Principal Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Address: ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Post bag No.2, Shankar Nagar P.O, NAGPUR, PIN: 440 010, India |
- Sustainable Insect Pest Management
Designation | Years | Institution |
Principal Scientist (PB4) | Nov 2014 – Onwards | ICAR-Central institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur |
Senior Scientist (PB4) | Nov 2011- 2014 Nov | ICAR-Central institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur |
Senior Scientist (PB3) | Nov 2008 – Nov 2011 | ICAR-Central institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur |
Senior Scientist (PB3) | July 2007- Nov 2008 | ICAR-Central institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur |
Scientist SS | Nov 2003 – July 2007 | ICAR-Natioan research Centre for Orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim |
Scientist | Nov 1999 – Nov 2003 | ICAR-Natioan research Centre for Orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim |
- Confirmed taxonomic identity of exotic mealybugs Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) that was widespread in all the three cotton growing zones of India.
- Documented diversity 7 mealybug species infesting cotton in India.
- Documented 166 host plants of mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley.
- Devised and disseminated Package of Practices for mealybug management across India.
- Developed Product: Mealy-Quit’ bioinsecticidal formulation.
- Resistance development in Cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis to insecticides documented.
- Devised Packages of practices for Pink bollworm Management and disseminated across 8 states.
- Insecticide Resistance Management strategies disseminated through ICAR-CICR, 10 State Agricultural Universities and 3 KVKs on 1050 acres area in 105 villages covering 21 districts from seven states during 2018-19 and in eight states during 2019-20.
- ICT based crop pest surveillance and advisory model of pest management co-developed and implemented in Maharashtra
- Decision Support System for major pests of cotton Co-developed.
- A film on “Integrated Pink Bollworm management in cotton” has been produced for extension education among state agriculture department staff, farmers and other cotton production stakeholders.
- CICR Cotton app in four languages Co- developed.
- Documented potential risk of establishment and survival of cotton aphid Aphis gossypii in India based on simulation of temperature-dependent phenology model.
- Devised a simple and low-cost laboratory rearing technique, developed a degree-day based simulation model and reported population genetics of pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella.
- Devised IPM for invasive pest Fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) in cotton.
Project title | Funding Agency | Period | Role |
Insecticide Resistance Management: Dissemination of Pink bollworm management strategies | DAC &FW, Min. of Agriculture, Govt. India | 2018-22 | PI Budget Rs 949.00 lakhs |
Crop pest surveillance and advisory project (CROPSAP) in Maharashtra. | Ag Dept | 2009-22 | PI Budget Rs 61.29 lakhs |
Development of IPM strategies to combat whitefly menace in cotton | NICRA | 2016-19 | CoPI Budget Rs 40.45 lakhs |
Research into development of decision support systems for management of insect pests of major rice and cotton based cropping systems. | NAIP-World Bank | 2008-14 | CCPI Budget Rs 116.27 lakhs |
Investigations on bioefficacy of entomopathogens against cotton Pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) | Institute | 2020-23 | PI |
Elucidating eco-toxicity and resistance development in sucking pests against newer insecticides used in cotton. | Institute | 2017-20 | PI |
Investigation on the susceptibility status and possible detoxification mechanism for neonicotinoids and newer molecules against cotton leaf hopper. | Institute | 2019-22 | CoPI |
Investigations into exacerbation of pest status of cotton pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) inthe context of climate change through development of phenology model. | Institute | 2017-21 | CoPI |
Efficient nitrogen fixing legumes for cotton based cropping systems. | Institute | 2017-21 | CoPI |
Simulation models/electronic gadgets to predict insect infestation, bollworm resistance to Bt cotton, area, production and price of cotton. | ICAR | 2013-17 | CoPI |
Emerging and key pests: their characterization, taxonomy, genetic diversity and control. | TMC | 2007-12 | CoPI |
Development and validation of IPM / IRM strategies for Bt and conventional cotton under different eco-systems. | TMC | 2007-12 | CoPI |
Development, validation, utilization and/ or commercialization of biopesticides and bio inoculants | TMC | 2007-12 | CoPI |
Development of transgenic diploid cotton for insect resistance. | Institute | 2008-11 | CoPI |
Population and community ecology of cotton entomofauna | Institute | 2009-10 | PI |
Evaluation and exploitation of compensation as a mechanism for comprehensive insect pest tolerance. | Institute | 2009-10 | PI |
Collection, conservation, evaluation, documentation and maintenance of germplasm of cultivated species of Gossypium. | Institute | 2006-2013 | CoPI |
Amelioration of leaf reddening and parawilt in cotton. | Institute | 2010-2013 | CoPI |
Studies on bionomics and management of mealybug. | Institute | 2008-2010 | PI |
Ecological – based approaches for sustainable sucking pests management. | Institute | 2008-2010 | PI |
Studies on Tobacco Streak Virus (TSV) infecting Cotton in India | Institute | 2008-2009 | CoPI |
Publication category | No. of publications |
Research Papers/Articles (International) | 12 |
Research Papers/Articles (National) | 36 |
Books Published | 1 |
Chapters in Edited Books | 2 |
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts (International) | 9 |
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts (National) | 19 |
Popular Articles | 31 |
Research bulletins/ extension bulletins | 19 |
Training Manual (Co-authored) | 1 |
DVD | 1 |
Research Reports (Co-developed) | 1 |
Mobile App (Co-developed) | 1 |
International Journals
- Chinna Babu Naik V. , Subbireddy KB, Kranthi S., Nagrare V. S., Kumbhare S., Gokte-Narkhedkar Nandini and Waghmare V. N. 2021. Pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) survival on transgenic cotton in India. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 31 (40): 1-7,
- Fand Babasaheb B. , Nagrare V. S., Bal S. K., Naik V. Chinna Babu, Naikwadi1 B. V., Mahule D. J., Gokte‑Narkhedkar Nandini & Waghmare V. N. (2021) Degree day‑based model predicts pink bollworm phenology across geographical locations of subtropics and semi‑arid tropics of India. Scientific Reports | 11:436 |
- Nagrare V. S., Fand B. B., Chinna Babu Naik V., Naikwadi Bhausaheb & Deshmukh Vrushali & Sinh Dharmendra (2019) Resistance development in Cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) to insecticides from Organophosphate, Thiadiazines and Thiourea derivatives. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science.
