Dr.Suhas Karkute

Biotechnology (Agriculture Science)

Academic Qualification:

  •  Ph.D. in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
  •  M.Sc. in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
  • B.Sc. in Agriculture, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani

Address: Division of Crop Improvement,
ICAR-CICR, Wardha Road, Nagpur-441108,
Office telephone: 07103-275549 (extn. )
eMail:S.Karkute@icar.gov.in ,suhaskarkute@gmail.com

Transgenics for biotic stress resistance in cotton

Genome editing for improvement of important traits in cotton.


Scientist (Senoir Scale)Jan 20, 2025 onwardsICAR – Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Nagpur
Scientist (Senoir Scale)Jan 1, 2019 to Jan 17, 2025ICAR – Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi
ScientistApril 9, 2014 to Dec 31, 2018ICAR – Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi
ScientistJan 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014ICAR – National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad
Examiner of Patents and DesignsFeb 16, 2012 to Dec 31, 2013Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Chennai.
  1. Characterized tomato genotypes H88-78-1 and CLN-1621 for high temperature tolerance. Tomato genotype H-88-78-1 (INGR22049) Registered at NBPGR, New Delhi
  2. Identified a novel mechanism for accumulation of cellular proline during drought stress through down regulation of proline rich proteins (SlPRP) to avoid utilization of available proline molecules thereby maintaining the osmotic balance until de novo proline synthesis begins.
  3. Identified and characterized RPN10 gene in brinjal for development of little leaf disease resistance.
  4. Characterization of AtDREB1A transgenic tomato for cold tolerance through biochemical and molecular analysis.
  5. Characterized vWA gene family for the first time in any plant species and identified vWA18, vWA36, vWA37 genes involved in biotic stress tolerance.
  6. Functional characterization of vWA36 gene was carried out by overexpression in rice for blast disease resistance.
  7. Developed multiplex genome editing constructs for DMR6 and PL genes in tomato for multiple disease resistance, TPL1 and TPL2 genes for fusarium wilt resistance and RPN10 gene in brinjal for little leaf disease resistance.
  8. Identified WRKY58 and WRKY72 transcription factors as potential candidates for enhancing drought tolerance in tomato.
  9. DNA barcoding through COI gene sequence of more than 30 insect species.
  10. Characterized Black carrot and Helencha extracts for antidiabetic and anti-biofilm properties, respectively.
Project titleFunding AgencyPeriodRole
Biotechnological interventions for improvement of selected vegetable cropsIn-house / Institute2014-2019Principal Investigator
Transgenic and regeneration protocolsIn-house/Institute2014-2019Co-PI
Exploration of vegetable nutraceuticals for the development of functional foodIn-house/Institute2015-2019Co-PI
Biotechnological interventions including transgenics for managing stresses in vegetablesIn-house/Institute2021-2024Co-PICo-PI
Cloning and characterization of Magnaporthe oryzae responsive von Villebrand factor type A domain containing genes in rice (PhD)Institute (PhD)2019-20212019-2021PI
Network project on transgenic crops (NPTC)ICAR2014-2019Co-PI
National Innovation in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)ICAR2017-2019Co-PI
Biological control of major insect pests of vegetable cropsIn-house/Institute2022-2024Co-PI
Genetic Improvement of BrinjalIn-house/Institute2022-2024Co-PI
Development of Fusarium wilt resistance in tomato through genome editingICAR2023-2024PI

