![]() Senior Scientist | Academic Qualification:
Address: Division of Crop Improvement, |
- Gene discovery for insect resistance and development of biotech cotton
- Transgene(s) introgression through marker assisted backcross breeding
- Phyologeogrphic structure and genetic diversity analysis of insects on cotton
Designation | Years | Institutions |
Senior Scientist | Feb 10 2018 onwords | ICAR – Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Nagpur |
Scientist Senior Scale | Feb 10, 2013 to Feb 9 2018 | ICAR – Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Nagpur |
Scientist | June 19, 2009 to Feb 9, 2013 | ICAR – Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Nagpur |
Scientist | Feb 10, 2009 to June 10, 2009 | ICAR – National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad |
Patents/Copy Rights/ Registrations
- Promoter From Gossypium Hirsutuml For Enhanced Expression Of Foreign Genes In Late Boll Developmental Stages Of Cotton, Application No.2977/DEL/2015 A, Publication Date : 02/09/2016 , Granted on 26.11.2021
Technologies Developed/Salient Research Achievements
- Co-developer of ICAR-CICR GJHV 374 Bt, ICAR-CICR PKV 081 Bt, ICAR-CICR Suraj Bt, ICAR-CICR 16 Bt, ICAR-CICR 23 Bt, ICAR-CICR 21Bt and ICAR-CICR 25Bt varieties for insect resistance
- Developed Indigenous CICR cry2Ab1Ac and chitinase A gene construct for bollworm and disease resistance and the Synergistic effect of CICR CRY2AB1AC and CHITINASE A protein for bollworm Helicoverpa armigera control was confirmed through insect bioassay
- Generated intron hairpin RNAi gene construct for silencing gossypol biosynthesis gene δ cadinene synthase under Alpha globulin promoter sequences and IntronA of the alpha globulin gene and also cloned gossypol detoxifying gene coding for CYP6AE14 protein
- Isolated new genes from Helicoverpa armigera and microbes for insect resistance and gossypol detoxification respectively and MtCO-I based genetic diversity analysis of cotton leaf hopper and whitefly populations from north,central and southern India were established
- Elucidated the molecular basis of drought tolerance in six elite cotton genotypes/ germplasm lines: Our study confirmed the occurrence of different mechanisms of drought tolerance in the studied genotypes. Genotype IC325280 and LRA5166 exhibited ABA mediated expression of stress responsive genes and traits. Molecular basis of drought tolerance in IC357406, Suraj, IC259637 and CNH 28I genotypes could be attributed to ABA independent pathway
- Characterized LIM and COBL gene family members of Gossypium arboreum through genome wide analysis and gene expression analysis during developmental stages and stress and also validated the genes involved in fibre development such as GhcesA1, GhcesA2, GhLIM and Ghcobl4 for their association to fibre strength traits using low, medium and high fibre strength RIL lines
- Breeding support for successful introgression of Tg2E-13 (cry1Ac) event in to elite cotton varieties/genotype
- Developed PCR based diagnostic protocol for HT/BT events for detection of presence of herbicide tolerant gene(s) and event(s)
Project title | Funding Agency | Period | Role |
Assessment of nutrient management options in jute seed crop. (Exploratory Project) | In-house / Institute | Completed | Principal Investigator |
Deployment of biotechnological tools for reduction of gossypol content in cotton seed and it’s by products | ICAR-CICR | 2014-2018 | Project Leader |
Gene Discovery for useful traits in cotton | ICAR-CICR | 2014-19 | Project Leader |
Development of reverse transcription loop mediated isothermal amplification (RT- LAMP) for early detection of cotton leaf curl and tobacco streak viruses of cotton | ICAR-CICR | 2015-18 | Project Associate |
Development of Bt cotton varieties for bollworm management by introgression of indigenous events including Tg2E13 event through backcross breeding | ICAR-CICR | 2017-21 | Project Associate |
Breeding for early maturity, compact plant type and jassid tolerance in cotton | ICAR-CICR | 2014-19 | Project Associate |
Development of multi-gene constructs and Bt cotton varieties for sustainable pest management | TMC MMI | 2012-17 | Project Associate |
Genomics of cotton boll and fibre development | NAIP | 2012-14 | Project Associate |
Molecular characterization and validation of fiber strength genes with fiber specific promoter for improvement in cotton | NFBSFARA | 2011-16 | Project Associate |
Identification of species specific dsRNA or siRNAs in cotton insect pests to explore their use in pest management through RNAi based technologies | DBT | 2010-13 | Project Associate |
