![]() Senior Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Address: Central Institute for Cotton Research Indian Council of Agricultural Research Nagpur – 440010, Maharashtra, India |
Technology developed and disseminated:
- Identification important foliar diseases of ramie and its chemical Management
- Identification, registration and documentation of important diseases and insect pest of ramie
- Identification of resistant sources against anthracnose leaf spot of ramie
- Identification of ‘Plantlets’ as a most effective, feasible and economic source of alternate planting material and its utilization for extensive area expansion under ramie cultivation reduces the cost of planting material by 75%
- Mechno-chemical Weed management in Ramie: A novel technology
- Associated in identification of First variety of ramie (R 1411- Hazarika) in India and submitted to CVRC for release.
- Popularization and area expansion of ramie in north eastern states and other part of the country.
- Maintenance, evaluation and collection of ramie germplasm at Ramie Research Station, Sorbhog.
Training attended,Training conducted,Invited lectures
- Participated in 21 days summer school training on “Advances in molecular diagnostics of emerging plant diseases for Biosecurity” during 1 to 21st August2014 at IIHR, Banglore.
- Participated in 21 days CAFT Training on “Understanding of mechanism of host-pathogen bioagent interaction and sustainable bio-management strategy for threatening crop diseases ” during September 24 Sept. to 14 Octo., 2013 at Division of Plant Pathology ,IARI, New Delhi
- Participated 10 days training Program on New Frontier on Jute and Allied Fibres Research and Technology Development. Held at CRIJAF, Barrackpore (W.B.) during 7th -16th April. 2011
- Participate in the training programme on DATA ANALYSIS USING SAS of the NAIP consortium “strengthening statistical computing for NARS “funded by NAIP at CRIJAF, Barrackpore (W.B.)during 1 to 6th July,2013
- Organized Four days unemployed educated rural youths and farmers’ training on Ramie Cultivation at RRS during 25th to 28th April, 2011.
- Organised and conducted three days Farmers’ training on “Improved Production Technology of Ramie” on 25-27 th August, 2011 for the Tribal Community under of Lakimpur district and local farmers.
- Organised and conducted two days Farmers’ training on “Improved Production Technology of Ramie” on 5-6 th March, 2012 for the Tribal Community under TSP
- Organised and conducted two days training on Improved Production Technology of Ramie on 12-13 th March, 2012 for the Tribal Community under TSP
- Organized three days Farmers’ training for the unemployed rural youth and tribal farmers of Arunachal Pradesh under TSP during 23 to 25th October 2013.
- Awarded SRDA Gold Medal by Society for Recent Development in Agriculture and 2nd position for oral presentation in the International Conference on Technological Interventions in Agricultural Sciences for enhanced Productivity, Nutritional Quality and Value Addition (TIAS-2014) at Dimapur, Nagaland on 18th Feb., 2015.
Popular articles
- Gawande S.P., Sharma A.K.and Satpathy S. (2011) Integrated management of Cercospora leaf spot of Ramie .JAF News (July-Dec. 2011)
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P.and Satpathy S. (2011) New planting Technique for Ramie Cultivation. JAF News (July-Dec. 2011)
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P.and Mitra S. (2011) Plantlets of ramie:A potential planting material for area expansion of the crop. JAF News pp 22-23
- Gawande S.P., Sharma A. K. and Satpathy S. (2012). Indian Red Admiral Caterpillar
- (V. Indica): A new insect pest of ramie. JAF News. P. 22.
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P., and Mahapatra B.S., (2012).Ramie: A high value crop of 21st century. Biotech today Vol.2(1)
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P., Satpathy S.and Mitra S. (2013). Rami Ki Vaigyanik Kheti evam Iska Mahetwa. Training manual in Hindi Language: Published by RRS, (CRIJAF), Sorbhog, Assam. Pp 29.
- Sharma A.K. , Gawande S.P., Satpathy S., Mitra S.and Ramchiary B. (2013). Improved Production Technology of Ramie. Training manual in BORO language. Published by RRS, (CRIJAF), Sorbhog, Assam. Pp 16.
