![]() Principal Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Address: ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR) Regional Station, Coimbatore 641003, |
Biological control, IPM
Designation | Years | Institution |
Senior Scientist (PB4) | January 2019-Till Now | ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Coimbatore |
Senior Scientist (PB3) | January 2016- January 2019 | ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Coimbatore |
Scientist | May 2008-January 2011 | ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Coimbatore |
Scientist | May 2007- May 2008 | ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra |
Scientist | Jan 2007- May 2007 | National Academy of Agricultural Research Management |
- Pathogenicity (LC 50 and LT 50) of entomopathogenic fungal pathogens viz., Beauveria bassiana, Metarrhizium anisoplea and Verticillium lecanii against cotton mealy bug evaluated to assess the susceptible stage of the insect.
- Quantification of compatibility of entomopathogenic fungal entomopathogens viz., B. bassiana, M. anisoplea and V. lecanii with commonly used insecticides in cotton ecosystem to integrate fungal entomopathogens in the IPM.
- Pathogenic mechanism of fungal entomopathogens against insects by morphological and histopathological changes during pathogenesis cycle studied with cotton mealybug as a model insect.
- Biochemical and pathogenesis related enzyme activity estimated in healthy and infected insects during the pathogenesis cycle.
- Population dynamics of mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis and Paracoccus marginatus on different cropping system viz., cotton intercropped with cowpea, cotton surrounded with non-target crop (tomato/maize) and cotton surrounded with fallow land.
- A novel and simple protocol for estimating lifecycle parameters of the emerging pest mealybug was developed for biology studies at constant temperatures.
- A record of 166 host plants of mealybug was made in south cotton agro ecosystems of India including weeds, trees, field crops, fruit plants, ornamentals and spices belonging to 51 families. A strategy based on cultural practices for management of mealybug was devised for use across the country.
- Methodology was standardized to inoculate the B. bassiana as endophyte in cotton.Establishment and colonization of endophytic B. bassiana in cotton leaf samples were confirmed by scanning microscopic observations.
- Bioassay of B. bassiana isolates against Pectinophora gossypiella, Helicoverpa armigera, Aphis gossypii and Paracoccus marginatus revealed its entomopathogenic activity.
- Standard methodology was developed to isolate fungal and bacterial endophytes from cotton plant parts.
- Totally forty seven fungi and seventeen bacterial cultures were isolated as endophytes from cotton. Four bacterial (KF747358 to KF 747360, KF 747367) and seven fungal endophytes (KF 747355, KF 747361 to KF 747366) were sequenced by 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA respectively and submitted to NCBI gene bank.
- Bioassay of fungi and bacterial isolates against Pectinophora gossypiella, Helicoverpa armigera, Aphis gossypii and Paracoccus marginatus carried out, nine bacterial and twelve fungal endophytes were revealed its entomopathogenic activity.
- Nine bacterial endophytes were inoculated into cotton plant by different method viz., seed coating, seed immersion, soil drenching and foliar spray. Endophytic colonization of endophytic bacterial isolates in leaf sample confirmed by scanning microscopic observation.
- Species diversity of thrips on cotton ecosystem in Tamil Nadu was recorded. There are three species viz. Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, Thrips palmi Karny and Thrips tabaci Lindeman were present on leaves. On flowers there are four species recorded viz., Thrips florum Schmutz, Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan), Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom) and Thrips parvispinus (Karny) were recorded.
- The order of efficacy of insecticides were as follows Spinoteram > Fipronil > emamectin benzoate > Spinosad = profenophos > Diafenthiuron > Imidacloprid > Thiacloprid > Thiamethoxam = Buprofezin > Clothianidin > Flonicamid.
- Six colour sticky traps (Yellow, Blue, Red, Orange, Green and White) were evaluated for thrips attraction. Among six colour sticky traps, blue colour (93.67) followed by yellow (78.89) attracted more number of thrips.
- Population dynamics of thrips were recorded and different intercrops of Marigold, Vegetable cowpea, Onion, French bean and Groundnut were evaluated as trap crop. Among these cotton intercropped with Marigold recorded with reduced population of thrips followed by cotton intercropped with Groundnut.