Collection, conservation, evaluation, documentation and maintenance of germplasm of cultivated species of Gossypium. | ICAR-CICR | 2010-12 | Project Associate |
Isolation and identification of seed specific promoter and gossypol synthesis genes for silencing through interference | DBT | 2010-13 | Project Leader |
International Journal
- RAGHAVENDRA, K.P., DAS, J., KUMAR, R. ET AL. 2021 GENOME-WIDE IDENTIFICATION AND expression analysis of the plant specific LIM genes in Gossypium arboreum under phytohormone, salt and pathogen stress. Sci Rep 11, 9177. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87934-0
- Prakash Goudappa Patil, Nripendra Vikram Singh, Abhishek Bohra, Keelara Puttaswamy Raghavendra, Rushikesh Mane, Dhananjay M. Mundewadikar, Karuppannan Dhinesh Babu and Jyotsana Sharma 2021 Comprehensive Characterization and Validation of Chromosome-Specific Highly Polymorphic SSR Markers From Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cv. Tunisia Genome. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12 64055
- Abdelmoghny, A.M., Raghavendra, K.P.*, Sheeba, J.A. H. B. Santosh, Jayant H. Meshram, Suman Bala Singh, K. R. Kranthi & V. N. Waghmare 2020. Morpho-physiological and molecular characterization of drought tolerance traits in Gossypium hirsutum genotypes under drought stress. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 26, 2339–2353. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12298-020-00890-3 (*Equal contribution and Corresponding author)
- V. Chinna Babu Naik, Pratik P.Pusadkar, Sandesh T.Waghmare, Raghavendra K.P., Sandhya Kranthi, Sujit Kumbhare, V. S. Nagrare, Rishi Kumar, Tenguri Prabhulinga, Nandini Gokte- Narkhedkar & V. N.Waghmare 2020 Evidence for population expansion of Cotton pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in India. Scientific Reports 10:4740 |https://doi.org/10. 1038/s41598-020-61389-1.
- Shailesh Gawande*, Raghavendra K.P.*, Dilip monga, Dipak Nagrale, Sandhya Kranthi 2019, Rapid detection of Tobacco streak virus (TSV) in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) based on Reverse Transcription Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP). Journal of Virological Methods 270: 21-25 (Equal Contribution)
- Raghavendra K.P., Rakesh Kumar, Joy Das, Santosh H.B., Sachin A more, Ramakrishna N, Shilpa G Chawla, Sandhya Kranthi, Keshav Raj Kranthi 2020. Quantitative real-time PCR based evaluation and validation of reference genes in Gossypium arboreum L. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (1), 40-47
- Rakesh Kumar, Joy das, Raghavendra K.P. and Nandeshwar S.B. 2019. Identification and expression analysis of two novel zinc finger transcription factor genes during cotton fibre initiation. National Academy Science Letters 43(2):115–119.
- Prabhulinga T, Sandhya Kranthi, Raghavendra K.P, Rishi Kumar, Ruchika Suke, Shilpa Chawla & Keshav Raj Kranthi 2020. Mitochondrial COI based genetic diversity and phylogeographic structure of whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) on cotton in India. Int J Trop Insect Sci. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-020-00354-x (Equal Contribution)
- Raghavendra K.P, Phanindra M.L.V, Kiran Kumar B, Dhandapani G and P. Ananda Kumar, 2011. Identification of differentially expressed genes during bud stage of cotton boll development using suppression subtractive hybridization and cDNA macroarray. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Volume 20, Number 1, Pages 12-19
- Abd El-Moghny, A.M., Santosh, H.B., Raghavendra, K.P.* J.A.Sheeba, S.B.Singh and K.R.Kranthi 2017 Microsatellite marker based genetic diversity analysis among cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) accessions differing for their response to drought stress. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. doi:10.1007/s13562-016-0395-1((#equally credited as first author)
- Sandhya Kranthi, Amol Bharat Ghodke, Raghavendra K. Puttaswamy, Madhumita Mandle, Ritu Nandanwar, Usha Satija, Rishi Kumar Pareek, Himanshu Desai, Shashikant S. Udikeri, Dhara Jothi Balakrishna, Bheemanna M. Hugar, Dilip Monga & Keshav R. Kranthi (2017): Mitochondria COI-based genetic diversity of the cotton leafhopper Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida) populations from India, Mitochondrial DNA Part A, DOI: 10.1080/24701394.2016.1275595
- K. V. Ravishankar, K. P. Raghavendra, V. Athani, A. Rekha, K. Sudeepa, D. Bhavya, V. Srinivas and L. Ananad 2013. Development and characterisation of microsatellite markers for wild banana (Musa balbisiana). The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 88(5); 605-609
- Das J, Raghavendra KP, Santosh HB, Sabesh M, Kranthi KR (2017). Cotton DNA Traceability Technologies, ICAC RECORDER, 35(3): 5-15.