- Chinna Babu Naik V., Pusadkar P.P ., Waghmare S. T., Raghavendra K. P., Kranthi Sandhya, Kumbhare Sujit, Nagrare V. S., Rishi Kumar , Prabhulinga T., Gokte-Narkhedkar Nandini & Waghmare V. N . (2020). Evidence for population expansion of Cotton pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in India. Sci Rep 10, 4740.
- Fand B. B., Nagrare V. S., Deshmukh Vrushali, Naikwadi B. V., Gokte-Narkhedkar Nandini & Waghmare V. N. (2019) A simple and low-cost laboratory rearing technique for pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Suanders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechidae) using detached green bolls of cotton. Phytoparasitica
- Nagrare V. S., Fand B.B., Naikwadi B. V.& Deshmukh Vrushali (2019) Potential risk of establishment and survival of cotton aphid Aphis gossypii in India based on simulation of temperature-dependent phenology model. International Journal of Pest Management. 2019.1649739
- Fand B.B., Nagrare V. S., Gawande S. P., Nagrale D. T., Naikwadi B. V., Deshmukh Vrushali, Gokte-Narkhedkar Nandini & Waghmare V. N. (2019) Widespread infestation of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechidae) on Bt cotton in Central India: a new threat and concerns for cotton production. Phytoparasitica (2019) 47:313–325
- Kumar Rishi, Kranthi Sandhya, Nagrare V. S., Monga D., Kranthi K. R., Rao Naveen & Singh Amarpreet (2019) Insecticidal activity of botanical oils and other neem-based derivatives against whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on cotton. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science.
- Nagrare V.S., Naikwadi B, Deshmukh V. and Kranthi S. 2018. Biology and population growth parameters of the cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), on five host plant species. Animal Biology, 68, 333–352. (NAAS rating 6.57)
- Nagrare V. S., Deshmukh A. J., Bisane A. K. (2014) Relative Performance of Bt-Cotton Hybrids against Sucking Pests and Leaf Reddening under Rainfed Farming. Entomol Ornithol Herpetol: Current Research 3: 134. doi:10.4172/2161-0983.1000134.
- Kumar Rishi, Nagrare V. S., Nitharwal Mukesh, Swami Dinesh and Prasad Y. G. 2013 Within-plant distribution of an invasive mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis, and associated losses in cotton. Phytoparasitica, DOI 10.1007/s12600-013-0361-6. Published online on 7 November 2013.
- Nagrare, V. S., Kranthi, S., Biradar, V. K., Zade, N. N., Sangode, V., Kakde, G., Shukla, R. M., Shivare, D., Khadi, B. M. and Kranthi, K. R. 2009. Widespread infestation of the exotic mealybug species, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on cotton in India. Bulletin of Entomological Research 99, 537-541
National journals
- Nagrare VS, Chinna Babu Naik V, Naikwadi B. V. and Gokte Narkhedkar N. (2020). Spatio-temporal diversity of natural enemies of mealybugs infesting cotton in central India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 8(5): 2031-2037
- Chinna Babu Naik V., Nagrare V. S., Subbireddy K. B., Kumbhare Sujit, Wawdhane Pratik and Prabhulinga T. (2019) Management of Cotton Pink bollworm Pectinophora Gossypiella (Saunders) with Trichogramma Bactrae and T. Brasiliensis. Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(4): 744-748
- Chinna Babu Naik V., Kranthi S., Gharade S., Kumbhare S., Nagrare V.S and Singh L. R. K. 2018. Endoparasitoid: Bracon Lefroyi (Dudgeon and Gough) of Pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) On Cotton. Indian Journal of Entomology, 80(2), 361-366 .
- Nagrare V S, Deshmukh A J, Dharajothi B, Amutha M, Kumar Rishi, Kranthi S and Kranthi K R. 2016. Sampling methodology for assessing field population of mirid, Campylomma livida infesting cotton. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 44 (2): 250-250.
- Aga T. M., Tambe V. J., Nagrare V. S. and Naikwadi Bhausaheb (2016) Parasitoid, Aenasius arizonensis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae): Its biology, morphometrics, host stage preference and use in biological control. Journal of Biological Control, 30(2): 91-98.
- Nagrare V. S. and Naikwadi Bhausaheb (2016). An outbreak of gall inducing thrips Gynaikothrips uzeli Zimmermann (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) on Ficus benjamina Linn. in central India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies; 4(5): 294-296.
- Nagrare V. S., Kranthi S., Kranthi K.R., Naik V. Chinna Babu, Deshmukh Vrushali, Naikwadi Bhausaheb and Dahekar Ashish (2016) Relative toxicity of insecticides against cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera:Pseudococcidae) and its fortuous parasitod Aenasius bambawalei Hayat (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8 (2): 987 – 994.
- Nagrare V. S., Deshmukh Vrushali, Naikwadi Bhausaheb, Bhoyar Paresh and Khadakkar Suvarna (2015) Spider diversity in transgenic and non-transgenic cotton in rainfed agro ecosystem of central India. Res. J. Biotech 10 (12):76-84
- Nagrare V. S., Bisane K. D., Deshmukh A. J. and Kranthi S. 2012. Studies on life cycle parameters of leafhoppers, Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida). Entomon 37 (1-4): 93-99.
- Prakash A. H., Kranthi K. R., Nagrare V. S., Kranthi S. and Gotmare V. P. 2014. Cotton leaf reddening- Systematic damage caused by use of Methomyl in Cotton. Cotton Research Journal, 6(1): 83-88.
- Nagrare V. S., Kumar Rishi, Dharajothi B. 2014. A record of five mealybug species as minor pests of cotton in India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2 (4): 110-114.
- Vennila S, Agarwal Meenu, Nagrare V S, Prasad Y G, Prabhakar M. 2014. Ornamental hosts of cotton mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 84(1):161-163.
