Dr. Debashis Paul

Seed Science and Technology

Academic Qualification:

  • Doctorate-First Class (8.58/10) ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 2022
  • M. Sc. (Ag.) in Seed Science and Technology First Class (8.81/10) ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 2017
  • B.Sc. (Ag.) Hons. First Class (8.81/10) Bidhan Chandra KrishiViswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia (WB) 2015

Address: ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research Regional Station, Sirsa Haryana- 125055, India
Phone: 01666 220 428
eMail: deba.13.paul@gmail.com debashis.paul@icar.gov.in
Mobile:+91- 8910202119

Scientist under 110th FOCARS batch7th January, 2020 to 19th March, 2020ICAR- NAARM
Scientistfrom 4th April, 2020 till dateICAR-CICR, (Seed Science and Technology)
Project titleFunding AgencyPeriodRole
Physiochemical traits determining genotypic response towards Accelerated Ageing process in Cotton.Institute3 years (Ongoing)PI
Collection, conservation, evaluation, documentation and maintenance of germplasm of cultivated species of Gossypium.Institute3 years (Ongoing)CO-PI
AICRP on Seed (Crops)ICAR(Ongoing)CO-PI
Thermal stress induced effect on insecticide susceptibility and fitness traits in whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, a serious pest of worldwide concernDST-SERB3 years (Ongoing)CO-PI
Publication categoryNo. of publications
Research Papers/Articles (International)17
Research Papers/Articles (National)10
Chapters in Edited Books4
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts (National)1
Popular Articles8
Research bulletins/ extension bulletins1
Training Manual (authored/Co-authored)1

RESEARCH PAPERS/ ARTICLES International Journals

  • Paul, D., Chakrabarty, S. K., Dikshit, H. K. and Jha, S. K. (2019). Hardness breaking force: an alternative method to evaluate hardseededness in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). Seed Science and Technology, 47(2): 1-6. (NAAS: 6.50; IF: 0.50). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15258/sst.2019.47.2.04
  • Paul, D., Kumar, R. and Prasad, Y.G., 2024. Blending procedure is crucial for BG-II cotton hybrids to adhere to the prescribed ‘Refugia in Bag’ standards. Current Science (00113891), 127(1). (NAAS: 7.00; IF: 1.0)

    Paul, D., Chakrabarty, S.K., Nain, L. and Maity, A., 2025. Studies on key seed physico-chemical factors and climatic variables regulating hardseededness in green gram (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes. Crop and Pasture Science76(1). (NAAS: 7.90; IF: 1.90).


    Paul, D., Chakrabarty, S.K., Nain, L. and Maity, A., 2024. Genotype and harvesting time influence development of hard seeds and its physico-chemical constituents in green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek). Plant Physiology Reports, pp.1-14. (NAAS: 7.70; IF: 1.70).


    Paul, D., Chakrabarty, S.K., Dutta, S. and Dikshit, H.K., 2024. Studies on Identification of Putative SSR Markers Linked with Hardseededness in Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) Using Bulk Segregant Analysis. National Academy Science Letters, pp.1-6. (NAAS: 7.10; IF: 1.10).


    Paul, D., Kumar, R., Balasubhramani, G., Bagri, S., Chandra, S., Manickam, S., Singh, S., Prakash, A.H. and Prasad, Y.G., 2024. Quantitative analysis on expression of insecticidal Crystal proteins in different plant parts of BG-II cotton hybrids at various phenological stages. Agricultural Research, pp.1-9. (IF: 1.40)


    Paul, D., Chakrabarty, S.K., Chawla, G., Kundu, A. and Maity, A., 2024. Assessment of hardseededness and its seasonal dynamics through scanning electron microscopy in green gram (Vigna radiata) genotypes. Agricultural Research, pp.1-8. (IF: 1.40)


    Paul, D., Kumar, R., Verma, S.K., Singh, A. and Bagri, S., 2024 Impact of climatic variable induced abiotic stress on flowering pattern in BG-II cotton (G. hirsutum) hybrids. Plant Archives, 24:2 89-296 (NAAS: 5.59).


    Maity, A., Paul, D., Rocha, R.L., Bagavathiannan, M., Beckie, H.J. and Ashworth, M.B.,2024 Intensive cropping influences the success of seed dormancy breaking methods in Australian collected Hordeum, Avena, and Bromus sp. Pest Management Science. (NAAS: 10.10; IF: 4.10).


