differences. Significant difference among genotypes was observed, irrespective of magnetic field strength for seed treatment.
- Relative performance of seed treatments on cotton seed quality enhancement and productivity- Ten halo priming seed treatment, CaCl2 hydration @2%, KH2PO4 priming @450 ppm, KCl priming @1.0% and MnSO4 seed soaking @0.1% enhanced, significantly the seed viability by 17 to 19 % and seedling vigour. Among the acids such as Boric acid @ 0.001%, ascorbic acid @300mg/lit, salicyclic acid@300mg/lit, succinic acid@0.2% used for priming cotton seeds under ambient condition, succinic acid@0.2% primed seeds recorded significantly higher viability (84%). Cotton seeds coated with eleven coating materials and it was found that among those Arappu leaf powder @ 100 g/kg and Turmeric rhizome powder @ 20g/kg increased the seed viability by 10%, seedling length and vigour. The five growth hormones used for priming the seeds such as GA3 @100 ppm, IAA@100 ppm, IBA@100 ppm, BAP@10 ppm and Zeatin@20 ppm, seed priming with GA3 @100 ppm and Zeatin@20ppm enhanced seed viability significantly by 7% and seedling length. Among the 12 botanicals and organics used for priming cotton seeds Prosopis leaf extract @1.5%, Neem leaf extract @ 1%, Dasakavya @ 2.5% and Panchakavya@10% enhanced the seed viability significantly by 10 to 13% with significant increase in seedling length. Dry seed treatments with protectants showed five to nine percent seed viability enhancement, among the eight treatments applied Thiram @ 2g/kg (5%), Bavistin @ 2g/kg (6%), Trichoderma @ 10g/kg (6%) and Turmeric rhizome powder @ 20g/kg (9%) enhanced seed viability and seedling vigour. Seeds treated with Imida chlorpid (7g/kg) alone has shown numerical increase in seed viability with significant increase on seedling vigour. The productivity of treated seeds observed in terms of field emergence, seedling growth, dry matter accumulation, number of sympodia, bolls/plant, boll weight and seed cotton yield/plant showed that priming seed treatment with CaCl2 @2%, H2O2 @ 60mM, KH2PO4@450ppm, Succinic Acid @0.2%, KCl@1.0%, Prosopis leaf extrac t@1.5%, MnSO4 @ 0.1% and Seed coating with trichoderma @10g/kg and Turmeric rhizome powder@ 20g/kg, Neem leaf extract @ 1.0%, Dasakavya @2.5%, Panchakavya @10%, Thiram @ 2g/kg, Bavistin @ 2g/kg, Trichoderma @10g/kg, MnSO4 @ 0.1%, Arappu leaf powder @ 100 g/kg, Turmeric rhizome powder @ 20g/kg, significantly increased the field emergence, seedling growth, dry matter production, boll number/plant, boll weight, seed index and seed cotton yield/plant. The fiber properties such as 2.5 span length, uniformity ratio, fiber strength, and micronaire has not been influenced due to seed treatments.
- Effect of pulsed magnetic seed treatment on aged cotton seeds-Cotton seed lots of genotypes namely Sahana, Supriya, Surabhi, JLH-168 and JCC-1 aged 12, 24 and 36 months, treated with pulsed magnetic field strength of 500 nT, 750 nT and 1500 nT for five hours a day for 15 days continuously and in combination of 500 nT (15 days), 750nT+1500nT (30 days), 500nT+750nT+1500nT (45 days) revealed that germination in 36 months stored Sahana seeds increased significantly 22%, 22% and 29% respectively, when seeds were exposed to 1500 nT, 750nT+1500nT and 500nT+750nT+1500nT pulsed magnetic field strength, over untreated seeds. In 24 months, old seeds the improvement was 17, 20 and 24%, respectively. In 12 months, old seeds this was 14, 11 and 11 % respectively. This indicates that more aged seed lots are more responsive to seed treatments that less aged seed lots. .
- Performance of PPFM seed treatment on germination enhancement under differential soil moisture- Delinted cotton seeds were primed with one percent PPFM culture formulation sown in pots filled with sand medium and soil moisture regulated from 10 to 50% for 12 days, showed an improvement in germination (71.5%) as against (57.5 %) untreated seeds at 10% soil moisture. The arithmetic increase of seed germination of primed seeds was noticed up to 35% soil moisture. Sowing primed seeds on soil moisture above 35% did not encourage seed germination. Sowing primed seeds in 15 to 25% soil moisture followed by watering once in two days also favoured seed germination. Therefore, cotton seed priming with PPFM would be useful for taking up seed sowing even when soil moisture is sub optimal provided that the same soil moisture would be maintained till the end of germination period.
- Studies to improve the seed setting efficiency in cotton- Seed setting efficiency in cotton flower differ significantly due to pollination attractants and the duration of application. Among the pollination attractants Rose extracts (10%) Dasakavya (10%) recorded higher seed setting efficiency. The interaction of Pollination attractants and varieties showed no significance; however, the duration of spray and varieties have shown significant difference. The pollination attractant had also shown significant difference for seed index and seed cotton yield. Among the seed setting treatments tried foliar application of CICR-Consortia (S) (0.1%) and NAA @40 ppm have enhanced the seed setting efficiency and seed index over control.
- DUS testing for the establishment of Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability was carried out for 471 new candidate varieties, 328 Variety of common Knowledge, 2 Farmers variety, 184 Essentially derived variety and 183 Initial variety.
Project title | Funding Agency | Period | Role |
Studies on viability vigour and longevity of cotton seeds | ICAR-CICR | 1.4.1998 to 31.3.2005 | PI |
National Seed Project (Crops) | ICAR-IISS, Mau | 1.4.1998 to till date | PI |
Maintenance breeding, seed production enhancement of seed viability and studies on marker-based purity evaluation | TMC-MM-1 | 1.4.2002 to 31.3.2005 | CO-PI |
Studies on Cotton Seed with Particular Reference to Germination and Dormancy | ICAR-CICR | 1.4.2003 to 31.3.2005 | CO-PI |
Development of extra-long staple Gossypium barbadense varieties with improved fiber properties (2005-06) | ICAR-CICR | 1.4.2004 to 31.3.2008 | CO-PI |
Maintenance of genetic purity of released varieties and parents of hybrids | TMC-MM-1 | 1.4.1999 to 31.3.2000 | CO-PI |
Pre- and post-harvest management techniques for the improvement of seed quality | TMC-MM-1 | 1.4.1999 to 31.3.2000 | CO-PI |
Preparation for plant variety protection and DUS testing through ICAR-SAU system” (DAC). Developing National Test Guidelines (PI) | ICAR-DSR, Mau | 1.4.2002 to 31.3.2004 | PI |
Preparation for plant variety protection and DUS testing through ICAR-SAU system” (DAC). To equip and strengthen designated Centers | ICAR-DSR, Mau | 1.4.2002 to 31.3.2006 | PI |
Preparation for plant variety protection and DUS testing through ICAR-SAU system” (DAC).Development and digitalization of database | ICAR-DSR, Mau | 1.4.2002 to 31.3.2006 | PI |
Implementation of PVP legislation, 2001and DUS testing of cotton under ICAR-SAU system | PPV&FRA (DAC) | 1.4.2006 to till date | PI |
ICAR Seed Project -Seed Production in Agricultural crops and Fisheries | ICAR-DSR, Mau | 1.4.2007 to till date | Co-PI |
Molecular Characterization of Cotton Germplasm Using DNA marker | ICAR-CICR | 1.4.2011 to 31.3.2013 | Co-PI |
Studies on seed quality parameters and genetic purity of TFL seeds sold in the market | ICAR-CICR | 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2013 | Co-PI |
Collection, conservation, evaluation documentation and maintenance of germplasm of cultivated species of Gossypium | ICAR-CICR | 1.4.2006 to 31.3.2013 | Co-PI |
Development of efficient Agro Technique for enhancing the productivity and seed quality of cotton varieties | ICAR-CICR | 1.4. 2008 to 31.3.2011 | Co-PI |
Studies to improve the seed setting efficiency in cotton. | ICAR-CICR | 1.4.2012 to 31.3.2017 | Co-PI |
Sustainable intensification of Extra Long Staple cotton production in South Zone | ICAR-CICR | June 2009 to till date | Co-PI |
Induced Mutagenesis for Improvement of ELS (G.barbadense) cotton. | ICAR-CICR | 1.4.2000 to till date | Co-PI |
Publication category | No. of publications |
Research Papers/Articles (International) | 6 |
Research Papers/Articles (National) | 47 |
Books Published | 2 |
Chapters in Edited Books | 8 |
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts (National) | 15 |
Popular Articles | 29 |
Research bulletins/ extension bulletins | 8 |
Training Manual (authored/Co-authored) | 3 |
RESEARCH PAPERS/ ARTICLES International Journals
- Rathinavel, K. & C. Dharmalingam (2000). Up gradation of seed quality by hardening cum halogenation in uppam cotton. Advances in plant Sciences. 13(1): 185 -190.
- Rathinavel, K. & C. Dharmalingam and S.Paneer selvam (2000). Effect of seed pelleting on the productivity of rice fallow cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. MCU7. Advances in plant Sciences. 13(1): 213-217.
- Rathinavel, K. and C. Dharmalingam. (2001). Efficacy of seed treatment on storability of cotton seeds and seedling vigour. Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 39 (2): 128-133.
- Rathinavel, K., K. Raja, P. Chidambaram and K. Natarajan (2005). Effect of relative humidity levels on physiological and Biochemical changes in cotton seed during storage. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 23 (1-4): 61-70.