Project title | Funding Agency | Period | Role |
Epizootiology, pathogenicity and pathogenic mechanism of entomopathogenic fungal pathogens against cotton mealybugs | Institute | 2008-2011 | PI |
Research into Development of Decision Support Systems for major Insect Pests of Rice and Cotton based Cropping Systems | NAIP | 2008-2014 | CCPI |
Establishment of Beauveria bassiana as an symbiotic insecticide against major insect pests of cotton | Institute | 2010-2012 | PI |
Insecticides, sucking pests and predator interaction on Bt cotton | Institute | 2010-2011 | Co-PI |
Isolation, characterization and utilization of fungal and bacterial endophytes from cotton plants and endosymbionts for pest management | Institute | 2012-2017 | PI |
Entomopathogenic-endophytes mediated plant defense as a novel approach for the management of boll worms in cotton | DST | 2013-2017 | PI |
Production, stabilisation, formulation and validation of microbial agents and their natural products against insects and nematode pests of cotton | Institute | 2013-17 | Co-PI |
Consortia Research Platform IIHR (Lead centre): ORP on Management of sucking pests in horticultural crops. | Institute | 2014-17 | Co-PI |
Diversity analysis of Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), predators and parasitoids. | Institute | 2016-18 | Co-PI |
Diversity, Ecology and Improvement of eco-compatible management of Thrips in cotton ecosystem. | Institute | 2017-20 | PI |
Studies on symptom expression, host range, transmission and spread of Tobacco Streak Virus infecting Cotton. | Institute | 2017-21 | Co-PI |
Inventorying potential fungal metabolites for the management of sucking pests and nematodes of cotton. | Institute | 2017-22 | Co-PI |
Development of transfer of technology innovations for bridging up the yield gap in cotton | Institute | 2017-20 | Co-PI |
Development and Evaluation of ELS interspecific hybrids with better yield and fiber quality. | Institute | 2019-24 | Co-PI |
Development of Extension Model for Promoting the Production of Extra Long Staple Cotton in India. | Institute | 2019-21 | Co-PI |
Investigation on the susceptibility status and possible detoxification mechanism for neonicotinoids and newer molecules against cotton leaf hopper. | Institute | 2019-2022 | Co-PI |
Biology and holistic management strategies for emerging pest Tea mosquito Bug (Helopeltis) in Cotton | Institute | 2020-23 | PI |
Crop-weed interaction under ambient and elevated CO2 conditions. | Institute | 2020-23 | Co-PI |
Evaluation of agro techniques to overcome the impact of weather aberrations (drought, water logging) in ELS cotton. | Institute | 2020-23 | Co-PI |
Exploration of beneficial microorganisms for biotic stress management in Cotton. Sub project 2: Development of biocontrol consortia with multifaceted fungi for the management of important pests and nematodes of cotton. | Institute | 2020-2025 | Co-PI |
Publication category | No. of publications |
Research Papers/Articles (International) | – |
Research Papers/Articles (National) | 16 |
Books Published | – |
Chapters in Edited Books | 3 |
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts (International) | 29 |
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts (National) | 10 |
Popular Articles | 2 |
Research bulletins/ extension bulletins | 2 |
Training Manual (Authored/Co-Authored) | 2 |
Research Reports | 6 |
International journals
- Amutha, M. 2021. Thrips Species Complex in Cotton from India. In Proceedings of “Golden Jubilee International conference on Global perspectives in crop protection for food security’’ during December, 8-10, Coimbatore. P.18-19.
- Amutha, M. 2021. Damaging potential of Tea mosquito bug Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse in Cotton. In Proceedings of “Golden Jubilee International conference on Global perspectives in crop protection for food security’’ during December, 8-10, Coimbatore. P.78-79.
- Amutha, M. 2021. Efficacy of Beauveria bassiana inoculated cotton plants against sucking pests of cotton under field condition. In Proceedings of “Golden Jubilee International conference on Global perspectives in crop protection for food security’’ during December, 8-10, Coimbatore. P.78-79.