National journals
- Raghavendra. K.P, J.Annie Sheeba and Santosh. H.B. 2013. Sucrose synthase, a major biomarker for sink strength in cotton . Cotton Res. J. 5(2) 158-171
- SESA Khader, Gopalakrishnan N, Raghavendra K.P. and Anderson 2010. Gearing up new generation cotton for climate change. Cotton Res. J. 58-74.
- Raghavendra K.P, M.L.V Phanindra, and P. Ananda Kumar. 2014. Internal control gene for gene expression studies using real time quantitative RT-PCR during cotton boll development. Cotton Res. J. 6(1): 32-36
- HM Jagadeesh, MT Ila, S Sreenivasa, KP Raghavendra, S Rashmi and KR Koundal. 2012. Isolation and Characterization of Protease Inhibitor Gene by Construction of Genomic Library of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L.). Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 25(2): 125-129
- S. D. Sharanappa, J. Kumar, H. P. Meena, C. Bharadwaj, H.M. Jagadeesh, K.P. Raghavendra, and Avinash Singode 2014. Studies on heritability and genetic advance in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Journal of food legumes. 27(1); 71-74
- H.B. Santosh, C. Bharadwaj , S. Santosh, K.P. Raghavendra and J. Kumar 2017, Genetic diversity analysis for productivity enhancement through desikabuli introgression breeding in chickpea. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 8(1 ): 125-133
Book published
- Venugopalan M.V.,Gopalakrishnan N., Raghavendra K.P.,Santsoh H B., Prabhulinga T., Ghadge S.V., Deshmukh P.S.,Sundaramoorthy, Guruprasad R.2017. Book of Abstarcts. theme: production quality fibres and doubling farmers income, 7th Asian Cotton Research and Development Network (ACRDN) meeting-cum-conference, Indian Society of Cotton Improvement (ISCI) Mumbai Pp: 89
Book Chapters And Conference Proceedings
- Jayant H.Meshram Suman BalaSingh K.P.Raghavendra and V.N.Waghmare, 2022 Drought stress tolerance in cotton: progress and perspectives, Climate Change and Crop Stress Molecules to Ecosystems, Pages 135-169
- Balasubramani, G. Raghavendra, K.P, Das, J. Kumar, R. Santosh, H.B. Amudha, J. Kranthi, S. Kranthi, K.R. 2021 Critical Evaluation of GM Cotton. In Cotton Precision Breeding; Springer International Publishing: Cham,; pp. 351–410.
- Raghavendra K.P, Das J, Kumar R, Santosh HB, Sheeba AJ, Gawande SP, Balasubramani G and Waghmare VN. 2020. Exploration of genomic resources for trait characterization in cotton, In: Cotton Production Technologies in the Next Decade: Problems & Perspectives, Eds. Chauhan MS, Saini RK, Mohan M and Jain A, Cotton Research and Development Association, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India, pp 9-13.
- Raghavendra K.P, Santosh HB and Waghmare VN. 2019. Status of GM crops: an overview. In: Compendium of Lectures and Training Manual, Short Course on ‘Molecular Approaches for Cotton Improvement’, Eds. Waghmare VN, Raghavendra KP, and Santosh H.B., IASRI, NewDelhi. pp: 84-94.
- Raghavendra K.P, Joy Das and Rakesh Kumar. 2019. GM event detection and Identification. In: Compendium of Lectures and Training Manual, Short Course on ‘Molecular Approaches for Cotton Improvement’, Eds. Waghmare VN, Raghavendra KP, and Santosh H.B., IASRI, NewDelhi. pp: 100-105.
- Santosh HB, Manivannan A and Raghavendra K.P. 2019. Molecular markers for crop improvement. In: Compendium of Lectures and Training Manual, Short Course on ‘Molecular Approaches for Cotton Improvement’, Eds. Waghmare VN, Raghavendra KP, and Santosh H.B., IASRI, NewDelhi pp: 20-24.