- Rathinavel, K.(2018). Principal Component Analysis with Quantitative Traits in Extant Cotton Varieties (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) and Parental Lines for Diversity Current Agriculture Research Journal. 06(1):54-64.
- Rathinavel, K, C. Priyadharshini and H. Kavitha. (2020). Seed treatments-impact on cotton seed quality and productivity. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research. 06 (04): 589-614.
National journals
- Rathinavel, K. (1990) Studies on the association between seed size/density and seed quality attributes of papaya (Carica papaya L.). The Punjab Horticultural Journal. 30(1-4): 134-139.
- Ramawatar Meena, K. Rathinavel and Phundan Singh (1993). Measures of planting seed quality in Diploid and tetraploid cottons. Journal of cotton research and development. 7(1): 146-148.
- Ramawatar Meena, K. Rathinavel and Phundan Singh (1994). Seed development and maturation in upland (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and tree (G.arboreum) cottons. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 64(2): 111-113.
- Rathinavel, K. and J. A. Selvaraj (1996). Studies on testing medium and pre sowing treatment of papaya (Carica papaya L.) seeds. Haryana Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 25(1): 5-9.
- Rathinavel, K. & J. A. Selvaraj (1997). Studies on the effect of seed treatment and storage containers on viability of papaya seed. Haryana Journal of Horticultural Science. 26(3-4): 164-169.
- Rathinavel, K. and C. Dharmalingam. (1998). A model to predict the storability of cotton seeds (Gossypium sp.). Neo Botanica. 6 (1 & 2): 63-74.
- Rathinavel, K. and C. Dharmalingam (1999). Comparative efficacy of seed treatments on the maintenance of viability and vigour in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Neo Botanica. 7(1): 7-18.
- Rathinavel, K. & C. Dharmalingam (1999). Effect of seed pelleting on elite seedling production in cotton cv. MCU7 (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Crop Research. 18 (1): 137-141.
- Rathinavel, K. and C. Dharmalingam. (1999). Effect of Iodine treatment on the control of seed deteriration in cotton (Gossypium sp. L.) Gujarat Agricultural Research Journal. 25(1): 35-43.
- Rathinavel, K. & C. Dharmalingam (1999). Optimization of seed hardening treatment for cotton cv. LRA5166 (Gossypium hirsutum L.).Journal of cotton Research and Development. 13(1): 22-25.
- Rathinavel, K. Dharmalingam,C and S. Paneer selvam (1999).Effect of micronutrient on the productivity and quality of cotton seed cv.TCB 209 (Gossypium barbedense L.). The Madras Agricultural Journal. 86 (4-6): 313-316.
- Rathinavel, K. and C. Dharmalingam (1999) Seed hardening to augment the productivity of cotton cv.LRA 5166 (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Madras Agricultural Journal. 86 (1-3): 68-72.
- Meena, R. A., K. Rathinavel, R. K. Deshmukh and O. P. Tuteja. (1999). Storage potential of tetraploid and diploid cottons under ambient conditions. Seed Research. 27(1): 125-127. Rathinavel, K. & C. Dharmalingam (2002). Effect of chlorination treatment on the control of seed deterioration in cotton (Gossypium sp.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 36(1): 17-23.
- Rathinavel. K., P. Chidambaram, K. Natarajan, S. Manickam and K. Venugopal. (2002). Effect of sowing time on production and quality of cotton hybrid seed. Proceedings of XI National Seminar on Quality Seed to Enhance Agricultural Profitability, Jan’ 18-20, 2002 pp:12-17.
- Raja, K., K. Rathinavel and P. Selvaraju. (2003). Volatile compounds released from seeds – A Review. Journal of Phytological Research. 16(2): 157-162
- Srinivasan,G; Natarajan,K; Babu,S; Rathinavel,K. (2003) Influence of time of sowing on the infestation of stem weevil in cotton. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences. 11 (1):158-159.
- Rathinavel, K. K. Raja, P. Chidambaram and N. Gopalakrishnan. (2004). Seed soaking and foliar application of Hormones and nutrients for enhancement of productivity and quality of cottonseed. Journal of Agricultural Resource management, 3 (1): 57- 62.
- Rathinavel, K. C. Umadevi and K. Raja. (2004). Control of seed deterioration in cotton genotypes-how? Journal of Phytological Research. 17(2):129-134.
- Sundaravadivelu, K. V. R. K. Reddy and K. Rathinavel (2005) Heterosis and Inbreeding depression in inter varietal crosses of Gossypium hirsutum L. II Backcrossed progenies. Research on Crops. 6 (1): 92-97.
- Sundaravadivelu, K. V. R. K. Reddy and K. Rathinavel (2005). Heterosis and inbreeding depression in itervarietal crosses of Gossypium hirsutum L. I. Selfed progenies. Crop Research. 29(3): 474-479.
- Dhamayanthi,K.P.M. and K.Rathinavel.(2006). Seed germination and vegetative propagation studies in wild cotton (Gossypium spp.) Journal of Cotton Research and Development. 20(2):160-165.
- Rathinavel, K. (2007). Enhancement of hybrid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seed yield and quality through parental crop management. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 77 (1): 21-27.
- Rathinavel, K. and K.Raja. (2007). Effect of polymer coating on viability vigour and longevity of cotton. J. Indian Soc. Cotton Improv., 32(2):111-121.
- Dhamayanthi,K.P.M., and K.Rathinavel (2007). Fruiting behaviour of Egyptian cotton Gossypium barbadanse L. CICR, News letter, Jan – April, 2007 P:4-5
- Dhamayanthi, K.P.M., S. Manickam, K. Rathinavel and Dinesh K Agarwal. (2008). Stability Analysis of inter specific cotton hybrids (Gossypium hirsutum x Gossypium barbadense). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 78 (12):1058-1062.
- Shanthy,V, K.Rathinavel,S.M.Palve and Anshu Visvanathan. (2009). Interrelationships of seed reserve utilization components in desi cotton (Gossypium arboreum). Indian Journal of Genetics and plant breeding 69(1):69-71.
- Dhamayanathi, KPM., S Manickam, K Rathinavel. (2010). Genetic variability studies in Gossypium barbadense L. genotypes for seed cotton yield and its yield components. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 1(4): 961-965
- Rathinavel K., Deshmukh R.K. and Vijaya Kumari P.R. (2012) Control of Planting Seed Deterioration Through Post-Harvest Management” Cotton Research Journal 3 (2): 213-227.
- KPM Dhamayanthi, K Rathinavel, V Gotmare (2013). Induction of polyploidy in wild cotton species (Gossypium armourianum and G. aridum) by colchicine treatment. Journal of Cotton Research and Development 27 (2), 165-170.
- KPM Dhamayanthi, K.Rathinavel, (2013). Studies on flowering behavior and fruiting pattern of early maturing germplasm lines of Egyptian cotton (G.barbadense L.). Cotton Research Journal 5(2):150-157.
- Rathinavel,K. (2014).Influence of storage temperature and seed treatments on viability of cotton seed (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Cotton Research Journal.6(1):1-7.
- Rathinavel, K. (2015). Extension of shelf life of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seeds through polymer coating under ambient storage condition. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 49(5):447-451.
- Rathinavel, K. (2017). Effect of seed treatments on viability and vigour of cotton seeds (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under ambient storage. Journal of Cotton Research and Development. 31(1):1-6.
- K.P.M. Dhamayanthi and K. Rathinavel. (2017). Heterosis and combining ability studies in extra long staple inter-specific (G. hirsutum x G. barbadense) hybrids of cotton. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 8(2): 494-500.
- Rathinavel,K. (2017). Exploration of Genetic Diversity for Qualitative Traits among the Extant Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Varieties and Parental Lines. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 2407-2421 2407.
- Rathinavel, K., C. Priyadharshini and H. Kavitha. (2017). Multivariate Analysis on Extant Desi Cotton Genotypes (G. arboreum and G. herbaceum L.) Employing Qualitative Characteristics. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(11): 724-734.
- Rathinavel, K., H.Kavitha and C.Priyadharshini. (2017). Assessment of genetic variability and correlation analysis of seed and seed cotton yield attributing traits of tetraploid cotton genotypes (G. hirsutum L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 8(4): 1275-1283.
- Rathinavel, K., C.Priyadharshini and H.Kavitha. (2018). Characterization, diversity studies and clustering of tetraploid Bt cotton hybrids using morphological markers. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 32 (1) 13-22.
- Rathinavel, K. (2019). Agro-morphological Characterization and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Cotton Germplasm (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 8(2):2039-2057.
- Meena, R.A, D.Monga, Punitmohan and K.Rathinavel. (2018). Characterisation of accessions and identification of potential markers for yield in cotton. Seed Research. 46(1):41-47.
- Rathinavel, K., H.Kavitha and C.Priyadharshini. (2019). Genetic diversity among the extant reference varieties of tetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) J. Cotton Res. Dev. 33 (2) 197-207.
- Santhy,V., K. Rathinavel, M. Saravanan, Mithila Meshram and C. Priyadharshini. (2020). Genetic diversity assessment of extant cotton varieties based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis of enlisted DUS traits.Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding. 11(2):430-438.
- Rathinavel,K, C.Priyadharshini and H.Kavitha. (2021). Influence of seed reserves on seedling vigour, seed cotton productivity and fiber properties of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(1), 1-11.
- Rathinavel,K., H. Kavitha and C. Priyadharshini. (2021). Diversity studies in extant diploid cotton genotypes with seed image and fiber characteristics. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(1), 29-37.