National journals
- Amutha M. Potential of Bacillus as endophytes in cotton.Towards endophytic biological control of insect pests of cotton. In proceedings of “National Conference on Increasing farmers income, prosperity and Food Security in India”, Raja Balwant Singh College, Bichpuri, Agra 29-30th October 2021 (online).
- M. Amutha, J. Gulsar Banu, T. Surulivelu and N. Gopalakrishnan. 2010. Effect of commonly used insecticides on the growth of white muscardine fungus, Beauveria bassiana under laboratory conditions. Journal of Biopesticides, Vol.3. No.1. 143-146.
- J. Gulsar Banu, Surulivelu T, Amutha M, Gopalakrishnan N. 2010. Laboratory evaluation of insecticides and pesticides against Phenococcus solenopsis and Paracoccus marginatus infesting cotton. Journal of Biopesticides. 3: 343 – 346.
- M. Amutha and J. Gulsar Banu, 2011. Susceptibility of cotton mealy bugs, Phenacoccus solenopsis and Paracoccus marginatus at different developmental stages to entomopathogenic fungi. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, Vol. 39. No. 3, 242-246.
- Amutha, M. and J. Gulsar Banu. 2012. Compatibility of Metarhizium anisoplea and Verticillium lecanii with insecticides. Annals of Plant Protection sciences, 20(2), 354-357.
- V.S. Nagrare Rishi Kumar, M. Amutha, B. Dharajothi, S. Kranthi, S. Vennila, A.J. Deshmukh, K.D. Bisaneh, Manjula, K.R. Kranthi. 2012. A record of host plants of mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley for devising ecofriendly management strategies Journal of entomological Research, 36 (4) : 327-344 .
- Surulivelu, T, J. Gulsar Banu, T. Sonairajan, B. Dharajothi and M. Amutha. 2012. Evaluation of fungal pathogens for the management of mealybugs in Bt cotton. Journal of biological control, 26(1): 92-96.
- Gulsar Banu.J, Amutha, M. and Rajalakshmi, S. 2014. Compatability of insecticides with Metarhizium anisolpiae (ARSEF-9613), a native entomopathogenic fungal isolate from mealybug. Journal of Insect Science, 27(1):144-147 (NAAS Rating-3.44).
- M. Amutha and B. Dharajothi. 2015. Life table of Phenacoccus solenopsis (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) on cotton. Indian journal of entomology. Vol. 77(1), p1-10. DOI. 10.5958/0974-8172.2015.00001.2
- M. Amutha and J. Gulsar Banu. 2015. Pathogenesis of entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin., on mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Journal of Biological Control, 29(3)134-138.
- M. Amutha and B. Dharajothi. 2016. Life table and population parameters of Paracoccus marginatus on varying temperatures on cotton. Indian Journal of Plant Protection. Vol. 44. No.1, 24-29.
- V.S. Nagrare, A.J. Deshmukh, B Dharajothi, M Amutha, Rishi Kumar, S. Kranthi and K R Kranthi. 2016. Sampling methodology for assessing field population of mired, Campylomma livida infesting cotton. Indian Journal of Plant Protection. Vol. 44. No.2, 250-252.
- S. Vennila, Satish Kumar Yadav, Priyanka Wahi, S. Kranthi, M. Amutha, B. Dharajothi. 2016. Seasonal Dynamics, Influence of Weather Factors and Forecasting of Cotton Sap Feeders in North India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 88 (2), 467-476. DOI 10.1007/s40011-016-0776-1.
- M. Amutha and J. Gulsar Banu. 2017. Variation in Mycosis of Entomopathogenic Fungi on Mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 87(2):343–349. DOI 10.1007/s40011-015-0624-8. First online: 22 July 2015.
- Amutha, M. 2017. Establishment of Beauveria bassiana(Balsamo) Vuillemin as an Endophytein Cotton. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences6(6): 2506-2513. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.606.298.
- M. Amutha. 2018. Potential of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassianaas an endophyte in cotton. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 6(6): 558-561.