- Suman Bala Singh, Santosh H.B, Raghavendra K.P. and Shah V. 2019. Transgenic cotton breeding. In: Compendium of Lectures and Training Manual, Short Course on ‘Molecular Approaches for Cotton Improvement’, Eds. Waghmare VN, Raghavendra KP, and Santosh H.B., IASRI, NewDelhi pp: 106-115.
- Ananda Kumar Polumetla, Raghavendra K.P, Padmalatha,K.V, Phanindra M.L.V and Dhandapani G 2010, Transcriptome analysis of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) during boll development. Conference proceedings of ICGI Canberra September 21-23 pp S24
- Phanindra M.L.V., K.P.Raghavendra, G.Dhandapani, C.Liji, A.U.Solanke and P.A.Kumar, Identification and characterization of a gene encoding putative senescence protein and its promoter that is active during boll development of cotton,In World Research Cotton Conference(WCRC) -5 held from 7-11 November 2011 at Mumbai, abstract poster no.4, pp 100.
- Raghavendra K.P. Amudha J and Amol ghodke “Isolation of gossypol biosynthesis gene for RNAi vector construction” In: International symposium on “Global cotton Production Technologies vis-à-vis climate change “at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar on 10 -12 October, 2012 ”.
- H B Santosh, V Santhy, V Gotmare, M Saravanan, S B Singh, K P Raghavendra, K R Kranthi, Microsatellite marker based genetic diversity analysis and DNA fingerprinting of Indian cotton varieties) at National Symposium on “Future Technologies: Indian Cotton in the Next Decade” held at Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur on 17-19 December, 2015, Book of abstracts, pp13.
Research Papers in Seminar/Workshop Proceedings/ Abstracts International
- Raghavendra K.P. Amudha J and Amol ghodke “Isolation of gossypol biosynthesis gene for RNAi vector construction” In: International symposium on “Global cotton Production Technologies vis-à-vis climate change “at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar on 10 -12 October, 2012
- Raghavendra K.P., Wallalwar, M, Waghmare, V.N., Patil, B.R. and Balasubramani G 2014. Gene Discovery For Improvement Of Fiber Strength In Cotton, In: 6th Asian Cotton Research and Development Network (ACRDN) meeting, June 18-20, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Raghavendra K.P., Joy Das, Rakesh Kumar,Annie J sheeba, H.B.Santosh and S.P.Gawande, 2017. Identification and characterization of LIM genes Gossypium arboreum, In: 7th Asian Cotton Research and Development Network (ACRDN) meeting-cum-conference September 15-17, Nagpur, India
- K. P. Raghavendra, S. Kranthi, N. Ramakrishna, S. More, M. Thakre, Prachi.N, H. B. Santosh, A. Palve and K. R. Kranthi 2016, RNA interference and detoxification approach for seed gossypol reduction in cotton. In: “National Conference on Innovations In Agri-Biosciences (NCIABS-2016)” on February 26-27th, Dr Ambedkar College Nagpur, India.
- K.P. Raghavendra, Joy Das, Rakesh Kumar, 2017. Genome wide in-silico analysis of LIM gene family involved in fiber development of Gossypium arboreumL, In: XIII AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE CONGRESS, 21-24th February, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- K. P. Raghavendra, N. Ramakrishna, H. B. Santosh and K. Velmourougane 2016. Biotechnological approaches for seed gossypol reduction in cotton, In National Conference on Innovative and current advances in agriculture and allied sciences (ICAAAS- 2016), 10-11, December, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderbad, Telangana
Popular Articles/ Short Notes/ Short Communications
- K. P. Raghavendra, S. Kranthi, N. Ramakrishna, S. More, M. Thakre, Prachi.N, H. B. Santosh, A. Palve and K. R. Kranthi 2016, RNA interference and detoxification approach for seed gossypol reduction in cotton. Abstracts: “National Conference on Innovations In Agri-Biosciences (NCIABS-2016)” on February 26-27th, 2016, Dr Ambedkar College Nagpur, India. International Journal of life sciences, special issue A6; February 2016.
- N. Ramakrishna and Raghavendra K.P., “Studies on direct somatic embryogenesis in cotton”. Abstracts: “National Conference on Innovations In Agri-Biosciences (NCIABS-2016)” on February 26-27th, 2016, Dr Ambedkar College Nagpur, India. International Journal of life sciences, special issue A6; February 2016.