- Nagrare V.S., Rishi Kumar, Amutha M., Dharajothi B., Kranthi S., Vennila S., Deshmukh A.J., Bisane K.D., Manjula, Kranthi K.R. 2012. A record of host plants of mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley for devising ecofriendly management strategies. J. ent. Res., 36 (4) : 327-344
- Meena N.K., Nagrare V.S. & Medhi R.P. 2011. Thrips, Dichromothrips nakahari Mound (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) infesting the Orchids in India-A new report . Indian Journal of Horticulture 68(4):587-588.
- Pal, R., Nagrare, V. S., and Dayamma, M. 2010. Notes on growth and flowering behaviour of Liparis cordifolia J.D. Hook (Orchidaceae): a beautiful terrestrial orchid. Indian Forester 136: 228-233.
- Nagrare VS, Rampal & Barman D. 2009 Pests associated with orchid Dendrobium nobile under Mid-Altitude of Sikkim. Environment and Ecology 27(2): 560-562
- Rampal, Dayamma M. and Nagrare V. S. 2009. Effect of BAP (6 benzyle Amino purine) on bud break and plantlets regeneration from the back bulbs of Calanthe yucksomnesis S. Z. Lucksom (Orchidaceae), Indian Journal of Foresty, 32 (1): 65-68
- Nagrare, V.S. and Rampal 2008. Response of acaricides against two spotted spider mite tetanychus urticae Koch infesting cymbidium under polyhouse in Sikkim, Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, 11(2): 104-106.
- Nagrare, V. S. 2008. The occurrence of Mite Brevipalpus essigi Baker (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) on Orchid Dendrobium nobile in Sikkim, India, Science and Culture 74 (1-2): 87
- Barman D*., Rai B, Bharati T. U., Nagrare V. S., Medhi R. P. 2007. Influence of chemicals on vaselife of Cymbidium hybrid variety Hallyes Comet Aurora, Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, 10(4): 240-244.
- Barman D., Basak J., Rai B., Devadas R., Nagrare V. S. and Medhi R.P. 2007 Performance of Cymbidium hybrids in Mid hill situation of Sikkim Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, 10 (1) : 30-33.
- Nagrare, V. S. 2006. Aphid Macrosiphum luteum (Bukton) infests the orchid Vanda coerulea- A new report. Entomon 31(3): 225-227,
- Nagrare, V. S. 2006. A new record of the scale Diaspis boisduvalii (Signoret) (Hemiptera : Diaspididae) infesting the orchid Dendrobium nobile , Entomon, 31(1): 339-340.
- Nagrare, V. S. 2006. Pest complex of orchid Dendrobium nobile. Insect environment 12(3): 101,
- Nagrare,V. S. 2005. New Record of Shoot Borer Peridaedala sp. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae ) and its Host Range of Orchids. Entomon, 30(4): 359-360.
- Nagrare, V. S. A new record of black weevil (Sipalinis sp) damage on orchids. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 13(2): 490-491, 2005.
- Nagrare, V. S. 2004. The black aphid, Toxoptera aurantii (B. De F.) infests the Orchid, Oncidium Gower Ramsay. Entomon 29(2): 193-195,
- Nagrare, V. S. 2004. Occurrence of Mollusca Cryptaustenia verrucosa (Godwin – Austin) on Orchid Calanthe spp.- A new report. Sci & Cult. 70(7-8): 289,
- Nagrare, V. S. 2003. Occurrence of aphid Toxoptera aurantii on orchid Dendrobium densiflorum- A new report. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 11(2): 379,
- Nagrare, V. S. and P. Bhatia. 2002. Susceptibility of bruchids reared on three pulses to gamma radiation. Journal of Insect Science, 15 (1&2):40-42,
- Das L., Mishra S. K., Burman R. R., Nayak A. K., Mahanta K.K., Nagrare V., Doley S. 2002. Problem identification through participatory rural appraisal. Indian journal of Extension education 38(3-4): 226-230.
- Nagrare, V. S. 2001. Pests of orchids and their management in Sikkim- A survey. J. orchid Soc. India. 15(1-2): 65-68,
- Nagrare, V. S. and P. Bhatia. 2001. Longevity of F1 progeny of irradiated adults of Bruchids on grain pulses. J. Appl. Zool. Res. 12 (1): 64-66,
- Nagrare, V. S. and P. Bhatia. 2000. Effect of gamma radiation on the emergence of F1 adults of Bruchids on different pulses. J. Nuclear Agric. Biol. 29 (3-4): 207-211.
- Nagrare, V. S. and P. Bhatia. 2000. Effect of gamma radiation on egg hatchability of Bruchids developing in three pulses. J. Nuclear Agric. Biol. 29 (1): 8-12.
- Nagrare, V. S. and G. D. More. 1998. Economics in using bioagents against Helicoverpa armigera on pigeonpea. Indian J. Ent. 60(2): 203-206.
Book published
- Nagrare V.S., Kranthi S., Kranthi K. R., Naik V. Chinna Babu, Kumar Rishi, Dharajothi B., Udikeri S.S., Mukherjee A.K., Mukherjee P. K, Monga D., Sampath Kumar A., Narkhedkar N.G., Banu Gulsar, Raju A.R., Tayade A. S., Prakash A.H., Khader S.E.S.A. (2013). Handbook of Cotton Plant Health, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur pp: 100
Book Chapters in Edited Books
- Nagrare V. S., Kranthi S., Kumar Rishi, Dharajothi B., Amutha M., Kranthi K. R. (2016) Cotton. In Mealybugs and their Management in Agricultural and Horticultural crops (Edited by M. Mani and C. Shivaraju ), pp 271-281. Published by Springer India.
- Nagrare, V. S. 2003. Pests of bulbous ornamentals and their management. In: Bulbous ornamentals. (Ed. Rajeevan P. K., Singh K. P. Valsalakumari P. K. Geetha C. K.). Published by Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture , Division of Ornamental Horticulture , IARI, New Delhi, pp 161-176.