- Gawande S.P,. Sharma A. K, Selvaraj K.and Satpathy S. (2013) Record of Pachenophorous bretinghami Baly. :A new insect pest of ramie in assam.JAF News. Pp 15
- Gawande S.P.,. Tripathi A.N, Gotyal B.S.. Sharma A. K, and Satpathy S. (2013) First report of ramie leaf blight,Curvularia eragrostidis,.JAF News.pp 16
- Mitra, S., Saha, S., Guha, B., Chakrabarti, K., Satya, P.,. Sharma A.K, Gawande, S.P., Mukesh Kumar and Monidipta Saha (2014) Ramie: The strongest Bast Fibre of Nature.Technical Bulletin. Published by CRIJAF, Barrackpore. Pp38 .
- A.K. Sharma, S.P.Gawande, S. Satpathy, S.Mitra and B. Ramchiary (2012). Improved Production Technology of Ramie. Training manual in Asamese language. Published by RRS, (CRIJAF), Sorbhog, Assam. Pp 16.
- Gawande S.P., Sharma A.K. and Satpathy S. (2015) Occurrence of new pest and disease in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L .gaud) germplasm under north eastern conditions. Extended abstract in Conference book and souvenir in international conference on “Technological Interventions in Agricultural Sciences for Enhanced Productivity, Nutritional Quality and Value Addition (TIAS-2014)”, during 17-19 February, 2015 at Dimapur, Nagaland, pp 61-63
- Gawande S.P.,. Sharma A.K and Sathpathy S. (2015) Conservations and Utilization of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud.) Germplasms for Identification of Resistant Sources against Anthracnose leaf spot. Abstract in souvenir, National seminar on “Conventional and biotechnological approaches for Crop improvement held at Dr.P.D.K.V.,Akola, Maharashtra During 19-20March,2015 pp16.
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P and.Karmakar P.G (2014). Leaflet: Ramie Production technology (20 points) in Garo language Published by RRS, (CRIJAF), Sorbhog, Assam. Assam.
- Gawande S.P., Sharma A.K. and Satpathy S. (2014). Rami chi Vaidnanik sheti :Sankshipt Mahiti. Leaflet in Marathi Language: Published by RRS, (CRIJAF), Sorbhog, Assam. Pp 17. (For Krishi Vasant)
- Gawande, S. P. Borkar S. G., Chimote V. P. and Sharma A. K. (2013) Determination of Genetic Diversity in Sclerotium rolfsii and Sclerotium delphinii by using RAPD and ISSR Markers. Vegetos Vol. 26 (SP) : pp 39-44
- Gawande S. P.,. Borkar S. G,. Chimote V. P, Nagrale D.T.and Sharma A. K. (2014) Determination of morphometric, biochemical and Genetic variation in Sclerotium delphinii isolates.African Journal of Microbilogy Research. Vol. 8 (16) : pp 1696-1703
- Nagrale D.T.,.Borkar S.G,.Gawande S.P,.Mandal A.K and.Raut S.A (2013) Characterization of bacterial collar and rhizome rot of banana (Musa aradisiacal) caused by strain of Erwinia chrysenthemi pv. Paradisiaca. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 5(2)
- Gawande S.P., Sharma A.K. and Satpathy S. (2014) Investigations and management of major foliar diseases of ramie (Boehmeria nivea) Progressive Agriculture. 14(1): pp 160-167
- Gawande S.P,. Borkar S.G and Chimote V.P. (2013) Variation in Growth and Oxalic Acid Production by different Crop isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. Journal of Mycopathological Research 51(1).
- Sharma, A.K. and Gawande S. P. (2011) Breeding strategies including TRS technology for sustainable production of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) and its diversified uses Progressive Agriculture, Volume : 11, Issue : conf pp 100-109
- Gawande, S.P. Sharma A.K.and Satpathy S. (2014) New record of Indian red admiral caterpillar(Vanessa indica Herbst.) as a pest of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud) from Assam Current Biotica 8(1):93-96
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P., Karmakar P.G. and Satpathy S. (2014) Genetic resource management of ramie (Boehemeria sp.): A bast fibre crop of North Eastern India. Vegetos. Vol. 27(2):288-295
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P., Satpathy S. (2014) Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.Gaud ): Recent technologies for commercialization of its cultivation in North east . Biotech Today: An International Journal of Biological Sciences. Volume : 4, Issue : 2 pp 48-54 (Review article)
- Gawande S.P., Borkar S.G. and Nagrale D.T. (2015) Evaluation of fungicides against different isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii . Indian Journal of Plant Protection. Vol. 43 (1):pp 122-125
- Sharma A.K.,. Gawande S.P and Satpathy S. (2012). Leaflet: Ramie Production technology (20 points) Published by RRS, (CRIJAF), Sorbhog
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P. and .Karmakar P.G (2014). Leaflet: Ramie Production technology (20 points) in Nagamese language Published by RRS, (CRIJAF), Sorbhog, Assam.,
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P and.Karmakar P.G (2014). Leaflet: Ramie Production technology (20 points) in Garo language Published by RRS, (CRIJAF), Sorbhog, Assam. Assam.