Research Articles

  1. Karkute SG, Easwaran M, Gujjar RS, Piramanayagam S, Singh M (2015) Protein modeling and molecular dynamics simulation of SlWRKY4 protein cloned from drought tolerant tomato (Solanum habrochaites) line EC520061. J Mol Model. 21(10):255. doi: 10.1007/s00894-015-2798-7
  2. Karkute SG, Koley TK, Yengkhom BK, Tripathi A, Srivastava S, Maurya A, Singh B (2018) Antidiabetic phenolic compounds of black carrot (Daucuscarota subspecies Sativus var. atrorubensAlef.) inhibit enzymes of glucose metabolism: An in silico and in vitro validation. Medicinal Chemistry, 14(6):641-649 doi: 10.2174/1573406414666180301092819.
  3. Gujjar RS, Karkute SG, Rai A, Singh M, Singh B (2018) Proline rich proteins may regulate free cellular proline level during drought stress in tomato. Current Science 114(4), 915-920 doi: 10.18520/cs/v114/i04/915-920
  4. Karkute SG, Gujjar RS, Rai A, Akhtar M, Singh M, Singh B (2018) Genome wide expression analysis of WRKY genes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) under drought stress. Plant Gene 13:8-17 doi.org/10.1016/j.plgene.
  5. Kardile HB, Sharma NK, Sharma A, Singh D, Karkute SG, Bist CM, Patil VU, Vanishree G, Sood S, Siddappa S, Tiwari JK, Sharma S, Bhardwaj V and Chakrabarti SK (2018) Investigating the role of R8 gene in late blight resistant cultivar kufri girdhari and its male parents. Potato J 45 (2): 140-151
  6. Karkute SG, Krishna R, Ansari WA, Singh B, Singh PM, Singh M, Singh AK (2019) Heterologous expression of the AtDREB1A gene in tomato confers tolerance to chilling stress. Biologia plantarum 63(1):268-277
  7. Koley TK, Khan Z, Oulkar D, Banerjee T, Singh A, Karkute SG, & Banerjee K (2021) Coupling the high-resolution LC–MS characterisation of the phenolic compounds with the antimicrobial and antibiofilm properties of helencha (Enydra fluctuans Lour.). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1-11.
  8. Karkute SG, Ansari WA, Singh AK, Singh PM, Rai N, Bahadur A, & Singh J (2021) Characterization of high-temperature stress-tolerant tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes by biochemical analysis and expression profiling of heat-responsive genes. 3 Biotech, 11(2): 1-10.
  9. Singh AK, Yadav BK, Krishna R, Kumar RV, Mishra GP, Karkute SG, … & Singh J (2021) Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus and bhendi yellow vein mosaic betasatellite cause enation leaf curl disease and alter host phytochemical contents in okra. Plant Disease, 105(9), 2595-2600.
  10. Kumar V, Jain P, Venkadesan S, Karkute SG, Bhati J, Abdin MZ, … & Solanke AU (2021) Understanding rice-Magnaporthe oryzae interaction in resistant and susceptible cultivars of rice under panicle blast infection using a time-course transcriptome analysis. Genes, 12(2), 301.
  11. Karkute SG, Kumar V, Tasleem M, Mishra DC, Chaturvedi KK, Rai A, … & Solanke AU (2022) Genome-Wide Analysis of von Willebrand Factor A (vWA) Gene Family in Rice for Its Role in Imparting Biotic Stress Resistance with Emphasis on Rice Blast Disease. Rice Science, 29, 375-384
  12. Kumar V, Singh PK, Karkute SG, Tasleem M, Bhagat S, Abdin MZ, … & Solanke AU (2022) Identification of novel resources for panicle blast resistance from wild rice accessions and mutants of cv. Nagina 22 by syringe inoculation under field conditions. 3 Biotech, 12(2), 1-11.
  13. Karkute SG, Sevanthi AM, Solanke AU. (2023) Evolutionary Relationship and Structural Analysis of Blast Resistance Associated Novel Osvwa36 and Osvwa37 Genes in Cultivated and Wild Species of Rice. Int. J. Bio-Resour. Stress Manag. 14(1):125-131.