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts
- Chinna Babu Naik V.,Pusadkar P. P. , raghvendra K. P., Nagrare V. S. Gokte- Narkhedkar Nandiniand Waghmare V. N.. Studies on genetic diversity of cotton pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) by using mitochondrial cytochrome-I (Co I) gene suggest a rapid expansion in Indian population. XVII AZRA International Conference on “Frontier Research in Applied Zoology and Insect Pest Management Strategies: A way Forward for Food and Nutritional Security” 12-14 February, 2020 at UAS Raichur, Karnataka. Compendium of Abstract page 1
- Nagrare V. S., Rishi Kumar, S. Kranthi, V. Chinna Babu Naik, Bhausaheb Naikwadi, V. N. Waghmare. Resistance development in whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) infesting cotton. XVII AZRA International Conference on “Frontier Research in Applied Zoology and Insect Pest Management Strategies: A way Forward for Food and Nutritional Security” 12-14 February, 2020 at UAS Raichur, Karnataka. Compendium of Abstract page 225.
- Nagrare VS, Fand BB, China Babu Naik V, Gawande SP and Nagrale DT. Pink bollworm management in India with area wide approach and community participation: a success story. XIX International Plant Protection Congress IPPC2019. Crop Protection to Outsmart Climate Change for Food Security & Environmental Conservation, 10-14 November 2019, Hyderabad, Telangana, India Book of abstract pp 219.
- Chinna Babu Naik V, Nagrare V S, P A Wawdhane, Gokte-Narkhedkar Nandini and Waghmare V N. Status of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) resistance to Bt cotton in India. XIX International Plant Protection Congress IPPC2019. Crop Protection to Outsmart Climate Change for Food Security & Environmental Conservation, 10-14 November 2019, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Book of abstract pp 161
- Fand Babasaheb, Nagrare VS, Chinna Babu Naik V, Bal S K, Gokte-Narkhedkar N. and Waghmare V N. Degree-day based phenology model for predicting the developmental events of cotton pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) in field under changing climate scenario. XIX International Plant Protection Congress IPPC2019. Crop Protection to Outsmart Climate Change for Food Security & Environmental Conservation, 10-14 November 2019, Hyderabad, Telangana, India Book of abstract pp 213.
- Nagrare V. S, Chinna babu Naik V. Bhausaheb Naikwadi. Cotton pests scenario during last decade in India” Seventh Asian cotton Research and development Network (ACRDN) meeting”, Nagpur 15-17 September 2017.
- Nagrare V. S. Diversity and role of spiders in cotton pest management’ in ‘3rd Asian Conference of Arachnology’, 16-19 Nov, 2015, Amravati (Maharashtra)
- Dharajothi B., Sonai Rajan T., Nagrare V.S, Amutha M., Rishi Kumar & Surulivelu T. 2011 Influence of spatial cropping pattern of cotton cultivation on population dynamics of mirid bug, Creantiades biseratense(Distant) World Cotton Research Conference-5 edited by Kranthi K.R.,Venugopalon M. V., Balasubryamanya R.H, Kranthi S., Singh S. B. Excel India Publishers New Delhi 210-215
- Kranthi .S, Kranthi K.R, Rishi Kumar, Dharajothi, Udikeri S.S, GMV Prasad Rao, Zanwar P.R., Nagrare V.S., Naik CB., Singh V, Ramamurthy .V.V, Monga D. 2011. Emerging and Key insect pest on Bt cotton. Their identification, taxanomy, genetic diversity and management .World cotton Research Conference-5, book of papers edited by kranthi K.R Venugopalam M.V, Balsuramanya R.H, Kranthi S. Singh SB, & Blaise. Excel India Publishers New Delhi 281-286.
- Nagrare V. S., Kumar Rishi, Amutha M., Dharajothi B., Kranthi S. (2014) Role of arthropods biodiversity in containing cotton Infesting mealybugs (Abstract No. 49) in the book of BOOK OF ABSTRACTS of sixth meeting of the Asian cotton Research and development network , Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 18- 20, 2014, Page 49-50
- Nagrare V. S. Technologies for Cotton Pests Management. Interdisciplinary National Conference on Recent Innovations in Agri-biosciences in strengthening the Indian Economy: Challenges & Prospects and Farmers Meet, Dr Ambedkar College, Nagpur, 1st Feb 2020.
- Chinna Babu Naik V. Subbireddy K. B., Kumbhare Sijit, and Nagrare V. S. 2018. Egg parasitoid Trichogrammatoidea bactrae (Nagaraja) for the management of pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) on cotton. Extended summary #72, Entomology 2018: Advances and Challenge , Hyderabad, 59-60
- Nagrare V. S, Chinna babu Naik V. Bhausaheb Naikwadi. Cotton pests scenario during last decade in India” in book of abstract of Seventh Asian cotton Research and development Network (ACRDN) meeting”, Nagpur 15-17 September 2017.
- Nagrare VS, Kranthi S., Naikwadi B., Sinh Dharmendra (2016) New Vistas in Crop Pest Management with ICT tools in India. National Conference on Innovation in Agribusiness 26th to 27th February 2016, Dr Ambedkar College, Nagpur
- Nagrare V. S., Annie Sheeba J., Bhoyar Paresh, Naikwadi Bhausaheb, Satija Usha. Biochemical changes in Bt-cotton plants due to infestation by cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) National Symposium on “Future Technologies: Indian Cotton in the Next Decade”, Guntur, 17-19 December 2015.
- Vennila S., Agarwal Meenu, Nagrare V S, Singh Jitendra and Prasad Y G (2012) Description, Damage, Scenario, Weather based Prediction and Management of Mirid Bugs (Campylomma livida Reuter; Miridae; Hemiptera) on Rainfed Cotton of Central India presented in international conference on plant health management for food security, Hyderabad, 28-30 Nov 2012.
- Prakash A.H., Kranthi K.R., Nagrare V.S., Kranthi S., Gotmare V. (2011) Do foliar application of nutrients, PGR and insecticides control leaf reddening in cotton, Presented in World Cotton Research Conference -5, Nov 7-11, 2011, Mumbai India
- Nagrare V.S., Deshmukh A.J.,.Dharajothi B, Amutha M., Rishikumar , Kranthi S.and Kranthi K.R. 2011. Sampling methodology for assessing field population of cotton infesting mirid Campylomma livida Runter (Hemiptera: Miridae), Cotton Research Conference-5, Nov 7-11, Mumbai, India.