- Shankarganesh, V.S.Nagrare, M. Amutha, C. Selvi and S. Baghyaraj. 2021. Effect of insecticides on susceptibility level and detoxifying enzymes in cotton leafhopper Amrasca biguttula (Ishida.). Indian Journal of Entomology, 83. Online published Ref. No. e20418. Doi:https://doi.org/10.5958/0974-8172.2021.00136.X
Book Chapters in Edited Books
- M. Amutha, 2013. Pest management in Cotton. In. Valartamililariviyal. Uzhavumunavum, Eds.(K. Senthilkumaran, M. Muthamil Selvan, s. Krishnamoorthy, P. Senthil Kumar and. K.M. Chellamuthu. P. 241-242. ISBN No.978-93-81102-60-2.
- Nagrare V. S., Kranthi S., Kumar Rishi, Dharajothi B., Amutha M., Kranthi K. R. (2016) Cotton. In Mealybugs and their Management in Agricultural and Horticultural crops (Edited by M. Mani and C. Shivaraju ), pp 271-281. Published by Springer India. ISBN 978-81-322-2675-8.
- Amutha, M. 2018. Bacterial endophytes of cotton and its colonization and motility behavior. In: A book of extended summary, International Conference on Biocontrol and Sustainable Insect Pest Management held at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, Vallanad on January 29-31, 2018, Thannambikkai Publications, Coimbatore-672p. ISBN: 978-93-81102-46-6.p.583-585.
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts International
- M. Amutha, J. GulsarBanu, T. Surulivelu and N. Gopalakrishnan. 2009. Pathogenicity of Metarhizium anisopliae against cotton mealybugs, (Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) and Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink). In: Second Biopesticide International Conference. 26-28th November, at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai. Pp. 60
- M. Amutha, J. GulsarBanu, T. Surulivelu and N. Gopalakrishnan. 2009. Compatability of white muscardine fungus, Beauveria bassiana with commonly used insecticides for cotton pest management. In: Second Biopesticide International Conference. 26-28th November, at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai. Pp. 60
- M. Amutha, B. Dharajothi, T. Surulivelu and N. Gopalakrishnan. 2009. Record of natural parasitism on cotton mealybugs, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) and Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink). In: Second Biopesticide International Conference. 26-28th November, at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai. Pp. 114
- J. GulsarBanu, T. Surulivelu, M. Amutha, and N. Gopalakrishnan. 2009. Evaluation of insecticides and biopesticides against Phenacoccus solenopsis and Paracoccus marginatus infesting cotton. In: Second Biopesticide International Conference. 26-28th November, at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai. Pp. 213
- M. Amutha. 2011. Temperature effect on growth parameters of mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink). P. —-In: 2nd International congress of Global warming on Biodiversity of Insects: Management and conservation, 24th- 26th August, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore.
- M. Amutha and B. Dharajothi. 2011. Population dynamics of mealybugs, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) and Paracoccus marginatus(Williams and Granara de Willink) on cotton. In: 2nd International congress of Global warming on Biodiversity of Insects: Management and conservation, 24th- 26th August, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore.
- B. Dharajothi, T. SonaiRajan, V.S. Nagrare, M. Amutha, Rishi Kumar and T. Surulivelu. 2011. Influence of spatial cropping patterns of cotton cultivation on population dynamics of mirid bug, Creontiades biseratense (Distant). In: World Cotton conference-5, November 7-11, Mumbai, India. P.85.
- M. Amutha. 2011. Artificial inoculation of Beauveria bassiana as an endophyte in cotton. In: World Cotton conference-5, November 7-11, Mumbai, India. P. 142.
- V.S. Nagrare, A.J. Deshmukh, B. Dharajothi, M. Amutha, Rishi Kumar, S. Kranthi and K.R. Kranthi. 2011. Sampling methodology for assessing field population of cotton infesting mired Campylomma livida Reuter (Hemiptera: Miridae). In: World Cotton conference-5, November 7-11, Mumbai, India. P. 150.
