![]() Senior Scientist Plant Breeding | Academic Qualification:
Address: Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, PB.No.2, Shankar Nagar PO, Nagpur-440010, Maharashtra, INDIA Office Tel. No.: 07103-275549, Extn:406 Office Fax No.: 07103-275529 Email: msaraniari@gmail.com, M.Saravanan@icar.gov.in Mobile: 07709107216 |
Area of research:
- Exploration, collection, characterization, evaluation, documentation and conservation of landraces of desi cotton and perennials germplasm from different regions of India
- Application of molecular markers in plant breeding research (Genetic male sterility, Drought and Water logging)
- Improvement of fibre qualities of desi cotton (G. arboreum)
- Collection, conservation, evaluation, documentation and maintenance of germplasm of cultivated species of Cotton
- Development of Bt hybrids in tetraploid cotton with high yield, superior fibre quality and tolerance to jassids
Patents/Copy Rights/Registrations
- Germplasm CNH CB 211 of Cotton- Cluster boll bearing habit, Deeply Palmate Leaf Lobe selected from germplasm (INGR 14059) as Co-PI.
- Germplasm CNH CB 212 of Cotton- Cluster boll bearing habit, Zero monopodia and compact habit selected from germplasm (INGR 14059) registered on 4th September, 2014 as Co-PI.
- Germplasm CNA 5 of cotton – Interracial pigmented arboreum identified from G. arboreum race indicum X G. arboreum race burmanicum (INGR 14005) registered in 5th May, 2014 as Co-PI.
- Development of ICAR-CICR GJHV 374 Bt cotton variety (G. hirsutum) for rainfed conditions of Maharashtra state under HDPS as Co-PI.
- Development of ICAR-CICR 16301 DB (Vaidehi-1) variety, first dark brown linted naturally colour cotton (G. hirsutum) for rainfed and irrigated conditions of South zone.
Designation | Years | Institutions |
Scientist | ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad | 20th April- August, 2010 |
Scientist | ICAR-CICR, Nagpur | 27thAugust, 2010-19th April, 2016 |
Scientist (Senior Scale) | ICAR-CICR, Nagpur | 20th April, 2016 – 19th April, 2021 |
Senior Scientist | ICAR-CICR, Nagpur | 20th April, 2021 onwards |
Salient Research Achievements/ Technologies Developed
- Three hundred and twelve cotton germplasm belonging to G. arboreum, G. herbaceum, and G. barbadense were collected from different regions of India viz., Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Manipur, Meghalaya and Mizoram (North Eastern Hill region), Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh (Central India), Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka (South India).The important landraces Karunganni cotton (G. arboreum race ‘indicum’), Ponduru Cotton (G. arboreum race ‘indicum’), Mathio (G. arboreum race ‘indicum’) and Comilla (G. arboreum race ‘cernuum’) were collected. All the collected germplasm variants were established in the field conditions and the seeds were stored for conservation in the medium term cold storage.
- Molecular characterization was completed for 114 G. arboreum germplasm accessions along with 5 popular desi cotton varieties as checks using 83 SSR markers of which 34 markers showed polymorphism (41%). The genetic relatedness among accessions was studied using DARwin statistical package which grouped them into six major clusters.
- Based on diversity analysis, unique twenty four G. arboreum accessions were selected and established separately as “Perennial Species Garden” at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur.
- DNA fingerprinting has been carried out for released and notified varieties of cotton varieties (CNH 18529 & IC 356751) and different germplasm accessions shared with private companies.