- Kranthi S., Kranthi K. R., Nagrare V. S., Kshirsagar M., Kadu S., Zade N. N. Exploitation of induced resistance for cotton pest management. In Proceedings of Bt Cotton: Opportunities and Prospects, pp 199-205 (2010).
- Nagrare V. S., Kranthi, S. Kranthi. K. R. Reduction of mirid bug (Campylomma livida Reuter) population by employing different methods of application of insecticides and bio-formulations. Paper presented in National Symposium on Bt cotton: Opportunities and Prospects, 17-19 November, 2009, Nagpur.
- Nagrare, V. S., Kranthi, S., and Kranthi, K. R. Indian cotton infested by the exotic mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley: Strategies to contain the threat. National Seminar on Second green revolution necessity or compulsion, 19-21 October 2008, Adilabad, AP.
- Nagrare V.S. Management of pests under protected cultivation of orchids. 2nd Indian Horticulture Congress on Opportunities and Linkages for Horticulture Research and Development (Focus- North Eastern Region), 18-21April 2007, Shillong, Meghalaya.
- Nagrare, V. S. and Upadhyaya R. C. Pest interception in Bulbous Ornamentals Under Mid Hill Conditions of Sikkim. National Symposium on Ornamental Bulbous Crops 5-6 December, 2006, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerat-250110 (UP)
- Nagrare, V. S. Record of new pests in orchid cultivation. National conference on applied entomology: current status, challenges and opportunities, 26-28 September, 2005, Udaipur
- Nagrare, V. S and Ram Pal. Orchids production: Issues to be addressed 1st Indian Horticulture Congress 2004, 6–9 November 2004, New Delhi.
- Nagrare, V. S. Emerging pests of orchids. National Symposium on Recent trends and future strategies in Ornamental Horticulture, 1- 4 December, 2004, Dharwad , Karnataka.
- Nagrare, V. S. 2003. Pest complex of orchids. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, 5-7 November, 2003, New Delhi, pp. 633,
- Upadhyaya, R. C.; V. Nagaraju, S. P. Das, Gyanalok Das, D. Barman, Rampal, V. S. Nagrare T. K. Bag, and S. Chakrabarti. Exploration, characterization and conservation of ornamental orchids. National Symposium on Recent advances in Indian floriculture, 12-14 November 2003 , Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Trichur- 680656 pp 91
- Nagrare V. S. and Upadhyay R. C. Pests of orchids and their management in Sikkim- A survey. 6th National Seminar on Orchid Diversity in India: Science and Commerce and Orchids, 11-13 October 2001, Palampur (HP).
Popular Articles/ Short Notes/ Short Communications
- Chinna Babu Naik V, Nagrare V S, P A Wawdhane, and Fand Babasaheb. Sucking pests and bollworm management in Cotton. Baliraja (Marathi magazine), May 2019 pp 99-101
- Nagrare VS, China Babu Naik V, Fand BB. Integrated pest management in cotton (Marathi). Cotton: Production and management technologies. ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur published on 30 October 2019.
- Nagrare VS, China Babu Naik V, Fand BB, Gokte-Narkhedkar N. and Waghmare V N. Cotton pink bollworm management in India-A success story (Marathi). Cotton: Production and management technologies. ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur published on 30 October 2019.
- China Babu Naik V, Nagrare VS, Fand BB. Integrated management of pink bollworm in cotton (Marathi). Cotton: Production and management technologies. ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur published on 30 October 2019.
- Fand BB, Nagrare VS, China Babu Naik V. A new pest of cotton Fall armyworm: its lifecycle, nature of damage and control (Marathi). Cotton: Production and management technologies. ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur published on 30 October 2019.
- China Babu Naik V, Nagrare VS, Fand BB. Trichogramma bactrae: biological control agent for effective pink bollworm control (Marathi). Cotton: Production and management technologies. ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur published on 30 October 2019.
- Fand BB and Nagrare V. S. Terminate crop timely for pink bollworm management (Marathi), Agro Won, 24 Feb 2018.
- Nagrare V. S., Chinna Babu Naik V., Fand BB. Pests management strategies in cotton (Marathi), Shetkari (Special edition on Cotton) , Feb 2018.8.
- Nagrare V. S., kranthi K. R, Kranthi S. Integrated sucking pets management (Marathi), Agro won 3 August 2016.
- Nagrare V. S., Kranthi K. R, Kranthi S. Conservation of natural enemies in cotton, Agro won 17 August 2016.
- Nagrare V. S., Kranthi K. R, Kranthi S. Integrated bollworm management, Agro won 31 August 2016.
- Kranthi K. R, Chinna Babu Naik V., Nagrare V. S. Integrated pink bollworm nanagement, Agro won 13October 2016
- Nagrare VS, Deshmukh Vrushali, Naikwadi Bhausaheb and Dahekar Ashish. 2014. Papaya mealybug infested cotton in central zone. Cotton innovate-Weekly Newsletter from central Institute for cotton research, Nagpur. 1(2), January 12-18, 2014.
- Nagrare VS, Deshmukh Vrushali, Naikwadi Bhausaheb, Dahekar Ashish. 2014. Rodent pest causing 0.5% loss to cotton crop. Cotton innovate-Weekly Newsletter from central Institute for cotton research, Nagpur, 1(4), January 26- Feb 1, 2014.
- Nagrare VS, Deshmukh Vrushali, Naikawadi Bhausaheb 2013. Mirid bug Hyalopeplus lineifer Walker recorded as a minor pest of cotton. Cotton innovate-Weekly Newsletter from Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur. 11(4), November 24-30, 2013.
- Nagrare V.S. Chimeras in cotton plant Cotton innovate-Weekly Newsletter from central Institute for cotton research, Nagpur . 10 (3), October 14-19, 2013.
- Kranthi K. R*., Nagrare V. S., Vennila S, and Kranthi S. 2011. Packages of Practices for Mealybug management. The ICAC Recorder 29(1) 1.4.11.