- M. Amutha and B. Dharajothi. 2013. Population dynamics of mealybug, Paracoccusmarginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink) on Bt cotton in different cropping pattern. In: New horizons in Insect Science (Ed: A.K. Chakravarthyet al.,), Proceedings of International Conference on Insect science, February, 14-17, 2013 at Bangalore, India.
- B. Dharajothi, Y.G. Prasad, M. Amutha and K. Govindan. 2013. Miridbug (Creontiades biseratense Distant) – An emerging pest on Bt cotton. In: New horizons in Insect Science (Ed: A.K. Chakravarthyet al.,), Proceedings of International Conference on Insect science, February, 14-17, 2013 at Bangalore, India.
- J. Gulsar Banu and M. Amutha. 2013. Influence of insecticides on Metarhizium anisopliae (ARSEF-9613), a native entomopathogenic fungus from mealybug. In: New horizons in Insect Science (Ed: A.K. Chakravarthy et al.,), Proceedings of International Conference on Insect science, February, 14-17, 2013 at Bangalore, India.
- Amutha M and Gulsar Banu J. 2013. Pathogenesis related enzyme activity during pathogenesis of entomopathogens. In: Fourth Biopesticide International Conference. 28-30th November, at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai. P.97.
- Amutha M and Gulsar Banu J. 2013. Variation in sequential developmental symptoms of pathogenesis by entomopathogenic fungus on Paracoccus marginatus. In: Fourth Biopesticide International Conference. 28-30th November, at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai. P.67
- Gulsar Banu and Amutha M.2013. Natural occurrence of Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen.) de Vries from cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover. In: Fourth Biopesticide International Conference. 28-30th November, at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai. P.65
- Amutha M and Dharajothi B. 2013. Effect of temperature on reproduction parameters of Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink) and Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on cotton. In: 3rd International congress of Global warming on Biodiversity of Insects: Management and conservation, 26th- 28th August, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore.
- Amutha M and Gulsar Banu J. 2014. Biochemical changes and pathogenesis related enzyme activities during pathogenesis of entomopathogens on Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley). In: Sixth meeting of the Asian cotton research and development network, June 18- 20, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Nagrare V. S., Rishi Kumar, Amutha M, Dharajothi B and Kranthi S. 2014. Role of arthropods biodiversity in containing cotton infesting mealybugs. In: Sixth meeting of the Asian cotton research and development network, June 18- 20, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Gulsar Banu J and Amutha M. 2014. Entomopathogenic fungi associated with cotton mealybug, Phenococcus solenopsis (Tinsley) and papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatuswilliams and granara de willink in India. In: Sixth meeting of the Asian cotton research and development network, June 18- 20, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- M. Amutha. Fungal endophytes biodiversity in cotton crop: Their potential in crop protection. 2015. International Symposium on Biodiversity, Agriculture, Environment and Forestry” during 11-12, December at Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Amutha M. 2017. Role of endosymbionts on growth parameters of Helicoverpa armigera. In Proceedings of “XIII Agricultural Science Congress” during 21-24, February, 2017 at GKVK campus, Bengaluru, India.
- Amutha, M. 2018. Bacterial endophytes of cotton and its colonization and motility behavior. In Proceedings of “International Conference on Biocontrol and Sustainable Insect Pest Management”, January 29-31, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, Thoothukudi. P.583-585.
- Amutha, M. 2018. In planta colonisation of cotton plants by fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana. In Proceedings of “International conference on emerging synergies in Agriculture, Food Processing Engineering and Biotechnology”, 21-23, February 2018, Karunya Institute of Technology and Science, Coimbatore.p.23.
- Amutha, M. 2018. Pathogenicity of bacterial endophytes against insect pests of cotton. In Proceedings of “Climate change and adaptive crops protection for sustainable agri-horticulture land Scape” 20-22, December, 2018 at Ajmer, Rajasthan, India, p.35.
- Amutha, M. 2019. Efficacy of endophytic Beauveria bassiana inoculated cotton plants against insect pests of cotton. In Proceedings of “XIX International Plant Protection Congress” during 10-14, November, International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana. P. 268.
