![]() Principal Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Address eMail:j.h.meshram@gmail.com, jayantmeshram@yahoo.com Phone contact: 0422-2430045 Extn.140 (O) 9443412984 (M) |
Professional and Academic Experience
Designation | Institute | Organization | Period From – To |
Scientist(Plant Physiology) | Central Research Institute For Jute & Allied Fibres, Barrackpore, West Bengal | ICAR | Oct. 1999 to 2005 |
Scientist SS ( Plant Physiology ) | Central Research Institute For Jute & Allied Fibres, Barrackpore, West Bengal | ICAR | 2005 to 2008 |
Scientist In Charge | Central Seed Research Station for Jute & Allied Fibres, Bud Bud, West Bengal | ICAR | 2008 to 2009 |
Scientist SS ( Plant Physiology ) | Central Research Institute For Jute & Allied Fibres, Barrackpore, West Bengal | ICAR | 2009 to 2012 |
Scientist SS ( Plant Physiology ) | Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra | ICAR | 07.12.2012 to Present |
Honors / Awards/ Fellowships,etc:
- Winner of world competition of The Economist pre-event competition invited to participate at Johannesburg, South Africa , 15-16 th November, 2012 on subject: How can we feed 9 billion people nutritiously and sustainably in 2050? http://cemea.economistconferences.com/event/feeding-world-africa/competition-0 .
- Travel Award : Department of Biotechnology (DBT) – CTEP- Government of India toward participate and paper presentation at the International Symposium on Renewable Feedstock for Biofuel and Bio-based Products – The Roles of Kenaf, Jute, Hemp, Flax, and Allied, Austin, Texas, USA, during August 11-13, 2010.
- Travel Award: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi for above symposium (2010).
- Awarded Indian Agriculture Research Institute (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Fellowship, Govt. Of India, New Delhi, 1997.
- Qualified ICAR-National Eligibility Test (NET) Plant Physiology for the lectureship, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB), Delhi, India, 1997.
Major Contributions in Research
- Carbon sequestration potential of jute a C3 plant with woody nature established and can sequester nearly 55 Tg CO 2 annually in India.
- Critical evaluation of histophysiological traits of Corchorus capsularis L. and C.olitorius L were made and established the wall thickness of cell wall related to the fibre fineness of plant, indicating that the reduction of cell wall thickness would be an important parameter for improving fibre fineness.
- Amount of wall polysaccharides (cellulose and hemicelluloses) didn’t show any relationship with fibre fineness and lignin has role in controlling the fibre fineness.
- Exogenous application of daminozide (metaboilic inhibitor) to the growing jute plants inhibited lignifications of fibre cell wall and produce the finer fibre.
- Characterization of phenotypically distinct Corchorus olitorius L (PPO4) genotype which is now being used in molecular breeding of jute to produce finer fibre.
Employment Record
Author(s) | Year | Title | Journal | Impact Factor NAAS/International |
Meshram JH and Palit P. | Jan. 2013 | On the role of cell wall lignin in determining the fineness of jute fibre. | Acta Physiologia Plant arum | 7.6 |
Meshram JH and Palit P | 2013 (accepted) | Biology of Industrial Fibres with reference to quality | Journal of Natural Fibres | 6.7 |
Palit D, Meshram H ,Palit P | 2006 | Genotypic variation in the characteristics of secondary phloem fibre cells of jute in relation to its yield and quality | Journal of Botanical Society of Bengal 60, 32 – 37. | 3.9 |
Palit P and Meshram JH | 2004 | Physiological characterization of phenotypically distinct jute ( Corchorus olitorius ) genotype. | Plant Genetic Resources 2 , 175 – 180 (Cambridge Journal) | |
Palit P and Meshram JH | 2004 | Biology of jute fibre quality | Science and Culture . 72, 379-382 | |
Palit P,Sengupta G, Datta P& Meshram JH | 2001 | Lignin and lignifcation with special reference to its down regulation for the improvement of wood and bast fibre quality | Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 6 (NS): 217-228 | 5.5 |
Sorte, N .V, Deotale,,R.D, Meshram,J.H and Chanekar,MV | 1996 | Tolerance of Soyabean cultivars of water logging at various growth stages. | Journal of Soil and Crops,6:68-72 | 3.1 |
Book Chapters:
- Meshram JH . (2011). Jute is a renewable natural resource for energy harvest, environmental cleaning and finer textile. In: Webber III and Liu (eds.) Plant Fibres as Renewable Feedstocks for Biofuel and Bio-based Products, CCG International, ISBN978-0-9748696-1-2, USA , Pp.286-302.