    Sain, S.K., Paul, D., Kumar, P., Kumar, A., Mohan, M., Monga, D., Prakash, A.H. and Prasad, Y.G., 2024. Cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) prediction modeling in upland cotton under different ecological conditions using machine learning tools. Ecological Informatics81, p.102648.  (NAAS: 11.10; IF: 5.10).


    Kumar, P., Paul, D., Jhajhriya, S., Kumar, R., Dutta, S., Siwach, P. and Das, S., 2024. Understanding heat-shock proteins’ abundance and pivotal function under multiple abiotic stresses. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, pp.1-22. (NAAS: 7.90; IF: 1.90). (Corresponding author)


    Kumar, R., Paul, D., Sain, S.K., Singh, A., Chandra, S., Singh, S., Cheema, R.S. and Prasad, Y.G., 2024. Pink Bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) Infestation Escalates from Incipient to Serious Proportions in North Cotton Zone of India. Journal of Crop Health77(1), pp.1-11. (Corresponding author, IF: 2.3)


    Maity, A., Paul, D., Lamichaney, A., Sarkar, A., Babbar, N., Mandal, N & Chakrabarty, S. K. (2023). Climate change impacts on seed production and quality: current knowledge, implications, and mitigation strategies. Seed Science and Technology51(1), 65-96. (NAAS: 7.40; IF: 1.40)


    Sain, S.K., Kranthi, S., Kranthi, K.R., Monga, D., Paul, D. and Prasad, Y.G., 2024. Diversity study of Beauveria bassiana species for finding the most virulent strain to manage Bemisia tabaci in cotton. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology108(1), pp.1-17. (NAAS: 11.0; IF: 5.0).


    Paul, D &. Chakrabarty, S. K., (2022). Assessment of Genetic Divergence for Hardseededness with Field Emergence and Storage Duration in Mungbean Genotypes [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science34(8), 56-64. (NAAS rating: 5.07).


    Kumar, R., Sain, S.K., Singh, S., Pandher, S., Meena, R.S., Jakhar, A., Kaur, J., Pathania, M., Paul, D., Prakash, A.H. and Prasad, Y.G., 2024. Investigating the second whitefly population outbreak within a decade in the cotton growing zone of North India. PeerJ12, p.e17476. (NAAS: 8.70; IF: 2.70).


    Kumar, R., Paul, D., Singh, S. and Cheema, R.S., Removing Potential Sources of Off-season Survival of Pink Bollworm is the Key to Reducing its Carryover in Succeeding Cotton Crops in North India. International Cotton Researchers Association (ICRA), 2024, 1-11

National journals

  • Paul, D., Chakrabarty, S. K., Dikshit, H. K. and Singh, Y. (2018). Variation for hardseededness and related seed physical parameters in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 78(3): 333-341. (NAAS: 6.55; IF: 0.55). DOI: doi.org/10.31742/IJGPB.78.3.7
  • Paul, D., Chakrabarty, S. K., Dikshit, H. K., Jha, S. K., Chawla, G and Singh, Y. (2019). Heritability of hardseededness in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) under varying environments. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 79(1): 197-203. (NAAS: 6.55; IF: 0.55). DOI: 10.31742/IJGPB.79S.1.9
  • Kumari, S., Chakrabarty, S. K., Paul, D., Singh, Y., Bhowmick, P. K., Hari Prasad, A. S. (2020). Heterosis of seed vigour traits in hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. (NAAS: : 6.55; IF: 0.55).
  • VERMA, S. K., TUTEJA, O., KUMAR, R., SAIN, S., PAUL, D., MONGA, D., & WAGHMARE, V. (2021). Inheritance pattern of resistance to cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) in Gossypium hirsutum L. Journal of Cotton Research and Development. 35(2): 197-203.
  • Maity A, Paul D, Wasnik V K, Manjunatha N and Natarajan N. (2021). Near Nano Size Powders of Chilli, Fenugreek, and Turmeric Improve Seed Physiological Performances in Oat (Avena sativa). Seed Research, 48 (2): 183-189.
  • Kumari, S., Chakrabarty, S.K. and Paul, D., 2023. Assessment of genetic diversity for seed vigor traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) through principal component and cluster analysis. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING83(03), pp.343-354. (NAAS: 7.00; IF: 1.00).