- Amutha, M. 2021. Population dynamics of thrips in cotton ecosystem. In Proceedings of “International conference on Insect and Plant Biology during 7-8, October, 2021 (online).
- Amutha, M. 2021. Thrips Species Complex in Cotton from India. In Proceedings of “Golden Jubilee International conference on Global perspectives in crop protection for food security during December, 8-10, Coimbatore. P.18-19.
- Amutha, M. 2021. Damaging potential of Tea mosquito bug Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse in Cotton. In Proceedings of “Golden Jubilee International conference on Global perspectives in crop protection for food security during December, 8-10, Coimbatore. P.78-79.
- Amutha, M. 2021. Efficacy of Beauveria bassiana inoculated cotton plants against sucking pests of cotton under field condition. In Proceedings of “Golden Jubilee International conference on Global perspectives in crop protection for food security during December, 8-10, Coimbatore. P.78-79.
- M. Amutha andJ. Gulsar Banu. 2010. Pathogenicity of entamopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana against cotton mealybugs, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) and Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara De Willink). P.271. In: 97th Indian Science Congress, 3-7th January, Trivandrum, Kerala.
- J. Gulsar Banu and M. Amutha. 2010. Susceptibility of different developmental stages of the cotton mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus to entomopathogenic fungi. P.275. In: 97th Indian Science Congress, 3-7th January, Trivandrum, Kerala.
- M. AmuthaandJ. GulsarBanu. 2011. Biochemical changes during pathogenesis of cotton mealybug with Metarhiziumanisopliae. P.83. In: 98th Indian Science Congress, 3-7th January, SRM University, Chennai.
- M. AmuthaandJ. Gulsar Banu. 2011. Compataibility between green muscardine fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae and insecticides used in cotton ecosystem. P.84. In: 98th Indian Science Congress, 3-7th January, SRM University, Chennai.
- J. Gulsar Banu andM. Amutha. 2011. Histopathological changes of cotton mealybug Paracoccus marginatus infected by native entomopathogenic fungi. P.85 In: 98th Indian Science Congress, 3-7th January, SRM University, Chennai.
- J. GulsarBanuandM. Amutha. 2011. Evaluation of Lecanicillium lecanii in lab and pot culture conditions, as a potential candidate for biocontrol of mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis. P.85. In: 98th Indian Science Congress, 3-7th January, SRM University, Chennai.
- T. Surulivelu, J. GulsarBanu, T. Sonairajan, B. Dharajothi and M. Amutha. 2011. Evaluation of fungal pathogens for the management of mealybugs in Bt cotton. In: National symposium on harnessing biodiversity for biological control of crop pests, May 25-26,at National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects, Bengaluru.
- Amutha M. 2017. Bacterial endophytes biodiversity in cotton crop and their role in crop protection. In Proceedings of “5th National conference on Biological control: Integrating recent advances in pest and disease management” during 9-11, February, 2017 at Bengaluru, India, p.188.
- Amutha, M. 2019. Pathogenicity of endophytic Beauveria bassiana against insect pests of cotton. In Proceedings of “Symposium on Endophytes and their application in Agriculture” during 24-26, September, 2019 at GKVK campus, Bengaluru, India.
- Amutha M. Potential of Bacillus as endophytes in cotton.Toeards endophytic biological control of insect pests of cotton. In proceedings of “National Conference on Increasing farmers income, prosperity and Food Security in India”, Raja Balwant Singh College, Bichpuri, Agra 29-30th October 2021 (online).
Popular Articles/ Short Notes/ Short Communications
- M. Amutha, D. Kanjana and P. Valarmathi. 2021. Integrated management strategies for thrips in cotton. Biotica Research Today, 3(10):904-906
- J. Gulsar Banu, T. Surulivelu, M. Amutha and N. Gopalakrishnan. 2010. Susceptibility of cotton mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus to entomopathogenic fungi. Annals of plant protection Sciences, Vol. 18(1), 247-248.
