![]() Principal Scientist Genetics and Plant Breeding | Academic Qualification:
Address: Division of Crop Improvement, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Post Bag No.2, Shankar Nagar P.O., Nagpur –440 010. (M.S.) |
Projects Completed:
- Evaluation of germplasm and breeding for resistance to rust, yellow mosaic virus (YMV) and Rhizoctonia root rot in soybean. As PI, from 2003 to 2018.
- Technology assessment and refinement of oilseed based production system through Institute Village Linkage Programme for Malwa region (M.P.). Sponsored (NATP funded), As Co-PI, from 2000 – 2004.
- Augmentation, management and documentation of soybean germplasm. As Co-PI, from 2003 – 2005.
- Central Sector Scheme for Implementation of PVP Legislation. ‘Preparation for plant variety protection and DUS testing through ICAR-SAU system’. DAC Sponsored, As PI, from 2006 to 2011.
- Hybridization, selection and development of multi-parent populations for genetic improvement of yield potential in soybean. [As Co-PI, from 2016 to 28.03.2023].
- Soybean improvement against charcoal rot and anthracnose diseases. [As Co-PI, from 2018 to 28.03.2023 ].
- Evaluation of germplasm and breeding for collar rot disease caused by Sclerotium rolsfsii Sacc in soybean [As a PI, since 2019 to 28.03.2023]
Major Contribution in the Professional Field
- Genotype NRC 94 (‘Ankur’ x ‘PK 1024’), tolerant to yellow mosaic virus was developed, which was high yielding and had multiple disease resistance under AICRPS trials.
I. Research Articles (Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Dalal S., Ramteke R., Mandloi S., Jaiswal S., Rajput L. S., Kumar S., Maheshwari H. S., Nataraj V., Maranna S. and Ratnaparkhe M. B. 2022. Screening of soybean genotypes against collar rot disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. Soybean Research, 20(1): 89-96.
- Singh DV and Ramteke R. 2021. Increasing soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] yield in rain-fed growing areas using subsoiler by moisture management. Soybean Research, 19(1): 1-11.
- Shivakumar M, Nataraj V, Kumawat G, Chandra S, Rajesh V, Ramteke R, Patel R M, Ratnaparkhe M B., Husain S M, Gupta S and Khandekar N. 2021. Breeding for higher yield, early maturity, wider adaptability and waterlogging tolerance in soybean (Glycine max L.): A case study. Scientific Reports 11:22853, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02064-x.
- Nataraj V., Bhartiya A., Singh C.P., Devi H.N., Deshmukh M.P., Verghese P., Singh K., Mehtre S.P., Kumari V., Shivakumar M., Kumawat G., Ratnaparkhe M., Satpute G.K., Rajesh V., Chandra S., Ramteke R., Khandekar N., and Gupta S. 2021. WAASB based stability analysis and simultaneous selection for grain yield and early maturity in soybean. Agronomy Journal: 1-11. DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20750.
- Kumar Sanjeev, Rajput L. S., Ramteke R., Nataraj V., Ratnaparkhe M B., Maheshwari H. S., and Shivakumar M. 2021. First report of root rot and damping off disease in soybean (Glycine max) caused by Pythium deliense in India. Plant Disease, Published Online: 22 Feb 2021, https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-01-21-0059-PDN.
- Nataraj, V., Pandey N., Ramteke R., Verghese P., Reddy R., Onkarappa T., Mehtre S.P., Gupta S., Satpute G.K., Mohan Y., Shivakumar M., Chandra S.and Rajesh V. 2021. GGE biplot analysis of vegetable type soybean genotypes under multi-environmental conditions in India. J. Environ. Biol., 42, 247-253.
- Rajesh V, Meena L K, Gupta S, Shivakumar M, Nataraj V, Kamble VG, Ramteke R, Subhash Chandra, Singh RN and Sharma A N. 2020. Screening of soybean genotypes for antixenosis against Spodoptera litura. J. Oilseeds Res., 37 (Special Issue), Feb., 2020. Page 228.
- Ramteke R, Nataraj V, Shivakumar M, Sanjeev Kumar, Rajput L.S., Subhash Chandra and Rajesh V. 2020. Present status of resistance to collar rot disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc in soybean. J. Oilseeds Res., 37 (Special Issue), Feb., 2020. Page 226.
- Nataraj V, Sanjeev Kumar, Rajput L.S., Shivakumar M, Ramteke R, Rajesh V, Ratnaparkhe M.B., Subhash Chandra, Satpute G K and Gupta S. 2020. Evaluation of soybean RIL population for charcoal rot resistance. J. Oilseeds Res., 37 (Special Issue), Feb., 2020. Page 38-39.
