![]() Principal Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Address: Office : Central Institute for Cotton Research PB.No.2, Shankarnagar PO, |
Area of research:
- Bio-inoculants , Yield plateau establishment, Weed management, Rain water management
Significant Achievements:
Bio-inoculants as seed / seedling treatment in G . hirsutum G, arboreum Var/hybrids in vertisols, coastal sandy loams with legume mixed cropping under rainfed condition and cotton-wheat system in sandy loams under irrigated conditions responded variengly in different years.
- Azotobacter C2 as seed treatment improved SCY 160-225 kg ha-1 of LRA 5166 cotton over control (1990-93). Non significant responses under moisture stress to sgnificant responses in sufficient moisture.
- Azosprillum IARI and Azotobacter together as seed treatment with 50%RDF+5t ha-1 FYM once in 3 years produced similar yields to 100%RDF in LRA 5166 cotton (1991-93).
- Azosprillum IARI with 50%RDF produced SCY similar to that of 100%RDF in AKA 8401 and LRA 5166 (1992&93).
- Azotobacter Nagpur local isolate as seed treatment improved SCY by 371 kg ha-1 of hybrid cotton over 50%RDF.
- Azosprillum Nagpur local isolate was found suitable for seedling treatment within 15 DAG by mixing with 5 kg FYM ha-1 and placed a spoon full in the rhizosphere improved SCY by 341 kg ha-1 over 50%RDF.
- The seed cotton yield improvements by bioinoculants were non signficant under late planted cotton.
- In cotton-wheat system at C.I.C.R.RS, Sirsa Azotobacter chrococcum HT 54(i) is performed well in both G. hirsutum cotton and T. aestivum wheat crops under irrigated system. Local isolates are under evaluation..
- In Adilabad at A.R.S., Mudhol in G. arboreum indicum cotton and Adilabad, Srikakulam, at R.A.R.S., Diphu, A.A.U G. arboreum cernum cotton bio-inoculants based INM packages are under evalation with farmers.
- The PSB as seed treatment and soil application in hybrid cotton improved seed cotton yield by 180 kg ha-1 . Both were synergetic with RP and at least 50% SSP was essential to meet the P requirement.
- Yield plateau was established with a population range between 49-65000 plants per hectare.
- There is non significant response for 50%RDF more than 60:30:30 NPK under rainfed conditions
- Critical period of weed competetion in shallow soils with AKH 081 and deep soils with HY-6 was evaluated and found 20-40 and 20-60 DAS is critical period which causes maximum SCY and nutrient losses in cotton.
- The Pendimethalin 0.75 kg a. i. ha-1 and Butachlor 1. 0 kg a. i. ha-1 as layby or spot application at cotton hills along with normal crosswise interculture operations can give similar yields with farmer’s practice.
- Prometryne @1.kg a. i. ha-1 as pre emergence application in rainfed cotton along with two crosswise intercultures in medium vertisols is recommended.
- Trifluralin @1.kg a. i. ha-1as PPI in rainfed cotton along with two crosswise intercultures in medium vertisols is recommended
- The field trials conducted during 1989-91 at Central institute for cotton research, Nagpur found opening of ridges and furrows or BBF after 25-30 DAS at 0.2-0.4% slope helps in providing efficient drainage for cotton crop in vertisols. This can conserve 122 or 80 mm rainfall, 3.59 or 2.47 t ha-1of soil due to ridges and furrows or BBF, which improved WUE 191 and 135 kg ha cm.
- The pudling of bottom and compaction of side slopes was found effective sealant in shallow, medium and deep soils with which it is possible to collect 1.5 , 3 and 3.5 lakh litres of runoff water ha-1in a pond at down stream.
- The recycling of this runoff water through supplemental irrigation during 1987-92 improved seed cotton yields by 136, 290 and 387 kg ha-1 or 19.8, 29.6 and 32% over rainfed cotton in shallow, medium and deep soils. The supplemental irrigations improved WUE 99-113, 145-172 and 182-220 kg ha-1 cm in shallow, medium and deep soils. The economics of 21 ha catchments pond size cost Rs.6904 ha-1 for providing one irrigation which could reach break even in 5.73, 1.62 and 1.22 years in shallow, medium and deep soils respectively.
- Bonde, W.C and A. Ravinder Raju 2003 : Rain water conservation, harvesting and recycling in vertisols for rainfed cotton Communicated to International J. of Agropedology.
- Bonde, W.C and A. Ravinder Raju ,A.1996 : Effect of variying plant densities and fertilizer levels on raifed cotton yields in vertisols. J. of ISCI 21 (1) 50-55.