- Rathinavel, K., C. Priyadharshini and H. Kavitha. (2021). Visually assessable morphological descriptors- based establishment of distinctiveness, uniformity and stability of tetraploid cotton (Gossypium spp.) J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(2), 165-172.
- Manivannan.A, K. P. M. Dhamayanthi and K. Rathinavel. (2021). Digenic inheritance of cleistogamous flowering type in Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(2), 193-196.
Book published
- Karivaratharaaju,T.V; K.Rathinavel; A.Bharathi; K.Raja and M.Bhaskaran. 2008. Ready Recknor for cotton cultivation and seed production. The SIMA cotton development and Research Association, 41, Race course, Coimbatore-18 (ISBN No. 978-81-905586-9-3).Pp.1-154
- Karivaratharaaju,T.V; K.Rathinavel; A.Bharathi; K.Raja; P.Natesan and M.Bhaskaran. 2008. Farm field school lessons-2008 (Vayal Veli palli pada thoguppu – 2008 – in Tamil) The SIMA cotton development and Research Association, 41, Race course, Coimbatore-18 (ISBN No. 9788190597036).Pp.1-125
Book Chapters in Edited Books
- Venugopal, K., K. Rathinavel, S. Manickam & K. N. Gururajan. (2003) Hybrid seed production in cotton. In: Hybrid Seed Production in Field Crops. Ed. N.C.Singhal. Kalyani Publishers, 1/1, Rajinder Nagar. Ludhiana-141008, India.pp. 137-162. (ISBN 81-272-0799-3)
- Rathinavel, K. (2005) Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights act, 2001 and DUS test – an over view. In: Training Manual on DUS Test in Cotton with reference to PPV&FR legislation, 2001, 19th to 25th January, 2005. (Eds. K. Rathinavel, S. Manickam and M. Sabesh) Pp. 59-67.
- Rathinavel, K. (2005) Conduct of DUS Test in Cotton: Planting material, duration, plant population, experimental design, method and observations. In: Training Manual on DUS Test in Cotton with reference to PPV&FR legislation, 2001, 19th to 25th January, 2005. (Eds. K. Rathinavel, S. Manickam and M. Sabesh) Pp. 68 –77.
- Rathinavel,K. (2006). Quality seed production in cotton. In: Recent techniques and participatory approaches on quality seed production. (Eds K. Vanangamudi et. al.,) Kalyani Publishers, B-1/1292, Rajinder Nagar, Ludhiana-141 008. Pp 282-288
- Rathinavel, K. and K. Raja. (2006). Hardening and pelleting in cotton. In: Seed hardening, pelleting and coating. Principles and Practices. (Eds. K. Vanangamudi, K.Natarajan, T.Saravanan, R.Renuka, N.Natarajan, R.Umarani, A.Bharathi. Satish Serial Publishing House, New Delhi – 110 033 Pp. 353-359 (ISBN81-89304-20-8)
- Rathinavel,K.,S. Manickam and K. N. Gururajan (2013). Cotton In: Hybrid seed Production in Field Crops, (Ed.) N. C. Singhal, Kalyani Publishers, B-1/1292, Rajinder Nagar, Ludhiana-141 008, Pp. 184-212 (ISBN 81-272-0799-3)
- Rathinavel,K and H.Kavitha. 2013. Indian plant variety protection act 2001” (India Tavara ragangalin padukappu matrum vivasayeekalin urimaikal sattam, 2001) In: Agriculture Science (Velanmai ariviyal) Eds.R.Sundaram et.al) (ISBN NO.978-93-87702-56-5) Pp.108-111 All India Scientific Tamil Association, Tamil University,Thanjavur.
- Rathinavel, K.,Revathi and S.Balavidya. 2014. Cotton hybrid seed production. In: Hybrid seed production of Agronomic crops. (Eds.K.Vanangamudi and A.Vijayakumar) AGROBIOS (INDIA),Jodhpur, (ISBN (13)978-81-7754-544-9), Pp.227-301.
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts National
- Rathinavel, K. and C. Dharmalingam. (1998) Effect of halogen treatment on the control of seed deterioration in cotton (Gossypium sp L.). X .National seed seminar on seed technology developments:challenges for 21st century at CCS HAU, Hissar. 17-19 Dec.1998.
- Venugopal, K., K. N. Gururajan, K. Rathinavel and K. N. Gopalakrishnan (1998) Crop improvement review and suggestions for seed research in cotton. Paper presented at XIII Annual group meeting of National seed project (crops) held at university of mysore, Mysore, May 2-4, 1998.
- Natarajan, K. K. Venugopal. K. Rathinavel and S. babu (2000). The Transgenic cotton prospect and problems, Paper presented in the National Conference on the recent trends in biotech and bio control approches of the new millennium held at IICT Hyderabad, 18-20 July, 2000.
- Rathinavel, K, P. Chidambaram, K. Natarajan, S. Manickam and K. Venugopal. 2002. Effect of sowing time on production and quality of cotton hybrid seed. Paper presented in “XI th National Seed Seminar On Quality Seed to Enhance Agricultural Profitability” at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, January 18 to 20, 2002.
- Venugopal, K., K. Rathinavel, K. N. Gururajan and N. Gopalakrishnan. (2002). Cotton crop improvement and seed research Prospects and perspectives Paper presented at 17th Annual Group Meeting of NSP (Crops) organised at ANGRAU, Hyderabad, March 14-16, 2002.
- Venugopal, K., K. Rathinavel, K. N. Gururajan and N. Gopalakrishnan (2002). Choice of cotton varieties and hybrids for sustainable cotton production in Andhra Pradesh Paper presented in round table conference organized by m/s Syngenta on 27 &28.3.2002 at CRIDA, Hyderabad.
- Rajendran, T. P., K. Rathinavel and Phundan Singh (2004) Crop improvement and extension of seed research in cotton. Paper presented at XIX Annual Group Meeting of NSP (Crops) organised at PAU, Ludhiana, March 1-3, 2004.
- Manickam, S., K. Rathinavel, K. Raja and K. N. Gururajan. (2004). Cultivation of F2 cotton in India- A boon or bane? Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Strategies for Sustainable Cotton Production – A global Vision” 1. Crop Improvement held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad – 580 005 from 23-25 November 2004 Pp.135-138.
- Rathinavel, K., K.Natarajan, K.Raja and P.Chidambaram (2004). Polymer and Pesticide coating on cottonseed improves viability vigour and longevity. Paper presented in National Seminar on Plant Physiology: Physiological basis of Agricultural, Horticultural and Medicinal Plants Productivity held from December 27 to 29, 2004 at the Department of Botany, University of Pune, Pune-411 007.Pp.133
- Gururajan,K.N. and K.Rathinavel (2007) Distinction Uniformity and Stability Testing in Cotton. Presented in the Training Programme on DUS Testing-Principles and Procedures 7-14 February, 2007 at the Dept. Seed Science and Technology, ANGRAU, Hyderabad
- Manickam, S, K.Rathinavel, K.N.Gururajan and N.Gopalakrishnan. 2007. DUS testing in cotton – A mechanism for protection of plant breeders and Farmers Rights. National Seminar on “Environmental Biotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges” February 22 and 23, 2007. Department of Zoology and Microbiology, Thiagarajar College, madurai – 625 009
- Rathinavel, K., S.Usha Rani and N.Gopalakrishnan. 2007. Cotton Seed Production – Problems perspectives and technological advancements. Status paper presented in the Workshop on share your experiences in seed production, Marketing, trading, IPR and its implementation Organized by ICAR regional Committee No.VIII, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore –641007on 28.4.2007
- Rathinavel, K. 2007. Quality seed and Fibre production in Extra long cotton. Paper presented at Model training course on cultivation of Long staple cotton (ELS) 15-22, December 2007 at central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore -3. Pp. 71-74.
- Rathinavel, K., S.Usha Rani and N.Gopalakrishnan. 2007. Cotton Seed Production – Problems perspectives and technological advancements. Status paper presented in the Workshop on share your experiences in seed production, Marketing, trading, IPR and its implementation Organized by ICAR regional Committee No.VIII, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore –641007on 28.4.2007
- Rathinavel, K. 2008. Techniques for seed / fibre quality standards / indices .Paper presented in the “Seminar on improved crop production strategies for enhancing cotton productivity, quality and economic return” at CICR, Regional station, Coimbatore on 7th June 2008, Organised by SIMA CD&RA, Race course, Coimbatore – 18 and Directorate of Cotton Development, Mumbai.
Popular Articles/ Short Notes/ Short Communications
- Rathinavel, K. and C.Dharmalingam. (1998). Seed Hardening in cotton. Science Express. 19thOct. 1998. P.4.
- Venugopal, K., K. N. Gururajan, K. Rathinavel and K. N. Gopalakrishnan (1998) Crop improvement review and suggestions for seed research in cotton. Paper presented at XIII Annual group meeting of National seed project (crops) held at University of Mysore, Mysore, May 2-4, 1998.
- Venugopal, K., K. Rathinavel and S. Manickam (2000) Advances in hybrid cotton seed production. In: Summer school on advances in hybrid seed production 25.4.2000 to 24.5.2000 Eds. N.C.Singhal and A.K.Vari. Division of Seed Science and Technology, IARI, New Delhi. Pp. 159-177.
- Natarajan, K., K. Venugopal. K. Rathinavel and S. Babu (2000). The Transgenic cotton prospect and problems, Paper presented in the National Conference on the recent trends in biotech and bio control approaches of the new millennium held at IICT Hyderabad, 18-20 July 2000.