    KUMARI, S., CHAKRABARTY, S. and PAUL, D., Influence of pre-harvest climatic variables and natural storage durationon seed physico-chemical profile in diverse maturity groups ofrice (Oryza sativa) varieties. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences94(6), pp.600-605. (NAAS: 6.30; IF: 0.30).


    Verma S. K., Paul D*., Singh A., Sain S. K. (2022). Stability Analysis of Asiatic Cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) Genotypes with Respect to Seed Cotton Yield, GOT and Boll Weight under Multi Environmental Trials through GGE Biplot Analysis. Environment and Ecology 40 (4A): 2282—2289. (NAAS rating: 5.25).


    PAUL, D., Chakrabarty, S.K. and DUTTA, S., 2021. Understanding the water absorption dynamics in relation to hardseededness in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes. Seed Research49(2), pp.92-97.


    SANTHY, V., PAUL, D., DHAKADE, P. and FANDEY, B., Variability for Seed Reserve Traits and Their Interrelationship among Hybrids and Varieties of Cotton. Seed Research50(2), pp.86-90.

Book Chapters in Edited Books

  • Paul, D., Dhanya, V. G., Chakrabarty, S. K., Tonapi, V. A. 2020. Quality Seed and Climate Resilience: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Ch. Srinivasarao et al., (Eds). Climate Change and Indian Agriculture:Challenges and Adaptation Strategies, ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. pp-311-323.
  • Dutta, S., Paul, D., Garai, S., Roy, A. and Kumar, S., 2024. Unveiling the role of arbuscular mycorrhiza in seed germination. In New Perspective of Seed Germination, IntechOpen.

    Dutta, Suman, Ajit Kumar Singh, Bhabani Prasad Mondal, Debashis Paul, and Kiranmoy Patra. “Perspective chapter: Digital inclusion of the farming sector using drone technology.” In Human-Robot Interaction-Perspectives and Applications. IntechOpen, 2023.


    Bagri, S., Paul, D., Goyal, S. and Dutta, S., 2025. Empowering Farmers and Rural Communities by Harnessing AI for Sustainable Livelihoods. In Integrating Agriculture, Green Marketing Strategies, and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 163-180). IGI Global Scientific Publishing

Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts International

  • Singh A, Kumar R, Sain SK,Verma S.K., Tuteja O.P., Paul D. and Sankara Narayanan K. 2020. Effect of various strategies to mitigate soil crust formation in cotton in north India. In: International Web Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences (GRISAAS-2020) December 28-30, 2020 pp 2-3
  • Amarpreet Singh, D. Kanjana, K. Sankaranarayanan, Rishi Kumar, S. K. Sain, D. Paul and S. K. Verma. 2021.Effect of organic and inorganic sources of fertilizers on productivity of cotton-wheat cropping system in North India. .Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (ICAAAS-2021) held on 19–21 July, 2021. pp.7


  • Paul, D., Chakrabarty S.K, Singh Y, Dikshit H.K, Chawla G. (2017). Studies on variation for hardseededness in relation to growing seasons in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Abstract published in the proceedings of 14th National Seed Seminar organized by Indian Society of Seed Technology, January 28-30,2017.
  • Paul, D., Chakrabarty S.K, Singh Y, Dikshit H.K, Jha, S. K., Chawla G. and Singh, Y. (2018). Abiotic stress influences seed hardness in mung bean genotypes (Vigna radiata L.). Abstract published in the Abstract book of 1st National Genetic Congress organized by Indian Society ofGenetics and Plant Breeding,December,13-15, 2018.
  • Paul, D., Chakrabarty S.K., Dikshit H.K. and Jha S.K. (2019). Hardness breaking force: an alternate method in evaluation of hardseededness in mung bean genotypes (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) Poster presented in poster session in 14th Agricultural Science Congress held at NASC from 20- 23rd February 2019.
  • Paul, D., Chakrabarty S.K., Dikshit H.K.and Jha S.K, Chawla G. and SinghY. (2019). Genetic and environmental factors influence hardsededness in Mung bean (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek) accepted for poster presentation in Session 4: Seed production in a changing environment, at the 32nd ISTA Seed Symposium to be held at Hyderabad during 25-29 June, 2019.
  • S.K. Sain, Prahlad, V. Kumar, A.P. Singh, D. Paul, S. Gawande, P. Valarmathi, R. Kumar, S.K. Verma, O.P. Tuteja, N.G. Narkhedkar,Y.G. Prasad 2021. Diversity of the rhizosphere fungal community edifice of upland cotton in North India, National e-Conference on Plant Health and Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Indian Phytopathological Society, IARI, New Delhi from 25-27 March 2021 pp-141