- Nagrare V S, Pal R. 2008. A viable option- Cultivating potted orchids fetches more. Indian Hort, 53(2), 24-6
- Nagrare V. S. Bt kapashsathi kid vyavasthapan ranniti – 2008 in Kapus Lagwad Tantradyan Mahiti Pustika 2008-09 (Marathi) published by Agricultrure department Govt of Maharashtra released on 26 May 2008 at Kapus Utpadan Parisanwad organized by Vasantrao Naik Smriti Pratishtan, Pusad and Agricultural department govt of Maharashtra.
- Nagrare V. S., Kranthi S., Khadi B.M. & Kranthi K. R. Infestation of Indian cotton by mealybug species, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). CICR Newsletter, 24(3), July- Sept 2008.
- Kranthi S., Kranthi K. R., Zade N. N. Shivare D., Vennila S., Nagrare V. S. & Ramamurthy V. V. Record of parasitoid population on a predator, CICR Newsletter, 24(3), July- Sept 2008.
- Nagrare, V. S., Kranthi K. R. and Gupta R. R. 2007. Bharat Aur Pakistan Main Kapas Par Mealybug Ka Prakop: Ek Paridrushya (Hindi), Kapas Samachar, CICR Nagpur, Oct –Dec 2007.
- Nagrare, V. S. Managing pests in orchid flower production. Indian Horticulture 52(2), Mrach-April 2007: 10-11.
- Nagrare, V. S. and D. Barman 2007. Cultivation technique for Cymbidium. Floriculture Today, June 2007: 14:22
- Nagaraju V., Nagrare V. S., Chakrabarti Syamali and Rampal North- East: A heaven for orchids, Souvenir, North-East Expo 2006, Dimapur, Nagaland. Published by Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi pp. 55-66
- Ram Pal and Nagrare, V. S. Adbhut rup Cymbidium ka. Falful, April-June, 205, pp19-21 (Hindi), 2005.
- Nagrare, V. S. The black aphid Toxoptera aurantii infesting Orchids, Orchid News Vol. 20 December 2004, Published by The Orchid Society of India, Chandigarh
- Ram Pal and Nagrare, V. S. Cymbidium sunakhari Fulko kheti Keen? Kahan? Ani Kasari garne? Part 1, 2, 3, September 3-5, 2004, Himalayan Darpan, Siliguri (Nepali)
- Nagrare, V. S. and Bag, T. K. Under greenhouse- Pest management in Gerbera. Krishak Samachar. 46(8):7-8, 2001
- Nagrare, V. S. World of Orchids, Employment News. Vol.XXVI No. 16, 21-27 July 2001
- Rao, S. R. K. and Nagrare, V. S. Wax moth threat to bee colony. The Hindu. 18. 03. 1999
Research Bulletin/ Extension Bulletins
- Nagrare V.S., Naik V.C.B., Fand B.B, Gawande S.P., Nagrale D.T., Nandini Gokte-Narkhedkar, V. N. Waghmare (2019). Cotton: Integrated Pest and Disease Management. Technical bulletin, ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur.
- Nagrare V.S., Naik V.C.B., Fand B.B, Rachna Pande. Gawande S.P., Nagrale D.T., Nandini Gokte-Narkhedkar, V. N. Waghmare (2019). Cotton: Integrated Pest and Disease Management. Technical bulletin (Hindi), ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur.
- Nagrare V.S., Naik V.C.B., Fand B.B, Gawande S.P., Nagrale D.T., Nandini Gokte-Narkhedkar, V. N. Waghmare (2019). Cotton: Integrated Pest and Disease Management. Technical bulletin (Marathi), ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur.
- Chinna Babu Naik V., Kranthi S., Kumbhare Sujit, Nagrare V. S., , Gokte-Narkhedkar N. Fand B.B., Pande Rachna (2018) Pink bollworm management (Hindi)
- Nagrare V. S., Chinna Babu Naik V., Fand B.B. (2018) Pink bollworm management (Marathi), CICR, Nagpur (50000 copies)
- Nagrare V. S., Chinna Babu Naik V., Fand B.B., Pande Rachna (2018) Pink bollworm management (pamphlet in Hindi) CICR, Nagpur (20000 copies)
- Nagrare V. S., Chinna Babu Naik V. Fand B. B., Nandini Gokte-Narkhedkar. Integtaed management of ink bollworm in cotton (10000 copies)
- Kumar Rishi, Sain S. K., Monga D., and Kranthi S., Nagrare V. S. and Kranthi K. R. (2016) Whitefly and cotton leaf curl disease Management Strategies for Cotton in North India. ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Sirsa Haryana, Techincal bulletin No 1/2016 pp 12
- Nagrare VS, Chinna Babu Naik V., Kranhi S Kranthi K. R. 2017. Kapashivaril Gulab Bond ali Vyavsthapan (Management of Pink bollworm on cotton (Marathi), CICR, Nagpur.
- Nagrare VS, Kranhi S Kranthi KR, CB Naik, & Sampath Kumar A. 2014. Kapashivaril Kidi va Roganche Prabhavi Niyantran (Manage pests and diseases of cotton effectively (Marathi), CICR, Nagpur.
- Nagrare Vishlesh, Tayde Arjun, Gupta RR, Kranthi Sandhya, Kranthi K R (2012) Cotton mealybug management CICR, Nagpur
- Vennila S., Prasad Y.G., Prabhakar M., Rishi Kumar, Nagrare V. S., Amutha,M., Dharajyothi B., Meenu Agarwal, Sreedevi G., Venkateswarlu B., Kranthi K.R. and Bambawale O.M. (2011). Spatio-temporal Distribution of Host Plants of Cotton Mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley in India, Technical Bulletin No. 26, NCIPM, New Delhi P 50.
- Nagrare V. S., Kranthi S., Rishi Kumar, Dharajothi B., Amutha M., Deshmukh A.J., Bisane K. D., Kranthi K. R. (2011). Compendium of Cotton Mealybugs. Technical Bulletin, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, P 42
- Kranthi. K. R., Kranthi, S, Nagrare V. S., Rameash K., Barik A. Advances in cotton IPM, CICR, Nagpur, 2009
- Barman D, V. S. Nagrare, K. Rajni, T. K. Bag, S. K. Naik, and R. C. Upadhyaya Cymbidium cut flower production. National Research Centre for Orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim, 2007.