- Venugopal, K., S. Manickam and K. Rathinavel. (2001). Recent advances in hybrid seed production of cotton. Paper presented in winter school on “Recent Trends in Seed Production Management” at College of Agriculture JNKVV, Jabalpur from 21.11.2001 to 10.12.2001.
- Ramamoorthy, K., K. Rathinavel and R. Venkatasamy. (2001) Kapas Marketing Sthithi oour neethiya keth oour bazar Jan-March, 2001 Pp.29-33.
- Rathinavel, K. (2001). Quality seed production in cotton. In: Recent techniques and participatory approaches on quality seed production. (Eds: K. Vanangamudi et al.,). Department of Seed Science & Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Pp. 289-296.
- Rathinavel, K., P. Chidambaram, K. Natarajan, S. Manickam and K. Venugopal. (2002). Effect of sowing time on production and quality of cotton hybrid seed. Paper presented in “XI th National Seed Seminar On Quality Seed to Enhance Agricultural Profitability” at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, January 18 to 20, 2002.
- Venugopal, K., K.Rathinavel, K. N. Gururajan and N. Gopalakrishnan. (2002).Cotton Crop Improvement and Seed Research Prospects and Perspectives. Paper presented at 17th Annual Group Meeting of NSP (Crops) organised at ANGRAU, Hyderabad, March 14-16, 2002.
- Venugopal, K., K. Rathinavel, K. N. Gururajan and N. Gopalakrishnan (2002). Choice of cotton varieties and hybrids for sustainable cotton production in Andhra Pradesh Paper presented in round table conference organized by M/s Syngenta on 27 &28.3.2002 at CRIDA, Hyderabad.
- Rathinavel, K. and K. Raja. (2002). Cotton cultivation techniques (In Tamil). Valarum Velanmai. 28 (10): 13-21.
- Rathinavel, K. and K. Raja. (2003). Seed quality enhancement methods in cotton (In Tamil). Nilavazham. Pp. 9 -11 November 2003. Published by TamilNadu State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank, 79-80, Luz church street, Mylapore, Chennai-600 004.
- Rathinavel, K., T. P. Rajendran, K. N. Gururajan and K. Natarajan. (2004). Prospects of cotton cultivation in Tamil Nadu (In Tamil). Soviner: Rajapalayam Cotton Market Association, 147-D, T.P.Mills road, Rjapalayam, Tamil Nadu.
- Rathinavel, K. (2005). Quality seed production in extra long staple cotton. In: Training manual on long staple cotton production, Trainers training programme on Sep 23-24, 2005 at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore-3. Pp.12-25.
- Rathinavel, K. and K. Raja. (2003). Seed hardening and pelleting in cotton. In: Seed hardening and pelleting technologies for rain fed / garden land ecosystems. Eds. K. Vanangamudi et. al., TamilNadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003. Pp. 197-201
- Rathinavel, K. and N. Gopalakrishnan. (2006). Extension of shelf life of cotton seeds through polymer coating. Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, News letter. XXII (3): 5 Sept- Dec.2006.
- Rathinavel, K., S.Usha Rani and N.Gopalakrishnan.( 2007). Cotton Seed Production – Problems perspectives and technological advancements. Status paper presented in the Workshop on share your experiences in seed production, Marketing, trading, IPR and its implementation Organized by ICAR regional Committee No.VIII, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore –641007on 28.4.2007
- Rathinavel, K. (2008). Techniques for seed / fibre quality standards / indices .Proceedings of “Seminar on improved crop production strategies for enhancing cotton productivity, quality and economic return” PP. 48-59. Organised Organised by SIMA CD&RA, Race course, Coimbatore – 18 and Directorate of Cotton Development, Mumbai. by at CICR, Regional station, Coimbatore on 7th June 2008.
- Rathinavel, K. (2008). Seed management for cotton cultivation. Training programme manual on Integrated Cotton Production held at CICR, Regional station, Coimbatore -3 during 15-17, December, 2008. P.29-33.
- Rathinavel, K. S.Manickam and N.Gopalakrishnan (2010). Tolerance tables and their utility, calculation and reporting results. Manual on the national training on Varietal Purity- Testing of specified traits dated 15-24, February, 2010 at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur-440 010.Pp.123-136
- N.Gopalakrishnan, K.Rathinavel and S.Manickam (2010). PPV&FR, Act and DUS guidelines. Manual on the national training on Varietal Purity- Testing of specified traits dated 15-24, February, 2010 at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur-440 010.Pp.108-122.
- K. Rathinavel (2013) Organic Seed Production in Cotton. In the training Manual on “Relevance and Techniques of Organic Cotton Production” Under Cotton Technical Assistance Programme for Africa during January 21-25, 2013. Pp 21-28
- Rathinavel,K and H.Kavitha. (2013). Indian plant variety protection act 2001” (India Tavara ragangalin padukappu matrum vivasayeekalin urimaikal sattam, 2001) In: Agriculture Science (Velanmai ariviyal) Eds.R.Sundaram et.al) Pp.108-111 (ISBN NO.978-93-87702-56-5) All India Scientific Tamil Association, Tamil University,Thanjavur
- Rathinavel, K. (2013) “Digital Signatures. Cotton Innovate. Issue: 3, Volume :10, October 27 to November 2, 2013
- Rathinavel, K. (2013) Effective seed treatments in cotton. Cotton Innovate. Issue: 5, Volume: 11, November 2013.
- Karpagam,C .,M. Sabesh, K. Rathnavel and M.Amutha (2015). ‘Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav’ – SWOT analysis and road map for implementation at Sokkanur PV. Cotton innovate 4(10) October 19-25, 2015
- Karpagam,C .,M. Sabesh, K. Rathnavel and M.Amutha (2015). Reaching the unreached area under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Cotton innovate 4(11), November 23-30, 2015
- R. Raja, Annie Sheeba, K. Rameash, K. Rathinavel and A. H. Prakash (2021) Productivity Enhancement in Extra Long Staple Cotton through Agronomic Manipulation. Cotton Innovate 4(1):1-2
- K P M. Dhamayanthi, A.Manivannan and K.Rathinavel (2021) Cleistogamy in Gossypium barbadense cotton- A mechanism for self-pollination. Cotton Innovate 4(1): 3-4.
Research Bulletin/ Extension Bulletins
- Manickam, S., K. Rathinavel & K. N. Gururajan (2003). Cotton, Nucleus and Breeder Seed Production Manual, Published by Project Coordinator (Cotton Improvement) Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore-641 003.Pp.1-15
- Rathinavel. K., S. Manickam and M. Sabesh (2005). Training Manual on DUS Test in Cotton with reference to PPV&FR legislation, 2001, 19th to 25th January 2005. All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore – 641 003.P. 1-201
- Rathinavel, K., S.Manickam, K.N.Gururajan, R.K.Deshmukh and V.Shanthy. 2006. Draft National Test Guidelines for the conduct of DUS test of Cotton (Gossypium spp.) Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore.pp.1-40.
- Rathinavel, K., Rajaganapthy and H. Kavitha 2012. Manual on Implementation of PVP legislation 2001. One day awareness cum training programme organized at CICR, Regional station Coimbatore-3 on 26.3.2012 and 27.3.2012.Pp.1-71
- Rathinavel, K., Rajaganapthy and H. Kavitha 2013. Manual on Implementation of PVP legislation 2001. One day awareness cum training programme organized at CICR, Regional station Coimbatore-3 on 7.3.2013. Pp.1-71
- K.Rathinavel, S.Manickam, H.Kavitha, T.Surulivelu and K. R. Kranthi (2014).Maintenance of Genetic purity of Varieties and Parental lines of Cotton. Technical Bulletin (2014), Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore.Pp.1-108
- Dhamayanthi, KPM, K.Rathinavel, Punit Mohan and K. R. Kranthi (2014). Economic Characters of Gossypium barbadense L. Technical Bulletin (2014), Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore.Pp.1.54
- Manickam,S., K.Rathinavel, V.N.Wagmare, S.K.Verma.2016. Morphological characteristics of ICAR-CICR cotton varieties and hybrids. Published by the Project coordinator (Cotton Improvement) All India Coordinated Project on cotton,ICAR-CICR, Regional station, Coimbatore-3 Pp.1-40
Training Manual
- Rathinavel. K., S. Manickam and M. Sabesh (2005). Training Manual on DUS Test in Cotton with reference to PPV&FR legislation, 2001, 19th to 25th January 2005. All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore – 641 003.P. 1-201
- Rathinavel, K., Rajaganapthy and H. Kavitha 2012. Manual on Implementation of PVP legislation 2001. One day awareness cum training programme organized at CICR, Regional station Coimbatore-3 on 26.3.2012 and 27.3.2012.Pp.1-71
- Rathinavel, K., Rajaganapthy and H. Kavitha 2013. Manual on Implementation of PVP legislation 2001. One day awareness cum training programme organized at CICR, Regional station Coimbatore-3 on 7.3.2013. Pp.1-71
Research Reports Talks delivered
- Radio Talk (in Tamil) Paruthi urpathiyil tharamana vithaikalin mukkiathuvam in Farm School on AIR lesson No.4 on 27.10.99 at 7.25 PM. All India Radio, Coimbatore.