- Ashwini Bargat, Savitha Santosh, K P Raghavendra and H B Santosh., High Throughput Screening in Cotton: The Phenomics Perspective. Abstracts: “National Conference on Innovations In Agri-Biosciences (NCIABS-2016)” on February 26-27th, 2016, Dr Ambedkar College Nagpur, India. International Journal of life sciences, special issue A6; February 2016.
- Rakesh Kumar, Joy Das, S B Nandeshwar, K P Raghavendra and K R Kranthi, “Development of in vitro Nanocomplex for Gene Delivery into Cotton”. Abstracts: “National Conference on Innovations In Agri-Biosciences (NCIABS-2016)” on February 26-27th, 2016, Dr Ambedkar College Nagpur, India. International Journal of life sciences, special issue A6; February 2016.
- Rakesh Kumar, Joy Das, S B Nandeshwar, K P Raghavendra and K R Kranthi, Tissue culture cotton fibre – A directed cellular reprogramming and differentiation, “Techscientia-16: 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Science & Mathematics” from 22.01.2016 to 23.01.2016 organized at Tulsiram Ji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Training Manual
- Compendium of Lectures and Training Manual, for ICAR Sponsored Short Course on ‘Molecular Approaches for Cotton Improvement’, Sept 19-28, 2019, pp 71
- Training manual for DAC sponsored training on “GM cotton testing” Feb 03-07,2020, pp50
- Kranthi, S., Nandeshwar, S.B., Balasubramani, G., Raghavendra K.P., Velmourougane, K., Annie Sheeba, J., and Yadav, M.S., 2013. Compendium of leactures and training manual on applied cotton biotechnology for fellowship training programme conducted at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur between 21 OCT to 20 Dec 2013.
Web Portals/ E-Publications/ Cd Development/ Mobile App
- H. B. Santosh and K. P. Raghavendra (2015). Cotton QTLdb: A QTL database for Marker Assisted Selection in Cotton. Cotton Innovate. 1(9) available online at www.cicr.org.in
- K. P. Raghavendra and H. B. Santosh (2016) Cotton Genome Sequencing: An update. Cotton Innovate. 4(1) available online at www.cicr.org.in
- N. Chandrashekar, K. P. Raghavendra and H. B. Santosh (2017). CRISPR-Cas9 technology for Targeted Genome Editing in Cotton. Cotton Innovate. 3(10): 1. available online at www.cicr.org.in
- H. B. Santosh and K. P. Raghavendra (2017). Molecular basis of leaf shape variation in cotton is decoded. Cotton Innovate. 2(5): 1. available online at www.cicr.org.in
- Joy Das, Rakesh Kumar, K P Raghavendra (2016) “App”ing for science!!!. Cotton Innovate. 2(2) available online at www.cicr.org.in
Association In Professional Societies
- Life Member, Indian Society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI), Mumbai
- Life Member, Society of Scientific Development in Agriculture & Technology (SSDAT), Meerut
- Life Member, Cotton Research And Development Association(CRDA), Hisar
- Bt resistance mechanisms workshop of the Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund project ‘Sustainability of Pyramided Bt genes for Insect Control in Crop Plants’ (2008-2011), from June 19th -26th 2010 at the Bio21 Institute for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University of Melbourne, Australia
- National seminar on New initiatives for cotton research organized by ISCI Nagpur chapter at CICR Nagpur on Sept. 19, 2012
- International symposium on “Global cotton Production Technologies vis-à-vis climate change “at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar on 10 -12 October, 2012 organized by Cotton Research and Development Association (CRDA), Hisar
- National Convention on “India Cotton: Gearing Up For Global Leadership” organized by Navsari Agriculture University(NAU) in collaboration with CICR, Nagpur from January 6-8, 2013 at MCRS, NAU, Surat,
- 6th Meeting of the Asian Cotton Research & Development Network (ACRDN) organized by Cotton Development Board, Dhaka, Bangladesh from June 18-20,2014 at Dhaka
- NAAS Silver Jubilee Symposium held at CICR, Nagpur on December 27, 2014
- National Conference on Innovations In Agri-Biosciences (NCIABS-2016) organized by Dr. Ambedkar College Nagpur, ICAR-CICR, Nagpur and Indian Science Congress Association (Nagpur Chapter) at Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur, Maharashtra during 26-27 February, 2016
- National Conference on Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (ICAAAS-2016) organized by Society of Scientific Development in Agriculture & Technology and Asta Foundation at Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU), Hyderabad, Telangana during December 10-11, 2016
- XIII Agricultural Science Congress 2017 organized by NAAS, New Delhi, ICAR at University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bengaluru, Karnataka during February 21-24, 2017
- 7th Asian Cotton Research and Development Network (ACRDN) meeting-cum-conference organized by The Indian Society of Cotton Improvement (ISCI) Mumbai in colloboration with ICAC, WashingtonDC, USA,CICR, Nagpur and CIRCOT Mumbaiat Hotel Le Meridien, Nagpur, Maharashtra during September 15-17, 2017
- Round Table Meeting related to GM in Organic Cotton organized by Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), Mumbai on 2nd August 2016
- International e-conference on Genetics and plant breeding research in post covid-19 era, organized by Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut (UP) during 13-14 June, 2020
- International E-Conference on ‘Advances and Future Outlook in Biotechnology and Crop Improvement for Sustainable Productivity’ organized by the Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement, College of Horticulture, Bengaluru during 24-27th November, 2020.