- Ram pal and V. S. Nagrare. Orchid diversity of India: its conservation and sustainable utilization. National Research Center for orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim, 2006.
- Nagrare, V. S. The Incredible Orchids, National Research Center for orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim, 2006.
- Nagaraju, V., Upadhyaya, R. C., Barman, D., Nagrare, V. S., Bag, T. K., Sarkar, J. Orchids in North Eastern States. National Research Center for orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim, 2006.
- Nagrare, V. S. Pests of orchids and their management. National Research Center for orchids, Pakyong, Sikkim, 2005.
Training Manual
- Chinna Babu Naik V., Kranthi Sandhya Nagrare V. S., Shah Vivek, Fand B. B. Narkhedkar Nandini 2018. 1) Lecture Notes and 2) Practical manual for ICAR sponsored Winter School on “Insect Resistance to Bt Toxins and Insecticides in Cotton” from January 18 to February 07, 2018 at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur
- Nagrare V.S, Chinna Babu Naik V, Fand B. B., Narkhedkar Nandini Gokte (2018). Integrated Pink bollworm management (Marathi). ICAR-CICR, Nagpur
Research Reports
- Prasad, Y.G., Prabhakar, M., Katti, G., Nagrare, V.S., Vennila, S. Sujay Dutta. 2014. Final Report “Research into development of decision support system for insect pests of major rice and cotton based cropping systems”, CRIDA, Hyderabad.
Mobile App
- CICR Cotton APP (2019)
Talks delivered
- Training/ workshop: 76
- Radio talks: 4
- TV show: 3
- XVII AZRA International Conference on “Frontier Research in Applied Zoology and Insect Pest Management Strategies: A way Forward for Food and Nutritional Security” 12-14 February, 2020 at UAS Raichur, Karnataka
- XIX International Plant Protection Congress IPPC2019. Crop Protection to Outsmart Climate Change for Food Security & Environmental Conservation, 10-14 November 2019, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
- XIX International Plant Protection Congress IPPC2019. Crop Protection to Outsmart Climate Change for Food Security & Environmental Conservation, 10-14 November 2019, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Forth Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference, Hyderabad, 19-21 September, 2016
- 7th Asian Cotton Research And Development Network (ACRDN) meeting, 15-17 Sept. 2017 , Nagpur
- 3rd Asian Conference of Arachnology’, 16-19 Nov, 2015, Amravati (Maharashtra)
- Annual meeting of American Society of Agronomy/ Crop Science Society of America/ Soil Science Society of America, 16-19 Oct 2011, San Antanio, Texas, USA
- Seminar on 7th programme of European Union – Opportunities for cooperation between India and European union researchers and Research Organuzation, 18th July 2008, Pune
Student guide/ co-guide: 6 (Two Phd and Four M.Sc)
- Interdisciplinary National Conference on Recent Innovations in Agri-biosciences in strengthening the Indian Economy: Challenges & Prospects and Farmers Meet, Dr Ambedkar College, Nagpur, 1st Feb 2020.
- Meeting on light trap developed by PDKV Akola and possible supply to farmers on subsidy under the Chairmanship of shri Eknath Dawale, Secretary, agriculture at Mantralay, Mumbai, 19 August 2019.
- Visit of Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT) to Maharashtra for assessment of situation in the wake of pest attack on cotton and paddy crops and Ockhi cyclone. Aurangabd, Mumbai, 15-18 May 2018.
- Cotton Pink Bolloworm Management Stakeholders’ Meeting., Nagpur , 22nd April 2018
- Brainstorming on “Thrips: Challenges and Management Options” New Delhi, 22 Sept 2017.
- National workshop on indigenous cotton organized by Yuva rural, Shaja Samruddha in association with CICR, 28 November 2016, Nagpur
- National symposium on Agrarian crices in Vidarbha and options, 18 September 2016, Nagpur
- Sixth IBO training workshop” , 10th Sept 2017, Bangalore
- Fifth Training Workshop for IBOs, Hyderabad, 22 September, 2016
- Forth training workshop on ‘Confined Field Trial’ New Delhi, 5 July 2016
- Launch of ICAR Biosafety Portal and Third Training Workshop for Institute Biosafety Officers (IBOs), 13 April 2016, New Delhi
- AICRP Annual meeting, 7 -9 April 2016, Surat,
- Training workshop on “Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of Genetically Engineered (GE) plants, New Delhi, September 15-17, 2015
- National Conference on Innovation in Agribusiness. Presented paper on ICT tools in crop protection.26th – 27th Feb 2016, Dr Ambedkar College, Nagpur
- National symposium on Future technologies: Indian Cotton in Next decade. Presented paper on biochemical changes in mealybug infested plants, 17-19 Dec, 2015, ANU, Guntur
- Review meeting to finalize action plan for Cotton Leaf Curl Virus disease (ClCuD), Pink bollworm management (PBM) and High density planting system (HDPS), 21 Feb 2015, CICR, Nagpur
- NAAS Silver Jubilee Symposium on “25 years of Research on Insect Resistance to toxins – the way forward” 27th Dec 2014, CICR, Nagpur
- Brain storming session ‘Where are the constraints for high cotton yields?’, 15th Mar 2014, CICR Nagpur
- Workshop on ‘IPM and future strategies’ under TMC MM II, 6 July 2011, DoCD, Mumbai
- Annual Thematic Workshop, 7-8 Mar 2011, IIHR Bangalore
- National workshop on Innovations and better management practices in Climate Resilient and sustainable cotton production, 15-16 Dec 2010, CRIDA Hyderabad.