- Farmers training programme on Cotton cultivation in rice fallow condition. Under Cotton Technology Mission. At office of Assistant Director of Agriculture. Needamangalam, Thanjvur on 21.2.2001
- Lecture on “Cotton seed production technology” in Cotton production technology training programme for agricultural officers between 19-21 Dec. 2000 at the office of Joint Director of Agriculture. Dindugal.
- Kisan Divas: held at Chinnaputhur village of Dharapuram Taluk, Erode Dt. On 23.12.2002
- Radio Talk: Importance of quality cotton seeds for higher productivity. On 16.7.2002 at 7.30 pm at All India Radio. Coimbatore
- Delivered a lecture in a farmer’s conference on cotton development at P.S. Kumarasamy Raja centenary hall, Rajapalayam on 3.1.2003, jointly organized by Rajapalayam cotton market association with Tamil Nadu cotton ginning, processing traders and cotton grower’s federation, Pollachi.
- Participated and trained the cotton growers of Sakottai region of Thanjavore Dt., on the aspects of “Cotton seed production, processing, pre sowing seed treatments” etc., and also the importance of use of high quality seed for getting higher productivity on 12.2.2003 Organized by DDA, FTC, Sakottai, Thanjavore Dt.,
- Offered training to Farmers of Allapalayam, Annur taluk of Coimbatore District on 8.9.2004 on the topic “Seed production methods and seed certification procedures for cotton” under the Project TAR/IVLP (NATP).
- Lecture delivered on the topic “DUS Testing Principles and Procedures” (23.02.2006) during the training programme on “DUS Testing in sugarcane for tropics” organized from 21-24 Feb’ 2006 at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore –641 007
- Participated in “National Technology day celebrations” and Frontline demonstration on cotton at Kavalapatty, Palani Taluka, on 15.5.2006 organized by SIMA – CDRA, Shanmuga mandram, Race course road, Coimbatore – 18
- Visited SIMA – CDRA Farm at Ponneri near Udumalpet on 13.6.2006 to monitor MCU 5 and SIMA HB 3 Maintenance breeding block
- Visited State Seed Farm, Sakkottai, Kumbakonam to monitor the genetic purity of foundation seed plots of Surabhi and Sumangala from 19.6.2006 to 20.6.2006 –
- Delivered a lecture on 13.6.2006 entitled “The protection of plant varieties and farmer’s right’s act 2001 & DUS testing of cotton” at the Institute of Forest genetics and Tree Breeding, Forest college campus, Coimbatore.
- Visited Regional Agricultural Research Station, Raichur; Agricultural Research Station – Siruguppa, Karnataka for monitoring Bt cotton and AICCIP trials; Central State Farm – Jawelgerae, Karnataka for monitoring breeder seed production plots of Suvin and Surabhi during 6th to 10th November, 2006
- Visited Dharmapuri district for monitoring the growth performance of MRC 6918 inter specific Bt hybrid of M/S Mahyco on 27.12.2006 and 28.12.2006
- Delivered Lecture on PPV & FR act and DUS testing of Cotton to Agricultural Officers, Department of Agriculture, Punjab State on 15.3.2003 at Seminar hall, CICR, CBE-3
- Visited CICR, Sirsa, HAU, Hisar and PAU, Ludhiana for Monitoring DUS facilities and DUS trials from 15.10.2007 to 20.10.2007
- Visited Perambalur (Kunnam) from 4.11.2007 to 5.11.2007 to attend and deliver a talk on “ Management of rain fed cotton” among the FLD cotton farmers on 5.11.2007 organized by Bayer Crop Science Limited, Mumbai
- 16.12.2007 SIMA-CDRA, Ponneri Farm along with trainees of Model training course on cultivation of Long staple cotton (ELS)
- 21.12.2007 Rasi Seeds Pvt.Ltd. Attur To accompany the trainees on the Model training course on cultivation of Long staple cotton (ELS) and discuss various aspects of cotton seed production, processing and storage conditions with M/s Rasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Attur
- Rathinavel,K. Seed Production Technology in cotton. Telecast on 31.1.2010 between 6.00-6.15 am Doordharsan Kendra, Regional Station, Coimbatore
- Lecture delivered on the topic “Efficient techniques for quality seed production” on 12.5.2010 to Agricultural Officers training organized by the directorate of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore-3
- Lecture delivered on the topic “Essentially derived varieties and Identification” During the training programme on “Varietal purity testing-testing specified traits” between 25-29, October 2010 at the department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3.
- Lecture delivered on the topic “Efficient techniques for quality seed production” on 18.11.2010 to the Agricultural Officers on the season long training programme organized by the Directorate of Extension Education, TNAU under Technology Mission on Cotton.
- Lecture delivered on the topic “Awareness in seed quality parameters in cotton” on 19.2.2011 to the farmers and field facilitators of IRM project village. The training programme organized by central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Satation, Coimbatore-3.
- Delivered a talk on “PVP & FR Act and DUS Guidelines”(theory) and Tolerance Tables and their utility, calculation and reporting results(Practical) ” on 03.02.11 at 11.30-17.00hrs during the National Training on “Molecular Characterization of GMOs and its Purity Testing” to be held during January 18th February 7th 2011 at CICR, NAGPUR.
- Delivered a lecture on the Plant breeding techniques and maintenance breeding in Cotton on 20.9.2011 to the postgraduate scholars of plant Breeding and Genetics, Kerala Agricultural University.
- Lecture in Tamil “Importance of quality cotton seed for higher productivity” on 7.1.2012 to Tribal Farmers training programme on Tribal Sub Programme under AICCIP.
- Lecture in tamil “Seed production Techniques in cotton” on 6.3.2012 to TSLs of CICR, Regional Station,Coimbatore-3.
- Lecture delivered to trainees from Uganda on the topic “Organic seed production in cotton” under the training programme on “Relevance and Techniques of Organic cotton production” organized under COTTON TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME FOR AFRICA at CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore from 21-25th January, 2013
- Lecture delivered to trainees on the topic “Techniques of hybrid seed production” On the awareness workshop cum training on “ELS cotton cultivation and value addition” held at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore” from 26th to 28th Dec.2012
- Lecture delivered to trainees on the topic “DUS test procedure in Cotton” On the awareness workshop cum training on “Protection of plant varieties and Farmers Rights” on 4.1.2013 held at Department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3
- Lecture delivered to trainees on the topic “Hybrid seed production in cotton-Techniques Issues and prospects” during the training to Seed certification Officials at The Directorate of seed certification, Coimbatore from 22.1.2013 to 24.1.2013.
- Lecture delivered to trainees on the topic “Preparation and filing of application for Registration of plant varieties and the status of cotton” during the one day awareness cum training programme on protection of plant varieties and farmers rights at Central Institute of Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore on 7.3.2013
- Lecture delivered on the topic Principles of seed production and safe seed storage practices during the Awareness cum training programme on cotton cultivation and seed production was organized to the Tribal farmers of Elagiri hills, Jolarpettai, Thirupattur Taluk, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu on 26.3.2015
- Lecture delivered on the topic “The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act 2001 and DUS testing in Cotton” on 16.2.2015 to the Students, Dept. of Seed Sci. and Tech. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
- Delivered a lecture on the topic “Plant variety protection, farmer’s rights and DUS testing” on 31.12.2014 during the training cum awareness programme on The Protection of plant variety and Farmers Rights organized at MYRADA KVK, Gobichettipalayam, Erode District.
- Delivered lecture on “DUS and PPVFRA” to tribal farmers training organized under All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton – Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) during 18.01.2016 & 19.01.2016 at CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore-3
- Delivered lecture “DUS and PPV&FRA initiatives in cotton” on 9.2.2016 during the training programme of AICRP on cotton-Tribal Sub-Plan of CICR, RS, CBE on 9.2.2016 and 10.2.2016.
- Delivered lecture “DUS testing in cotton” during the training programme of AICRP on cotton-Tribal Sub-Plan of CICR, RS, CBE on 3rd and 4th November 2016
- Delivered lecture on SWACHH BHARATH & Seed Production Technique during Multi skilled training programme to supporting staffs of Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore on 15.3.17
- Delivered a talk on the Recent Technologies in Cotton” to farmers of Erode during the SANKALP SE SIDDHI meeting held at KVK MYRADA Gobichettipalayam on 29.8.2017
- Delivered lecture on Aim and scope of Tribal sub plan training programme, Plant varieties registration, Principles of seed production in Agriculture and Horticultural crops in one day Awareness cum training programme on cotton cultivation and seed production at Elagiri hills, Jolarpettai, Thirupattur Taluk, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu on16.3.2018 under Tribal sub plan of national Seed Project (crops) 2017-18
- Delivered lecture on the Seed production Technology of cotton and IPR of cotton on 18.11.2019 during the exposure visit cum capacity building programme on cotton production technologies for the Agricultural officers of Odhisa state.
- Participated and delivered lecture on the occasion of celebration of international year of Minor millets 2023 and tree planting at Vadapudur, kinathukadavu Block, Coimbatore District on 17.9.2021.
- AICCIP Central Zone Panel Meeting on13-14 May 1993 at PunjabraoKrishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharastra.
- IX All India Seed Seminar on Seed Storage Packing and Marketing, December 7-9, 1994 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003.
- G.V.Chalam Memorial Lecture on 21.12.1994 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Coimbatore-641003.
- XIII Annual group meeting, National Seed Project (Crops) held at University of Mysore, Mysore, May 2-4, 1998.
- XIV Annual group meeting, National Seed Project (Crops) held at University of Dharwad, Dharwad, Feb. 15-17, 1999.