- Bonde, W.C and A. Ravinder Raju , A. 1998 : Effect of Azotobacter chrococcum and seed cotton yield of cotton var LRA 5166 J. of I.S.C.I. 23 (2): 226-227.
- Ravinder Raju,A 2003 : Integrated weed management in cotton soybean intercropping. Communicated to J of Cotton Research and Development.
- Ravinder Raju, A and R. Pundareekakshudu, 2003 : Split application of N,P,K,S and foliar spray of D.A.P in rainfed cotton communicated to Indian J of Agril. Sciencies
- Ravinder Raju, A. and B. Uma, 2003 : Bio-inoculants and urea as foliar spray in supplementing the nutritional needs of rainfed hybrid cotton Communicated to ISCI.
- Ravinder Raju, A. and M.S. Kairon, 1998 : weed management in Hybrid cotton. Hybrid Cotton News letter 7(1) :3.
- Ravinder Raju, A. and S.G. Kharche, 1990 : Response of hybrids and varieties of hirsutum cotton to sowing time and plant density. Annals of Plant physiology 4(2) : 149-153.
- Ravinder Raju, A. and S.G. Kharche 1992: Effect of sowing time and plant populations on fibre quality of cotton hybrids/varieties. Agril. Science Digest., 12(4) : 189-192.
- Ravinder Raju, A.M.K. Meshram and M. Chakraborty, 2003 : Azotobacter and Azospirillium as seed treatment and Rhizosphere inoculation in advance sown hybrid cotton. Communicated to ISCI.
- Ravinder Raju, A., M.K. Meshram and M. Chakraborty, 1998. Nitrogen fixing Bio-inoculants for rainfed cotton. Biofertilisers News Letter 6(1) : 15-18.
Technical /Seminar Papers Published National Conferences
- Bhaskar, K.S.; Raju, A.R.; Majumdar, G. and Sawaji, B.V. 2000: Rainwater conservation and recycling of harvested rainwater for rainfed cotton production in vertisols 65th Annual convention of the Indian Society of soil Science, November 14th 18th 2000, NBSS & LUP, Nagpur, Abs. No. 2: 434
- Bhaskar, K.S.; Raju, A.R. Majumdar, G. and J.V.Singh 2001 : IPNS for rainfed cotton grown on varying soil depths under supplemental irrigations. International Conference on Nature Farming and Ecological Balance, March, 7-10, 2001 CCS, Haryana Agril. University, Hissar.
- Bhaskar, K.S.; Raju, A.R.; Majumdar, G. and Sawaji, B.V. 2000: Rainwater conservation and recycling of harvested rainwater for rainfed cotton production in vertisols 65th Annual convention of the Indian Society of Soil Science, November 14th – 18th, 2000, NBSS & LUP, Nagpour, Abs. No.2 : 434.
- Bhaskar, K.S.; Wasnik, S.M.; Raju,A.R. and Majumdar, G,2001 : Topo sequence based rainwater management at Thugaon Micro-watershed for sustainable land use planning in Vidarbha. International Conference on Nature Farming and Ecological Balance, March, 7-10,2001 CCS, Haryana Agril. University, Hissar.
- Bhaskar, K.S.; Raju, A.R. Majumdar, G. and J.V. Ssingh 2001 : IPNS for rainfed cotton grown on varying soil depths under supplemental irrigations. International Conference on Nature Farming and Ecological Balance, March, 7-10,2001 CCS, Hartyana Agril. University, Hissar.
- Bhaskar, Sawaji, B.V. Raju, A.R. Majumdar, G. and Singh, J.V. 2000 : Rainwater management for rainfed cotton production in soils of varying depth for sustainable land use planning in Vidarbha region. Presentation at State level seminar on Soil health management for sustaibale agriculture, De.P.D.K.V., akola, December, 8-9th, 2000 Souvenir Abs pp. 106-107.
- Bonde, W.C. and Ravinder Raju, A., 2003 : Rainwater, conservation harvesting and recycling in rainfed cotton., 6th Agril Science Congress, Bhopal 13th to 15th Feb, 2003.
- Bonde, W.C. and Ravinder Raju, A., 1992: To establish yield plateau over population and geometry for variety of LRA 5166. A-80 AICCIP silver jubilee symposium, 1992.
- Bondle, W.C and Ravinder Raju, A., 1992: Effect of soil and water conservation methods on yield of cotton under rainfed conditions. A-68 AICCIP silver jubilee symposium, 1992.
- Bonde, W.C. and Ravinder Raju, A., 1992: Runoff harvesting and Recycling of water increased cotton production of rainfed cotton. A-69 AICCIP silver jubilee symposium, 1992.