- National Symposium on “Bt cotton: Opportunities and Prospects”, 17-19 Nov 2009, CICR, Nagpur
- National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights, 30 May 2008, NIIPM, Nagpur
- National Seminar on second green revolution necessity or compulsion, 19-21 Oct 2008, Adilabad, AP
- 2nd Indian Horticulture Congress on Opportunities and Linkages for Horticulture Research and Development (Focus- North Eastern Region),18-21April 2007, Shillong, Meghalaya
- National conference on Applied entomology: current status, challenges and opportunities, 26-28 Sept, 2005, Udaipur
- 1st Indian Horticulture Congress 2004, 6–9 Nov 2004, New Delhi
- National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, 5-7 Nov, 2003, New Delhi,
- 6th National Seminar on Orchid Diversity in India: Science and Commerce and Orchids, 11-13 Oct 2001, Palampur (HP)
Sr. | Recognized as a MSC/ Ph.D. Guide at University/Institute | Subject | MSc students |
1 | Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola | Agricultural Entomology | 2 Degree Awarded |
2 | Sant Gadge baba Amravati University | Zoology | – |
- Sensor Based Technologies and application for natural Resource management at Colorado State University from August 15th 2011 through 15th November 2011 at Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
- ‘Drone Remote Sensing in Agriculture’ organized by Division of Agricultural Physics, ICAR-IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, 9 September 2020 (Virtual)
- Eighth Training Workshop for the Institutional Biosafety Officers and scientists at National Institute for Plant Biotechnology, New Delhi on September 20, 2019.
- Sixth IBO training workshop” Bangalore,
- Fifth Training Workshop for IBOs,Hyderabad, 22 September, 2016
- Forth training workshop on ‘Confined Field Trial’ New Delhi, 5 July 2016
- Third Training Workshop for Institute Biosafety Officers (IBOs), New Delhi, 13 April 2016
- Biochemical and Molecular Biology Advanced Techniques, 18 November – 08 December 2008, IARI, New Delhi
- Biosystematics of agriculturally important insect and mite biodiversity, 8-28 November, 2006, TNAU, Coimbatore.
- Model Training Course on Insecticide Resistance Management in Cotton 23- 30 October 2007, CICR, Nagpur.
- Intellectual Property Rights and World Trade Organization, 5-9 December 2005, ASCI, Hyderabad.
- Refresher course on Agricultural Research Project Management 18 September to 08 October 2001, NAARM, Hyderabad
- 71st Foundation course for Agriculture Research Service 25 August – 22 December 2000, NAARM, Hyderabad
Training Conducted
- Scientists- Agricultural officers–Farmers E –Samwad on Cotton Crop Cultivation through video conferencing on 7th August 2020.
- Winter School on “Insect Resistance to Bt toxins and Insecticides in Cotton” 18th January – 7 th February, 2018 (Co-Course Coordinator), 25 Participants from 8 SAUs.
- One day group discussion on pest assessment and management between scientists, Agriculture officials, SRFs and pest scouts under HDPS at CICR, Nagpur on 10.09.2014. About 106 stakeholders participated.
- Training on Biological control of mealybugs for visiting farmers at Farmers technology school-Krishi Vasant during 9-13 Feb 2014 at CICR, Nagpur.
- Two days duration trainings for 242 Master Trainers and SDAO’s of Govt. of Maharashtra in 4 batches viz., 9 & 10, 16 & 17, 24 & 25 September and 27 & 28 October 2009 at CICR, Nagpur
- One day training on pest assessment and management for Agriculture officials, SRFs and pest scouts under HDPS at CICR, Nagpur on 10.09.2014. About 106 trainees participated.
Workshops organized
- ORIENTATION WORKSHOP of the project “Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM): Dissemination of Pink bollworm Management Strategies” on 9th July 2020 through Video Conferencing.
- The Second Working group meeting between scientists of ICAR (CICR, Nagpur) and CSIR (IICT, Hyderabad) on pheromone application technology (PAT) for management of pink bollworm held on 03rd July, 2020 through Video conferencing
- Review Meeting of Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM): Dissemination of Pink Bollworm Management Strategies held on 03rd June, 2020 Through Video Conferencing.
- Working group meeting between Scientists of ICAR (CICR, Nagpur) and CSIR (IICT, Hyderabad) held on 28th June, 2019
- Review Meeting- Cum- Orientation Workshop of Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM): Dissemination of Pink Bollworm Management Strategies, 17th May, 2019, ICAR-CICR, Nagpur
- Review Workshop of Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM): Dissemination of Pink Bollworm Management Strategies 2018-19, 23rd Feb, 2019, ICAR-CICR, Nagpur
- Launch-Cum-Orientation Workshop of Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM): Dissemination of Pink Bollworm Management Strategies, 14th August, 2018, ICAR-CICR, Nagpur.
- Scientist Award– 2020” instituted by Dr. B. Vasantharaj David Foundation, Chennai.
- Crop pest surveillance and advisory project bagged Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Public Administration 2012-13. Principal investigator for CICR which is one of the partners in the award citation.
- NATIONAL GOLD AWARDS ON e- GOVERNANCE 2011-12 under the category ‘Exemplary Re-Use of ICT Based Solutions’ by Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, Government of India to project Crop pest surveillance and advisory project (CROPSAP)- Principal investigator for CICR which is one of the partners in the award citation.
- Best Poster Award for Vennila, S. Meenu Agarwal, Nagrare, V.S. Jitendra Singh and Prasad, Y.G. 2012. Description, damage, scenario, weather based prediction and management of mirid bugs (Campylomma livida – Miridae: Hemiptera) on rainfed cotton of Central India. Paper presented at the International Conference on Plant Health Management for Food Security, held during 28-30 November 2012at Hyderabad by Plant Protection Association of India.
National/ International assignments
- Member of the committee on recommendations given by SIT on pesticide poisoning to farmers / farm laboures in Yavatmal district during 2017-18
- Expert member of selection committee for the position of Consultant, Directorate of cotton Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Nagpur 30.11.2019.
- Member of Inter Ministerial Central Team constituted by Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, Govt of India for assessment of situation caused by pest attack on Cotton (pink bollworm) and Paddy and ockhi cyclone in Maharashtra. The team was constituted on the Memorandum submitted by Maharashtra government in March, 2018 to the Government of India for seeking financial assistance from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF).
- Member of National Level Monitoring Team constituted by National Food Security Mission (NLMT: NFSM), Crops Division of Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. Visited the assigned state Maharashtra from 27-30 September, 2016.
- International training: ICAR deputed through NAIP for 3 months duration training on the “Frontier area of Sensor based technologies and application for natural Resource management”. Underwent training from August 15, 2011 through November 15 2011, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins Colorado, USA.