- XV Annual groups meeting of National seed project (Crops) Held at Agricultural Research Station of Rajasthan Agricultural University. Durgapura. Jaipur, Feb., 15 – 17, 2000.
- XVI Annual group meeting of National seed project (Crops) Held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3 between March 8-10, 2001.
- “XI th National Seed Seminar on Quality Seed to Enhance Agricultural Profitability “at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, January 18 to 20, 2002.
- Annual group meeting of AICCIP held at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, on 19-21, March 2002.
- National Seminar on the “Protection of plant varieties under the UPOV convention” organized by the international union for the protection of New varieties of plants (UPOV) and the department of Agriculture & Cooperation of India, held at the Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad from 25.2.2002 to 26.2.2002.
- Group meeting of the project scientist TMC-MMB1 “Maintenance of genetic purity of released varieties and parents of hybrid” held at Main Cotton Research Station, Gujarat Agril. Univ., Athwa farm, Surat on 4.5.2001
- XVIII Annual group meeting of National Seed Project (Crops) held at MPUA&T, Udaipur from 1- 3, March 2003.
- Attended Annual group meeting of All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement project from 3.4.2003 to 5.4.2003 held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003.
- Attended the group meeting of all CCPI of TMC-MM 1.5 “Maintenance breeding, seed production and marker based purity evaluation” to be held on 12.8.2003 at Main cotton research station, GAU, Athwa farm, Surat.
- XIX Annual Group Meeting of National Seed Project (Crops) Organised at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, March 1-3, 2004.
- National Conference on Seed: A global perspective held at National Agricultural Science Center, DPS Margh, Pusa, New Delhi-12 Organized by Indian Society of Seed Technology, Division of Seed Science and Technology, IARI, New Delhi 110012.
- Annual group meeting of the project ”Preparation for the plant variety protection and DUS testing through ICAR-SAU System” organized on September 30th – October 1st 2004 in the Auditorium of National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New delhi-12. Organized by Project Coordinator, National Seed Project (Crops), New Delhi-12.
- National Seminar on Plant Physiology: Physiological basis of Agricultural, Horticultural and Medicinal Plants Productivity held from December 27 to 29, 2004 at the Department of Botany, University of Pune, Pune-411 007, and presented a paper on Polymer and Pesticide coating on cotton seed improves viability, vigour and longevity.
- Attended XX annual group meeting of NSP (Crops), held from 17 to 19, February 2005 at the Department of Seed Science & Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003
- Attended “National Seminar on Fiber quality standards” on 23rd April, 2005 Organized by SIMA-CDRA, Shanmukha Mandram, Race course, Coimbatore – 641018
- Attended the second dialogue meeting between the authority and the agricultural system in Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Karnataka states on February 1, 2006 convened by Protection of plant varieties and farmers Right Authority, New Delhi and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University at TNAU, Coimbatore- 641 003.
- Attended XXI Annual group meeting of AICRP- National Seed Projects (Crops) held at JNKVV, Jabalpur from May 20 to 22, 2006.
- Attended the meeting of task force II for “Evaluation and Finalization of DUS Test Guidelines of Cotton and other issues relating to plant variety protection” from 26th to 28th September, 2006 at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur- 440 010.
- National workshop on increasing ELS cotton production in India, 6th and 7th October, 2006 Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003, jointly organized by the Directorate of Cotton Development, Mumbai and the Directorate of Agriculture, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- Attended the Final meeting of Task force II meeting for finalization of National test guide lines for cotton on 13.1.2007 at the office of PPV & FR authority, NASC complex, New Delhi.
- National conference on “Seed Quality Control” on 21-22, December,2006 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 3, Organized by National Seed Research and Training Centre, Varanasi and Seed Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003.
- Attended the Annual Breeder Seed Review Meeting on 2.2.2007 held at NBPGR, New Delhi – 12.
- Attended the CCPI’s group meeting of TMC MMI- 1.5 projects from 1.3.2007 to 3.3.2007 organized at CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore – 3.
- Attended the XXII Annual group meeting of AICRP – National Seed Project (Crops) from 24.4.2007 – 26.4.2007 at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
- Attended National level consultation on Agro Biodiversity hot spots and Biodiversity heritage sites on 1-2, June 2007 at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Megalaya, Organised by PPV&FRA, New Delhi and Biodiversity Authority, Chennai.
- Attended National Seminar on “Implecations of the Protection of Plant varieties and Farmers Rights Act 2001 to Forestry sector” on 4.7.2007 and 5.7.2007 at the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore – 641 002.
- Attended “Pre Seasonal area conference – 2007” on 13.7.2007 Organized by Agriculture Man Ecology Foundation, No.661, EVR Salai, K.K.Nagar, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu.
- Attended the XXII Annual group meeting of AICRP – National Seed Project (Crops) from 24.4.2007 – 26.4.2007 at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
- Attended National level consultation on Agro Biodiversity hot spots and Biodiversity heritage sites on 1-2, June 2007 at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Megalaya, Organised by PPV&FRA, New Delhi and Biodiversity Authority, Chennai.
- Attended National Seminar on “Implecations of the Protection of Plant varieties and Farmers Rights Act 2001 to Forestry sector” on 4.7.2007 and 5.7.2007 at the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore – 641 002.
- Attended “Pre Seasonal area conference – 2007” on 13.7.2007 Organized by Agriculture Man Ecology Foundation, No.661, EVR Salai, K.K.Nagar, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu.
- Visited CICR, Sirsa, HAU, Hisar and PAU, Ludhiana for Monitoring DUS facilities and DUS trials from 15.10.2007 to 20.10.2007
- Visited Perambalur (Kunnam) from 4.11.2007 to 5.11.2007 to attend and deliver a talk on “ Management of rain fed cotton” among the FLD cotton farmers on 5.11.2007 organized by Bayer Crop Science Limited, Mumbai
- Visited SIMA-CDRA, Ponneri Farm on16.12.2007along with trainees of Model training course on cultivation of Long staple cotton (ELS)
- Visited Rasi Seeds Pvt.Ltd. Attur on 21.12.2007 to accompany the trainees on the Model training course on cultivation of Long staple cotton (ELS) and discuss various aspects of cotton seed production, processing and storage conditions with M/s Rasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Attur
- Attended the QRT meeting of NSP (Crops) and to present the report at GKVK Bangalore on 27.12.2007 and 28.12.2007 organized Directorate of Seed Research, MAU, UP
- Attended the 13th meeting of State cotton council on 18.2.2008 at Department of Agriculture, Secretariat, Chennai-9.
- Attended the Annual review meeting of Breeder seeds produced during 2006-07 at NASC complex New Delhi on 11.3.2008 under the chairmanship of DDG crop Sciences.
- Attended the preparation of proposal for registration of extant cotton varieties from 8.4.2008 to 11.4.2008 at NBPGR, Pusa campus, New Delhi-12.
- Attended the Institute Research Council meeting (2007-08) at Central Institute for Cotton research, Nagpur from 28.4.2008 to 1.5.2008.
- Attended the “Second DUS test launching function” on 27th May, 2008 at NASC complex, DPS Marg, Opp:Todapur village, New Delhi-12.
- Attended the “Consultation meeting for Nodal Officers of SAU’s for registration of state released varieties” on 28th May, 2008 at NBPGR, Pusa campus, New Delhi-12.
- Attended the Core committee meeting of Tamil Nadu State Cotton Council at the O/o Commissioner of Agriculture, Chepauk, Chennai on 5.8.2008.
- Conducted the Cotton crop breeders meet of Central Zone for preparation of registration proposal of extant cotton varieties under PPV& FR, Act, 2001 on July 10th and 11th of 2008.
- Conducted the Cotton crop breeders meet of North and South Zone for preparation of registration proposal of extant cotton varieties under PPV & FR, Act, 2001 on July 18th and 19th of 2008.
- Acted as an external expert in the committee for the recruitment of SRF under DUS project at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore on 20.10.2008.
- Attended the DUS trial monitoring at CICR, regional Station and acted as monitoring team member on 26.11.2008.
- Attended the DUS trial monitoring along with Dr.A.K.Basu, the Chairman of the monitoring team and Dr.S.Nagarajan, the Chairperson of PPV&FRA at UAS Dharwad on 28.11.2008.
- Conducted viva-voce examination to students of Masters Degree programme (Seed Technology) on 1.12.2008 at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai.
- Attended the Cotton Farmers Awareness programme and delivered a talk on “Techniques to enhance cotton production and productivity” at SIMA-CDRA, Ponneri farm on 6.12.2008.
- Attended the Third High level Technical Committee Meeting on Regulation of Private varieties/hybrids on 15.12.2008 at Agricultural Department, Secretariat, Chennai – 600 009 organized by the State Department of Seed Certification, Coimbatore – 641 013.
- Delivered a lecture on “Techniques of hybrid seed production in Cotton” on 15.12.2008 to the Farmers Vadapudur Village organized at the Seminar hall of CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore under the NAIP programme.
- Attended the IX th Cotton Core Committee meeting of State cotton council at the office of commissionaire of Agriculture, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
- Attended the Project Coordinators/Project Directors meeting of DUS Centers held at SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar, Dantiwada on 8.1.2009 organized by Protection of plant varieties and Farmers Rights Authority, New Delhi.
- Acted as an external expert in the committee for the recruitment of SRF under DUS project at Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore on 29.1.2009.
- Attended the Annual Breeder Seed Review Meeting of breeder seed produced during 2007-08 held at NBPGR, Pusa complex, New Delhi on 24.2.2009.