- Kairon, M.S. and Ravinder Raju, A., 1998: Weed management in Cotton : An over view Lead Paper presented at International conference on Pest and Pesticide Management for Sustainable Agriculture, C.S.A.U.T., Kanpur. 11-13th December.
- Raju, A.R.; Monga, D.; Meshram, M.K.; Lakshminarayanan, K.; Wasnik, S.M. and Uma, B., 2001 : “ Integrated Nutrient Management of Cotton-based Cropping systems under Irrigated and Rainfed Agro-eco-systems”. Research paper presented : National seminar on “Organic farming systems- An Eco-friendly Approach forevergreen revolution” organized jointly by Dr. PDKV and Vasantrao Naik Smruti Prasthan, Pusad at College of Agriculture, Nagpur Feb. 13-14.
- Ravider Raju, 1992 A.: Usefull implements for cotton (rainfed) based cropping systems. Subject matter work shop cum seminar for extension personel on Cotton Production Technology held at CICR, Nagpur 9-16th Sept. 1992 pp. 126-130.
- Ravinder Raju, A. 2002 : Bio-inoculant te4chnology for economic nutrient management in rainfed cotton. Paper contributed to 2nd International Agronmy Congress, New Delhi, 26-29th November, 2002.
- Ravinder Raju, A. and B. Uma, 2001: Integrated weed management in major cropping systems of central India. IFFCO Training programme on refresher course on agro technology and thrust areas for agricultural development. 7-10th May, 2001 Invited article.
- Ravinder Raju, A.D. Monga; M.K. Meshram, K. Lashiminaraya, S.M. Wasnik and B.Uma, 2001:Integrated nutrient Management of cotton based cropping systems under irrigated and rainfed agroecosystems. Organic Farming Systems- an ecofriendly approach for evergreen revolution, February, 13-14th,2001 Nagpur.
- Ravinder Raju, A.M.K. Meshram and Chakraborty, M. 2001: Ecofriendly bioinoculants for sustainable cotton production of central India International Conference on nature Farming and Ecological Balance, March, 7-10 CCS, Haryana Agril. University, Hissar.
- Ravinder Raju, A., M.K. Meshram, B. Uma and S. Suchitra, 2001: Bio-inoculant technology for ecofriendly and economic nutrient management of rainfed cotton in vertisols of central India. Sovenier National seminar Sustainable cotton production technology and future strategies, CICR, Nagpur, 10th 11th September, 2001,pp.81
- Ravinder Raju, A., 2003: Integrated weed management in cotton soybean intercropping. 6th April Science Congress, Bhopal 13th to 15th Feb, 2003.
- Ravinder Raju, A., and B. Uma, 2001: IPNS the prescription for sustainable agriculture in major cropping systems of central India. IFFCO training programme on refresher course on agrotechnology and thrust areas for agricultural development. 7-10th May, 2001 Invited article
- Ravinder Raju, A., M.K. Meshram and M. Chakraborty, 2000: Local isolates of Bio-inoculants in advance sown hybrid cotton. International conference on managing natural resources for sustainable agricultural production in the 21st century. New Delhi, 14th-18th February Extended summaries Vol.II 661-662.
- Ravinder Raju, A., V.N. Waghmare, S.M. Wasnik, G. Majumdar, M.K.Meshram and B.Uma, 2001: Development and evaluation of technologies for indigenous cottons in the eastern ghats. Sovenier, National seminar Sustainable cotton production technology and future strategies, CICR, Nagpur, 10th. 11th September, 2001, pp.79.
- Wasnik, S.M., Bhaskar, K.S.; Raju, A.R. and barbed, N.P. 2001 : “Approaches for Creating Awareness Among Cotton Growers for Eco-friendly Cotton Cultivation Practices” Paper Presented : National seminar on “Organic Farming System an Eco friendly Approach for Evergreen Revolution” organized jointly by Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola and Vasantrao Naik Smruti Pratishthan at College of Agriculture, Nagpur,Feb.
Leaflets and Pamphlets Published
- Ravinder Raju, A., A., M., K. Meshram and M.S.Kairon, 1996: Kapasi karita Jeevanu samvardhake (Biofertilisers for cotton) CICR, Naqgpur
Technical Bulletins Published
- Ravinder Raju, A.,A. and M.S.kairon,1999 : Weed management in cotton CICR, Nagpur (in print).
Book Chapters contributed
- Ravinder Raju, A.,A., 2000: Weed management in cotton. Cotton production technology, CICR, Nagpur publication.