- Meshram JH ( 2010).Cellular characteristics of some jute ( Corchorus capsularis L. and C.olitorius L.) genotypes in relation to fibre fineness. Jute and allied Fibre Production, utilization and marketing. ISBN: 978-81-901054-4-6, India.Pp.100-103.
- Meshram JH. (2010). Production and utilization of jute and allied fibres: Potentialities and problems. Jute and allied Fibre Production, utilization and marketing. Indian Fibre Society (Eastern Region) in association with CITADEL, ISBN: 978-81-901054-4-6, India.Pp.22-26.
- Meshram JH. (2008). Physiology of jute yield and quality. Jute and Allied fibre updates. ISBN 978-81-901054, India.Pp.112-124.
Conference Abstract:
- Meshram JH . (2011). Structural–functional aspects of bast fibre cells for the improvement of fibre fineness in Jute. In: Proceeding of International Botanical Congress on “ BOTANIKERTAGUNG 2011” by Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft (DBG), Germany . (Invited for presentation).
Research Note:
- Meshram JH and Palit P (2010).Wall thickness of jute fibre cells could be taken as a histological marker for selecting fine fibre genotype. Jaf News, 8 (2):30-31
- Meshram JH and Palit P (2010). Functional significance of phloem fibre anastomoses in jute. Jaf New, 8 (2): 22-23
- Meshram, J. H. and Palit, P . (2009). Histo-chemistry of lignification in phloem fibre tissues of jute. Jaf News (July-December) 7(2). 33p.
- Saha, A.R; Maitra,D.N;Majumdar,B and Meshram,J.H .(2007) Judicious irrigation helps sisal to produce more fibre, Jaf News, pp.12,ISSN 0973-0036,Jan.-June.
- Palit, P ., Meshram, J. H., Sengupta, G., and Nachane, R. P. (2004). Low lignin mutant ( dlpf ) and the wild type (JRC 212) Jute ( Corchorus capsularis) show similar a -cellulose structure. Jaf News (CRIJAF Newsletter, July-December) 2(2) . 15p.
Poster presented:
- Meshram, J.H . and Palit, P. (2013). Anatomical and physiological factors determining fibre fineness in jute. In: Indian Science Congress, organized by ISCA in association with Calcutta University from Jan.3-7 Jan., 2013 at Kolkata.
- Meshram, J.H . and Palit,P.(2009).Anatomical features and chemical constituents of secondary phloem fibre cell wall of jute genotypes ( Corchorus capsularis L. and C.olitorius L.) in relation to fibre strength. International Conference on “ Emerging Trends in Production ,Processing and Utilization of Natural Fibres ” organized by Indian society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI),Mumbai ,India and Indian Fibre Society (IFS),Mumbai,India in collaboration with Texas Tech University, USA ,16-18 th April,2009, Mumbai.
- Meshram, J.H ., Avrajit Chakraborty and Palit,P.(2009).Physiology of jute yield and quality under low light stress. In : International Conference on “ Emerging Trends in Production ,Processing and Utilization of Natural Fibres ” organized by Indian society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI),Mumbai ,India and Indian Fibre Society (IFS),Mumbai, India in collaboration with Texas Tech University, USA ,16-18 th April,2009, Mayfair, Mumbai.
- Kumar, D., Begam, T., Kotal, B., Shil, S. and Meshram, J.H . (2009).Establishment of distinctiveness of jute ( Corchorus capsularis L. and C.olitorius L.) varieties. In : International Conference on “ Trends in Production ,Processing and Utilization of Natural Fibres ” organized by Indian society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI),Mumbai ,India and Indian Fibre Society (IFS),Mumbai, India in collaboration with Texas Tech University,USA ,16-18 th April,2009 ,Mayfair , Mumbai.
- Meshram, J.H . and Palit, P. (2008). Cellular Characteristics of Some Jute ( Corchorus capsularis L. and C. olitorius L.).Genotypes in Relation to Fibre Fineness. International symposium on “Jute and Allied fibres production, Utilization and marketing” jan.9-12, 2008 at national library, kolkata organized by Indian Fibre Society (eastern region) in collaboration with CRIJAF, NIRJAFT, ICAR, IJSG, DBT and JMDC ,Govt of India.