  14. Kumar RV, Yadav BK, Bhatt BS, Krishna R, Krishnan N, Karkute SG, Kumar S, Singh B, Singh AK (2023). Diverse begomovirus-betasatellite complexes cause tomato leaf curl disease in the western India. Virus Research. 328:199079.
  15. Divekar PA, Singh K, Verma CK, Rai AB, Singh B, Yadav S and Karkute SG (2023) Assessment of bee flora and development of a floral calendar in relation to pharmaceutical potential of honey and bee pollen in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. Annals of Phytomedicine 12:1-12
  16. Divekar PA, Singh K, Yadav S, Manimurugan C,Patel SK, Karkute SG, Majumdar S & Singh V (2023) Diversity and foraging behaviour of insect pollinators in Cauliflower. Ecology, Environment and Conservation 29 (2):971-978
  17. Yadav S, Singh K, Divekar PA & Karkute SG (2023) Cry2Aa delta-endotoxin confers strong resistance against brinjal fruit and shoot borer in transgenic brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) plants. Pakistan Journal of Zoology DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/20230516110558.
  18. Karkute SG, Singh AK, Divekar PA, Gupta N, & Tiwari SK (2023). Identification and in-silico characterization of RPN10 gene as a candidate for genome editing to develop little leaf disease resistance in brinjal. Vegetable Science, 50(2), 282-287.
  19. Gupta N, Kumar R, Singh PM, Chaubey T, Karkute SG, Rai N & Behera TK (2023) Physiological effect of fruit load management and post-harvest ripening on seed yield and quality in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Vegetable Science, 50(2), 377-382.
  20. Kardile HB, Karkute SG, Challam C, Sharma NK, Shelake RM, Kawar P, Patil VU, Deshmukh R, Bhardwaj V, Chaurasia KN, Valluri S (2023) Hemibiotrophic Phytophthora infestans modulates the expression of SWEET genes in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plants 12(19), 3433; https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12193433.
  21. Divekar PA, Mishra S, Karkute SG, Tiwari SK (2023) Screening of brinjal genotypes for resistance against shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The Pharma Innovation Journal 12(8):2801-2804
  22. Pavan G, Yadav S, Singh K, Karkute SG, Manickavasagam M (2023) Enhancement of genetic transformation efficiency in indica rice cultivar IR64 by vacuum infiltration and exogenous application of polyamines. Cereal Research Communications, 1-11.
  23. Majumder S, Singh P, Pandey J, Abhinay A, Sharma S, Divekar P A, Karkute SG, & Behera T K (2024). Residue dissipation kinetics, safety evaluation and decontamination of Deltamethrin in tomato and the soil. Trends in Horticulture, 7(1).
  24. Halder J, Karkute S G, Dasgupta J, Karmakar P, Singh A K, Chaubey T, & Behera T K (2024). First record of Epuraea motschulskyi as a potential pollinator of pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.): biosystematics, molecular characterization, and pollination efficiency. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 1-11.
  25. Halder J, Soni S, & Karkute SG (2024). Report of Caliothrips indicus (Bagnall) as a Serious Pest of Sesbania bispinosa: Incidence, Diagnosis and Molecular Analysis. National Academy Science Letters, 1-3.
  26. Halder J, Karkute S G, Das H, Gowda M T, Dey D, & Behera T K (2025). Phyllotreta striolata as radish root and shot hole borer: biology, molecular analysis, damage severity and integrated organic pest management option. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 132(1), 1-12.