- Delivered a lecture on the topic “ Tolerance Tables and their utility, calculation and reporting results” on 26.2.2009 during the training programme on “Varietal Purity- Testing of specified traits” held at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur from 23.2.2009 to 27.2.2009 organised by National Seed Research and Training Centre, Varanasi.
- Attended the Discussion And Planning Of DUS Trials for North, Central And South Zones During Kharif 2009 Season. The Meeting Was Held At PPV&FRA, NASC, Todapur, New Delhi On 12.3.2009 In The Presence Of Chairperson, Registrar and the Joint Registrar PPV&FRA.
- Participated and delivered a talk on “Seed management techniques for the enhancement of cotton productivity” at the farmer’s workshop meeting at Annur taluk of Coimbatore district on 28.3.2009 organized by the State Department of Agriculture under Intensive Cotton Development programme of TMC MM-II.
- Attended the XXIV Annual group meeting of AICRP – National Seed Project (Crops) from April 2-4, 2009 at organized at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003.
- Participated in one day seminar on “IPR, PPV&FR and Biological Diversity acts” and delivered a lecture on topic “The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, 2001 and DUS test in Cotton” at the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore, on 4.9.2009 organised by Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore-2
- Attended the XXX Annual Group Meeting, AICRP- National Seed Project (Crops) held at Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres, Barrackpore during May, 4-6, 2010 and presented the Annual Progress report of Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore-3
- Attended the Annual breeder Seed review meeting of breeder seed produced during 2008-09 held at NBPGR, PUSA complex, New Delhi-12 on 24.4.2010 under the chairmanship of ADG (Commercial crops) and participated in discussion on various aspects of problems of breeder seed production and distribution and price fixation.
- Undergone training in the International programme on Plant Variety Protection and DUS testing for Indian Experts at The National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), Cambridge, UK from 28.6.2010 to 9.7.2010.
- Attended the 16th meeting of the Technical committee of Central Seed Certification Board on 15th July 2010 at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi under the chairmanship of Agriculture Commissioner, Government of India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation and participated in the discussion of Bt. Cotton seed quality regulations.
- Attended the workshop to review the conduct of DUS test for the period 2007-2010 at NAARM Hyderabad on 11-12, August, 2010 and to present the progress of work done under DUS project (Conduct of DUS test, Recording of DUS characters and maintenance of reference varieties in cotton)
- Attended the QRT meeting of Directorate of Seed Research, MAU organized at ANGRAU between 12-13, August 2010 and to present the work done under National Seed Project 9Crops) and Distinctiveness Uniformity and Stability testing of cotton.
- AS nodal officer of DUS project, to attend the monitoring team visit of DUS trials of CCSHAU, Hisar and PAU Ludhiana along with Dr.K.koodalingam, Professor Plant Breeding and genetics (Retired), TNAU, The Chairman of DUS monitoring team for cotton. Monitoring 8.9.2010 at CCSHAU, Hisar and 9.9.2010 at PAU, Ludhiana.
- AS nodal officer of DUS project, to attend the monitoring team visit of DUS trials of CICR, Nagpur and UAS Dharwad along with Dr.K.Koodalingam, Professor (Retired), TNAU, the Chairman of DUS monitoring team for cotton. Monitoring 25.10.2010 at CICR, Nagpur and 27.10.2010 at UAS,Dharwad.
- Deliver a talk on “PVP & FR Act and DUS Guidelines”(theory) and Tolerance Tables and their utility, calculation and reporting results(Practical) ” on 03.02.11 at 11.30-17.00hrs during the National Training on “Molecular Characterization of GMOs and its Purity Testing” to be held during January 18th February 7th 2011 at CICR, NAGPUR.
- Attended the Annual breeder Seed review meeting of breeder seed produced during 2009-10 held at NBPGR, PUSA complex, New Delhi-12 on 14.2.2011 under the chairmanship of DDG (Crop Science) and participated in discussion on various aspects of problems of breeder seed production and distribution and price fixation.
- Attended the Annual Progress Review meeting of the project “Implementation of PVP legislation, 2001” to be held at Lecture Hall, NAAS, NASC New Delhi on 25.2.2011 under the chairmanship of Chairperson PPV&FRA, New Delhi, and presented the progress report on the title “DUS Testing in Cotton & Establishing distinctiveness”.
- Participated in the Annual group meeting of the AICCIP from 8.4.2013 to 10.4.2013 held at MPUAT, Udaipur.
- Attended the 6th Annual Review Meeting of DUS test centers & Projects and for Plant Genome Savior Community Awards function on 21-22, May 2012 at NASC complex, New Delhi.
- Attended the monitoring team visit of cotton DUS trials at CCSHAU, Hisar and PAU Ludhiana on 7th and 8th August 2012,
- Attended the monitoring team visit of cotton DUS trials at CICR, Nagpur on 28.9.2012
- Attended the monitoring team visit of cotton DUS trials at University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad on 2.11.2012 and 3.11.2012.
- Attended the 7th Annual DUS review meeting held at IIVR, Varanasi during 28.2.2013 and 1.3.2013.
- Attended the Meeting of Central Seed Certification Board under the chairmanship of Secretary (A&C), Department of Agriculture and Cooperation on 15th March 2013 in the committee room “Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose” (Room No.142) Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
- Attended National Seminar on 21st National Seminar Scientific Tamil and presented an article on “Indian plant variety protection” organized by Central Institute of Agric Engineering (ICAR) in collaboration with All India Scientific Tamil Association, Tamil University,Thanjavur at held from February 09-10, 2013 at Thavathiru Snathalinga Adigalar Arts and Science, Tamil College, Parur, Coimbatore.
- Attended the annual group meeting of AICCIP held at CCSHAU Hisar between 6-8 April 2011
- Attended the interaction meeting of Project Directors/Project Coordinators meeting on 16th June, 2011 organized at CIAE Bhopal.
- Attended the monitoring of cotton DUS trials of 2011-12 at CCSHAU, Hisar and PAU Ludhiana along with Dr. Dr B B Singh, Ex Head, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi and Dr D S Pilania, the technical officer of PPV&FRA on 12 to 16, September 2011.
- Attended the monitoring of cotton DUS trials of 2011-12 at CICR, Nagpur along with Dr. Dr B B Singh, Ex Head, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi and Sh D S Mishra, the Joint Registrar of PPV&FRA on 4th November 2011.
- Attended and presented the progress report during the 4thReview Meeting of DUS test centres & Projects and 7th Foundation day meeting of PPV&FR authority at Dr B P Pal Auditorium, NBPGR, New Delhi to be held from 11.11.2011 to 12.11.2011
- Attended and presented the progress report during the interactive meeting of scientists visited foreign countries under NAIP. The meeting chaired by DG ICAR and Secretary DARE, to be held from 28.11.2011 to 30.11.2011 at IARI, New Delhi
- Attended the monitoring of cotton DUS trials of 2011-12 at UAS Dharwad along with Dr. Dr B B Singh, Ex Head, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi and Sh Uma kant Dubey , the Deputy Registrar of PPV&FRA on 9th December 2011.
- Attended the annual group meeting of AICCIP held at CCSHAU Hisar between 6-8 April 2011
- Attended the interaction meeting of Project Directors/Project Coordinators meeting on 16th June, 2011 organized at CIAE Bhopal.
- Attended and presented the progress report during the 4thReview Meeting of DUS test centres & Projects and 7th Foundation day meeting of PPV&FR authority at Dr B P Pal Auditorium, NBPGR, New Delhi to be held from 11.11.2011 to 12.11.2011
- Attended and presented the progress report during the interactive meeting of scientists visited foreign countries under NAIP. The meeting chaired by DG ICAR and Secretary DARE, to be held from 28.11.2011 to 30.11.2011 at IARI, New Delhi
- Attended the 6th Annual Review Meeting of DUS test centers & Projects and for Plant Genome Savior Community Awards function on 21-22, May 2012 at NASC complex, New Delhi.
- Attended 21st National Seminar on Scientific Tamil and presented an article on “Indian plant variety protection” organized by Central Institute of Agric Engineering (ICAR) in collaboration with All India Scientific Tamil Association, Tamil University,Thanjavur at held from February 09-10, 2013 at Thavathiru Snathalinga Adigalar Arts and Science, Tamil College, Parur, Coimbatore.
- Attended the 7th Annual DUS review meeting held at IIVR, Varanasi during 28.2.2013 and 1.3.2013.
- Attended the Meeting of Central Seed Certification Board under the chairmanship of Secretary (A&C), Department of Agriculture and Cooperation on 15th March 2013 in the committee room “Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose” (Room No.142) Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
- Participated in the Annual group meeting of the AICCIP from 8.4.2013 to 10.4.2013 held at MPUAT, Udaipur
- Attended the 6th National Seed Congress organized by NSRTC Varanasi and presented an article on Testing and regulation of seed quality in GM crops, as the nominee of Director, CICR, Nagpur. The seminar was held at Indira Gandhi Pratisthan Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow from 12.9.2013 to 14.9.2013.
- Attended the 6th National Seed Congress organized by NSRTC Varanasi and presented an article on Testing and regulation of seed quality in GM crops, as the nominee of Director, CICR, Nagpur. The seminar was held at Indira Gandhi Pratisthan Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow from 12.9.2013 to 14.9.2013.
- For attending the 8th Review Meeting of DUS test centres and for presentation of progress on EDV Testing in Cotton: Genetic and Morphological distances held during 28.2.2014 and 1.3.2014 at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
- Attended First National Conference on Scientific Tamil organized by Tamil Agricultural Science Society, New Delhi at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on 23.8.2014 and Co chaired a session.