- Ramesh S.V., Shivakumar M., Ramteke R., Bhatia V.S., Chouhan B.S., Goyal S., Singh A., Praveen S., Gill B.S., Chand S. 2019. Quantification of a legume begomovirus to evaluate soybean genotypes for resistance to yellow mosaic disease. Journal of Virological Methods 268: 24–31.
- Ramesh S. V., Chouhan B. S. and Ramteke R. 2017. Molecular detection of Begomovirus (Fam: Geminiviridae) infecting Glycine max (L.) Merr. and associated weed Vigna trilobata. Journal of Crop and Weed 13(2): 64-67.
- Ramesh S. V., Chouhan B. S., Gupta G.K., Ramteke R., Chand S. and Husain S. M. 2016. Molecular diversity analysis of coat protein gene encoded by legume begomoviruses and PCR assay to detect yellow mosaic viruses infecting soybean in India. British Biotechnology Journal 12(3): 01-10. Article no.BBJ.24362 ISSN: 2231–2927, NLM ID: 101616695.
- Singh DevVrat, Ramteke R. and Khan I.R. 2016. Yield enhancement through fertilizer placement by machine below the seed in rain-fed soybean crop under vertisols. Agricultural Research 5(1): 104-108.
- Ramteke R., Murlidharan P., Shivakumar M., Gireesh C. and Ramesh S.V. 2015. Morpho-agronomic characterization of Indian soybean for grouping and varietal protection. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 75(3): 382-385.
- Ramteke R., Gupta G.K. and Singh D.V. 2015. Growth and yield responses of soybean to climate change. Agricultural Research 4(3): 319-323. DOI 10.1007/s40003-015-0167-5.
- Gupta G.K., Sharma S.K., Kumar V. and Ramteke R. 2014. Effect of purple seed stain disease on physical and biochemical traits of soybean. Soybean Research 12(1): 77-84.
- Ramteke R., Singh DevVrat and Murlidharan P. 2014. Lodging in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] as influenced by growth habit and other traits. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84(7): 896-898.
- Ramesh, S.V., Ramteke, R., Gupta, G.K., Husain, S.M. and Rajesh, S. 2013. Dolichos yellow mosaic virus coat protein (av1) gene, partial cds. Online sequence published at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KC852202. Accessed on 29.07.2013.
- Singh DevVrat, Ramteke R., Vyas A.K., Billore S.D. and Khan I.R. 2012. Tractor operated furrow irrigated raised bed system (FIRBS) seed drill for soybean-a machine for mitigating moisture stress conditions in vertisols. Soybean Research 10: 88-92.
- Ramteke R. and Murlidharan Pooja. 2012. Characterization of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] varieties as per DUS guidelines. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82(7): 582–587.
- Ramteke R., Singh DevVrat and Murlidharan Pooja. 2012. Selecting soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] genotypes for insertion height of the lowest pod, the useful trait for combine harvester thresher. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82(6): 511-515.
- Gupta G.K., Sharma S.K. and Ramteke R. 2012. Biology, epidemiology and management of the pathogenic fungus Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid with special reference to charcoal rot of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). Journal of phytopathology 160(4): 167-180. Online doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0434.2012.01884.x.
- Singh DevVrat, Ramteke R., Vyas A.K. and Khan I.R. 2012. Sweep seed drill for intercultural operation along with sowing of soybean (Glycine max) crop. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82(2): 50-54.
- Sharma S.K., Gupta G.K. and Ramteke R. 2011. Colletotrichum truncatum [(Schw.) Andrus & W.D. Moore], the causal agent of anthracnose of soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill) – a review. Soybean Research 9: 31-52.
- Singh DevVrat, Vyas A.K., Ramteke R., Billore S D., and Khan I.R. 2011. Seed coverer- a tool to enhance field emergence and productivity of soybean. JNKVV. Res. J., 45(2): 199-202.
- Ramteke R., Gupta G.K., Murlidharan Pooja and Sharma S.K. 2011. Genetic progress of soybean varieties released from 1969 to 2008 in India. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 71(4): 333-340.
- Singh DevVrat, Vyas A.K., Gupta G.K., Ramteke R. and Khan I.R. 2011. Tractor-drawn broad bed furrow seed drill machine to overcome moisture stress for soybean (Glycine max) in vertisols. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 81(10): 941-944.
- Ramteke R., Vineet K., Murlidharan P. and Agarwal D. 2010. Study on Genetic Variability and Traits Interrelationship among Released Soybean Varieties of India [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 1(6): 1483-1487.