Review Articles

  1. Karkute SG, Singh AK, Gupta OP, Singh PM and Singh B (2017) CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome engineering for improvement of horticultural crops. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:1635. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01635
  2. Gupta OP, Karkute SG, Banerjee S, Meena NL and Dahuja A (2017) Contemporary Understanding of miRNA-Based Regulation of Secondary Metabolites Biosynthesis in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:374. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00374
  3. Krishna R, Karkute SG, Ansari WA, Jaiswal DK, Verma JP, Singh M (2019) Transgenic tomatoes for abiotic stress tolerance: status and way ahead. 3 Biotech 9 (4), 143
  4. Gujjar RS, Pathak AD, Karkute SG, Supaibulwatana K (2019) Multifunctional proline rich proteins and their role in regulating cellular proline content in plants under stress. Biologia plantarum 63, 448-454
  5. Sharma SK, Gupta OP, Pathaw N, Sharma D, Maibam A, Sharma P, Sanasam J, Karkute SG, Kumar S, Bhattacharjee B (2021) CRISPR-Cas-Led Revolution in Diagnosis and Management of Emerging Plant Viruses: New Avenues Toward Food and Nutritional Security. Frontiers in nutrition, 8.
  6. Shingote PR, Wasule DL, Parma VS, Holkar SK, Karkute SG, Parlawar ND, & Senanayake DMJB. (2022). An Overview of Chili Leaf Curl Disease: Molecular Mechanisms, Impact, Challenges, and Disease Management Strategies in Indian Subcontinent. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13: 899512. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.
  7. Divekar, P.A., Rani, V., Majumder, S., Karkute S.G. et al. (2022) Protease Inhibitors: An Induced Plant Defense Mechanism Against Herbivores. J Plant Growth Regul. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-022-10767-2
  8. Tiwari JK, Yerasu SR, Rai N, Singh DP, Singh AK, Karkute SG, Singh PM, Behera TK. (2022) Progress in Marker-Assisted Selection to Genomics-Assisted Breeding in Tomato. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 6:1-30.
  9. Singh AK, Mishra P, Kashyap SP, Karkute SG, Singh PM, Rai N, Bahadur A, Behera TK. (2022) Molecular insights into mechanisms underlying thermo-tolerance in tomato. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1040532.
  10. Karkute SG, Tribhuvan KU, Yadav S (2023) Nutrition Rich Fruits and Vegetables: Status and Opportunities in the Era of Genome Editing. Journal of Allbiosolution. 5(3)
  11. Akanksha, Tiwari, J. K., Karkute, S. G., Tiwari, S. K., & Singh, M. (2023). Brinjal: Breeding and Genomics. Vegetable Science, 166-176.
  12. Bahadur, A., Singh, P. M., Rai, N., Singh, A. K., Singh, A. K., Karkute, S. G., & Behera, T. K. (2024). Grafting in vegetables to improve abiotic stress tolerance, yield and quality. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 1-19.


  1. Singh M, Prasanna HC, Tiwari SK, Gujjar RS and Karkute SG (2016) Biology of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato). Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Pages:38
  2. Singh B, Singh PM, Singh BK, Karkute SG, Gupta S, Singh R, Rai AB, Singh J and Singh N (2018) Uttar Bharat me Krishi Utpadan ki Taknike- Wibhinna Ayam. Page: 1-319
  3. Gupta, O. P., & Karkute, S. G. (Eds.). (2021). Genome Editing in Plants: Principles and Applications. CRC Press. Page: 1-272

Book chapters

  1. Karkute SG, Mishra R, Rashmi M and Singh M (2014) A Bioinformatics Approach to Target Ebola Virus with Curcumin. Recent Advances on the Role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine. Page 55-66
  2. Pandey S and Karkute SG (2016). Ash Gourd (Benincasahispida) Breeding and Cultivation. In Handbook of Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices, and Physiology, Edited by Mohammad Pessarakli, CRC Press. pp:237-251
  3. Gupta OP, Pandey V, Meena NL, Karkute SG, Banerjee S, Dahuja A (2018) Small noncoding RNA-based regulation of plant immunity. In Book “Molecular Aspects of Plant Pathogen Interaction”. Springer. pp:203-217
  4. Gautam KK, Bhardwaj DR, Singh PM, Karkute SG, Singh B (2018) AlpaPrachalit Kadduvargiya Sabjiyon ki Kheti. In Book “Uttar Bharat me Krishi Utpadan ki Taknike- Wibhinna Ayam”. pp:165-176
  5. Solanke A.U., Arora K., Karkute S.G., Tomar R.S.S. (2021) Genetic Engineering for Biotic Stress Management in Rice. In: Sarmah B.K., Borah B.K. (eds) Genome Engineering for Crop Improvement. Concepts and Strategies in Plant Sciences. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63372-1_5
  6. Mahalle, M. D., Karkute, S. G., Ngangkham, U., & Solanke, A. U. (2021). Genome Editing for Improvement of Rice. In Genome Editing in Plants (pp. 67-87). CRC Press.
  7. Pareek, A., Solanke, A. U., Mangal, V., Jiwani, G., Tasleem, M., Gupta, O. P., & Karkute, S. G. (2021). Towards ‘CRISPrY’Vegetables: Status of Genome Editing in Vegetable Crops. In Genome Editing in Plants (pp. 127-145). CRC Press.
  8. Karkute, S. G., Gautam, K. K., Singh, A. K., & Gupta, O. P. (2022). Genome Editing and Its Applications for Improvement. In The Cucumber Genome (pp. 15-23). Springer, Cham.
  9. Bhatt, B., Bhatt, D., Bhatt, M. D., Karkute, S. G., Singh, P. M., Singh, J., & Singh, A. K. (2022). Biotechnological Innovations in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Development—Current Scenario and Future Perspectives. In The Cucumber Genome (pp. 185-199). Springer, Cham.
  10. Gupta P, Karkute S G, Dash P K, & Singh A K (2024). Genome Editing for Improvement of Nutrition and Quality in Vegetable Crops. Applications of Genome Engineering in Plants, 222.