- Attended the AICCIP Annual Group meeting held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from 7.4.2014 to 9.4.2014.
- Attended the Essentially Derived Variety Committee meeting at Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority, New Delhi on 5.6.2014.
- Attended the QRT meeting of NSP (Crops) held at UAS Bangalore on 11.12.14 and 12.12.14 and presented the progress report of CICR, Nagpur and Coimbatore on National Seed Project (Crops) and ICAR-Seed Project.
- Attended and presented the progress report of “Implementation of PVP legislation and DUS testing of cotton under ICAR-SAU System” during the Annual progress review meeting held on 9-10th March 2015 at Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh.
- Attended the third meeting of the Expert Group on EDV, held at Committee Room in, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Opp. Todapur Village New Delhi – 110 012 on 17th July 2015 under the Chairmanship of Dr. B.S. Dhillon, Vice-Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
- Attended the 10th Annual Review Meeting of ICAR Seed Project scheduled during 24-25th August 2015 at ICAR Research Complex, Goa, as per the directives of Director, CICR, Nagpur
- Attended the fourth meeting of the Expert Group on EDV, held at NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Opp. Todapur Village, New Delhi – 110 012 on 4th September 2015 under the Chairmanship of Dr. B.S. Dhillon, Vice-Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
- Attended DUS Workshop on the India-Germany Bilateral Cooperation in Seed Sector held during November 23-24, 2015 at NASC complex New Delhi
- Attended the workshop “Forward Thinking for Agricultural Development in Western India”, organized at SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar 8-10 February 2016 in collaboration with NAARM, APAARI, IAITA, AU and Global Forward Thinking Hub of FAO,
- Attended the 10th DUS Annual Review meeting to be held at MPKV, Rahuri during Feb 26-27, 2016.
- Attended the Institute Research Committee (IRC) meeting 2016 held on Thursday, 17th March 2016 to Saturday, 19th March 2016 at CICR Nagpur and to present the annual progress report
- Annual Group Meeting of AICRP on cotton organized at Main Cotton Research Station, Navsary Agricultural University, Surat from 7-9th April, 2016.
- Annual Group Meeting of AICRP – National Seed Project (crops) at KAU Thrissur to be held during 19-21 April 2016 Venu of meeting: NEDUMBASSERY, Near Cochin Air Port, Kerala
- Indo-German Bilateral Co-operation in Seed Sector workshop at NASC complex, New Delhi on 29 and 30th November 2016 organized by PPV&FRA New Delhi
- Annual Group Meeting of DUS projects held at IGKV, Raipur during Feb 27-28, 2017
- Attended workshop on “Take it to Breeders & Researchers- the Plant Breeder’s and Researcher’s Rights through Awareness and Streamlining of Farmers’ Varieties” of PPV&FRA at NASC, New Delhi-12 on 30.6.2016
- Attended the Brain Storming Meet of 50th Year of AICRP on Cotton during November 9-10,2016
- Attended the 22nd meeting of Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC) of Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-7 on 2.1.2017
- Attended the Annual group Meeting of AICRP on cotton held between 8th to 10th April, 2017 Organized at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3.
- Chaired a Technical Session “Seed Science and Technology” on 13.8.2017 in National Conference on Agricultural Scientific Tamil organized by Scientific Tamil Society for Agriculture at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3
- Participated in Group meeting for Specifying sample size and Tolerance level for testing transgene purity of Bt Cotton seed lots on 28.08.2017 at Seed Centre Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3
- Attended review meeting of DUS, submission on seed and planting material under DAC convened by Dr.Smita, Associate professor, IIT Delhi on 30.8.2017 organized at Seed Centre Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3
- Participated in 24th ITMU meeting of Sugarcane breeding Institute, Coimbatore on 16.11.2017
- Attended and presented the annual progress report of DUS project at Annual Group Meeting organized at ICAR-IISR Lucknow form 15.1.2017 to 17.1.2018, Organized by PPV&FR, New Delhi.
- Attended the 38th Scientific advisory committee meeting on 9.4.2018 at ICAR-KVK, Vivekanandapuram, Karamadai, Coimbatore.
- Attended the review meeting of ICAR Regional committee No.VIII on 17.4.2018 at ICAR-Sugarcane breeding Institute, Coimbatore-7
- Attended the meeting of Committee on estimates of parliament with theme on Need for alternative cropping pattern in drought affected area in India held at Coimbatore on 29.6.2018.
- Attended the 16th Review meeting of DUS test centres for Rabi crops” on 26th and 27th September, 2019 at NASC Complex, New Delhi.
- Attended the RAC meeting on 7.12.2019 at CICR Nagpur and presented the progress of research projects and achievement of CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatroe-3.
- Attended the Annual Group meeting of ICAR – AICRP on Cotton for the year 2020-21 held on 09th– 10th April, 2021 through Virtual mode and presented the progress report of DUS.
- Attended the Annual Group meeting of ICAR – NSP (Crops) for the year 2020-21 held on 21st to 22nd April, 2021 Online mode: Zoom platform
- Participated in the national webinar on Contemplative perspective on seed: conservation quality assurance and supply systems organized by ICAR-Indian institute of seed science, Mau, on 10.9.2020
- Participated in the national webinar on innovative Approaches in seed quality maintenance foe successful entrepreneurship held at University of Agricultural sciences, Dharwad on 7.8.2020
- Attended as the DDG nominee for the Departmental promotion committee meeting on 14.7.2021 of Senior Scientist (Seed Science &Technology) at the ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi -534450, West Godavari District, AP
- Attended as ICAR nominee in the departmental Assessment committee meeting held on 28.9.2021 via virtual mode for the promotion of Shri. R Muthuraj, Senior Technical Officer, ICAR-Directorate of Cashew, Puttur-574202, DK, Karnataka.
- International training programme on Plant Variety Protection and DUS testing for Indian Experts from 28.6.2010 to 9.7.2010 at The National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), Cambridge, United kingdom
- Training on “Faculty Development Programme in Research Management” from 3.11.2000 to 30.12.2000 at the Academy of Agricultural Research and Education Management. CCS HAU, Hissar
- Training on “Testing of Distinctness Uniformity and Stability for plant Variety Protection” from 4.10.2002 to 10.10.2002 at the Division of Seed Science and Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-12.
- ICAR Sponsored winter School on “Recent Advances in Hybrid Seed Production Technology in Agriculture and Horticulture crops” from 9.11.2003 to 09.12.2003 at The Department of Seed Science & Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
- ICAR Short Course on “Applications of Recent Methodologies on Statistics & Computers In Agricultural Research” from 15.9.2004 to 24.09.2004 at the Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore 641 007, Tamil Nadu
- Training programme on ‘DUS testing of plant varieties – Principles and Applications” organized under central sector scheme for implementation of PPV & FR Legislation 2001 from 6.3.2006 to 10.3.2006 at the Division of Seed Science and Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-12
- ICAR sponsored short course entitled “Strategies for upgrading marginal seed lots” from 21.1.2008 to 30.1.2008 at the Department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641003
- Training-Cum-Workshop on IP and Technology Management from 23.4.2008 to 25.4.2008 at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi-110012
Training Conducted
- National Training on DUS Test in Cotton with reference to PPV&FR legislation, 2001 from 19.01.2005 to 25.1.2005 at CICR Regional station, funded by ICAR-Directorate of Seed Research, Mau, Uttrapradesh
- One day Awareness Training On The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act 2001 on 26.3.2012 funded by The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority, New Delhi-12
- One day Awareness Training On The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act 2001 on 27.3.2012 funded by The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority, New Delhi-12
- One day Awareness Training On The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act 2001 on 7.3.2013 funded by The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority, New Delhi-12
- One day Awareness cum training programme on cotton cultivation and seed production at Elagiri hills, Jolarpettai, Thirupattur Taluk, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu on 26.3.2015 under Tribal sub plan of National seed project (Crops)
- Organised One day Awareness cum training programme on cotton cultivation and seed production at Elagiri hills, Jolarpettai, Thirupattur Taluk, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu on16.3.2018 under Tribal sub plan of national Seed Project (crops) 2017-18
- Awareness training on the use of quality seed and seed production practices in Agricultural and Horticultural crops, Near Elagiri hills, Thirupattur, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu on11.2.2020 under Tribal sub plan of national Seed Project (crops) 2019-2020.
- Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore has been awarded for outstanding performance during 2010-11 as DUS test Center under ICAR category. awarded at the 10th Annual day celebrations and DUS review meeting from 11.11.2011 to 12.11.2011 at BP Pal Auditorium, NBPGR,New Delhi
- Dr.K.Rathinavel received certificate of Recognition for contribution to Implementation of various provisions of PPV&FR Act, 2001, issued during the Annual Group Meeting of DUS projects held at IGKV, Raipur on 27.2. 2017
- Approved Research Adviser of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore -41 for guiding M.Phil and Ph.D scholars in Botany
Special Assignments: National/ International
- Additional responsibility – Officer-in-charge of stores from May 1999 to September 2002
- Additional responsibility – Scientist i/c Farm services from Jan 1999 to April 2013
- Member Essentially Derived Variety registration committee of PPV&FRA, New Delhi.
- External examiner at the Department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
- External member for DPC of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
- External member for DPC of ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore
- Chairman, Purchase committee, ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore
- Scientist-in-Charge of farm operations committee at ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore
- Chairman, Swachh Bharat Implementation Committee at ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Coimbatore
- External Member, ITMU of ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-7