- Meshram,J.H ., Chakraborty, Avrajit and Palit,P.(2008). Low light stress on Jute ( Corchorus capsularis L. and Corchorus olitorius L.). International symposium to commemorate The 150 th Birth Anniversary of Sir.J.C.Bose and The Birth Centenary of Prof.S.M.Sarcar, A Journey from Plant Physiology to Plant Biology ,Nov.24-28,2008 at Bose Institute ,Kolkata organized by Bose Institute ,Plant Physiology Forum and Calcutta University.
- Sen, H.S; Meshram,J.H .; Saha, Dipankar and Sinha, M.K.(2003).Impact of climatic change on Indian agriculture. Theme lecture for National Conference on “ Recent Environmental changes-Its impacts on Health, Agriculture and Ecosystem ”, held at Department of Environmental Science, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, 6 th August, 2003.
- Meshram, J.H. and Palit, P. (2003). Physiology of phenotypically distinct jute ( Corchorus oiltorus ) genotype (PPO4) with high quality fibre. Second International Congress of Plant Physiology On Sustainable Plant Productivity under Changing Environment (8th –12 th Jan., 2003) at New Delhi.
- Sengupta Gargi, Meshram J.H. and Palit,P.(2001). Role of GA 3 in lignin biosynthesis on the walls of jute fibre cells. National Symposium on “Plant Physiology and Biochemistry in Transgenic Era and Beyond” (Dec.1-3, 2001) at Bose Institute, Kolkata.
Research Projects Handled & being Handled:
S.N. | Title | Funding Agency | Period (from-to) |
1 | Identification of growth stages and environmental factors controlling lignin biosynthesis in secondary phloem tissues of jute (J.H.Meshram, P Palit). | ICAR | 2002-07 |
2 | Histo-Physiological studies on the control of fibre quality in some jute genotypes (J.H.Meshram, P Palit). | ICAR | 2007-10 |
3 | Effect of plant growth regulators for quality improvement of jute fibre. (J.H.Meshram, P Palit). | ICAR | 2010-12 |
4 | Effect of CO 2 enrichment on jute growth and development. (J.H.Meshram and D.Barman) . | ICAR | 2012-13 |
5 | Protection of jute varieties and DUS testing project (D.Kumar, J.H.Meshram and A.Bera). | DAC (ICAR) | 2008-09 |
6 | Mega Seed Project : Seed Production in agricultural crops and fisheries (D.Kumar , J.H.Meshram and A.Bera). | MSP ( ICAR) | 2008-09 |
7 | Maximization of quality olitorius jute seed production, TMJ (MM1.4) Sitangshu Sarkar and J.H.Meshram. | ICAR (TMJ) | 2008-09 |
8 | Breeder seed production of jute, mesta and sunnhemp. (BSP 1.0) J.H.Meshram , H.Chowdhury and A.Saha. | ICAR | 2008-09 |
9 | Influence of fertilizers and manures on fibre yield, mineral nutrition and life span of sisal (SLC1.1) A.R. Saha, D.N. Maitra, B. Majumdar & J.H.Meshram. | ICAR | 2008-09 |
10 | Improving water productivity of jute and its retting under limited water in changing climatic scenario (JA 5.4) A.K.Ghorai, J.H.Meshram, H.Chowdhury, D.K.Kundu, B.Majumdar, Mukesh Kumar and A Shamna. | ICAR | 2011-13 |
11 | Use of jute fabrics in field crops (Expl). A.K.Ghorai, H.Chowdhury J.H.Meshram, D.K.Kundu. | ICAR | 2011-12 |
12 | Nitrogen sulphur interrelationship for fibre productivity, uptake and utilization of these elements by jute. | ICAR | 2008-09 |
13 | Investigation on low cost techniques for longer storage life of jute and allied fibre seeds. ( H.Chowdhury and J.H.Meshram) . | ICAR | 2008-09 |
14. | Phenotyping of cotton for drought tolerance traits ( J.H.Meshram, R.B.Singandhupe and M. Chakrabarty ) . | ICAR | 2013-16 |