Popular/souvenir/newsletter/ articles

  1. Singh M, Kumar R, Prasanna HC, Tiwari SK, Gujjar RS and Karkute SG (2016) Genetically modified vegetables for farmers’ welfare. Indian horticulture. 61(1):11
  2. Karkute SG and Pandey S. Ash gourd – the future vegetable. Kurukshetra, January 2015
  3. Karkute SG (2015). Genome Engineering for Crop Improvement. In training manual on “Novel Genomic Tools and Modern Genetics and Breeding Approaches for Vegetable Crops Improvement”. ICAR-IIVR training manual no. 66, pp153-159
  4. Mishra GP, Karkute SG, Seth T and Pandey S (2015) Mapping populations for molecular mapping or tagging of genes in plants. In training manual on “Novel Genomic Tools and Modern Genetics and Breeding Approaches for Vegetable Crops Improvement”. ICAR-IIVR training manual no. 66, pp 55-67
  5. Karkute SG, Singh AK, Singh PM, (2022) Potential of transgenic and genome editing technologies for improvement of underutilized vegetable crops. In Compendium for Winter School on “Underexploited Vegetables: Unexplored Treasure Trove for Food, Nutritional and Economic Security. Pp 336-340
  6. Karkute SG and Singh AK (2023) Role of genome editing technologies in vegetable hybrid development. In training manual Principles and Production Techniques of Hybrid Seeds in Vegetables. ICAR-IIVR Training Manual No.101, 72-75.
  7. Karkute SG and Singh AK (2023) Transformation and regeneration protocol in tomato. In training manual on Advanced Vegetable Production Technology for Livelihood and Nutritional Security. ICAR-IIVR training manual No. 102, 161-162.
  8. Karkute SG, Singh R and Bhardwaj DR (2022) Genome editing dwara sabjiyon ke poshan man me samwardhan. Sabji Kiran, December 16(2):6-7.
  9. Singh AK, Krishna R, Kumar S, Karkute SG (2024) Sabjiyo ke unnayan me jaiv pradyogiki ka upyog. Smarika: Kshetriya Krishi Mela, Feb 2024
  10. Pal S, Karkute SG, Prasad I, Singh AK, Behera TK (2023) Sabjiyo me pratiposhak (anti nutritional) tatva aur unhe dur karne ke upay. Sabji Kiran June 17(1):70-72
  11. Pal S, Prasad I, Karkute SG, Singh AK, Behera TK (2023) Sabji faslo me sutrakrumi (Nematode) ki samasya evam samadhan. Sabji Kiran June 17(1):73-76
  12. Karkute SG, Krishna R, Singh AK (2024) Role of biotechnological interventions in development of hybrids in vegetable crops. In training manual Production of hybrid seeds in vegetables in changing climatic scenario. ICAR-IIVR training manual No. 105, 50-55.
  13. Karkute SG and Singh B (2014) Vegetable improvement through genome editing. Vegetable newsletter, ICAR-IIVR, 1-1, pp:3-4
  14. Karkute SG and Singh B (2017) Speed breeding technique to accelerate breeding programmes. Vegetable newsletter, ICAR-IIVR, 4-2, pp:2
  15. Karkute SG, Singh PM, Singh B (2017) Status and potential applications of genome editing for improvement of horticultural crops. In National conference on food and nutritional security through vegetable crops in relation to climate change. pp: 58-64
  16. Behera TK, Karkute SG, Singh AK (2022) Biotechnological interventions and their role in sustainable development of vegetable crops. In AICRP (Vegetable crops) Golden Jubilee National Symposium on “New Opportunities in Vegetable Production for Sustainable Development at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi during December 20-22, 2022.
  17. Singh PM, Bahadur A, Rai N, Karkute SG, Singh AK (2022) Initiatives on resilient tomato production in changing climate scenario. In AICRP (Vegetable crops) Golden Jubilee National Symposium on “New Opportunities in Vegetable Production for Sustainable Development at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi during December 20-22, 2022.
  18. Singh AK, Krishna R, Karkute SG, Behera TK (2024) Transgenic vegetable crops in 21st century for food security and sustainability. In ISVS Golden Jubilee National Seminar on Technological Innovations in Vegetable Production under Changing Climate Regime during Feb 24-26, 2024.
  19. Singh AK, Krishna R, Kumar S, Karkute SG (2024) Sabjiyon ke unnayan me jaiv Pradyogiki ka upyog. In Smarika: Regional Agriculture fair (3-5 Feb, 2024) Navonmeshi Krishi dwara swasthya evam samrudhi.