Research Bulletin/ Extension Bulletins
- Nagrare V. S., Kranthi S., Rishi Kumar, Dharajothi B., Amutha M.,Deshmukh A.J., Bisane K. D., Kranthi K. R. (2011). Compendium of Cotton Mealybugs. Technical Bulletin, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur.
- S. Vennila, Y.G. Prasad, M. Prabhakar, Rishi Kumar, V. Nagrare, M. Amutha, Dharajyothi, Meenu Agarwal, G. Sreedevi, B. Venkateswarlu, K.R. Kranthi and O.M. Bambawale 2011, Spatio-temporal Distribution of Host Plants of Cotton Mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley in India, Technical Bulletin No. 26, National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi P 50.
Training Manual
- Amutha M. 2021. Bioecology, seasonal dynamics and integrated management strategies for thrips and other minor sucking pests of cotton. In: Training Manual on Online training programme on Recent advances in sucking pest management in cotton.
- Amutha, M. 2019. Biological control of insect pests of cotton. Training Manual on Capacity Building Program on Cotton Production Technologies, 18-21 November 2019, ICAR-CICR
Research Reports
- M. Amutha, B. DharaJothi, T. Surulivelu and N.Gopalakrishnan. 2009.Natural parasitism on Phenacoccus solenopsis mealybug (Tinsley) and Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink). CICR Newsletter, Vol. 25, No.1 (Jan-March). P.5.
- B. DharaJothi, T. Surulivelu, N. Gopalakrishnan, M. Amutha, T.R. Manjula and N. Kumaran. 2009. Natural occurrence of Spalgissp (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) as predator on mealybug Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink on Cotton. CICR Newsletter, Vol. 25,2, (Apr- June): p.4
- M. Amutha and N. Gopalakrishnan. 2009. Histopathological changes due to Metarhizium anisoplea infection on Paracoccus marginatus. CICR Newsletter, Vol. 25, 3, (July- Sep): p.5.
- S. Vennila, P. Jeyakumar, V. V. Ramamurthy, M. Amutha and DharaJothi, 2009.Report on Expanding list of Host Plants of Papaya Mealybug Paracoccus marginatus. NCIPM Newsletter, Vol. 15 (1), Jan-June.P.8-9.
- M. Amutha, J. GulsarBanu, K. Rameash and K. Shankarganesh. 2021. Tea Mosquito Bug in cotton. Cotton Innovate, Vol. 3(1).p.3.
- K. Shankarganesh, K. Rameash and M. Amutha, 2021. New initiatives in cotton stem weevil management. Cotton Innovate, Vol. 3(1).p.4.
Talks delivered
- Talks delivered on “IPM for Cotton” to Doordarshan Kendra, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 4.2.2010.
- Talks delivered on “Sucking pests on cotton” for All India Radio (AIR) on 27.9.18.
- Delivered lecture about plant protection measures in cotton (52 Nos.) to farmers, students and extension officials.
- Attended Golden Jubilee International conference on Global perspectives in crop protection for food security” during December, 8-10, Coimbatore.
- Attended Second Biopesticide International Conference. 26-28th November, 2009 at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai.
- Attended 2nd International congress of Global warming on Biodiversity of Insects: Management and conservation, 24th-26th August, 2011 at Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore.
- Attended International conference on insect science (ICIS-2013), 14-17th February at University of agricultural sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, India.
- Attended Fourth Biopesticide International Conference, 28-30th November, 2013 at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai.
- Attended 3rd International congress of Global warming on Biodiversity of Insects: Management and conservation, 26th- 28th August 2013 at Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore.
- Attended “International Symposium on Biodiversity, Agriculture, Environment and Forestry” during 11-12, December, 2015 at Hotel Fortune, Sullivan Court,Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Attended “International Conference on Biocontrol and Sustainable Insect Pest Management” during 29-31, January 2018 at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, Thoothukudi District.
