The “Tribal Sub Plan” programme runs by the Government of India with the main objective to promote Scheduled tribes’ economic development through family-oriented schemes by providing resources to the Scheduled tribes family. Planning Commission set up an Inter-Ministerial Committee under the Chairpersonship of Secretary, Planning Commission, to effectively implement TSP as an essential instrument for accomplishing socio-economic growth of tribal farmers. The main objective of TSP scheme is focusing on the empowerment of Tribal farmers through trainings, exposures, education and providing resources. The activities carried out during 2021 include capacity building on improved production and protection techniques of cotton, paddy, green gram, vegetable seeds (kit) and groundnut cultivation.
Exposure visits and awareness training about new technologies in agriculture and allied activities were also organized. Similarly, vocational trainings on agribusiness, skill up gradation, integrated pest management (IPM) programmes, reduced tillage or conservation tillage farming and created awareness on personal protection while spraying and use of agrochemicals among scheduled tribe (ST) farmers.As women farmers play important role in agriculture, the aim of project was to mobilize women farmers from ST families to form self-help groups (SHGs) through awareness programmes, provide them technical assistance through capacity building and motivate them to generate income round the year through vegetable cultivation, nutri-gardens and other various activities.
As part of the TSP programmes, inputs like improved seeds of cotton, paddy, green gram, Bengal gram and groundnut varieties, vegetable seeds (kit), fungicides & pesticides (IPM in cotton kit), CICR KVK cotton picking bags, pink bollworm pheromone traps and yellow sticky traps for sucking pests management were distributed to the ST farmer beneficiaries from the project areas and adopted villages under TSP programme.
Nodal Officer: Dr. V Chinna Babu Naik, Sr. Scientist (Agri. Entomology) Member : 1. Dr. Dipak Nagrale, Scientist (Pathology) 2. Dr. Chandrashekar N, Scientist ( Agri. Biotechnology) 3. Dr. UV Galkate , SMS (Veterinary Sciences), KVK 4. Shri. Sujit Kumbhare , Sr. Technician
Tribal Sub Plan
1. Vegetable seed distribution program under TSP- At. Arvi Ta. Samudrapur Dist. Wardha – 01/06/2021

2. One day “Farmer’s Training on Production and Protection techniques on Cotton under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP Scheme), Mode: video conferencing.- Collaboration with:KVK, Nandurbar – 04 June.2021

3. Farmers Training on cotton and summer mung cultivation programme and Paddy seed and vegetable seed distribution programme. – KVK, Gadchiroli – 10.06.2021

4. Programme on Vegetable seed kit distribution to Farmers of Umred villageat CICR under TSP. – CICR, Nagpur – 15.06.2021

5. Paddy seed & vegetable seed kit distribution programme. At. Khapa(Khurd) Ta.Tumsar Dist. Bhandara – 17.06.2021

6. Vegetable seed Distribution Programme Ta. BhadravatiDist. Chandrapur – 17.06.2021

7. Farmers training -cum-Field Demonstrations in Tribal farmers fields and vegetable seed distribution programme – At. Ghatpendhari Ta. Parshevani Dist. Nagpur – 18.06.2021

8. Farmers Training and and Inputs (Vegetable seed kit, Cotton picking bag and Pheromone trap) Distribution programme – At. At. Patnapur Ta. Botha Dist. Adilabad – 08.07.2021

9. Distribution of pheromone traps for Field demonstration of mass trapping of pink bollworm in cotton – At. At. KVK Gadchiroli – 13.08.2021
10. One day farmers field training cum inputs distribution and demonstration of mass trapping under TSP -At.Masala-K Ta. Bela Dist. Adilabad – 21.08.2021

11. Demonstration of Integrated pest management and inputs distribution under TSP -At. Sitagondi, Ta.Gudihatnur Dist. Adilabad- 21.08.2021

12. Inputs distribution to the famers for IPM under TSP – At. Dhannur Ta.Mulchera Dist.Gadchiroli 31.08.2021

13.Farmers training and Inputs distribution under TSP – At. Ghatpendhari Ta. Parsheoni Dist. Nagpur 24.9.2021
14.Farmer’s training –cum-Exposure visit and input distribution under TSP At. CICR, Nagpur 30.09.2021

15. Farmer’s training –cum-Exposure visit and input distribution under TSP At. CICR, Nagpur 05.10.2021

16. Farmer’s training –cum- input distribution under TSP scheme, ICAR-CICR, Nagpur At. KVK Gadchiroli – 30.11.2021

17. Farmer’s training –cum-Exposure visit and input distribution under TSP At. KVK, CICR, Nagpur – 13.12.2021

Media coverage of programs carried out under the
TSP schemes during 2020-22
Training program on “Improved Cotton Production Techniques and tribal women empowerment” Venue-KrishiVigyan Kendra, Sonapur, Gadchiroli (08 March, 2020)

One day “Farmer’s Training on Production and Protection techniques on Cotton underTribal Sub Plan (TSP Scheme),Mode: video conferencing, collaboration with KVK, Nandurbar. (Date:04.06.2021)

Farmers Training cum Workshop Program on Cotton & Summer Mung Cultivation Venue- KrishiVigyan Kendra, Gadchiroli (10 Feb. 2021)

Paddy seed & vegetable seed kit distribution programme under TSP project Venue- At. Khapa(Khurd)Ta.TumsarDist. Bhandara (17.06.2021)

One day farmers field training cum inputs distribution and demonstration of mass trapping under TSP Venue-At.Masala-K Ta. BelaDist. Adilabad (21.08.2021)

Farmesr training-cum-inputs distribution to the famers for IPM under TSP Venue-At. DhannurTa.MulcheraDist.Gadchiroli (31.08.2021)