Technical bulletins/training manual

  1. Pandey, S, Singh, B, Mishra, GP and Karkute SG (2015). Novel Genomic Tools and Modern Genetics and Breeding Approaches for Vegetable Crops Improvement. ICAR-IIVR Training Manual No. 66. ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, India, P. 330
  2. Bahadur A, Singh PM, Rai N, Singh M, Singh AK, Karkute SG, Singh AK, Jangid KK, Singh AK, Md. Nadeem A, Patel PK, Agrawal VK and Singh J 2019. Grafting technology to alleviate waterlogging stress in tomato. ICAR-IIVR Technical Bulletin No. 88, pp: 1-38


Membership of professional Societies/Bodies

Life Member of Indian Society of Vegetable Science, Varanasi, UP, India

Life Member of Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, New Delhi, India

Life membership of Association for promotion of innovations in vegetable, Varanasi, UP, India

Life membership of Agro Environmental Development Society, Rampur, UP, India

Poster Presentation

  1. Karkute SG, Solanke AU, and Kumar PA (2014) Bt brinjal is safe for human consumption: A report from differential expression analysis of normal and Bt brinjal fruits. In National Conference on Pre-/Post-Harvest Losses and Value Addition in Vegetables at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi.
  2. Karkute SG, Krishna R, Singh B, Singh M, Singh AK (2017) Transgenic tomatoes carrying AtDREB1A and BcZAT12 genes for drought, heat and salt stress tolerance. In 5th South Asia Biosafety Conference at Bangalore.
  3. Krishna R, Karkute SG, Singh B, Singh PM, Singh AK (2017) High frequency plantlet regeneration from hypocotyl explants in Brassica oleracea Var. botrytis. In National Conference on Food and Nutritional Security through Vegetable Crops in Relation to Climate Change at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi.
  4. Karkute SG, Mukhtar M, Yadav A, Sevanthi AM, Gaikwad K, Solanke AU (2022) The von Willebrand factor domain A containing gene vWA36 confers blast resistance in rice. In International symposium on advances in plant biotechnology and nutritional security at NASC complex, New Delhi.
  5. Sangeeta, Krishna R, Karkute SG, Krishnan N, Singh AK (2022) Complexity of begomoviruses and beta satellite populations associated with tomato leaf curl disease in western India. In AICRP (VC) Golden Jubilee national symposium on New opportunities in vegetable production for sustainable development during December 20-22, 2022 at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi


Oral presentation

  1. Karkute SG, Mishra R, Rashmi M and Singh M (2014) A Bioinformatics Approach to Target Ebola Virus with Curcumin. In International Conference on Recent Advances on the Role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
  2. Karkute SG, Krishna R, Ansari WA, Singh B, Singh PM, Singh M, Singh AK (2017) Heterologous Expression of AtDREB1A Gene in Tomato Confers Tolerance to Chilling Stress with Improved Stress Memory. In National Conference on Food and Nutritional Security through Vegetable Crops in Relation to Climate Change at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi
  3. Karkute SG, Singh AK, Krishna R, Reddy YS and Behera TK (2022) Development of broad-spectrum disease resistance in tomato through genome editing. In AICRP (VC) Golden Jubilee National Symposium on “New Opportunities in Vegetable Production for Sustainable Development during December 20-22, 2022 at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi.
  4. Karkute SG, Tiwari SK, Singh AK (2024) Identification and in silico characterization of RPN10 gene as a candidate for genome editing to develop little leaf disease resistance in brinjal. In ISVS Golden Jubilee National Seminar on Technological Innovations in Vegetable Production under Changing Climate Regime during Feb 24-26, 2024 at ANDUAT, Ayodhya.

Invited talks in conferences

  1. Karkute SG (2020) Importance of plant nutraceuticals for human health. Invited talk in 11th ISAJ Web annual symposium on Innovations in Science and Technology for New Issues and Challenges. Japan
  2. Karkute SG, Singh AK, Krishna R and Singh P M (2022) Genome editing in vegetable crops for improvement of biotic stress tolerance in International conference on Challenges & Opportunities in Food, Pharma & Biotechnology” (COFPB-22) at Lucknow on September 16, 2022.



4th Annual south Asia Biosafety conference on Sep 19-21, 2016 at Hyderabad

5th Annual south Asia Biosafety conference on Sep 11, 2017 at Bangalore


Trainings attended

  1. Professional attachment training on “Structural bioinformatics of proteins and protein modelling” at Banaras Hindu University for 3 months
  2. 21 days CAFT programme on “Computational tools and techniques for molecular data analysis in agriculture” at ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi.
  3. 12 days training on ‘Recent trends on Bioinformatics and its applications in Agriculture’ organized by ICAR-NAARM’
  4. First training workshop on biosafety awareness and compliance readiness for Institutional Biosafety officers on May 27-28, 2015 at NASC complex, New Delhi
  5. Second training workshop on biosafety awareness and compliance readiness for Institutional Biosafety officers on Sept 23, 2015 at NASC complex, New Delhi
  6. Third training workshop for IBOs as a part of new programme on biosafety awareness and compliance readiness and launching of ICAR biosafety portal on April 13, 2016 at NASC complex, New Delhi
  7. Fourth training workshop for IBOs as a part of new programme on biosafety awareness and compliance readiness on July 5, 2016 at NASC complex, New Delhi.
  8. Fifth training workshop for IBOs as a part of new programme on biosafety awareness and compliance readiness on Sep 22, 2016 at Hyderabad.
  9. Developing a roadmap for agricultural knowledge management in India NASC complex, New Delhi. 2 Days (27-28 Sep 2017)
  10. National Workshop on “Revisiting FOCARS: Reflections and Feedback of Trained Scientists” (15-16 March 2018) ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad. 2 Days (15-16 March 2018).
  11. 21 days winter school training on Development, Evaluation and Bio safety assessment of Genome Edited Crops: Hands-on Training at ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad. January 20 to February 9, 2023
  • ICAR-Junior Research Fellowship
  • NAHEP-CAAST competitive Research Grant for PhD research (World Bank)
  • Young Scientist Award in Biotechnology conferred by Agro Environmental Development Society (AEDS), Rampur, Uttar Pradesh on 30 October 2022


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