- International Plant Physiology Virtual Conference-2020 (IPPVC-2020), Prospects of Plant Physiology for Climate Proofing Agriculture organized by Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Jammu & Indian Society for Plant Physiology (ISPP), New Delhi during December, 6-7, 2020
- International conference on multifunctional advanced material (ICMAM-2018) organized by Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya at Nagpur during 5-7, October, 2018
- Global Organic Convention 2019: Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health and Quality Food” organized by Dr.PDKV, Akola Nagpur during September 15-17, 2019
- Compendium of lectures/ training manual – Fellowship Training programme on “Applied Cotton Biotechnology” under Cotton Technical Assistance Programme for Africa
- Foundation Course on Agricultural Research Service (FOCARS) at ICAR – NAARM, Hyderabad from Feb 10, 2009 to June 10, 2009 (4 months)
- National training Programme on “Varietal Purity –Testing of Specified Traits” organized by NSRTC & CICR at Nagpur from 15th -24th February 2010 (10days)
- Capacity Building Training Programme on” Technology Diplomacy” organized by CUTS international, funded by DST ,GOI, at Jaipur from 4th to 8th Jan 2010 (4 days)
- Training Programme on “Characterization of Drought Adaptive traits and molecular approaches to introgress them for crop improvement” organized by UAS Bangalore from 4th to 24th March 2011(21 days)
- Training programme on ” Developing Winning Research Proposals in Agricultural Research organized ICAR – NAARM, Hyderabad from 25, to 29th August.2015 (5 days)
Training Conducted
- Course Co-ordinator for Two month fellowship training programme on “Applied cotton biotechnology” for twelve participants, two each from six countries viz., Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, Benin, Burkina Faso and Chad of Africa, held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur from October 21 to December 20, 2013 under Technical Assistance Programme for Africa (cotton TAP)
- Course Coordinator of ICAR Sponsored 10 days Short Course on ‘Molecular Approaches for Cotton Improvement’ held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur during 19-28 Sept, 2019
Invited Lectures
- “Cotton Biotechnology-2020” In: National Convention on India Cotton: Gearing Up For Global Leadership held at MCRS, NAU, Surat from January 6-8, 2013
- “Transgenic Event identification” In: National training on “Molecular characterization of GMOs and their varietal purity Testing” held at CICR Nagpur from18th Jan to 7th Feb 2011
- Insect Pest Management through RNAi In: NAAS Silver Jubilee Symposium held at CICR, Nagpur on December 27, 2014.
- “PCR Based detection of transgenic event in GM cotton”. In: 21 days ICAR Sponsored Winter School on “Insect resistance to Bt toxins and insecticides in cotton” held during 18th Jan – 7th February, 2018 at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur
- Bt-Protein Evolution: Strategy to overcome Insect Resistance in GM Crops. In: 21 days ICAR Sponsored Winter School on “Insect resistance to Bt toxins and insecticides in cotton” held during 18th Jan – 7th February, 2018 at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur.
- University Merit fellowship, 2004-05, UAS Bangalore, IARI, Newdelhi
- Gold medal in Ph.D at IARI, 2010 for “Outstanding academic performance” Ph.D Programme from P.G. School, IARI, New Delhi.
Other Offical Assignements National
- Member of CICR – Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Team (Parseoni Cluster, Nagpur)
- Member of CICR – Institute Biosafety Committee (IBSC)
- Member of CICR-Results-frame work document (RFD) committee
- Member of CICR – Institute Technology Management Committee(ITMC)