Popular Articles/ Short Notes/ Short Communications

  • Paul, D., Chakrabarty, S. K., Maity, A., & Kumar, S. Seed production during summer reduces proportion of hard seeds in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.).
  • Changing dynamics of thrips infestation-a threat to cotton in the North Zone, Cotton Statistics and News, Cotton Association of India, No.5, 2023
  • Cotton Seed: Source of survival of Pink bollworm (PBW) during off Season, Cotton Innovate, Feb, 2022, Pp 2)

    Food Adulteration: High throughput detection techniques and impact on human health, Food and Scientific Report, 4 (1): 37-42, 2022


    Delinting and Treating seed of cotton: A preventive measure for insects and disease, Cotton Statistics and News, Cotton Association of India, No. 3, 2023


    Mushroom Cultivation: An opportunity for sustainable livelihood in western Himalayan region, Food and Scientific reports, 4(3):1-7, 2023


    Exploring metagenomics for gene discovery and potency of growth-promoting microbes in Agriculture, Food and Scientific reports, 4 (9): 9-15, 2023


    Seaweed: superhero for enhancing environmental health and sustainability, Food and Scientific Rreports, 5(1):27-30, 2023

Research Bulletin/ Extension Bulletins

  • O. P. Tuteja, S. K. Verma, Debashis Paul, Amarpreet Singh and V. N. Waghmare (2021). Achievements in Cotton Improvement at ICAR-CICR, Regional Station, Sirsa, Haryana 125055, Technical Bulletin no. 1/2021. Pp 35.

Training Manual

  • Chakrabarty, S. K., Basu, S. and Paul, D. (2019). Principles of Hybrid Seed Production. Published in “Training manual on Seed production, processing, testing and storage in field and vegetables crops (Rabi),” organized by NSC during March, 12-16, 2019. TB-ICN: 208/2019.


  • International Web Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences (GRISAAS-2020) December 28-30, 2020


  • Attened 14th National Seed Seminar organized by Indian Society of Seed Technology, held during January 28-30, 2017.
  • Attended 1stNational Genetic Congress organized by Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, held during December, 13-15, 2018.
  • Attented 14th Agricultural Science Congress held at NASC complex from 20- 23 February, 2019.

Training Conducted

  • Online state level training programme on “Advanced Technology for Enhancing Cotton Production for the Cotton Growers” of North Zone(June, 2021)
  • Web training programme series for farmers on “Advanced Cotton Production Technology” for North Zone (July, 2021)
  • Web Training Programme on “Recent Advanced in Cotton Crop Production & Protection Technology for North India”( July, 2021)
  • Training programme on “Safer Cotton Crop Production & Protection Technologies”(Aug., 2021)
  • ICAR-IARI MERIT MEDAL (Gold Medal) for outstanding academic performance in M.Sc. degree Programme 2018
  • Best Poster Award in 1st National Genetics Congress organized by Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding 2018
  • ICAR- IARI institute fellowship for Ph.D. Programme 2017
  • ICAR’s Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for M.Sc. programme 2015
  • “Merit-cum-means” scholarship funded by Govt. Of West Bengal for outstanding performance in Higher Secondary Examination (10+2) 2011
  • Young Scientist award in GRISAAS 2020 by Astha Foundation 2020
  • Secured ICAR-JRF in Plant Sciences group in 20th All India Entrance Examination (AIEEA-PG-2015) for admission to Master’s degree programme in agriculture and allied sciences and obtained JRF.
  • Qualified National Eligibility Test for Lectureship / Assistant Professorship conducted by ASRB on 21-05-2017 in the Discipline of Seed Science and Technology.
  • Cleared ARS-2017 with First Rank in Seed Science and Technology
  • Secured 2nd rank in quiz competition (Hindi Literature) and 3rd rank in debate competition (On Pros. and Cons. of National Biodiversity Act, 2002) held in ICAR-IARI and ICAR- NBPGR, respectively.
Updated Date : Monday, March 3, 2025
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