- Attended “International conference on emerging synergies in Agriculture, Food Processing Engineering and Biotechnology (ICAFB)” during 21-23, February, 2018 at Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Attended the “First International conference on Climate change and Adaptive Crop Protection for Sustainable Agri-Horticulture Landscape” during 20-22, December, 2018 at ICAR-National Research Centre on seed spices, Ajmeer, Rajasthan.
- Attended the”XIX International Plant Protection Congress” during10-14, November, 2019 Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana.
- Attended International conference on Insect and Plant Biology during 7-8,October, 2021 (online).
- Attended Golden Jubilee International conference on Global perspectives in crop protection for food security during December, 8-10, Coimbatore.
- National Conference on Increasing farmers income, prosperity and Food Security in India, Raja Balwant Singh College, Bichpuri, Agra 29-30th October 2021 (online).
- Attended NAIP launch workshop at Central Research Institute for Dry Land Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad on November 28 to 29th of 2008.
- Attended training cum workshop on “Statistical tools for Data Analysis” which was held during 2nd-7th of March 2009 at CRIDA, Hyderabad.
- Attended 98th Indian Science Congress, 3-7th January, 2011, SRM University, Chennai.
- Attended “National meeting on Agricultural Entomology for the 21st century: The way forward, which was held from 25th – 26th August, 2011 at National Bureau of Agriculturally important insects, Bengaluru.
- Attended 21st National seminar in Tamil which was held during February 9-10, 2013 at ThavathiruSanthalingaadigalar arts and science tamil college, Coimbatore.
- Attended one day national conference on tamil which was held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on 23.08.14.
- Attended AICCIP Annual Meet at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on 08.04.15.
- Attended Review meeting on insect –pests’ outbreak in Soybean and Cotton at NASC Complex, New Delhi, 27, October, 2015.
- Attended “5th National conference on Biological control: Integrating recent advances in pest and disease management ” Karnataka Veterinary Council, Hebbal, Bengaluru during 9-11, February, 2017 at Bengaluru, India
- Participated in the Group Monitoring Workshop held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar on 10 February, 2017 and presented the work done in the SERB “Empowerment & Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science scheme”, project titled “Entomopathogenic-endophytes mediated plant defense as a novel approach for the management of boll worms in cotton.
- Attended “XIII Agricultural Science Congress” during 21-24, February, 2017 at GKVK campus, Bengaluru, India.
- Attended the seminar on “ R and Statcraft” at PSGR College, Coimbatore on 3.10.2018
- Attended the “Symposium on Endophytes and their application in Agriculture” during 24-26, September, 2019 at GKVK campus, Bengaluru, India.
- National Conference on Increasing farmers income, prosperity and Food Security in India, Raja Balwant Singh College, Bichpuri, Agra 29-30th October 2021 (online).
- Attended training on “Recent techniques in Entomological Research” which was held during 8th – 28th of December 2008 at Centre for Advance Studies (CAS) in Entomology, at Department of Agricultural Entomology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
- Attended one day training on “Insecticide resistance monitoring on Jassids” which was held during 18th August, 2009 at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra
- Attended short term training on “Molecular Tools and Techniques in Plant and Animal Biotechnology” which was held during 11-25th March, 2011 at Bharadhidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu.
- Attended 21 days training on “Functional Insect Pest Management” from December 2 to 22, 2014 at, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
- Attended short Course training programme on: “Techniques in Insect Molecular Biology and Toxicology”, at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore during the period of 07.09.2016 to 16.09.2016.
- Excellence in Research Award -2021 by the Indian Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Sciences.
- Best oral presentation Award-2021 in Golden Jubilee International conference on Global perspectives in crop protection for food security during December, 8-10, Coimbatore.
- Best poster award for the poster entitled “Record of natural parasitism on cotton mealybugs, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) and Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and Granara de Willink)” presented in Second Biopesticide International Conference. 26-28th November, 2009 at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai.
- Junior Scientist of the year – 2010 by International Board of Awards of National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi, India.
- Fellow of the Society for Biocontrol advancement -2017
- Fellow of the Society of Plant protection Science-2018
- Agricultural Scientist Award-2021 by Vasantharaj David Foundation