- Gawande S.P., Sharma A.K. and Satpathy S. (2014). Rami chi Vaidnanik sheti :Sankshipt Mahiti. Leaflet in Marathi Language: Published by RRS, (CRIJAF), Sorbhog, Assam. Pp 17. (For Krishi Vasant)
- Gawande S.P., Sharma A.K. and Satpathy S. (2014) Diseases and pest status of ramie (Boehemeria nivea L. Gaud.) under climate changing scenario,in book of abstracts in International conference on Natural fibres held at Kolkata during 1-3 August,2014.
- Sharma A.K., Gawande S.P. and Satpathy S. (2015) Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud.) Cultivation:Pottential, problems and prospects in NE region of India. Lead paper in Conference book and souvenir in international conference on “Technological Interventions in Agricultural Sciences for Enhanced Productivity, Nutritional Quality and Value Addition (TIAS-2014)”, during 17-19 February, 2015 at Dimapur, Nagaland, pp 59-61
- Sawant N.V., Gawande S.P., Raghuwanshi K.S., Kurundkar B.P.and Borkar S.G. (2015) Effect of silicon fertilization along with seed treatment with silicate solubilizing bacteria on leaf rust intensity and grain yield of wheat (Genotype Pusa-4) under field condition. Abstract in Conference book and souvenir in international conference on “Technological Interventions in Agricultural Sciences for Enhanced Productivity, Nutritional Quality and Value Addition (TIAS-2014)”, during 17-19 February, 2015 at Dimapur, Nagaland, pp 17-18
Project title | Funding Agency | Period | Role |
Development of high yielding genotypes with enhanced fibre quality through hybridization (Long Term) | Institute | 2013-2015 | Co-PI |
Efficacy of different fungicides against foliar diseases of ramie. | Institute | 2011-2013 | PI |
Identification of bacillus thuringiensis isolates for management of major lepidopteran pests of jute. | Institute | 2013-2015 | Co-PI |
Indexing and identification of diseases and insect pests of ramie and development of IPM module. | Institute | 2013-2015 | PI |
Management of stem rot disease and major insect pests of jute. | TMJ | 2012-2015 | Co CCPI |
Collection, maintenance and evaluation of ramie germplasm. | Institute | 2011-2015 | Co-PI |
Genetic Improvement for yield, fiber quality and wider adaptability in Ramie through Induced mutations. | Institute | 2011-2013 | Co-PI |
Refinement and up scaling of eco-friendly microbial degumming technology in ramie. | TMJ | 2013-2015 | Co CCPI |
Development of reverse transcription loop mediated isothermal amplification (RT- LAMP) for early detection of cotton leaf curl and tobacco streak viruses of cotton (G. hirsutum ) | Institute | July,2015 | PI |
Name of Seminar/ Symposia/ Conference/ Workshop | Period | Place |
Participated and presented lead papers in International conference on “Technological Interventions in Agricultural Sciences for Enhanced Productivity, Nutritional Quality and Value Addition (TIAS-2014)” | 17-19 February, 2015 | Dimapur,Nagaland |
National seminar on “Conventional and biotechnological approaches for Crop improvement | 19-20March,2015 | Dr.P.D.K.V.,Akola, Maharashtra |
Attended AINPJAF Workshop | 13th and 14th February ,2015 | CRIJAF, Barrackpore |
Participate as a resource person at State level training programme on Jute cultivation and delivered the presentation on Improved jute retting technology | 3-4th March,2015 | Tura Meghalaya |
Participate as a resource person of ramie crop at State level training on cultivation of jute and ramie | 24-25th March,2015 | Nagaon, Shillongoni, upper Assam |