Project title | Funding Agency | Period | Role |
Exploration, collection and conservation of land races of desi cotton and perennials from different regions of India | Institute | 2011-2018 | PI |
Identification of Male Sterile Plants in Genetic Male Sterility (GMS) using Molecular Markers | Institute | 2012-2018 | Co-PI |
MAS/MAB for Water logging resistance | Institute | 2012-2020 | Co-PI |
Development of high yielding, early maturing Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum) genotypes suitable to south Zone and central zone | Institute | 2016-2023 | PI |
Development of high yielding early maturing extra long staple Gossypium barbadense genotypes with high ginning out turn | Institute | 2015-2017 | Co-PI |
Collection, conservation, evaluation, documentation and maintenance of germplasm of cultivated species of Gossypium | Institute | 2016-2023 | Co-PI |
Development of Bt cotton varieties using deregulated and non-deregulated transgenic events | Institute | 2018-2023 | Co-PI |
Molecular Characterization of EPSPS Gene in Cotton Germplasm for the Development of Herbicide Resistant Cotton Through CRISPR/Cas9 | Institute | 2021-2024 | Co-PI |
Development of Bt hybrids in tetraploid cotton with high yield, superior fibre quality and tolerance to jassids | Institute | 2022-2027 | PI |
Research Articles
- Saravanan, M, J. Das, R C Misra, P. Mohan, Waghmare VN and K.R.Kranthi (2016) Genetic diversity analysis using SSR markers for desi cotton (G. arboreum) landraces collected from Arunachal Pradesh. Cotton Research Journal,7(2):91-96.
- A.Manivannan, Punit Mohan, M.Saravanan and V.N.Waghmare (2018) Morphological characterization of asiatic cotton (G. arboreum) germplasm of India. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(2):673-681.
- KPM Dhamayanthi, A. Manivannan and M. Saravanan (2018) Evaluation of new germplasm of Egyptian cotton (G. barbadense) through multivariate genetic component analysis. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(4): 1348-1354.
- Punit Mohan, Vinita Gotmare, BR Rode, KR Kranthi, M Saravanan and Anjali Kak (2015) CNH CB 211 (IC0597397; INGR 14058), a Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Germplasm with Cluster Boll Bearing Habit, Deeply Palmate Leaf Lobe. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources: 28(3): 356-370
- Punit Mohan, Vinita Gotmare, BR Rode, KR Kranthi, M Saravanan and Anjali Kak (2015) CNH CB 212 (IC0597398; INGR 14059), a Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Germplasm with Cluster Boll Bearing Habit, Zero Monopodia and Compact Habit. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources: 28(3): 356-370
- Santhy, V, K Rathinavel, M Saravanan, Mithila Meshram and C Priyadharshini (2020) Genetic diversity assessment of extant cotton varieties based on principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis of enlisted DUS traits. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 11(2):430-438.
- Saravanan, M, RC Misra, SS Mahajan, DV Patil and VN Waghmare (2021) Morphological and molecular characterization of desi cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.) landraces collected from different states of India. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 12(1):142-150.
- Saravanan, M., R. C. Misra, S. S. Mahajan, P. Mohan and Waghmare, V. N. 2021. Exploration, Characterization and Conservation of Cotton (Gossypium spp.) Encompassing Colour Cotton from Tripura, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 10(02): 3007-3016.
- Mayuri Tamboli, Sushil Mawle, M. Saravanan, S. S. Mahajan and Waghmare, V. N. 2021.Molecular Characterization of Germplasm Accessions of G. hirsutum using SSR Markers. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 10(03): 324-331.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Book chapter titled “Desi Cotton, Landraces and Tree Cotton” submitted to Editorial committee, TMCMM 1.6 Technology Documentation Book.
Paper Presented in Conference/ Seminar / Symposia – International
- Saravanan,M, P.Mohan, Waghmare, V N, Manivannan, A and S.K.Shukla (2017) Development of eco-friendly naturally coloured desi cotton G. arboreum in 7th Asian Cotton Research & Development Network Meeting (ACRDN) at Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 15-17, September, page No. 82
- Vinita Gotmare, Saravanan, M, Annie Sheeba J, Meshram, J H and Punit Mohan (2017) Waterlogging tolerant Gossypium hirsutum germplasm accessions in 7th Asian Cotton Research & Development Network Meeting (ACRDN) at Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 15-17, September, page No. 16.
- Punit Mohan, M. Saravanan and Waghmare V. N. (2017). The lost glory: Exploration and expedition for the original source of “Dhaka Muslin” from North Eastern Hill (NEH) region of India. (In) Abstract book: 3rd ICBSM-0385, pg19. 3rd International Conference on Bioresource and Stress Management, Durgapura, Jaipur 8-11th Nov. 2017.
- Saravanan, M., RC Misra., P. Mohan., Joy Das., T R Loknathan, V Gotmare and V. N. Waghmare (2018). Status of traditional cultivars of desi cotton (G. arboreum) cultivation, characterization and conservation from North Eastern Hill (NEH) Region of India in the context of climate change at Umiam, Barapani, Meghalaya. International Conference on “Cotton and other Fibre Crops”, 20-23rd February.
- S.S.Mahajan, M.Saravanan, V.N.Waghmare and H.B.Kumbhalkar (2019) Prospects of Indian cotton in global market in Global Organic Convention-2019 Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health and Quality Food at Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 15-17, September, Page No. 60-66.
- M.Saravanan, R.C.Misra, S.S.Mahajan and V.N.Waghmare (2019) Collection, characterization and utilization of desi cotton (Gossypium arboreum) from different agro-ecological regions of India in the climate change era in Global Organic Convention-2019 Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health and Quality Food at Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 15-17, September, Page No. 175
Paper Presented in Conference/ Seminar / Symposia – National
- Saravanan, M, D K Hore and K V Bhat, 2009. Analysis of genetic diversity in north-east Indian Musa cultivars using STMS markers. National Symposium on Recent developments in the Management of Plant Genetic Resources, December 17- 18, 2009, NBPGR, New Delhi.
- Saravanan, M and Soam, S.K, 2010. Exploitation of Minor Millets Genetic Resources for Poverty Alleviation in India, paper presented in National conference on Biodiversity, Development and Poverty Alleviation on the occasion of International Day for Biological Diversity 22nd May, 2010.Lucknow, U.P
- Saravanan, M, Vinita Gotmare and Punit Mohan (2012) presented as abstract on “Exploration, collection and conservation of perennials and landraces of desi cotton from different regions of India” in silver jubilee International symposium on “Global cotton production technologies vis-à-vis climate change” at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 10-12, October.
- Vinita Gotmare, Madhav katre, Punit Mohan, V.N. Waghmare, M.Saravanan, SumanBala singh, T.R. Loknathan, S.M.Palve, V.Santhy, P.R.Vijayakumari, P.K.Chakrabarty, K.R.Kranthi and M.V. Venugopalan (2012) presented paper on “ Evaluation of promising pre released genotypes for suitability in High Density Planting Systems for climate resilient agriculture” in silver jubilee International symposium on “Global cotton production technologies vis-à-vis climate change”at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 10-12, October.
- Saravanan, M, N.Ramakrishna, Vinita Gotmare and Punit Mohan (2013) presented paper on “Exploration, collection and characterization of traditional cultivars/landraces of desi cotton from Gujarat” in National Seminar on “Technology for Development and Production of Rainfed Cotton” at Regional Cotton Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Maktampur farm, Bharuch, Gujarat 24&25, October.
- Suman Bala Singh, Saravanan, M and Sonal Bhave (2013) presented paper on “Exploitation of Alien Cytoplasm in Cotton seed production in G. hirsutum L.” in National Seminar on “Technology for Development and Production of Rainfed Cotton” at Regional Cotton Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Maktampur farm, Bharuch, Gujarat 24&25, October.
- Vinita Gotmare, Prachi Akhare, Kirti Kalmegh, Saravanan, M, H B Santosh and Punit Mohan (2013) presented paper on “Wild species and Introgression Breeding in Cotton” at Regional Cotton Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Maktampur farm, Bharuch, Gujarat 24&25, October.
- Saravanan, M, Punit Mohan, T R Loknathan and R C Misra (2014) presented as abstract on “Exploration, collection and conservation of landraces of desi cotton and perennials from different regions of India” in National Symposium on “Crop Improvement for Inclusive Sustainable Development” at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India 7-9, November Page No. 916.
- Saravanan M, Santosh HB, Gotmare V, Mohan P, Singh SB and Kranthi KR (2016) presented as abstract on “Exploration, collection, characterization and conservation of landraces of desi cotton and tree cotton from Karnataka, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh” in National Conference on Innovations in Agri-Biosciences at Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 26-27 February Page no. A-28.
- Gotmare Vinita, Mohan Punit, Saravanan M and Kranthi K R (2016) presented as abstract on “Naturally Coloured cotton” in National Conference on Innovations in Agri-Biosciences at Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 26-27 February Page no. A-54.
- Punit Mohan, Solanki BG, Gotmare Vinita, Saravanan M and Patil DV (2016) presented as abstract on “Evaluation of Genetic Resources of Gossypium herbaceum for economic traits” in National Conference on Innovations in Agri-Biosciences at Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 26-27 February Page no. A-21.
- Meshram Jayant H, Sheeba J Annie, Saravanan M, Gotmare V, Blaise D and kranthi KR (2016) presented as abstract on “Screening of Cotton (G. hirsutum L.) germplasm lines for excess soil moisture tolerance: progress and prospects” in National Conference on Innovations in Agri-Biosciences at Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 26-27 February Page no. A-6.
- A. Manivannan, Punit Mohan, M. Saravanan and V.N. Waghmare (2017) Characterization of desi cotton (G. arboreum) germplasm using qualitative morphological traits .In: Book of abstracts of XIII Agricultural Science Congress 2017 on 21-24th February 2017, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka. pp273.
- Saravanan, M, S. Mahajan and V.N. Waghmare (2019) Conservation of cotton (G. arboreum race cernuum) in North-East India: Problems and Prospects at National Seed Seminar on Strengthening of seed systems in North Eastern and Unreached Regions-Problems, Prospects and Policies organized by Indian Society of Seed Technology during February 3-5, 2019 at ICAR Research complex for North Eastern Hill Region-Manipur Centre, Imphal.
Popular Articles/ Short Notes/ Short Communications
- Saravanan M (2013) Tree Cotton and Cotton Perennials of India – a short note. Cotton Innovate (weekly online news letter from ICAR-CICR), issue 3, vol. 9, Sep 15-21.
- Saravanan M (2014) Glucosinolate – free seeds for protein rich cattle feed. Cotton Innovate (weekly online news letter from ICAR-CICR), issue 4, vol. 3, March 23-29
- Chandrashekar, N, Saravanan, M and Waghmare, VN (2021) Fuzzless mutants for uncovering molecular mechanism of fibre initiation and development. Cotton Innovate Vol. 1(1).
Research Bulletin/ Extension Bulletins
- A leaflet/pamphlet was prepared to seek information about desi perennials and native cultivars from different regions of India.
- A bulletin on “Recent Advances Agricultural Scenario 2010 Region (Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Goa)” was prepared.
Training Manual
- Saravanan,M (2013) “Principles and Practices of Molecular Phylogenetics” in Training Manual on Cotton Technical Assistance Programme for Africa Fellowship Training programme on “Applied Cotton Biotechnology” held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur on 21st October to 20th December, Page No. 130-137.
- Saravanan, M (2013) “Application of Software (MEGA) for Phylogenetic Inference – Practical Approach” in Training Manual on Cotton Technical Assistance Programme for Africa Fellowship Training programme on “Applied Cotton Biotechnology” held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur on 21st October to 20th December, Page No.99-106.
- Saravanan, M, Chandrashekar, N and Sunil S Mahajan (2019) “Principles and Practices of Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis in Cotton” under ICAR short course training manual “Molecular Approaches to Cotton Improvement” held during September 19-28.
- Saravanan, M and Chandrashekar, N (2019) “Application of MEGA software for phylogenetic inference in Cotton” under ICAR short course training manual “Molecular Approaches to Cotton Improvement” held during September 19-28.
- Waghmare, VN, Saravanan, M and Santosh, HB (2019) “Marker Assisted Breeding in Cotton” under ICAR short course training manual “Molecular Approaches to Cotton Improvement” held during September, 19-28.
- Attended International symposium on “Global Cotton Production Technologies vis-à-vis Climate Change” at CCS Haryana agricultural University, Hisar 10-12 October, 2012.
- Attended National seminar on “Technology for Development and Production of Rainfed Cotton” at Regional Cotton Research Station, NAU, Bharuch, Gujarat during 24-25, October, 2013.
- Attended National symposium on “Crop Improvement for Inclusive Sustainable Development” at PAU, Ludhiana on 7-9, November, 2014.
- Attended one day NAAS Silver Jubilee Symposium “25 years of Research on Insect Resistance to Toxins-The Way Forward” held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur on 27th December, 2014.
- Participated in the Annual Group Meeting 2015 of All India Research Project on Cotton at TNAU, Coimbatore during 08-10 April, 2015.
- Participated in National workshop on “Indigenous (Desi) Cotton in India” organized by ICAR-CICR, Nagpur, Yuva Rural Association (YRA) and Sahaja Samurdha at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur on 28-30 November, 2016.
- Attended National Conference on Innovations in Agri-Biosciences at Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 26-27 February, 2016.
- Participated in Desi cotton workshop organized by Yuva Rural Association on 16th May, 2017 at Kamargao, Karnja Taluk, Washim district.
- Participated in the First Organic and Fair-trade Cotton Secretariat (OFCS) in Maharashtra organized by C&A Foundation and Cotton Connect held on 14th June, 2017 at Aurangabad.
- Participated in the Consultative Meeting on Non-BT Seed Research and other Policy Issues, 7th Organic and Fairtrade Secretariat, Madhya Pradesh (OFCS-MP) Meeting held on 01st December, 2017 at Bhopal.
- Attended 7th Asian Cotton Research & Development Network Meeting (ACRDN) at Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 15-17, September, 2017.
- Participated in the Annual Group Meeting 2018 of All India Research Project on Cotton at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during 9-10 April, 2018 and rapporteur for the technical session on “Plant Breeding Panel (Formulation of ICAR Bt Trial, National Trials and Zonal Trials)”.
- Attended International Conference on “Cotton and other Fibre Crops” and presented “Status of traditional cultivars of desi cotton (G. arboreum) cultivation, characterization and conservation from North Eastern Hill (NEH) Region of India in the context of climate change” during 20-23rd February, 2018 at Umiam, Barapani, Meghalaya.
- Attended “Global Organic Convention-2019” on “Natural Resource management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health & Quality Food” during September 15-17,2019 and presented “Collection, characterization and utilization of desi cotton (G. arboreum) from different agro-ecological regions of India in the climate change era”
- Attended international conference on “Biotechnological Initiatives for Climate Resilient Agriculture” during 7-9, January, 2022 and presented “Genetic diversity analysis of cotton germplasm of Sundarbans and adjoining coastal zones of West Bengal, India”.
Training Attended
S. No | Training programme | Organizer | Place | Year | Duration |
1. | WTO issues | TIFAC, DST | Gurgaon | 2011 | 4 days |
2. | Molecular Plant Breeding for Crop Improvement | ICRISAT | Hyderabad | 2011 | 12 days |
3. | Molecular characterization of GMO’s and purity testing | NSRTC & ICAR-CICR | Nagpur | 2011 | 21 days |
4. | workshop in Molecular Phylogenetics | IISc | Bengaluru | 2013 | 5 days |
5. | Mendelian Genetics to Molecular Genetics in relevance to Plant Breeding | PAU | Ludhiana | 2015 | 21 days |
6. | Analysis of Experimental Data | ICAR-NAARM | Hyderabad | 2018 | 6 days |
7. | Molecular Approaches for Cotton Improvement | ICAR-CICR | Nagpur | 2019 | 10 days |
8. | SNP Mining, GWAS and Genomic Selection | ICAR-IASRI | New Delhi | 2021 | 5 days |
9. | New Crop Breeding Technologies | ICRISAT | Hyderabad | 2022 | 21 days |
Training Conducted
- Organized one day farmers’ meet cum Training and Soil health card distribution at Girad, Wardha district, Maharashtra under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Programme on 17th December, 2016
- Organized one day farmers’ workshop on “Integrated Management of Pink Bollworm” under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Programme at Girad, Wardha District, Maharashtra on 28th December, 2017.
- Organized one day farmers’ workshop on “Integrated Management of Pink Bollworm on Cotton” under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav programme at Girad, Wardha District, Maharashtra on 05th June, 2018.
- Organized one day farmers workshop on “Integrated Management of Pink bollworm” was organized by ICAR-CICR at MaganSangrahalaya, Girad, Wardha districton 31st July, 2018 under TSP and MGMG.
- Organized one day farmers fair cum workshop on “Integrated management of Pink bollworm” was held on 4th December, 2018 at Natural farming development centre, MaganSangrahalaya, Girad, Wardha district under NFSM-IRM project.
Invited Lectures
- Presented about “Principles and Practices of Molecular Phylogenetics” in Cotton Technical Assistance Programme for Africa Fellowship Training programme on “Applied Cotton Biotechnology” held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur on 21st October to 20th December, 2013.
- Presented about “Application of Software (MEGA) for Phylogenetic Inference – Practical Approach” in Cotton Technical Assistance Programme for Africa Fellowship Training programme on “Applied Cotton Biotechnology” held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur on 21st October to 20th December, 2013
- Presented on “Conservation of landraces, tree cottons and traditional varieties” in the National workshop on “Indigenous (Desi) Cotton in India” organized by ICAR-CICR, Nagpur, Yuva Rural Association (YRA) and Sahaja Samurdha at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur on 28-30 November, 2016.
- Presented on “Importance of desi cotton and varieties suitable for Vidarbha region” in Desi cotton workshop was organized by Yuva Rural Association on 16th May, 2017 at Kamargao, Karnja Taluk, Washim district.
- Presented on “Update on CICR major developments” in the First Organic and Fair-trade Cotton Secretariat (OFCS) in Maharashtra organized by C&A Foundation and Cotton Connect held on 14th June, 2017 at Aurangabad.
- Presented on “Importance of desi cotton and varieties suitable for organic cotton” in the Consultative Meeting on Non-BT Seed Research and other Policy Issues, 7th Organic and Fairtrade Secretariat, Madhya Pradesh (OFCS-MP) Meeting held on 01st December, 2017 at Bhopal.
- Delivered lecture on “Principles and Practices of Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis in Cotton” in ICAR short course training “Molecular Approaches to Cotton Improvement” held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur during September 19-28, 2019.
- Delivered practical lecture on “Application of MEGA software for phylogenetic inference in Cotton” in ICAR short course training “Molecular Approaches to Cotton Improvement” held at ICAR-CICR, Nagpur during September 19-28, 2019.
- IARI, Senior Research Fellowship
- ICAR, Junior Research Fellowship
- Qualified the National Eligibility Test in 2009 conducted by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB), ICAR, India
- “Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa Gold Medal Award” by Global Economic Progress & Research Association (GEPRA), New Delhi on 24th July, 2021
- Participated in the National Conference on “Innovation in S & T for future Sustainability” on 25th February 2023 jointly organized by ICAR-CICR, Nagpur & Dr. Ambedkar College, Deekshaboomi, Nagpur, and awarded best oral presentation for the topic “Conservation of landraces, perennials and traditional varieties of desi cotton collected from different agro-ecological regions of India”
Association in Professional Societies
- Life membership in “Indian Society for Cotton Improvement”
- Life membership in “Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding”
- Life membership in “Indian Society of Plant Breeders”
- Life membership in “Indian Society Plant Genetic Resources”
Other official Assignments
- Editor for Cotton Innovate online weekly newsletter (September, 2013-June, 2017)
- One of the team members of National Germplasm Exploration Programme-North Eastern Hill (NEH) Region like Assam, Manipur, Tripura and Nagaland that jointly organized by ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, ICAR-CICR, Nagpur, PAU, Ludhiana and NAU, Surat.
- One of the team members of National Germplasm Exploration Programme in Sundarbans and adjoining coastal regions of West Bengal collaborated with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi for collection of tolerant to saline and waterlogging accessions of primitive cotton
- Germplasm Field Day 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2021 were organized to facilitate the breeders representing northern, central and southern zones and different private seed companies to select desirable germplasm materials available in the institute.