- Ramteke R., Gupta G. K., Singh Vijay Lakshmi and Rathore R.K.S. 2009. Evaluation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] genotypes for germination, field emergence and yield. Journal of Oilseeds Research 26: 81-83.
- Singh DevVrat, Ramteke R. and Khan I.R. 2008. Rear ground wheel of seed drill: a tool to enhance emergence and productivity of soybean in vertisols. JNKVV. Res. J. 42(1): 87-89.
- Singh DevVrat, Ramteke R. and Khan I.R. 2008. Field plot headland seed drop control mechanism for tractor operated seed drill. Soybean Research 6: 68-71.
- Ramteke R. and Husain S.M. 2008. Evaluation of soybean, (Glycine max) varieties for stability of yield and its components. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 78(7): 625-628.
- Ramteke R., Gupta G.K., Gill B.S., Varma R.K. and Lal S.K. 2007. Development of soybean lines resistant to yellow mosaic virus. Soybean Research 5: 71-74.
- Ramteke R. and Gupta G.K. 2005. Field screening of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] lines for resistance to yellow mosaic virus. Journal of Oilseeds Research 22(1): 224-225.
- Ramteke R., Gupta G.K. and Joshi O.P. 2004. Evaluation of rust resistance of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] under field condition. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 74(11): 623-624.
- Ramteke R., Karmakar P.G., Gupta G.K., Singh R.K. and Khan, I.R. 2003. Resistance genes for rust and yellow mosaic diseases in soybean- a review. Journal of oilseeds research 20(2): 195-203.
II. Abstracts in Conference/symposium
- Ramteke R. and Husain S.M. 2008. Soybean, (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) varieties for socio-economic upliftment of the farmers. (In): National Seminar on Socio-Economic Dimensions of Technology Development and Technology Transfer in Agriculture, May, 24-25, 2008. Organised by Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Directorate of Sericulture, M.S. and Maharashtra Society of Extension Education. Pp 19.
- Ramteke R. and Dupare B.U. 2008. Participatory Varietal Selection in Soybean – an Approach for Evaluating Farmers Preferences. (In): National Seminar on Socio-Economic Dimensions of Technology Development and Technology Transfer in Agriculture, May., 24-25, 2008. Organised by Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Directorate of Sericulture, M.S. and Maharashtra Society of Extension Education. Pp 110-111.
- Chauhan G.S., Vineet K., Devendra P., Anita Rani, Ramteke R. Pandey S.K. and Murlidharan P. 2008. Genotypic variability for soymilk and tofu making quality of released Indian soybean cultivars. (In): Fifth international soybean processing and utilization conference (ISPUC-V 2008) December 10-14, 2008. Organized by CIAE, Bhopal, pp: II-4- 5.
- Ramteke R., Gupta G.K., Singh Vijay Lakshmi and Rathore R.K.S. 2009. Evaluation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] genotypes for germination, field emergence and yield. National Symposium on vegetables oils scenario: Approaches to meet the growing demands, Jan 29-31, 2009. ISOR, DOR, Hyderabad.
- Ramteke R. and Gupta G. K. 2009. Breeding for rust and yellow mosaic resistance in soybean (Glycine max) in India. World Soybean Research Conference VIII, August 10-15, 2009, Beijing, China, 106 p. http://www.alice.cnptia.embrapa.br/bitstream/doc/466007/1/id29749.pdf, accessed on15.09.2012.
- Ramteke R. and Gupta G.K. 2014. Present status of soybean rust in India. (In) Mitigating productivity constraints in soybean for sustainable agriculture. Proceedings of SOYCON 2014: International Soybean Research Conference. Society For Soybean Research and Development, Directorate Of Soybean Research, Indore (India) held during February 22-24, 2014, pp 102-103.
- Ramteke R., Nataraj V., Shivakumar M, Sanjeev Kumar, Laxman Singh Rajput, Subhash Chandra and Rajesh V. 2020. Present status of resistance to collar rot disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc in soybean. National Oilseeds Seminar 2020, held during Feb 7-8, 2020 at Hyderabad.
III. Manual/ Bulletins
- Ramteke R., Satyawathy C.T., Husain S.M. and Karmakar P.G. 2006. National Test Guidelines for the Conduct of Tests for Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability on Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill Director, NRCS, Indore. Pp: 1-19.
- Agarwal D.K., Husain S.M., Ramteke R., Bhatia V.S. and Srivastava S.K. 2010. Soybean varieties of India, (Publ. DSR, Indore). pp 1-76.
IV. Book/ book chapter
- Ratnaparkhe, M.B. , Nataraj V., Shivakumar M., Chandra S., Kumawat G., Kamble V, Rajput L. S., Kumar S., Rajesh V., Satpute G. K., Ramteke R., Kavishwar R., Dubey A., Marmat N., Shroti R., Shrivastava M., Gupta S. and Sharma M. P. 2022. Genomic Design for Biotic Stresses in Soybean. In: Kole, C. (eds) Genomic Designing for Biotic Stress Resistant Oilseed Crops. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91035-8_1.
- Nataraj V, Kumar Sanjeev , Kumawat G, Shivakumar M. , Rajput Laxman Singh , Ratnaparkhe M. B., Ramteke R, Gupta S , Satpute G K. , Rajesh Vangala , Kamble V, Chandra Subhash (2019) Charcoal Rot Resistance in Soybean: Current Understanding and Future Perspectives. (In): Wani S. (eds) Disease Resistance in Crop Plants. Springer, Cham. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20728-1_10.
- Ramteke R., Gupta G.K. and Sharma S. K. 2015. Biology, epidemiology, resistance genes, and management of soybean mosaic virus in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. (In): Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of plant diseases, (L.P. Awasthi, Ed.). Springer India 2015 Pub. Pp 163-174. DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2571-3_14. ISBN 978-81-322-2571978-81-322-2570-6.
- Ramteke R., Gupta G.K. and Singh V. L. 2012. Development of rust and yellow mosaic disease tolerant lines in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] by hybridization. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Deutschland/ Germany, 168pp. ISBN: 978-3-659-21324-3.
V. Popular Article
- रामटेके राजकुमार एवं जोशी ओम प्रकाश. २००३. सोयाबीन – विकास के नए कदम. खेती (जनवरी, २००३) पृ. ७-१०.
- सत्यवती सी. तारा एवं रामटेके राजकुमार. २००४. सोयाबीन की उन्नत प्रजातियाँ. स्मारिका, २३ एवं २४ अप्रैल,२००४ विशाल किसान मेला एवं कृषि प्रदर्शनी, आयोजक रा. सो. अनु. प., इंदौर एवं सोपा, इंदौर, पृ. २०-२५.
- रामटेके राजकुमार, गुप्ता गिरीश कुमार एवं सिंह देवव्रत. २०१३. मध्यभारत के लिए सोयाबीन की उन्नत किस्में. खेती (अगस्त, २०१३) पृ.२८-३०.
- रामटेके राजकुमार एवं सिंह देवव्रत. २०१५. मध्यभारत के लिए सोयाबीन की उन्नत किस्में. कृषक जगत (बीज विशेषांक, भोपाल १५ से २१ जून २०१५) पृ.२६.
- सिंह देवव्रत एवं रामटेके राजकुमार. २०१५. सबसॉइलर चलाएं, विपरीत मौसम में अच्छा उत्पादन पाएं. कृषक जगत (कृषि यंत्रीकरण विशेषांक, भोपाल, ५ से ११ अक्टूबर २०१५) पृ.१०.
- सिंह देवव्रत एवं रामटेके राजकुमार. २०१९. बदलते मानसून का मुकाबला करने हेतु खेत की सख्त परत को तोड़ेगा सबसॉइलर. कृषक जगत (भोपाल, १३ मई २०१९) पृ. ०७.
- सिंह महाराज, रामटेके राजकुमार एवं सिंह देवव्रत. २०१९. सोयाबीन – मध्य भारत की बहुउपयोगी प्रमुख तिलहनी फसल, किसानो के लिए ‘गोल्डन बिन’ है सोयाबीन. कृषि गोल्ड लाइन, १६ से ३१ जुलाई २०१९ (पाक्षिक), वर्ष ११ अंक २४, पृ. २.
- राजकुमार रामटेके. २०२०. खोज इंसान की – वैज्ञानिक आधार. राजभाषा पत्रिका सोयवृतिका प्रवेशांक-२०२०. पृ. ७५-७६.
VI. Unpublished work
- M.Sc. : A review entitled ‘Contribution of electron microscopy in revealing plant eukaryotic chromosome- a review’. Submitted to Nagpur University, Nagpur.
- M.Phil. : Thesis entitled ‘Karyomorphological studies in three varieties of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)’. Submitted to Nagpur University, Nagpur.
- Ph.D. : Thesis entitled ‘Development of rust and yellow mosaic tolerant lines in Soybean [G. max (L.)]’ by hybridization’. Submitted to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra.
Honours/ Professional Recognitions such as Fellowships of Academies and Societies.
- Member, The Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi.
- Member, Society for Soybean Research and Development, Indore.
- Member, Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad.